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3D Printing Guide This is a 3D printing guide for CSCF`s 3D printer. While the documentation on this page is mainly for internal use, others may be able to benefit...
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Main.ctucker 23 Nov 2010 How to Mount Kerberized NFS Shares as a Member of the CSCF Active Directory (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Document UNDER DEVELOPMENT and intended...
Configuring a Macintosh Computer to Authenticate Against the CSCF Active Directory This page needs updating The following needs updates to handle the current MacOSX...
Main.ctucker 27 Oct 2006 How to Authenticate a SAMBA Server as a Domain Member of the CSCF Active Directory. (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) This is an outline for how...
Main.ctucker 13 Feb 2007 How to Authenticate a SAMBA system as a member of the NEXUS Environment.(THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) This page outlines how to join a SAMBA...
Note this page is no longer up to date! OBSOLETE How to Authenticate a Solaris 10 System as a Member of the CSCF Active Directory This document outlines how to fully...
Authenticating an Ubuntu machine using the CS Active Directory (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Note that when setting up LDAP access for a host which happens to be running...
Main.dlgawley 16 Sep 2008 Hardy client setup built from Gutsy notes and Windows 2003 Active Directory Management...
Note \ These scripts are fine for setting up individual Ubuntu workstations, \ but, because they install ntp packages \ they should not currently (Apr 25,...
Main.ctucker 02 Nov 2005 Configuring a Windows Computer to Authenticate Against the CSCF Active Directory (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Requirements Microsoft...
Main.ctucker 22 Nov 2011 Windows 2008 R2 Active Directory Apple Schema Extension File (OBSOLETE) Below is the contents of an LDIF file which we used to implement...
Main.ctucker 27 Sep 2006 CSCF Active Directory: Delegation of Authority, Standards and Practices (OBSOLETE) Up until very recently, all management in the Active Directory...
Main.ctucker 28 Oct 2005 Active Directory Disaster Recovery (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Any Active Directory Disaster Recovery procedure involves re establishing forest...
Main.ctucker 28 Oct 2005 CSCF Directory Services DNS Configuration (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) CSCF manages four general use DNS servers for the School of Computer...
Kerberos Principals for Unix based Services in Active Directory (OBSOLETE) A service principal is needed whenever you want to provide Single Sign on for users that...
Enabling LDAPS on Active Directory Domain Controllers (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) This document describes 2 approaches on how to set up domain controllers in AD to...
Main.ctucker 06 Oct 2008 This is still a work in progress. Major editing will be taking place for some time. Active Directory Account Management And Setting User...
Integration of Macintosh Authentication and Management into Active Directory (OBSOLETE) This document relates to MAC OS X 10.6.8 and needs to be updated to reflect...
Main.ctucker 02 Feb 2006 Main.iturner 20 Apr 2006 Sept 2009 Binding a Macintosh Client Through Command Scripting During testing, it was discovered that it is...
Establishing A PaperCut Remote Server Within A Separate Directory Service Domain Or Kerberos Realm (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) The campus wide PaperCut distributed...
Main.ctucker 28 Oct 2005 Active Directory Password Synchronization with Core and Teaching Regions Complete deliberations concerning the development of password synchronization...
ClaytonTucker 2014 03 03 Domain System State Backups When it comes to backing up the controllers (DCs) in an Active Directory (AD) forest, each DC is a backup of...
Thoughts Concerning The Planning Of A Campus Wide Directory Service (OBSOLETE) By Clayton Tucker Manager of CSCF`s Active Directory Forest, Forest Architect and...
Main.ctucker 04 Aug 2010 Plan For Implementing Campus Active Directory Prototype As Proof Of Concept (OBSOLETE) ADUwCampus outlines a proposed Active Directory forest...
Main.ctucker 14 Aug 2006 Basic Workstation Management In The CS GENERAL Domain (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) This document is written mostly for the benefit of the CSCF...
RobynLanders 14 Aug 2008 Active Directory and Accounts Management Movitation It has been our intent that accounts management should be automated and should tie in...
MikeGore 04 Mar 2013 APCUPSD setup and networking notes for Ubuntu This document contains minimal basic instructions for using a standalone or cluster managed networked...
AV Suppliers Christine Henderson from UW Procurement purchases all AV equipment. chenderson #64; ext:32854 ADVANCED PRESENTATION PRODUCTS Mississauga...
Preparation for Absences When we are away (typically for vacations), we want to be sure that all who need to know do. That`s our CSCF colleagues, and CSCF clients...
How to access the Visibull Interface is a web based digital signage service under beta test by the School of Computer Science. It will allow any computer...
The old account configuration using the xhier packages setpw This page is really just history... How do restricted shells get put into a passwd file Specifically...
Filesystem Group Definitions We want to document what each filesystem group we have is used for. That is to ensure consistent usage, and information for auditors....
userinfo command Although the userinfo command is available for use by all users, with different results, the intended audience for this page is the group of...
Image Deployment using Acronis Acronis10 Acronis 10 TWIKI page Acronis11 Acronis 11 TWIKI page Imaging Notes: CscfGradImageNotes Setup...
Image Deployment using Acronis Acronis10 Acronis 10 TWIKI page Acronis11 Acronis 11 TWIKI page Setup Make sure that you connect your PC...
Adding Network Printers on the Mac Adding Network Printer, such as Xerox Download and install drivers download drivers from the vendor eg: Ricoh: http...
Note: The parent topic for this topic does not exist Administrative Applications How to: post events notices using WebCalendar. edit the Ongoing Series...
CSCF Support for Administrative Computing These notes are intended to provide an overview of how the Computer Science Computing Facility (CSCF) User Support Group...
Administration This section covers those areas that are (were) typically handled by the CSCF Administrator Accounts Accounts top level collection of notes...
Administrative Accounts Beneath /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/ in sub directories CLASSES CSCF School are files for describing various...
Adobe Illustrator Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Adobe Photoshop Elements 5 Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms Mac OS X, and MS XP, Vista...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Flailing around trying to get a handle on psql here at UW DRCSCS CSCF Preliminaries to enable your connection and use To be filled in later. Connecting and looking...
Adrian Pepper Demo Test Page in CF TWiki Here is text in Adrian Pepper`s test page AdrianPepperTest . This page was merely created to demonstrate something. Making...
Set CFADRIANGADGETINCLUDEY AdrianSandbox AdrianPepper 19 Mar 2010
MikeGore 30 Jan 2012 Advanced Format Drives 4k sector size drives Note many of the drive manufactures are created drives with 4k sector sizes. It is important...
This page is being proposed for deletion because its content was consolidated with Macintosh . If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent...
AFF Codes used by CSCF Activity Name 100 Administration 500 Research 800 Teaching...
After Hours Support Email As described in hours support, there is a mailing list for urgent after hours problem reports...
MikeGore 2015 11 04 Agile Shipping The Agile Shipping system is used to ship all packages at the University. Main Login page Main Login page: http://agileship...
ALGORITHMS AND COMPLEXITY GROUP DC2305 Official webpage at Lab Printer See also ljc alg web page The printer address...
Android Phones We have a number (90?) of Android Phones for teaching purposes Usage notes Updating firmware This was originally documented in ST#77256 First update...
MikeGore 2017 03 29 CISCO AnyConnect VPN client at the University of Waterloo Note: For Linux users you can also use OpenConnect see OpenConnect Installation...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Apache Error Log Viewer web application Background This application allows owners of `~user` web pages on the CS webserver to view error logs for their pages. Access...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Main.iturner 29 Mar 2010 Attachments not yet available Apple Connect 2010 Toronto March 14 19, 2010 Conference Notes Parallels bare metal allows GoDaddy to be...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the content was consolidated with ProfessionalDevelopment. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another...
Software/Applications Installation This documents (extra) information about the installation of specific applications. When the page gets too big, we`ll make per application...
Artificial Intelligence Group DC2306 Information Web site: CSCF Subscription Info Point of Contact Contact me if you...
MikeGore 2015 07 22 Asimov Old to New Data Migration script Important this script maps the old file system layout into the new filesystem layout on the new...
Asset Disposal Forms These forms are used when equipment is to be sent to Central Stores for surplus (see SurplusEquipment). These forms are kept in the `Forms` drawer...
Middle Atlantic parts we commonly use to order 1 MiddleAtlantic Low Profile Wall mount Mini TR 4 rack spaces with 4` square power box in right corner Part Number...
Setting up Apache2::AuthCAS client on Ubuntu Feisty Server Use of this module is not recommended as it has a poor security history. These instructions assume you...
Authentication Task Group Purpose The purpose of the authentication task group is to determine directions for authentication services within the School of Computer...
Authentication Task Group Meeting Minutes 2008/06/26 Agenda / Discussion Date: 2008/06/26 Time: 10:00am 11:35am Membership invitees: Mike P...
This page is being proposed for deletion because INSERT REASON HERE . If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
MikeGore 15 Apr 2010 Avast Antivirus Avast Avast Fixes With recent Virus Definition Updates we get the error An error occurred in avast! engine: Invalid argument...
Backups Notes on various backup systems available for use in the Computer Science and Math environments Macs BackupMacs notes on backing up Macs for Staff...
THIS PAGE IS OBSOLETE Backup using Areca These notes describe how to setup backups using the UW.Areca backup software Making a Backup Job Instructions:...
Obsolete Backups for Macintosh using the Legato System or Snapshots or Apple TimeMachine For Faculty and Staff To verify that your Mac is being backed up by Legato...
This page is being proposed for deletion because mortals will not find any infomration that is relevant to them. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to...
Basic Linux Admin Tasks (Debian/Ubuntu) How do I... Become root? Best way is to log in as yourself and type `sudo s`. (Or `sudo tcsh` or some other shell of your...
Kirk McKusick has graciously allowed us the use of our modified Beastie logo. From: Mike Patterson Subject: BSD beastie use To: mckusick #64;
Bioinformatics Group DC2582 Web site: This TWIKI is outdated as is being fully rewritten updated 13Feb2020 Research clusters updated...
Bioinformatics machines Last updated: 2008/12/23 Servers hmsbarracouta.cs SuperMicro Primary ZFS/NFS and SAMBA file server hmsbeagle.cs...
USING RIM Blackberries at UW (OBSOLETE) Here we will gather notes on selecting, purchasing and configuring RIM Blackberries. While many faculty may purchase a Blackberry...
Supporting Blackberries on Campus These notes are courtesy of Cathy Cooper, ODAA, in preparation for a talk at the 2005 Conference What does BB offer you? Wireless...
Selecting a Blackberry Model These notes were taken from an email from Cathy Cooper, ODAA Info for selecting a BB model As you can imagine, there are pros and...
Setting up vacation mail for Blackberry Users These notes were based on an email from Cathy Cooper, ODAA Setting up vacation mail in myWaterloo BB users cannot...
Bomgar Links Official website: Wikipedia Article: IST Remote Help Page: remotehelp...
These are incomplete. There`s probably some junk in associated RTs. Notes regarding getting the T3 array working with bonneville`s internal fibre channel adapter...
Boutaba Networks Lab (Raouf Boutaba) Lab managers Sonia Waharte (spwaharte@cs), Brent Ishibashi (bkishiba@cs) Technology Background Raouf Boutaba`s Networks lab...
See also: ST#50784. Cool: we can use hyphens in userids now. Bad: inetd support is even worse than before (so rsh is difficult to get working). It looks like it really...
CSCF Debian Image Bug List (Obsolete) Installation Version 0.6.5 USB mouse did not work after booting up Solution: ran mdetect, which said the device...
Main.ctucker 14 Jan 2009 Creation of CSCF Windows 2008 Standard Server Image (OBSOLETE) Sun Fire Hardware Windows Server 2008 will not install on to old Sun hardware...
Creating and Populating a Debian / Ubuntu Package Repository This document will briefly describe building a debian package from source, and adding the package to a...
Burning CDs in Linux Gui Tools XCDroast GUI: xcdroast. It`s pretty self explanatory. Sometimes it has issues though. k3b For the KDE enabled, k3b is pretty...
Business Cards and Letterhead Who to ask Go to the Graphics web site for business cards: services/waterloo stationery orders#bcards...
Central Authentication Service Central Authentication Service ( CAS ) is the IST central authentication service being replaced by ADFS on November 1, 2020. It appears...
CFI New Opportunities 2001 Some of the machines purchased under this grant: 1 curumin, curupira (run IRIX) SGI O2 and SGI Origin 3xxx series 1 mudge, tumbo...
CFI New Opportunities 2002 Primary Investigator: Arne Storjohan PilatusNotes information about pilatus and how to use it ShutdownPilatus how do I make...
The following are involved with the Altix 3700 (pilatus) Arne Storjohann Steve MacDonald Olga Vechtomova and others ... LawrenceFolland...
CFI New Opportunities Grant 2003 Primary Investigator: Orchard CFINewOpportunities2003Members list of collaborators for this CFI PilatusAccounts how...
CFI New Opportunities 2003 Members Chua, Chek Beng de Klerk, Etienne Karsten, Martin Konemann, Jochen Lanson, Nathalie Orchard, Jeff...
CFI New Opportunities 2004 Members Aboulnaga, Ashraf Ambainis, Andris Ben David, Shai De Sterck, Hans Fan, Guangzhe Gel, Yulia...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the content was moved to CFINewOpportunities2004. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent...
CSCF Application Server (Asimov) notes 19 Aug 2020 Updates to new server notes are in progress mostly done Summary Purpose File system for CSCF image...
MikeGore 07 Mar 2013 CS Application Server Internal Scripts Updated 7 Mar 2013 Mike Gore Location /home/cscf adm/srcipts shell scripts /home/cscf...
MikeGore 17 Nov 2009 CS Application Server (ASIMOV) Talk Resources CSApplicationServer Hardware 8 hard drives Fast Core 2 Duo, 4G Ram, dual 1G network...
CSCF Active Directory Overview ADForestLayout Structure of the CSCF Active Directory Forest. ADDnsConfiguration Special DNS Configuration for CSCF Active...
CSCF Mercurial Repository This page has been replaced by GitUWaterlooCSCF
This is obsolete and should be ignored, trg 2010 2 17 Allow: UWNet All of CSCFNet (rsh,rlogin,nfs) DCCoreNet All of CSCFNet...
CSCF Research Support These notes are intended to provide an overview of how the Computer Science Computing Facility (CSCF) Research Support Group (RSG) operates,...
CSCF Service Catalog Version 2.2: Categories and Services from Education best practice standards, with proposed changes. See: of Services, Categories, Audiences...
CSCF Software Notes Software Task Group Meetings and notes from the Campus SoftwareTaskForce Software Information CSCF Standards Standard Software Applications...
CSCF Support for ESQ The ESQ (Engineering Science Quest) outreach program has, for the past few years, `borrowed` a Mac Lab from the SCS to support their computing...
CSCF Website to WCMS Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to design and implement a new public facing CSCF website in the campus Web Content...
Faculty Information System is a project originating in Engineering Computing, now expanding to be useful campus wide (for increasing values of `useful` and increasing...
CS DFSc Working Group Mandate Design/Setup/Deployment Notes DFSC Agenda Template CsDFScWgMeetingYYYYMMDD...
CS Grad Student Printing CS graduate students are strongly encouraged to use print queue lj csgrad, which is a pair of printers located in the grad mailroom, DC...
CS network ACL summary (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) work in progress please send comments to trg We`ve requested a summary (with regular ongoing updates and maintenance...
CS Office Assignment System Interface Summary This outlines the different views (including editing views) needed for various people. Room Assignment Editor Staff...
CS SaltStack Working Group Mandate reasonable people trying to reach reasonable conclusions on what setup pieces should managed and how to manage our Large Integrated...
MikeGore 02 Aug 2006 Ethernet Cable Color Coding Standard Credits The diagrams on this page were copied from
Cacti Monitoring Tool The CSCF cacti install is located on watcher.cscf and is accessible via cacti.cscf. Cacti Monitoring See CactiMonitoring Setup Installation...
The intention for this page is to collect `interesting` links to Cacti graphs. In addition to CPU usage and `number of users` information, other statistics (e.g....
CamelCase When two or more words are conjoined, with the start of each contained word capitalized, that is often called CamelCase. WikiWords are CamelCase. AdrianPepper...
Obsolete We`re to come up with a list of ports we`d like to see kept open inbound on campus gateways. 22/tcp ssh 25/tcp sendmail 80/tcp http...
Other Campus Linux Projects Redhat Archive maintained by IST IST`s Linux Users` page Engineering wiki on linux projects `Linxus` (Nexus integrated...
CanHEIT / HPCS 2016 CanHEIT CUCCIO oversees the annual Canadian Higher Education Information Technology Conference, known as CANHEIT. With a focus on IT issues of...
Canceling Course News Posts Course accounts are able to cancel news articles to the course`s uw.cs newsgroup with the cancel news script. articles may be...
Casper Suite (Obsolete) As of October 2016, JAMF Software has been renamed jamf and plans to rename Casper Suite to jamf Pro sometime in 2017 when the software reaches...
You can update your CentOS box from the local mirror, if you`re on campus. Here`s the file you want to drop into /etc/yum.repos.d . MikePatterson 01 Aug...
IBM Blade Centre in DC 3556. We`re calling it muscat . Liz Valiant from IBM says that
Date: 28 June 2007. Present: Johnny Wong, Ken Salem, Ashraf Aboulnagas (prime motivators), MikePatterson, LawrenceFolland (CSCF support) Discussions: 1 Logical...
24 January 2008 Ken, Ashraf, Mike technical meeting. 1 Why can`t Ken connect to the mgmt module from zonker? 1 Stable part of the blades: 4 for now 1 How...
CertBot a tool for making HTTPS certificates work automatically CertBot (actually Certbot or certbot, so not inherently a twikiword) is software designed to keep Encrypt...
Maintenance of SSL Certificate This page lists links to a number of pages I presented elsewhere with different subsets expanded. In the collapsed form here, readers...
openssl command The openssl command is available for use by all users. The intended audience for this page is system administrators who can submit requests...
openssl command degenerative examples The openssl command is available for use by all users. The intended audience for this page is system administrators who...
Certificate Updates Here we describe the procedures for updating SSL certificates for web servers (https), IMAP servers (imaps), and other similar services (Dawn/Adrian...
Cfengine Introduction Cfengine stands for configuration engine and is a tool using declarative language to configure computers. Setup in CSCF Cfengine is being used...
CFI 2004 (Kevin Hare) Cluster setup and configuration Initial Setup Several RTs for pre cluster setup experimentation: 53551 Setup test cluster with stored...
Changing the Mac Short Name (Obsolete) In our world, the short name should match the UWDir entry, for ease in printer quota / access, and easier ssh access to our...
ST#53793 for the primary motivation for this. 1 Edit /etc/hosts on this box it was nearly empty, guess it never got updated. The host`s idea of its own IP...
Checkbox Hardware test tools: Checkbox Utility that comes with Ubuntu 16.04 to do hardware checking. Good graphic tool that performs hardware tests in Ubuntu...
Chiba A work around servlet that converts XForms to a combination of HTML and Javascript. example of XForms emulation. Chiba project home. IlguizLatypov...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
CSCF Client Projects 2005 GradOfficeWebApplication web based application to replace the Filemaker based Grad Database ( JasonTestart 24 May...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 Automatic Documenation with SH2TWIKI See ClusterTools for cluster setup make docs will automatically extract BASH and C markups...
Purpose Example of creating a cluster like cabernet with multiple networks, using a set of virtual machines. Host VMware cluster setup prerequisites Most of...
ClusterInformationAggregationTool (CIAT) This page is for a staff meeting presentation. Usage instructions can be found on the project repository. Problem ~...
Checking Your Cluster Status While logged in as root, run `system config display` in order to initially set up your X config file. Back at the root prompt, run `startx...
MikeGore 24 Aug 2012 Cluster Tools Ubuntu Linux Setup, Administration and Documentation see: See ClusterToolsSetup Cluster Tools scripts and Utilities...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 Cuda setup and tools NOTE this needs to be UPDATED to the latest CUDA tools! Source: /cscf adm/src/ubuntu scripts/cluster/cuda...
MikeGore 2015 08 25 common shell scripts used by ClusterTools common functions common functions Common SHELL functions used by image deployment system...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 This Page is obsolete Do Not Migrate Cluster DNSMASQ Setup dnsmasq provides DHCP, DNS ad, TFTPBOOT services for the cluster Makefile...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 firewall NAT services What: Provides NAT and firewall services for internal private networks in a cluster Installs as a service in...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 IDrac Scripts for Dell clusters IDrac is a Dell specific remote management tool set alternative to ipmitool see ClusterToolsIPMITOOL...
Cluster Tools IPMItool See: IpmiTool for general information ipmitool usage and scripts for controlling IPMI enabled devices ipmitool scripts Notes:...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 Cluster Imaging tools CloneZIlla PXE boot See CloneZilla /cscf adm/src/fetch clonezilla updates to the latest version automatically...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 PXE TFTPBOOT configuration detail PXE BOOT /tftpboot/pxes Config: /tftpboot/pxes/pxelinux.cfg/default ISO boot images...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 Custer Tools Files and Scripts Documentation, File and scripts for the installation and operation of a new cluster Some end user tools...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 Cluster installation and Setup walk trough Administrative view This document explains what key files need to be created to install the...
MikeGore 2015 08 27 Common management utilities for end users and admins Other resources ClusterTools Cluster Tools main documentation root ClusterToolsSetup...
Clusters This page will collect the information/tools for building and administering clusters Building Clusters UndergradCluster Ed`s notes on building ugster...
Main.ctucker 17 Nov 2005 Network Configuration for CSCF Managed Neoware Eon 4000 and E100 Terminals If you are setting up the terminals with only one monitor/keyboard...
Command Documentation: getpw This turns out to duplicate getent , which is already available on Solaris and Linux. The standard getent should be used instead...
Commonly Ordered Parts See the following links for information regarding commonly ordered parts: AV Suppliers FSR Products General Cable...
Communication Planned Outages After Hours Support Sharing (Critical) Information Posters for research labs with information on who to contact in emergencies...
Videography inside the School of Computer science Equipment The School of Computer Science has the following equipment for use in videoing presentations or events...
Connecting to wireless networks on Linux Ubuntu on laptops are unable to directly connect to eduroam (especially on the images CSCF images). A way to get the laptop...
Main.ctucker 10 Jul 2006 Conversion Procedure For csterm Eons to tc Eons CSCF is currently converting (renaming and renumbering) all supported CS thin client terminals...
Course Account SSH Key Access We use ssh and public keys to provide access to course accounts. This is background information on SSH public keys to authenticate as...
Course Account SSH Keys: CSCF Administration We use ssh and public keys to provide access to course accounts. We have deployed an automated tool to propagate ssh keys...
Creating a Course Account in WatIAM As part of moving email to a central system, we`re creating WatIam for course accounts (ST #88866). There are two parts to this...
Course Coordinators In addition to instructors, who are the immediate clients for Points of Contact, there are course coordinators (previously/also known as `outline...
Course Evaluation database project Documentation CourseEvaluationSysadminDocs CourseEvaluationUsers CSCF Master ST Item ST#70069 Project Charter Introduction...
Course Evaluation Data Processing and Storage Course Evaluation sources ( are validated against Quest records of instructors/sections for a...
The Course Evaluation Database is stored on aka postgres.odyssey under user course eval ui and schema course eval . It also uses...
Course Evaluation Phase Two project CSCF Master ST Item ST#93435 Project Charter Introduction The Faculty of Math is responsible for collecting and reporting student...
Course Evaluation System Sysadmin Documentation This page is meant to include all useful instructions for maintaining the course evaluations by CSCF sysadmins Table...
Course Evaluation instructions for end users These instructions will be emailed to end users of the data. End users are Math administrators such as Chairs of Math...
Barcode Creation For basic, background understanding of barcodes, please read In order to produce the following equipment is...
Barcode Creation Currently the hardware lab computer with the Brother PT 2300 is used. Make sure the 9mm tape is in the labeler Turn the labeler on...
Create a CUPS printer on This is the step by step process to add a new printer to the cups.cs printing queue. IN this example we are adding...
Creating the Gradpc Workstation Image The gradpc image consists of a sysprep`d Windows XP Pro (plus applications) partition (first partition of the hard drive, a middle...
Creating Group Accounts This probably needs more details and/or to be generalized. However, in order to have a group added to our Active Directory, the group needs...
Rough procedure for mastering an image to be used on the gradpc`s. 1 Ensure system is up to date (apt get update apt get dist upgrade) and that all applications...
Main.gboerke 21 Apr 2010 CrySP Group Machines backup server machine record
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 03 03 Invitees Attendees Dave, Anthony, Devon, Fraser, Gouxiang, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Review and accept...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 03 17 Invitees Attendees Dave, Devon, Fraser, Gouxiang, Lawrence (breifly), Lori Review and accept previous...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 03 31 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Dave, Devon, Fraser, Gouxiang, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Omar, Todd...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 04 28 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Dave, Devon, Fraser, Gouxiang, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Omar, Todd...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 05 12 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Dave, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous meeting minutes...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 06 23 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Dave, Devon, Fraser, Gouxiang, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Omar, Todd...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 07 07 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Devon, Fraser, Guoxiang, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous meeting...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 09 01 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Dave, Devon, Fraser, Gouxiang, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Omar, Todd...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 09 08 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Dave, Fraser, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous meeting...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 09 15 Invitees Attendees Dave, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous meeting minutes. Proposed...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2012 09 06 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Dave, Devon, Fraser, Gouxiang, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Omar, Todd...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2012 10 13 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Dave, Fraser, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan, Nick Review and accept previous...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 11 23 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Dave, Fraser, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan, Nick Review and accept previous...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 01 11 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Dave, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Lawrence, Omar Review and accept...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 02 02 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Dave, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Lawrence, Omar, Fraser Review and...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 02 15 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Lawrence Review and accept previous meeting...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 03 17 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Lawrence Review and accept previous meeting...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 04 27 Invitees Attendees Anthony, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Lawrence Review and accept previous meeting...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 06 16 Invitees Attendees Dave, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Lawrence Review and accept previous meeting...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 07 21 Invitees Attendees Dave, Gouxiang, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Anthony, O Review and accept previous meeting...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 08 11 Invitees Attendees Nick, O Review and accept previous meeting minutes. CsDFScWgMeeting...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 08 17 Invitees Attendees Nick, Dave, Nathan, Guoxiang Review and accept previous meeting minutes....
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 08 17 Invitees Lori, O, Anthony, Nathan, Guoxiang, Nick, Clayton, Todd Attendees Lori, Anthony, Nathan...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 08 08 Invitees Gwen, Guoxiang, Devon, Clayton, Lori, Nathan Attendees Agenda Items State of DFSc...
DFSc Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: YYYY MM DD Invitees Attendees Anthony, Dave, Devon, Fraser, Gouxiang, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Omar, Todd...
MikePatterson 27 Jan 2005 First Meeting 22 April 2004, 1245, MC4019 Present: Walter, Guoxiang, Fraser, MikeP, Lawrence, Dave, Patrick Minutes: Lawrence (with supplements...
2004/08/20 1330 1430h Attendance: MikePatterson, Dave Gawley, Guoxiang Shen, LawrenceFolland, Fraser Gunn, Walter Tautz Regrets: Phil Beldowski, Patrick...
27 January 2005, DC3540 Meeting 1300 1430h (Patrick had to duck out at 1400) Present: Daniel, Fraser, Guoxiang, Patrick, Mike. Agenda 1 What do we have running...
08 March 2005 Agenda: 0 Mirror update (DanielAllen) 0 Printing update (MikePatterson) LinuxPrintingIssues 0 Slow gradpc`s (MikePatterson) 0 Student...
January `06 Meeting Meeting: 1pm 2pm. Present: Daniel, Dave, Guoxiang, Patrick, Walter, Mike, Christopher. Agenda Ubuntu 5.10 arch masters amd64 x...
June `06 Meeting Date: 14 June 2006. Meeting: 3:30pm 4:30pm Present: Daniel, Mike, Phil, Walter. Agenda decommissioning debian30.math by the end of the month...
October `06 Meeting Proposed date: 23 October 2006. Meeting: 2:00pm 3:00pm Present: Daniel, Dave, Mike, Christopher, Fraser, Phil Agenda pre announce: fe...
Linux Working Group Meeting Minutes 2008/06/02 Attendance Mike Patterson, Mike Gore, Walter Tautz, Lawrence Folland, Phil Beldowski, Dave Gawley Agenda items...
Linux Working Group Meeting Minutes 2008/07/19 Attendance Stephen Nickerson, Walter Tautz, Lawrence Folland, Dave Gawley No shows: Mike Patterson, Mike...
Linux Working Group meeting notes 2010/01/29 Meeting Date Friday January 29th, 2pm in DC 2314 Attendees DawnKeenan, DaveGawley, FraserGunn, MikeGore...
Linux Working Group Agenda Meeting Date Friday February 12th, 2pm in DC 2314 Attendees Dawn Keenan, Guoxiang Shen, Stephen Nickerson, Fraser Gunn, Lawrence...
Linux Working Group Agenda Meeting Date Friday February 26th, 2pm in DC 3540 Attendees Dawn Keenan, Lawrence Folland, Guoxiang Shen, Fraser Gunn, Dave...
CSCF Linux Working Group 2020 12 15 Announcements Power outage of MC 3015 server room: 1123196 DFSc...
CS Linux Working Group Meeting 2021 01 12 Attendees Dave, Adrian, Anthony, Clayton, Fraser, Gordon, Guoxiang, Lori, Nathan Agenda Reboot policy / schedule Resolution...
Linux Working Group Agenda Meeting Date TEAMS: Wednesday, Jan 26, 10:30 to 11:55pm Attendees arpepper, ldpaniak, a2brenna, ctucker, nfish, gxshen, gboerke...
Linux Working Group Agenda Meeting Date TEAMS: Tueday, Feb 9, 10:30 to 11:55pm Attendees arpepper, a2brenna, ctucker, fhgunn, gxshen, ldpaniak, nfish...
Proposed Agenda Hypervisor Managers Evaluation: Manager Anthony Nebula Nathan 2500 250 server (USD) / year...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 03 09 Invitees Attendees Dave, Anthony, Adrian, Clayton, Guoxiang, Fraser, Lori, Nathan, Devon Review...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 03 23 Invitees Attendees Dave, Anthony, Adrian, Clayton, Devon, Fraser, Guoxiang, Lori, Nathan Review...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 04 20 Invitees Attendees Dave, Anthony, Adrian, Clayton, Guoxiang, Fraser, Lori, Nathan, Devon, Nick...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 05 04 Invitees Attendees Dave, Adrian, Anthony, Clayton, Fraser, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd Review...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 05 18 Invitees Attendees Dave, Adrian, Anthony, Clayton, Fraser, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Todd Review and...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 06 01 Invitees Attendees Adrian, Devon, Fraser, Guoxiang, Lori, Nick, Omar, Todd, Anthony, Nathan Review...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 06 15 Invitees Attendees Dave, Adrian, Anthony, Clayton, Devon, Fraser, Guoxiang, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 20210 06 29 Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony, Devon, Guoxiang, Lori, Nathan, Omar, Todd Review and accept...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 7 13 Invitees Attendees Dave, Adrian, Anthony, Clayton, Devon, Fraser, Guoxiang, Lori, Nathan, Nick Review...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 07 27 Invitees Attendees Dave, Adrian, Anthony, Clayton, Lori, Nathan, Todd Review and accept previous...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 08 10 Invitees Attendees Dave, Adrian, Anthony, Clayton, Devon, Fraser, Guoxiang, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 08 24 Invitees Dave, Adrian, Anthony, Clayton, Devon, Fraser, Guoxiang, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan, Nick, Omar...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 11 02 Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 11 18 Invitees Attendees ldpaniak, a2brenna, lfolland, dlgawley, nfish, fhgunn, omnafees, gxshen, tlichty...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 12 01 Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 12 15 Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 01 12 Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan...
Linux Working Group Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave, Lawrence, Omar...
Linux Working Group Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave, Lawrence, Omar...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave, Lawrence...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Invitees Attendees Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Todd, Omar Review...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Invitees Attendees Invited: Anthony, Adrian, Guoxiang, Clayton, Lori, Fraser, Nathan, Dave, Omar, Devon, Todd, Nick, Lawrence...
Linux Working Group Invitees Attendees Invited: Anthony, Adrian, Guoxiang, Clayton, Lori, Fraser, Nathan, Dave, Omar, Devon, Todd, Nick, Lawrence Review...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED 2022 04 06 Invitees Attendees Invited: Anthony, Adrian, Guoxiang, Clayton, Lori, Fraser, Nathan, Dave, Omar, Devon,...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 04 20 Invitees Attendees Invited: Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 05 04 Invitees Attendees Invited: Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 05 18 Invitees Attendees Invited: Adrian, Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED MEETING DEFERRED 2 WEEKS Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 06 15 Invitees Attendees Invited: Anthony (group leader), Clayton...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 06 15 Attendees Anthony (group leader), Guoxiang, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Todd, Dave, Omar...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 06 15 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 08 10 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 08 24 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick...
Linux Working Group AGENDA LOCKED Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 09 07 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 09 07 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 10 19 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 11 02 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 11 16 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 11 30 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2022 12 14 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 01 11 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 01 25 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 02 08 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 02 22 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 03 08 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 03 22 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 03 22 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 05 17 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 05 31 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 06 14 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 06 28 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 07 12 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave,...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 07 26 Invited Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed Attendees Anthony...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 08 09 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 08 23 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 09 06 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 09 20 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 10 04 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 11 01 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 11 15 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 11 29 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2023 12 13 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 01 10 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon Attendees...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 01 24 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon Attendees...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 02 07 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon Attendees Anthony (group...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 02 21 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen Attendees Anthony...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 03 06 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, O, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen Attendees Anthony...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 03 20 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen Attendees Review...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 04 03 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen Attendees Anthony...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 04 17 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen Attendees Anthony, Clayton...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 05 01 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen Attendees Anthony (group...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 05 15 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen Attendees Anthony (group...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 05 29 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen Attendees Anthony Ed...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 06 12 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen Attendees Anthony (group leader...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 06 12 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen Attendees Anthony, Devon,...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 07 10 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen, Ushe Attendees Anthony...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 07 24 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen, Ushe Attendees Anthony...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 08 07 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen, Ushe Attendees Anthony...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 08 07 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen, Ushe Attendees Anthony...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 09 04 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen, Ushe Attendees Anthony...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 09 18 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen, Ushe Attendees: NL, AB, NF...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 10 02 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen, Ushe Attendees: NL, AB, DM,...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 10 30 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen, Ushe Attendees: NL, EC, NF,...
Meeting Date TEAMS: 2024 11 13 Invited Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen, Ushe Attendees: Anthony...
Linux Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: YYYY MM DD Invitees Attendees Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick...
Discussion of Scope Summary OFIS was designed with one faculty`s data needs in mind. There is data in CS reports that is not currently captured in OFIS...
SaltStak Working Group Agenda Meeting Date TEAMS: Wednesday, Jan 12, 2021 Attendees Anthony, Dave, Gordon, Lori, Nathan, Lawrence Agenda git/Saltstack standards...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: Wednesday, Jan 20, 2021 Attendees Anthony, Dave, Gordon, Lori, Nathan, Lawrence Discussion Items What Saltstack...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: Tuesday, February 2, 2021 Attendees nfish, a2brenna, ldpaniak, lfolland Review and accept previous meeting...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: Wednesday, February 10, 2021 Attendees Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: Wednesday, February 16, 2021 Attendees Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: Wednesday, February 23, 2021 Attendees Dave: absent, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 03 02 Attendees Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous meeting minutes....
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 03 09 Invitees Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous meeting minutes....
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 03 30 Invitees Attendees Dave, Anthony, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous meeting minutes....
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 04 13 Invitees Attendees Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous meeting...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 04 27 Invitees Attendees Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous meeting...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 05 11 Invitees Attendees Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous meeting...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 06 22 Invitees Attendees Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous meeting...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 07 20 Invitees Attendees Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous meeting...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 09 01 Invitees Attendees Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Any corrections to previous meeting...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 09 15 Invitees Attendees Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Nathan Regrets: Lori Review and accept previous...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 10 27 Invitees Attendees Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous meeting...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 11 10 Invitees Attendees Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous meeting...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: 2021 11 24 Invitees Attendees Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous meeting...
SaltStack Working Group Meeting Date TEAMS: YYYY MM DD Invitees Attendees Dave, Anthony, Lawrence, Lori, Nathan Review and accept previous meeting...
Setup Ubuntu/Linux/Gnu frontends (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) (deprecated pre 2012, see CSCF Ubuntu Setup Information) A description of what a frontend is Strictly...
Different Methods of Deploying the Grad Workstation Image To a System This section will give a brief description on the different possible ways to apply the Grad Workstation...
Notes on Particular Versions of the Grad Workstation Image References CloneZilla clonezilla documents An index to this page listed by Motherboard / Laptop...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes (image file name) Image Name: Created by: Creation Date: Created on workstation base: (bar code), (motherboard...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes: (image file name) Image Name Created By Creation Date Barcode Machine type Created on...
Wishlist for CSCF Grad PC Images General / both environments new cscf adm password for Fall 2010 partition layout we need to decide what it should be...
NET Books/Boxes Net books/boxes refers to low power, small foot print, computing devices meant to be an alternative to current full powered systems. Typical uses are...
CSCF OFIS Testbed OFIS testbed lives on Currently running lighttpd and fcgi php. Does not currently contain OFIS clone; OFIS db is configured...
CSCF Organization Chart The CSCF Organization Chart can be found in the CSCF About pages, here: Updating the chart...
CSCF Specific notes Note 2008/04/22 (lfolland) Given that the entire CF Twiki is now CSCF specific, this page should be considered deprecated and these topics should...
CSCF Teaching Setup for a New Term In preparation for an upcoming term, there are various activities that mostly happen between terms: email instructors and...
CSCF Start of Term Email to Instructors We want to have an understanding of what instructors need, so we send them mail before the start of term to learn of any changes...
Thin Client Environment in CS Current System see Standards and Procedures web pages. Proposed New Systems What we need We require a low cost, easily maintainable...
Configuration of the cscf urgent Mailing List The cscf urgent mailing list is implemented by an email alias in the cscf specific package: cscf urgent: cscf urgent...
The Administration of the CUPS PYKOTA server cups.cs This document is primarily addressed to system administrators who have root access but is also valuable for...
Setup a CUPS Printer on Linux Setting up all CUPS printers available from print.cs 17Jan2016 Note: We suggest using the Add Printers manually given that printing...
CUPS in the School of Computer Science We describe the work being done to setup a CUPS server along with a Print Accounting system for the School of Computer Science...
CurupiraConfiguration Documentation EDOCS Console Access cscf.cs# rsh...
Custom Clonezilla USB Key for UEFI installations For more then on image I suggest a fast 128GB key with known high speed read and write specs Requirements...
MikeGore 23 Nov 2011 Ubuntu Custom Launcher Ubuntu 10.04 to 11.04 Note: In this example we will create a launcher for a program called Maple14 Right click...
Cyclades Configuration Database / Tool: Participants: DanielAllen, Dave Gawley; advice by FraserGunn. Demo at: As per Dave`s requirements...
See parent (CycladesConfigurationProject) for design. A collection of data that hasn`t been kept elsewhere. Services List http ftp nfs smb...
Upgrading Cyclades TS2000 from 1.3.4 to 1.4.0 3 (DRAFT) This is a draft document; regular disclaimers apply. Reasons for upgrade
MikeGore 05 Oct 2006 Cyclades Console Server User Guide Links for CSCF and MFCF Links brief guide to using the MFCF and CSCF Cyclades console servers HTML...
CygWin installation installation files can be found in \exports\software\cygwin run setup.exe install from Local Directory use the offered directory...
Notes on the organization of DC3556 Shutdown procedure There are many research groups using dc3556 that will need to be advised of any room shutdowns: Tetherless...
DFS/FSS Monitoring Attributes to monitor via Nagios and report to e mail/Slack HDD SMART condition (include reallocated blocks, temperatures) ZFS pool condition...
Overview Updates to hostname, MAC address, and IP address in the inventory web interface will trigger corresponding updates to our DHCP service. All three elements...
DHCP helper address configuration tool (OBSOLETE) Our DHCP helper specifications tends to drift towards complete inaccuracy over time. I have created a simple PHP...
The DHCP information system in Computer Science (OBSOLETE) Overview CSCF CSI provides a DHCP infrastructure for computers, printers and other devices on its networks...
This page is obsolete Do Not Migrate DNSMASQ ASIMOV configuration Note: in the document DNSMASQ refers to the dnsmasq scripts home directory Rererences...
This page is obsolete Do Not Migrate MikeGore 2018 06 28 DNSMASQ Multiarch PXE booting Summary This is a standalone version of the DNSMASQ PXE boot configuration...
DS1 This machine is obsolete The machine ds1.cs has been having issues since November 2004 with its DiskSuite devices. See ST#46849, and see also...
MikeGore DS2 Data Structures Group Server Accounts DS2 is part of the CS active directory...
Daily Regimen There are activities that we generally need to do every (work)day. It`s easy to miss some of these, so they`re worth enumerating: check your calendar...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it does not have any foreseeable use. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and...
CSCF Access to Public Data In general, access to data that is public (to whatever extent), is best mediated by some system. E.g. it`s not considered ideal to provide...
CSCF Course Resource Data We record our understanding of what computing resources instructors need. It is used to determine if we have the right software installed...
CSCF Data Point of Contact The data describing the Points of Contact is maintained in three places. Research For research, the data resides in the Subscriptions...
Data Structures Group DC2305 Printer xerox dc2305 DC2305 Xerox Phaser 8560DN setup and usage guidelines ljc alg DC2305 HP LaserJet Enterprise...
Database Services provided by CSCF Definition Management System Database Management Systems operated by CSCF IBM...
`apps` database cluster Purpose and Layout The `apps` database cluster contains databases to support internally developed applications for the School. The cluster...
database.cs System Administrator Documentation This page is deprecated and has been replaced by MySQL.
Database Research Group Web site Research Group Lab info Mailing lists db group@db is an alias to: db faculty@lists...
This cluster is available via the default port on The purpose is to make available a Postgres installation for instructional purposes...
PostgreSQL Users Cluster This cluster is available via the default port on The purpose is to make available a Postgres installation to CS...
This page is being proposed for deletion because its content was moved to Email . If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
Documentation Links that to learn more about Debian: debaday has interesting Debian packages posted (almost) daily. The Debian FAQ is always a good place...
(This page is getting bulky enough that perhaps we should spin off a new set of pages, one per q and a? MikePatterson)or maybe by category (Updates, Display, Printing...
Using Debian in the School of Computer Science, at the University of Waterloo. Current release version is DebianInstallNotes likely interesting only...
Debian Install Notes (Obsolete) Location of Files: \\\sysprep\SYSPRIMG\CSCF DEB Install the split image. root wants to be /dev/hda5...
Installing Java on Ubuntu and Debian Ubuntu: Step 1: Add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list : deb http://mirror.cscf/ubuntu/ uwaterloo/...
Alex Roman`s notes on doing this... For Debian 3.1 (Sarge) Installation Notes Make SURE you have the LATEST BIOS update installed! Or else you might end up...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it presents no information that is not easily visible by clicking the given link. The link to this page was replaced...
Denial of Service (This page needs updating) We are continually bombarded with outside attempts to connect to our systems, to break in. It`s mostly `ssh` attempts...
DenyHosts References See Documentation: FAQ and Issues Excerpt: What is DenyHosts? DenyHosts is a script intended to be run...
About Departing CSCF Employees When someone moves on, we need to remove references to them from various documentation, and access to various systems. Most of what...
Deploy Studio Imaging and deployment links and notes. (Obsolete) Deployment Planning Template
Managing and editing workflows are what is behind the real power of DeployStudio. Workflows can be managed for creating system images for both Mac and Windows partitions...
AlexRoman 19 Nov 2004 Web development under Windows Downloading Download the latest Apache 2 series Win32 Binary (MSI Installer) package from http://httpd...
Devon`s Work Guide and Responsibilities This is where I`ll link to my documentation and any other important information. Most of my typically used resources can be...
DFSc Project Charter Article text. Comments This is where a copy of (or link to) the original project charter should put.
DHCP Debug tool (OBSOLETE) Based on work done by Ethan Galstad (nagios #64; for the nagiosplugin Original source file CHECK DHCP.C (see source...
Digital Door Sign Project Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to investigate, prototype, and deploy a web based `door sign` for staff in...
Digital Door Sign Comments and Feedback Following are comments and feedback on the design and implementation which might eventually be implemented, but are beyond...
Digital Door Sign Specifications This web based door sign should have two visual parts. Both should work from desktop web browser and from phone. staff input...
Digital Door Sign User Stories Here are some user stories to suggest how we anticipate the digital door signs being used. Nick, a CSCF staff person, is in a meeting...
MikeGore 2017 01 17 Adding Printers manually using direct to printer printing 17Jan2016 1) This method has the advantage that the user gets direct feed back from...
Data and Disk Recovery Services NOTE if you are a company that provides data recovery services listed in this TWIKI page please feel free to send updates information...
MikeGore 20 Jan 2012 Disk Scheduler Optimization #!/bin/bash # # Mike Gore, 20 Jane 2012 # Fix disk scheduler # List all out disks disks `ls /dev/sd?` # noop anticipatory...
CSCF Distributed File System (DFS) Notes Table of Contents Data Encryption Options The layered architecture of the DFS presents a number of options for ensuring...
Django Django is a DatabaseObjectFramework, WebServletFramework and WebFormFramework for Python. Project
This page is obsolete Do Not Migrate Per CSCF RSG meeting of 12 April 2005, we need some standards for exactly what information we put in DNS (particularly the text...
This page is being proposed for deletion because there is not enough content for this to all be one page. I replaced this page`s backlinks with its content. If you...
Documentation Standards 2022 A lot has changed since the original creation of the DocumentationStandards Those `standards` were never fully adopted and agreed upon...
Documentation Standards Note: this is a proposed set of standards for documentation within CSCF and should not be considered official at this time Comments...
Inventory Domain Name Extension Proposal (draft) Introduction IST is changing the schema of their IP Management system (currently `Maintain`). Historically, campus...
Door Signs It is helpful to clients and co workers to let people know whether you`re in today or when you`ll be back. A number of staff have created door signs that...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has very minimal content and all backlinks were replaced with the link in this page. If you believe it should be...
DreamWeaver Configuration This page is to document the proper DreamWeaver configuration settings to work with the CS web server. As of this writing, it is based upon...
Previous work is documented in ST#46849. Current strategy: 1 Plan an extended downtime (plan for 3 hours, hope 2 will suffice) 1 Apply patches 1...
ST#55528. First 1 destroy the d5 metadevice: metaclear f /dev/md/dsk/d5 (won`t work without the f) 1 rebuild the d5 metadevice: metainit d5 r c1t0d0s...
Configuring Dual Monitors in Ubuntu The main HowTo for configuring dual monitor support on Ubuntu is 221174. I`ve included...
EDocs Introduction We have created a standardized location for electronic documents. The original purpose was for storing Purchase Orders and quotes in a shared...
Understanding EFI and its role in NetBoot (Obsolete) Where is it on the machine, how big is it, and what can you do with it? See also rEFInd boot manager from...
This page is being proposed for deletion because, as it says in the body, this page is obsolete. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent...
EduRoam EduRoam is an international service where members from one university can authenticate using their home credentials while visiting another university. This...
Email stuff SpamAssassin, Client Notes, Mailing Lists, etc. Standard Setup In this section, we will try to describe how email is typically setup for the following...
Email Aliases System wide aliases are typically stored in /etc/aliases. However, in most xhier managed systems on campus, you cannot simply edit those files. Instead...
Email Directions The goal is to provide a fast, reliable and flexible mail service to CS clients. How will we do that? Current services mail.cs mbox mail service...
Email forwarding for M365 accounts Setting up email forwarding can be done via Outlook or Outlook Web App. 1. Check to see if you have an account a. Try logging...
OBSOLETE has completely vanished. TWiki page history will remain for the really curious. AdrianPepper 05 Jan 2021
Maildir FAQ OBSOLETE has completely vanished. TWiki page history will remain for the really curious. AdrianPepper 05 Jan 2021
Migrating to maildir.cs OBSOLETE has completely vanished. TWiki page history will remain for the really curious. AdrianPepper 05 Jan...
Thunderbird mail account creation for maildir OBSOLETE has completely vanished. TWiki page history will remain for the really curious...
Handling email from Off Campus Several ISPs block port 25(SMTP) from leaving their networks. They expect that you will only use their mail services. This, I believe...
Setting up Email Sending with Postfix We have Linux servers that need to be able to send mail, but do not need to run an SMTP receiver. Install the postfix and...
Responding to Electronic Mail The Problem We have done multiple surveys of our clients, both general and review time surveys via mail/web/personal visits. A common...
THIS PAGE IS NOW OBSOLETE It was too specific to the old Solaris 8 environment running an old version of University of Washington IMAP. Resolving a type of crisis...
EmailUndergradMailReset OBSOLETE This page content became truly irrelevant a number of years ago. TWiki page history will remain for the really curious. AdrianPepper...
Emergency Contact Posters We have designed a poster to be put into research labs with information about who to contact in various emergencies (fire, police, flooding...
List of databases to be moved List of databases and the stakeholders to be notified if there are issues Stage 1 equipment : Inventory (CSCF and MFCF)...
Enterprise Mysql Cluster Project Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to set up a Highly Available clustered mysql database to support general...
Meeting: 2016 01 20 2pm Attended: drallen (project manager), dlgawley a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak; gxshen arpepper were declared not necessary at this point (arpepper...
Meeting 27 January 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak. Lori noted the `Update Server Room High Speed Network Interconnects` might be time consuming...
Meeting 3 February 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen, dlgawley a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak Agenda: Timeline for project Next round of milestones Items to...
Meeting 11 February 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen, dlgawley a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak Agenda: Current Milestones New Milestones Timeline for project...
Meeting 18 February 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen, dlgawley a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak Agenda: Progress on Milestones Timeline Brief summary since the...
Meeting 25 February 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak Agenda: Progress on Milestones Timeline Brief summary since the last meeting...
Meeting 3 March 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak Agenda: Progress on Milestones Timeline Brief summary since the last meeting...
Meeting 3 March 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak Agenda: Progress on Milestones Timeline Brief summary since the last meeting...
Meeting 3 March 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen a2brenna fhgunn Agenda: Progress on Milestones Timeline Brief summary since the last meeting Progress...
Meeting 24 March 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen a2brenna fhgunn ldpaniak Agenda: Timeline Remaining work Issues to discuss Timeline Fraser and I...
Meeting 31 March 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen a2brenna ldpaniak Agenda: Timeline Remaining work Issues to discuss Timeline Looking good for wrapping...
Meeting 11 April 2016, 2pm Attended: drallen a2brenna ldpaniak Agenda: Timeline Remaining work Issues to discuss Timeline Looking good for wrapping...
Implementation See Database Systems/ for project documents including Work Breakdown Structure and...
Enterprise Mysql Cluster Project Wrapup Summary As of Tuesday 12 April 2016, the deliverables are either complete, or very minor steps away from completion. Below...
Support of the Teaching Computing Environment Here we`ll document maintenance information for the cs teaching `region`; the environment that uses the common student...
Main.ctucker 18 Nov 2005 Use the Neoware Linux Factory Reset Feature to Repair the Terminal Factory Reset is a built in function of the NeoLinux operating system...
Note: This topic is missing content at the end Drew Main.ctucker 18 Nov 2005 Scripting for Eon Thin Clients: The Work Horse of Eon Terminal Management The EZ...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
High School Equipment Co op Guide This guide is intended to be used, and maintained by the co op student in the Computer Support Assistant position. It will cover...
Equipment and Inventory Overview CSCF maintains a database of most of our equipment. As equipment comes in we assign a barcode to most items and then record Model...
Equipment Notes There is a new feature in the Inventory system that will display a link to web page in the Equipment Notes folder of eDocs. We currently have three...
Adding the UWDir LDAP address book to Evolution: Server: Use secure connection: No encryption Login method: Anonymously Search base: dc uwaterloo...
Here we discuss what to do if a Researcher wishes to sponsor an account (`resources`) for an ex grad student. Graduate Students would previously have had resources...
Exam Seating This page is intended to document the aspects of the exam seating system that USG members are interested in learning about. With that said, anyone who...
Exam Seating, Data Extracts, and Postgres.student Migration Procedures Exam Seating See Also Public facing information...
Exam Seating System Administrator Documentation The Exam Seating System is currently going through rapid changes. For this reason, it will be impossible to keep documentation...
Main.mdmewhor 22 Aug 2005 Subject: Graduate Studies Application Account Confirmation University of Waterloo School of Computer Science. Hello, Thank you for registering...
@plg2 102 % mail Mail version 4.3a 2003/04/29. Type ? for help. `/var/mail/mpatters`: 2 messages 1 MAILER DAEMON #64;plg2.math.uwaterlo `DON`T DELETE T` Sat...
Printing in Color on a Xerox WorkCentre 7535 Color Printer For this printing example, we will use the Xerox WorkCentre 7535 located in DC3507, called xrxpr003....
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Mail Configuration on Debian Boxes Incoming Mail By convention, Linux hosts do not accept mail directly since the current xhiered sendmail package is not available...
ExpNet Networking Lab (Brecht/Karstem) Lab Manager Groves Servers The principal server with which we have any interaction is rocket, belonging principally...
Expense Claims Expense claims (e.g. for a conference or training) are done online. Using Concur Concur uses your WatIAM userid and password. Login page: https://uwaterloo...
Here`s my sources.list: deb unstable main contrib non free deb experimental main contrib non free (Once debian...
Expertise Database Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose of the project is to investigate, prototype, and deploy a public webpage that facilitates...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the content was small enough such that it was easily migrated to its backlink. If you believe it should be kept, please...
Manage an External Domain in CS (OBSOLETE) These notes were derived from Trevor Grove`s work on CS RT57874 Update: January 2011 be sure to read: http://www.adm...
Obsolete Extremeware has several methods of MAC address security. General The switch generally... Allows data FROM port TO anywhere WHEN data is...
HOWTO Upgrade an Extreme switch to 7.2.0b33 with ssh 1 Requirements Extremeware...
Filemaker database remediation project CSCF Master ST item ST#91265 Project Charter Introduction `Filemaker` is a commercial desktop database application development...
Configuration for Mac use of FORE The following browser/plugin configurations have worked to allow PDF `drill downs`. Roloson, of MFCF, created a Down Test Page...
Troubleshooting Safari and the FORE Financial System Information for configuring Safari to work with the FORE system. MacConfigurationStepsToWorkWithTheFOREFinancialSystem...
FSR is distributed by: Anixter stocking IEWC Toronto Graybar non stocking Nedco is authorized, not stocking though DanHergott 2014 08 12
Maintenance Documentation for FSS This document is deprecated in favor of vault and related pages This document...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no backlinks and no tangible information. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent...
Faculty Recruiting System The Faculty Recruiting System is a web application and database used by applicants to CS Faculty positions and the SACA committee (chaired...
Faculty Recruiting System: Reference Letter Uploads by Referees: Requirements The following corresponds to: ST#80445 Summary Currently, all reference letters are...
Faculty Recruiting System: Video Uploads These instructions are for an administrative user to process raw videos to add to the Faculty Recruiting system. Setup First...
Email and Address Book File Locations Outlook and Outlook Express File Locations Please see Microsoft document us/outlook/HP...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Meeting: 2016 06 06 11:00 Attended: ldpaniak (project manager), a2brenna, cscflab, rblander, jjohnson Objectives: Decide on general architecture of service connections...
Meeting: 2016 06 09 13:00 Attended: ldpaniak (project manager), a2brenna, cscflab, rblander, jjohnson Objectives: Decide on general architecture of service connections...
Meeting: 2016 06 09 13:00 Attended: ldpaniak (project manager), a2brenna, cscflab, gxshen, hchotara Objectives: Decide on details of DFS configuration, software...
Meeting: 2016 06 17 11:00 Attended: ldpaniak (project manager), a2brenna, cscflab, gxshen, hchotara Objectives: Decide on details of DFS configuration, software...
Meeting 2016 07 15 10:30 DC3126 Attendance: ldpaniak, a2brenna, nfish Discussion: Demo of NextCloud and Seafile web interfaces Deployment and details...
Meeting: 2016 09 08 DC2310 14:00 Present: dlgawley, a2brenna, nfish, gxshen, ldpaniak, lfolland Agenda: Topics to discuss: overview of hardware and test results...
Meeting: 2016 09 28 DC 2310 Attendance: David Gawley; Lawrence E Folland; Omar M. Nafees; Lori D. Paniak; Guoxiang Shen; Ken Salem Adding Guoxiang and Lori to the...
Meeting: 2016 11 01 DC 2564 Attendance: Issac Morland; Lori D. Paniak; Nathan Fish Agenda: Discussion of haproxy/backend service layer 4 configuration. overview...
Meeting: 2016 11 18 DC 2102 Attendance: Guoxiang Shen, Lori D. Paniak; Nathan Fish Agenda: Ceph on `fat` OSD, current obstacles Discussion: Review of building OSDs...
Meeting: 2017 01 06 DC 2102 Attendance: Guoxiang Shen, Lori D. Paniak, Nathan Fish, Devon Merner Agenda: Discussion of remaining tasks: Filesystem Containers...
Filesystem decision matrix: Ceph vs Gluster performance products features support for configuration usable capacity reliability (worst case) rebuild...
File Sharing Service Name Background For the File Sharing Service, we are planning on using NextCloud. We will need a name for the machine/service to use Principles...
FireFox Web Browser Mozilla Firefox Web Browser The Mozilla Firefox Web Browser is a free and open source web browser widely used at the University of Waterloo....
Tuning TIps for the Mozilla Firefox web browser Over the years, FireFox seems to have become increasingly greedy, and one can experience slowness and delays on less...
Pre mpatters fireblade sees the following disks: c0t0d0 SUN18G (internal?) c0t1d0 SUN18G (internal?) c1t1d0 SUN T300 (must be the T3 array) / /dev...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
The current set of firewall rules will be posted here for perusal and perhaps critique. iptables.rules: You can use this in a Debian machine by modifying your...
Obsolete as of August 2013 Our firewall service has been shut down and replaced with router based ACLs. Firewall quick reference The alleged definitive statement...
First Response Recipe This page is intended to document steps you can take to clean up a machine that is suspected to be infected. NB: it is difficult to say with...
Flexible Setuid CGI Execution A common problem with CGIs is that they tend to run as the same user as the webserver itself, which is unadvisable at best and unacceptable...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
FreeBSD FreeBSD in the Math Faculty of the University of Waterloo The FreeBSD Project: UsingFreebsdInCS I also will stash some things...
MikeGore 03 Apr 2012 Created from notes from Ronaldo Garcia FreeNX Server Help: Download: http://www.nomachine...
Part 2: Configuring the Frontend The first time you log in as root, you`ll be prompted about setting up ssh keys. Press Enter three times to accept the default location...
Part 1: Frontend (Master Node) Installation Plug the monitor into the power strip and turn it on. Find the machine with two network connections; this is the master...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it presents no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
MikeGore 2018 12 03 TML GPU I9 system with iquid cooleing for CPU and GPU cards
Title GPUInstallScripts These scripts installs Cuda, Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch, Pycuda and related packages Location of master repository This Document...
GPU software installation page NVIDA GPU with CUDA and tensorflow configurations Linux GPUSoftwareLinux Windows GPUSoftwareWindows
Linux CUDA,cuDNN, NVIDIA and Tensorflow GPU install Note: As of Ubuntu 20.04 we are switching to docker Why? The Ubuntu packages and various...
Windows 10 CUDA cuDNN and Tensorflow GPU install Overview These are instruction for installing Python 3.78, CUDA, cuDNN and tensorflow on Windows 10 with and...
MikeGore 02 Mar 2010 GRUB2 Repair See also UEFI boot notes Grub 2 Documents main Ubuntu Docs http://wiki.archlinux...
MikeGore 14 Dec 2012 GRUB2 and Windows 7 Dual Booting External References http://www...
External References guide/latest/ WalterTautz 18 Sep 2007
General Cable we use: 1.General Cable Genspeed 10000 shielded CAT6A 4pair 23AWG U/FTP Plenum Cable, Red jacket. DanHergott 2014 12 16
Things not to do: put hardened in USE in /etc/make.conf . It breaks X right now. bug.cgi?id 43177 Or, should...
GhostView installation file can be found in: \exports\export\COMMON\Ghostview 4.6 run gs813w32.exe to install Ghostscript install for All...
Giest parts we frequently order 11. GEIST 1U rack mount powerbar with AMP METER PN# BREC160 0020/16 supports 110v or 220v up to 16 amps max per bar. MUST order...
Giest parts we frequently order 1. GEIST DISTRIBUTORS: Anixter, Graybar, Wesco, and Nedco 1. GEIST product representative: GREG PORTER Email: gp #64;innotechsolutions...
CSCF Git Repository This page is to document CSCF use of the group of the server, which has an easy to use Gitlab web...
Gitlab/ST Web Hook for CSCF Projects Usage If your gitlab project has this turned on, all commits pushed to will be automatically associated to the...
UpdatingCurumin20040414 UpdatingCurupira20040426 MeetingGladimir20040212 12 February 2004 MeetingGladimir20040705 05 July 2004 MeetingGladimir20060214 14 February...
GlobalSign Certificate Authority GlobalSign Certificate Authority GlobalSign is a certified certificate authority that provides publicly trusted X.509 compliant SSL...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
MikePatterson 16 Dec 2004 No user data, so just reboot and reinstall. Hrm, installer CD sees no hard disks. :( Some googling suggests that this is a Perc3/Di, but...
Grad Admissions Extract Codes Here we record special codes found in the extracts and any information we have concerning their meanings. Decision Codes Code...
Design Document for On line Graduate Student Admissions System (OGSAS) This document describes some details regarding the design and functionality of the On line Grad...
Here is a list of tasks with time estimates for Phase One: Complete OUAC data model complete Develop internal data model for OGSAS complete...
Academic Background This page allows the applicants to state relevant courses that they have taken in various computer science areas. For each course the user must...
Account The user will also be able to edit account information. Currently only the user`s e mail address and password may be changed. When the user changes the e mail...
Main.mdmewhor 23 Aug 2005 Applicant Account Creation On the first page of the Online Computer Science Graduate Application System there will be a link to a page where...
Login The Login page has a field for an OUAC number and for a password. When a user logs in, the password goes through MD5 hashing and the hash is compared to the...
Graduate Application Checklist and Final Submission This page will act as a guide for the users as they fill out their applications. Each step of the application...
Main.mdmewhor 23 Aug 2005 Data Model applicant Table This table holds data on each applicant. Fields 1. ouacId (primary key) The applicant`s ouac number....
Final Submission Once the users have completed the graduate studies application they have the ability to submit the application to the computer science graduate studies...
Graduate Application Main Page The main page lists all of the application data that user has filled in and has links to pages to edit them. By separating the `view...
Research Interests Form This page consists of checkboxes for each research area and a text area for general research interest information. The research areas are...
Resume Attachment This section allows users to attach a pdf resume to their applications. Alternatively there will be a checkbox to indicate that the user wishes...
Statement Of Purpose We are currently unaware of the true purpose of this form. The form will contain one large text area. When the submit button is pressed the...
Edited from document from jkeir, sometimes given to students on how to generate passwords. This version is same line count as jkeir`s, and has less (no) regexes....
At present I see at least the following pieces: 1. Grad Desktop Equipment Management (GradDesktopEquipment) 1. TA Assignment System a. TA Preference...
Notes from Meetings and Interviews June 20, 2005 Isaac, Michael, and Jason in attendance. Interview notes are on line. Pieces of the application have...
Phase 1 consists of the following: 1. Application Process a. Research Interests Form a. Supplementary Information Form a. Electronic loading of...
Grad Desktop Equipment Management At present information management for grad student desktop machines is a bit of a mess. In addition to inventory/DNS/ONA, there...
Interview with Debbie Mustin (Oct 26) How Office Assignment Works Many offices, especially lab areas, are `owned` by specific research groups. Typically students...
Interview with Jennifer Keir Paul Thompson (Oct 31) Paul Thompson is involved mainly in doing extra barcode scans to update equipment locations after a bunch of...
Interview with Research Support Group (Oct 30) Sequence of Events Debbie makes an ST, one per student, asking the research group to install equipment for that student...
Fixing Grad Desktop Problems The problem seems to fall into the following pieces: 1. Room assignment 1. Improvements to CSCF Processes Room Assignment System...
Grad Office Application Authorization This area of the website will eventually permit authorized users to view and edit the authorization records for the grad admissions...
OGSAS Detailed Design Notes Any additional notes on design of specific parts of the system can go here. GradOfficeApplicationPDFGeneration IsaacMorland...
OGSAS PDF Generation We use the iText library, written in Java, to generate, fill in, and manipulate PDF files. More information is at
Grad Office Application Screen Design Here we describe the content of each page in the system. When this is complete, any valid URL in the system should have a corresponding...
.pre { margin left: 5em; width: 90%; height: 1000px; white space: pre wrap; white space: moz pre wrap; } // TWiki limitations on javascript: no empty lines, no exclamation...
Data Model: Application Checklist The following items need to be recorded on the application checklist: Immigration Card Transcripts (one per institution...
Grad Office Specs Functional specification (users` demand) Main article: OGSASPhaseOneDesign. Application records come from the UW Graduate Studies Office. In addition...
Graduate Office Web Application Overview This is a multi phase project to overhaul the operations of the CS grad office. This includes replacing the existing FileMaker...
CS GradPC standard workstation A GradPC is a standard CS PC workstation deployed to grad students using the CSCF standard Windows XP and Debian images. See Also...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it is a duplicate of GradPC. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this...
This is obsolete and should not be used. University of Waterloo Standard PC deployment information sheet Request #...
Grad Student Accounts Here we discuss the various accounts Grad students may get, attempting to demonstrate what happens automatically, and what manual supplementary...
Graduate Student Computing Workflow Initial Computing Selection Supervisors are provided with a form to select which kind of equipment they wish to provide their...
Grad Student Laptop Deployment This information pertains to laptop systems. For desktops, see GradStudentPCdeployment (Notes as of Fall 2006) Core Group The...
Grad Student Mac Deployment (Obsolete) The information on this page pertains to obtaining and setting up a Mac for grad use. The current setup uses Mobile Device Management...
Grad Student PC deployment This information pertains to desktop systems. For laptops, see GradStudentLaptopDeployment Core Group Phil will image the School...
Graduate TA Evaluation Project Phase 1 Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to replace the existing paper TA Evaluation process with a Web...
Grad Visit Day web application (v1) Background Originally designed based on ST#86639 The TWiki page for v2 of this application, also based on ST#86639, can be found...
Grad Visit Day web application (v3) Background This app is used to support Grad Visit Day, held in February or March in CS (and Math). The principal user is the Graduate...
Grad Workstation Schedule The arrival of graduate students each term, in varying numbers, combined with the release schedule for the desired operating systems, drive...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
StephenNickerson 28 Feb 2011 Software on the Ubuntu 8.04 systems abiword common abiword gnome acl acpi acpi support acpid adduser adept adept batch adept common adept...
Graphics software Software The Graphics Lab is currently running Ubuntu 8.04 and Ubuntu 9.10. The following list the software on these two environments....
StephenNickerson 28 Feb 2011 Introduction In an effort better understand what actually goes on in the graphics lab from a programming point of view, we give and outline...
Greylisting Background information Faculty FAQ implementation of greylisting Greylisting home page http://hcpnet...
MikeGore 06 Oct 2006 Using older AT T Berkeley with groff 1.18.1 on Linux systems Note verify site or software license for using these macros first! Steps...
HP Hardware notes (Obsolete) Models HP DL 585R07
High Performance Computing at UW Here we will document the resources available for High Performance Computing in the School of Computer Science, Math Faculty and the...
HP Health SNMP Configuration This page includes notes and references for setting up an HP Proliant server to be monitored by CSCF`s nagios system via hp health SNMP...
HP Networking Parts we use or order frequently: 1. HP J9150A (SR) A 10 Gigabit transceiver in SFP form factor that supports the 10 Gigabit SR standard, providing...
Port security techniques (This page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) To prevent port hijacking in student computer labs: we use the HP `port security` features...
HP Switches HOW TO: Set the maximum number of VLANS on HP Switch 1. login into switch 2. press 5 to enter into the CLI if at menu 3. config 4. max...
HR Submissions This will be a page related to HR Submissions, How and When your supervisor wants them submitted, what they pay periods are and the cutoff for submissions...
Hammond parts we frequenly order 14. HAMMOND 4 outlet 120volt POWER BARS with 6ft cord: PN# 1584H4A1RA with 15ft cord: PN# 1584H4B1RA DanHergott 01 Dec...
Hammond parts we frequenly order: 1. HAMMOND 4 outlet 120volt POWER BARS with switch and 6ft cord PN# 1584H4A1RA 2. HAMMOND 4 outlet 120volt POWER BARS with...
Handling Accounts Requests System Logs Ignore mails from: 0000 Admin(0000), accounts maintenance software, root, and super user This is info sent from...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it contains information that is redundant from HelpDeskGuide. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to...
Fighting Spam (This page has been migrated see: HOWTO Documents SpamassassinSetup How to setup spamassassin...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has very limited information, which should be included in HelpDeskGuide if anywhere. If you believe it should be...
Hardware notes Computing Platforms AppleHardware notes relating to Apple hardware BlackBerries notes on selecting, purchasing and configuring...
CSCF Hardware Lab DC2560G (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Documentation in process of being updated The CSCF HARDWARE LAB consists of four areas: storage, workstations...
Hardware Repairs This will be a general guide to simple hardware repairs and replacements. Before Beginning Before taking apart a computer make sure you have at...
MikeGore 2015 07 20 harlow.cs see Machine Description Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS 64bit 64Gram SSD / and Raid 1 /home...
HealthDoc This is a research group headed up by Chrysanne DiMarco. healthdoc.cs and Server ST`s
This page is being proposed for deletion because it contains information that is redundant from HelpDeskGuide. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to...
Help Desk Assistance This page will outline the various things I do to help the CSCF Help Desk. General Duties Equipment Loaning From time to time students, staff...
Help Desk Guide This is here to be used as a basic guide for help desk personnel. More guides can be found on the CSCF website at:
High Performance Computing resources available to CS / Math / UW See also: MFCF page on High Performance Computing Centre for High Performance Computing...
Himrod cluster This is a cluster belonging to Ashraf Aboulnaga and Hans DeSterck, purchase in May 2014, running since October 2014 Overview role count cpu...
Himrod cluster Principal Investigators Ashraf Aboulnaga, Hans De Sterck, Ken Salem Cluster hardware overview system count cpu memory disk interconnect...
MikeGore 2015 04 23 Services overview Ubuntu 14.04LTS Linux OS TFTPboot server /tftpboot/pxes root folder SAMBA server /tftpboot...
Replaced 2009 9 23 Overview of creating VLANs In principle, VLANs that never leave a switch don`t need to be allocated and managed globally, but if one intends...
Holiday Support Providing effective support during extended holiday periods is a challenge. The following describes the process once used to achieve this. It has since...
Horizion Furniture Contact: Patrick Flanagan 519 748 9874 ext 103 Parts we order: 1. Company contact established Monday March 11, 2013 by Dan Hergott 1. Company...
Mellanox ConnectX 5 Host Chaining Pre requisites Turn off Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR IOV) Boot into the host BIOS and disable SRIOV. Typically found in...
UW DNS/DHCP Maintenance How To This page is very out of date and needs significant rewriting. See DNS Naming Standards or Naming Rules and RFC Documents instead...
MikeGore 11 Oct 2005 Host Naming Rules and RFC Documents For the CSCF specific guildlines see names RFC921 http://www...
Printing How to For Users Note. Most of the user docs on printing will be placed at and will be incorporated via server side...
Version 1.03 Sequential Output Sequential Input Random Per Chr Block Rewrite Per Chr Block Seeks Machine Size K...
DebianHowTo Questions Add questions here. Once they are answered they should be moved to the DebianHowTo page (I just moved a batch DanielAllen 13 Oct 2005)...
HCI Lab Lab video equipment The lab has an overhead track mounting system that can use used to mount all manner of video gear. It is called `Unistrut(R)`. The Edcom...
IBM DB2 database management system Disambiguation `DB2` is also used to refer to Berkeley DB (BDB) version 2. For example, the Ubuntu libdb2 package description is...
MikeGore 14 Apr 2011 SuperMicro LOM IPMI See ClusterToolsIPMITOOL for the latest documentation for IPMIview,ippmicfg and ipmitool and scripts Documenation...
IST Announcements of Campus Wide Changes IST says: Campus wide changes will be communicated through the IST communications officer as well as through the Network Alert...
/ padding is used because IE tends to overwrite letters next to borders without padding. / div.comment { margin left: 3em; margin right...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Icinga Icinga is an open source computer and network monitoring system that originally started as a fork of Nagios in 2009. CSCF is working to migrate from Nagios...
Obsolete This is the changelog I keep whilst creating and updating the standard images. See CreatingImage to go about making one. I used to keep it in a CVSed text...
Image Deployment Images Windows10BaseImage Windows 10 base image Creating, Installing Salt setup, etc for CSCF CscfGradImageNotes CSCF Grad Image Notes...
Image Deployment With Acronis Acronis10 Acronis 10 Backup/Recovery notes Acronis11 Acronis 11 Backup/Recovery notes (do not use not working...
Image Deployment using Ghost and the CS Application Server This describes the method by which CSCF can put an operating system on a machine by either booting from...
This page is being proposed for deletion because this page describes a method that is no longer used, as mentioned in ImageDeployment. If you believe it should be...
Image file naming and documentation for ASIMOV (CS APPSERV ) Summary This document outlines CSCF file naming rules, documentation and storage locations as it relates...
MikeGore 2014 06 20 Server Setup tools Summary Autmatically setup a new DNS/TFTPBOOT/NFS/Liveboot server with utilities Web Page: https://cs.uwaterloo...
MikeGore 13 Oct 2006 Thunderbird Email Image Filter SPAM Note how to remove messages with embedded images Steps Create a new filter called SPAM IMAGE...
Images by Desktop Motherboard / Laptop Model This page is intended to be an index to the list of images found here: CscfGradImageNotes Desktop machines Asus Sabertooth...
The imapsync application to copy IMAP mail between IMAP mail servers UNDER CONSTRUCTION Information about imapsync The application is available for unix systems...
Discussion of the Userids File for Experts The magic Userids file The `magic` Userids file, /software/accounts userids/data/Userids has its master copy maintained...
Experiments and Documentation relating to CFADRIANGADGETINCLUDE variable This page is useful for reference, but really documents why the mildly arcane CFADRIANGADGETINCLUDE...
Referers This topic is referred to by... Note: when I added multiple `off` parameter to the SEARCH, I think that`s the same as multiple `on`. AdrianPepper...
Some Relevant History of https AltNames To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates...
Generating a CSR To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Generate a Certificate...
Generating a CSR specifying SANs To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates...
Generating a New Private Key To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Generate...
Get Certificate from Web Page using Firefox To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates...
Stunnel Certificate File Format To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates...
Xhier Certificate Location To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Certificate...
Receive Certificate To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Receive the...
Submit the CSR To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Need note or new...
Test SSL Imap Connection To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Testing...
Use the openssl Command to Test Certificate Installations To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed...
Test Web Server Certificate To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Testing...
Install Certificate To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Installing...
Web and SMTP Certificate File Format To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates...
sponsor resources and accounts client AdrianPepper 19 Mar 2010
Preliminary Notes About Sponsors Data; Creating Userids Creating Truly New Users (Userids) Before you can use the sponsors data software to create new accounts for...
Explanation of /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/CLASSES CLASSES/ CLASSES/ files under ClASSES allocate resources for instructors and instructional...
CSCF/ CSCF/ files under CSCF facilitate the computing facility CSCF/admin administrative assistant staff, and many mailing lists CSCF/consulting this...
Sponsors Data Directory Organization Note that in the case of any discrepency between what is stated here. and what is the actual case on the UNIX computer...
REGISTRAR/ REGISTRAR/ files under REGISTRAR `automatically` sponsor resources, based on data received from the registrar`s office REGISTRAR/.DATA/ Don...
REGISTRAR YYYYMM/ REGISTRAR YYYYMM/ Files under REGISTRAR YYYYMM , e.g. REGISTRAR 201001 implement the predictable long term expiry of sponsored resources...
Explanation of /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/Research Research/ Research/ files under Research correspond to an individual researcher or research...
Explanation of /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/School School/ School/ files under School are for non teaching resource requirements School/Away...
Needed at start of standard table describing portion of sponsors data directory Directory/File NamePurpose Sample Column 1Sample Column 2 AdrianPepper 26 Oct...
Explanation of /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/ top There are no files to edit at the top level. There are directories which are recursively processed...
Traditional Sponsors Data Documentation Documentation The following traditional UNIX man page documentation describes the sponsors data base in a technical fashion...
Cautionary Notes About Editing the Sponsors Data Cautionary Notes About Editing the Sponsors Data In general you should avoid making easy to make mistakes....
Sponsors Data Editing RCS Checkin Use RCS ci command to unlock the file so others can edit it At this point you must use the RCS utility ci to save a record of...
Sponsors Data Editing RCS Use RCS co command to prepare file for editing All files in the sponsor data are now maintained using the RCS set of utilities. Before using...
Sponsors Data Editing Tutorial The central aspect of making any particular resource changes for any particular set of users defined by any criteria, is the editing...
Sponsors Data Id Numbers Notes about the ID number needed for sponsors data Even if a userid inherently has several ID numbers, there is only one which may be used...
Preliminary Sponsors Data Notes; Location Location of Accounts Sponsor files The accounts files for CS are on the UNIX computer cs xh admin.cs.private.uwaterloo...
Sponsors Data Run sponsor resources Before Making Changes Run sponsor resources before making changes While it is not strictly necessary, it seems a very wise practice...
General Preliminary Notes About Modifying Sponsors Data These notes relate to adding users to groups and servers using the Xhiered Accounts packages. This controls...
General Preliminary Notes About Modifying Sponsors Data Required authorization Users who need to update accounts need to be in group `sponsor` and group `accounts...
accounts client command Run the accounts client program accounts client {hostname, eg:cs general.cs.private} ~/hostname date This will cause the desired changes...
accounts master command Run the accounts master program to process the changes Note: everyone who runs the sponsor resources command should be aware that it is...
sponsor resources command Run the sponsor resources program to process the changes Note: everyone who runs the sponsor resources command should be aware that it...
userinfo command Run the userinfo program to verify your changes Run the userinfo command before and after you make your changes to verify that its output reflects...
Setting the password Setting the Password Once an account has been created or if someone forgets their password, the password for the account must be (re)set. For...
Email Replies to non Undergrads Email Replies to Expiry Inquiries From Users Who Are Not Undergraduate Students For Graduate CS students, these accounts expire on...
Sample Replies to Non undergraduate CS TEACHING users Sample Email Replies to Such Users It seems it might be helpful to have templates to address the common situation...
Information About the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) This document is meant to give determine how the AODA affects CSCF`s websites. The AODA...
Infrastructure Services This page includes CSCF developer`s notes, references and links on the School`s IT provided services Accounts/Authentication Management...
The command init home desktop (maintained on debian31:/software/bin/init home desktop) is available for linux xhiered machines. init home desktop move aside desktop...
CREATING A WINDOWS WORKSTATION BASE IMAGE WINXP 30Aug2006 Some of this is out of date please verify and fix Notes: These instructions are for creating a base OS...
OBSOLETE 1 rsh to ace1.adm 1 run /fsys1/ace/prog/sdadmin, you will see some thing like `File System User Token Group Client Realm Site Profile Log Report`...
Installed Software on the CSCF Debian image Linux Kernel 2.6 (2.4 available as an alternate) standard Debian kernel image Email Mozilla ThunderBird 0....
This page should be deleted (created it in CFPrivate instead) DennisBellinger 2014 08 14
Installing Perl Modules as a non root user in one`s homedir The problem, as identified: there wasn`t an xhier package for a particular set of modules; and a user would...
Installing smalltalk.cs, 21 June 2004 Solaris 9 04/04 Solaris 8 was already installed told installer to go ahead and partitiona disk. Made a 2048MB swap slice...
This page is being proposed for deletion because its content was migrated to another page. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic...
Institute for Computer Research Here we`ll collect specific notes relating to supporting ICR DC DC1301, DC1302, DC1304, DC1316 and DC1331 Presentation Rooms...
Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) Background Faculty members are Richard Cleve and John Watrous. There is no `IQC` server over which we have any responsibilities...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the content was small enough such that it was easily migrated to its backlink. If you believe it should be kept, please...
Internal CSCF Projects SCS Email Plans 2021 Plans for deprecation of CS Mail Services CSCF website to WCMS Winter 2018 through Fall 2018...
IntranetSSL Certificates See also OrganizationSSL Strictly speaking, either OrganizationSSL or IntranetSSL intermediate certificates will be used to create a chain...
Inventory Development Log Suggested IDE Setup See here for a suggested IDE and debug setup. Ideas for Improvement Include a saved history for searches. I.e...
Inventory Developer Test Plan Overview This document describes the plan for testing the inventory application. Originally these tests were done manually, however...
Inventory Database: Field Descriptions These are the field definitions for the CSCF/MFCF Inventory System. See InventoryUserDocs for more information. Note: These...
Inventory Installation Scope of This Document This guide explains how to make a developer`s working copy of CSCF`s Inventory application. It does not include instructions...
Inventory Monitoring Updates Spring 2019 Summary Devon has a term goal of updating Nagios to Ubuntu 18.04. This includes the Nagios API layer written by Dennis, which...
Inventory Database: Requirements Document This document incorporates notes from 62833 (inventory database on cscf in php) and 47633 (wishlist, closed) as well as discussions...
Inventory Database: Requirements Document Data Model Notes DRAFT This is structured to correspond to the InventoryRedesignRequirements document to which it relates...
Inventory Salt Integration Project Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to facilitate Salt updates pushed from inventory; involving Inventory...
Inventory Schema Please see
Inventory Service Monitoring Project DRAFT Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to replace the Inventory `Services` section, which used...
Inventory Service Monitoring Meeting Notes 2021 02 16 Initial meeting with managers; full discussion of the request. Next meeting on 2021 03 10. 2021 02 17 Devs...
An Inventory record may have a single Support Group asociated with it. The Group is found in the `Support` tab. Valid values are as follows. For additions or changes...
Inventory System Administrator Documentation The inventory system tracks CSCF and Computer Science equipment in a database. It can be accessed at https://cs.uwaterloo...
Inventory System Triage Documentation This page is meant to consolidate all of the how to`s related to the Inventory System. Table of Contents Guides to the Completion...
Inventory User Documentation Logging In and Out The Inventory application is shared between and faculty computing facility/ MFCF staff...
Inventory User Document Logging in The inventory system is available at for current CF staff. Your UWDir password...
Inventory Wish List Review 2016 May 19 Agenda Requested features? small group at white boards; max. 20 minutes Integration with External Tools /...
MikeGore 14 Jun 2012 Setup an IPMI SOL card with Ubuntu Fixing Grub to work with SOL Note: I could not get grub to work with both serial and console at the same...
IpmiWeb Web access to iKVM on an IPMI card Access a SuperMicro IPMI interface from Firefox. To view the iKVM the launch.jnlp will be downloaded and run. Java...
Irix (SGI`s version of Unix) IRIX is not commonly used in CS, but there`s at least a couple of machines in everyday use. Some documentation on somewhat obscure topics...
This page is being proposed for deletion because DebianInCS describes it as `old crap`. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and...
Inventory System Triage Documentation (Draft) The inventory system tracks CSCF and Computer Science equipment in a database. It can be accessed at https://cs.uwaterloo...
JabberWockie Overview Ubuntu 14.04LTS Supermicro nScale 101 Operon 6000 Series Server Supermicro H8SGL motherboard with AMD AOPeteron 12C 6344 2.6 32G ram 4x Hot...
Problem: I lack hardware for initial implementation of freebsd5. But: I know FreeBSD can implement virtual interfaces and assign them to jails, so... Answer...
John`s Work Guide and Responsibilities JohnGilbert 2015 02 27
John`s Work Guide and Responsibilities These notes are to describe the basic work that I do, the responsibilities that I have here at the University, guides to my...
The CS General Windows Domain Introduction There is a Windows Domain (part of the Active Directory infrastructure) membership in which provides some advantages:...
05 Jul 2012 Infrastructure Group Meeting. Attendance: Adrian, Clayton, Dave, Dan, Guoxiang, Phil Dates of Interest Last day of lectures for this term is: 25 spring... Admins: nfish, fhgunn is a production service implementing a Jupyter Hub for undergraduate...
ST#51597 has all the gory details. For now, just one attachment: the config file for the 2.6.15 kernel. The kernel .deb package is too big to attach. MikePatterson...
Customizing KDE for multiple user use, such as on front end servers in the Student Environment. Also see KdePerformance and ST #49493. KDE Docs on configuration internals...
This document will discuss KDE Performance. Feel free to add particulars! Related ST: #49493. Also see KdeMultiUser. Performance Tips Starting document: this...
Main.ctucker 29 May 2007 Configuration of SCS Public Kiosks At boot time, an SCS public kiosk is configured to forgo the normal Windows logon process and immediately...
Kiosk Events Display Overview The Kiosk in the Great Hall of the Davis Centre displays upcoming events on its upper screen. These events are primarily drawn from...
Main.ctucker 28 Jul 2009 Kiosk Hardware Specifications This page will outline some of the relevant hardware details of SCS`s public kiosk computers. But right now...
Kiosk Proxy Service Motivation The kiosk displays web content, which may become available due to any number of reasons, including network and server failures. When...
CS Kiosk Graphical Home Page Visibull Digital Signage the product we are using for our digital signs Modifying a Google Drive...
SCS Kiosk Shutdown or Reboot (Restart) You can remotely shutdown or restart the cs kiosks using a couple of methods: Preferred method for restart login to najas...
LFS (Linux From Scratch) What is it? Benefits Drawbacks With Building Sometimes errors are run into that aren`t explained how to solve. With The...
LISA 2010 Attendee Notes The LISA Conference was held in San Diego, CA. Five staff from UW attended: Jeff Voskamp (IST), Robyn Landers (MFCF) and Fraser Gunn, Ronaldo...
LISA 2010 Fraser`s attendee notes `10: November 7 12, San Jose CA Training Sessions Attended Nagios: Advanced Topics Instructor: John Sellens, SYONEX Description...
LISA 2010 Lawrence`s attendee notes `10: November 7...
LISA 2010 Ronaldo`s attendee notes `10: November 7...
Accounts are synced from plg2 by a script that`s in the crontab. It`s under /software/local passwds. If a machine gets reinstalled...
Lab Mac System Administrator Documentation The Mac Labs are lab rooms throughout the MC building dedicated to giving students access to Mac computers. In any of these...
Lab Renovations CSCF Workflow (THIS NEEDS UPDATING) The CS Space Committee is to be involved whenever the look, feel, or use of a space, or the potential for that...
Laptop Lending Program for the School of Computer Science CSCF Master ST item ST#81816 Public service description
This page is being proposed for deletion because there is no longer any content on this page. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic... EdwardChrzanowski 2014 09 19
SGI Altix System Administration Dave Wright out of Egan, Minnesota daw #64; 7 hostname: tng2 tng7 Course expects some amount of Red Hat background...
S nail (S mailx) mailer WORK IN PROGRESS Not ready for others. From apt show s nail . Description: feature rich BSD mail(1) S nail is a mail processing system...
Lenovo Specific Notes BIOS settings Enable Secure boot the imaging process will need this Secure Boot setting will also enable other required defaults...
School of Computer Science shared Library the Distributed Library Project (DLP) CSCF`s DLP: (no longer exists this project is no longer...
Licensed Software Work In Progress We don`t license a lot of software, so this page should be an adequate place to record it all. Filemaker Adobe Acrobat Pro Microsoft...
Linux in CS CollectdConfiguration Configuring your system for resource monitoring MetaPackages bundle, deploy and update collections of deb packages across...
Linux Active Directory (obsolete) Here we will document how to setup a Linux machine to authenticate against an Active Directory and then how to solve various problems...
Automated Shutdown Procedure for Linux These are for notes on automating a shutdown in preparation for a power outage or other outages. The general procedure...
Linux Containers Many of CSCF`s servers run using LXC (LinuX Containers) (see: ) Here we document the most useful commands for working...
MikeGore 2013 05 02 Linux Diagnotic , Reporting and Repair Tools Recovery Utilities Recovery is Possible Diagnostic and Recovery Tools Includes information...
Legato Client Installation notes (OBSOLETE) See Legato Install Notes for Windows Restoring Files
Using OpenLDAP for Linux Accounts Management This document assumes you are using Ubuntu Server 6.06 (dapper) for both the server and client. It also assumes using...
This page describes the instalation of a Gnu/Linux Distribution on Apple Harware. Most of this page refers to a PowerBook, see below on tips for the Mac Mini (yes...
The biggest problem we`ve had so far with Linux printing is how to authenticate. Our current lpd/lpr system make it very difficulty to reliably and easily allow the...
MikeGore 24 Mar 2020 Linux Remote Desktop Access 8 Sept 2020 Mike Gore Ubuntu 18.04LTS see RT# 1051887 Linux vpn.cs client setup VPN required for remote access...
Standard Features for the Linux desktop This is intended to keep track of the functions and features we expect to be available and working under the standard CSCF...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the only content on this page is a broken link. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it is meant to be a redirect and I replaced all backlinks with the link in this page. If you believe it should be...
Linux Test Suite Note (March 2016) some things to add: gui adminimstration of package adding; reboot/shutdown (does it work??); the cscf adm/cscf op accounts do...
Managing Linux User Accounts An initial foray into figuring out how Linux user accounts and perhaps other stuff like printing can be managed by using network based...
MikeGore 24 Feb 2010 Linux Wireless Networking at UW eduroam External Douments See this document for the latest instructions:
Please use the eduroam installer for all newer version of ubuntu Download it from: Using UW Wireless (eduroam) under Ubuntu 10.10 To...
Linux Working Group Agenda Meeting Date TEAMS: Attendees Agenda
Sun is angling for small footprint 1/2/4u. Opterons and low end Sparcs. Look here. Looking at PXE installs for x86 over network. Sun will also be supporting HP...
`Who would fly on an airplane if it was running Windows?` (no hands) `What if it was running Linux?` (some hands) `What about FreeBSD?` (more hands) `You`re...
This was almost a workshop style tutorial, with lots of participation from the attendees. It`s worth going to once; probably not worth attending twice. Robyn gave...
Advanced Solaris Administration Informal classroom poll: there`s still some legacy Solaris 6 in production, some 7, loads and loads of 8/9, and very little 10. Lots...
Next Generation Security Tools Security policy includes what you are securing include assumptions (like physical security: `we assume that the building is secured...
Network Security Profiles When considering a site`s security profile, it`s important to determine not just what it does have, but also what it doesn`t have. You...
16 November 2004 Solaris 10 Security Peter Baer Galvin Solaris is evolving, but security is somewhat stable. Tutorial notes were based on build 63 (10 wasn`t...
LISA 2004 Combating Spam..., David Skoll Using MIMEDefang. A big con is that we can`t send back different reply codes to the bad guy. The multiplexor is to avoid...
I didn`t take very many notes at this session, as the tutorial notes are fairly straightforward. I will give page numbers that refer to the notes, and these notes...
those not in the know Livejournal is an extremely large weblogging site. They were purchased by SixApart not long (as of April 2005) ago. here `We`ll go into what...
LISA Conference 2004. Conference ran Sunday 14 November until Friday the 19th. General notes: Atlanta, GA venue was the downtown Marriot Marquis MikePatterson...
MikeGore 31 Oct 2012 LJC ALG Printer See also AlgorithmsAndComplexity Location DC2305 Printer Description ALG HP LaserJet Enterprise 500 color Printer...
To use the NEC projector with an iMac: Connect the projector`s RGB IN 1 port with the Mac`s mini DVI port using the cable provided. The mini DVI port is on the back...
Local Linux Accounts Adding users with a UW userid When creating accounts on a linux machine, we typically use the `adduser` command (in Ubuntu/Debian distributions...
The basic script is installed under /Library/Scripts and is run upon login. This currently contains the comment sections from the cleanbasic script #set xv; exec...
This logout script is found under /Library/Scripts and currently just contains comments #Update on June 27, 2006 added support for 10.3 clients and other improvements...
UW Web `Common Look and Feel` Implementation The CSCF implementation of the UW CLF makes us of a database backend to store side menu options. These options are hierarchical...
LPR Printing for Windows Note we assume that this computer will NOT be part of a domain ( domain users have printing automatically setup ) Note for Wireless Laptop...
This page is being proposed for deletion because this page only contains a link, which is broken. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent...
Starting Points for CSCF non twiki LXC documentation up LinuX Containers (LXC) CS Container... Courses Campus has subscribed to to provide video on demand courses on technical topics. Following is detail on subscribing to lynda and details...
m160 Bioinformatics Research Cluster This document describes Ming Li`s CCF research cluster m160.cs See:
M3A78 CM Based Grad PC Workstation Base BIOS Adjustments The workstation base became our new standard base in April 2009. Consists of: Touch PC base Asus...
M3A78 EMH HDMI Based Grad PC Workstation Base BIOS Adjustments Consists of: Touch PC base Asus M3A78 EMH HDMI Motherboard AMD AX2 7750 Processor...
MikeGore 2015 10 22 ASUS M4A89GTD PRO/USB en m M4A89GTD%20PRO/USB3 p 1 s 24
MC Lab Checks This page will detail what is required to check the labs in MC Basics The MC Lab checks are a process used to ensure that the labs are operating properly...
FAQ How to restore a known working Ubuntu KDE/Gnome GUI setup. Access Who can use them? Any student with a cs region account can use the teaching Linux systems...
Math Faculty Computing Facility (MFCF) Purpose We have talked numerous times about having a collaborative document repository, and what type to use, and where to...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Printing Color Documents with a Mac on a Xerox Color Printer Note: The Driver for the Xerox WorkCentre 7535 was downloaded from the website and installed on the...
MacAdmins Conference 2016 MacAdmins is the premier East Coast conference for anyone who deploys and manages Macs and iOS devices. In 2015 we featured 60 sessions and...
Creating a Bootable USB for Macs Apple has created a support page which directs you to ca/HT...
Obsolete sudo niutil createprop . /users/joebob shell /bin/tcsh and substitute your short userid for joebob, of course. MikePatterson 24 Mar 2005 start...
Obsolete Create a new userid under System Preferences/Accounts change icon picture if users requests Pay very close attention to the users short name...
Carbon Copy cloner is a software package that is installed on the standard Macintosh platform or can be obtained fromm You cannot clone...
Main.iturner 01 Apr 2009 Disable Safe Sleep (Obsolete) Mac portables can become un bootable off their hard drive if the safe sleep image is corrupted. See for further...
This list of Macintosh error codes is erroneus as soon as it`s put up. There are new codes introducted all the time, but most of these should at least remain constant...
PDF Browser Plugin for Mac Firefox System Administrator Documentation The Mac Firefox PDF Browser Plugin is a plugin for Firefox that allows users running Mac...
Mac For Surplus 1 Connect the Mac to VLAN 420 (Asimov`s network) 1 NetBoot the machine Sometimes when booting into the DeployStudio NetBoot set, the...
Obsolete All faculty, staff, and students (grad and undergrad) use the same image. What is different are the hidden/inaccessible Applications that are made so via...
Creating a Mac OS X Installation Image using DeployStudio (Obsolete) 2011 11 08: in progress This applies to both multicast and unicast images. 1. creating a netboot...
Mac Image Deployment We almost always use DeployStudio. Sometimes it`s handy to use Carbon Copy Cloner to backup to an external drive before installing a new OS....
The software differences in various MacOS X versions we deploy (Obsolete) This is a work in progress. ToDo: we have a non teaching minimal image, that we use as a...
Mac Imaging (Obsolete) On the topic of Imaging Mac imaging is dead. Imaging is a process that has been deprecated and completely abandoned by Apple and the Mac community...
Procedure for Checking on Apple Computers There are 3 major procedures to check on the health of Apple computers (iMacs, Mac minis, MacBooks) power network...
Obsolete SNMP monitoring for Nagios/Cacti MacSnmpSetup on Macs Sassafras monitoring SassafrasLabMonitoring EdwardChrzanowski 2014 10 27
Obsolete As of May 2014 the undergrad Mac labs in MC are running OS X 10.8.4 with the following additional software: (note this is not a complete list nor is it current...
Guides to the Completion of Scheduled Tasks Some tasks must be completed on a regular basis. List the scheduled tasks from least frequently recurring to most frequently...
Obsolete There are a bunch of things that need to be done to make a Mac `lab worthy`. Hers is a list: It is currently in the processes of being revised. Disable...
Mac OS X Running a Command at Login and Logout One way to run applications at login time is to launch them using a LoginHook. Similarly, a LogoutHook can be used...
The following tools are currently used by Google to manage over 64,000 Apple devices with less than a dozen people. They mentioned to avoid sourceforge (because it...
How to distribute and install more than one boot image on a client A disk can be partitioned into single, dual or triple boot partitions. Single and dual are already...
Mac Lab New Image Creation (OBSOLETE) How to create a new Intel image NetRestore has reached EOL from creator Mike Bombich, information on this page should be considered...
Mac Network Trace From Steve Hellyer: here`s how to capture a full packet network trace on Mac OS X.... Open up Terminal and type: sudo tcpdump K i en1 s 0 w...
Mac OS Version Notes (Obsolete) Glossary Universal: PowerPC and Intel compatible Mac OS 10.4 `Tiger` Universal Requirements: A PowerPC G...
This is an old document, dated 17 February 2005. Using pkgviews on a Mac OS system Mac OS 10.3.8, xcode 1.5 and Java 1.4.2 Developers installed. This requires a...
Mac Printing There Are Actually Two SCS Print Servers In order to prevent confusion, the first thing to know is that CSCF maintains two different print servers for...
Obsolete They look like this: (imagine a picture here). They have blue ends with a twisted grey cable and are about 30cm long. It turns out that they`re Prolific...
Obsolete The /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file on the Mac lab machines needs to be modified as follows: Note: There might not be an snmpd.conf file on the machine and so...
MacOSX Software for Special Events Each special event that uses the Mac labs tends to use similar software over time. Here we will document where the software comes...
Setting up a BaseSystem (Obsolete) 1 Initial Account Set up administration Account need IPaddress temporary address or permanent address and port to the internet...
This page briefly describes the sequence of events that happen when Mac OS X boots. Power is turned on. Open Firmware code is executed. Hardware information is collected...
Need to reboot your Mac to access a new startup disc or launch with safe mode enabled so you can troubleshoot problems with OS X? Then read this list of startup options...
Mac OS X Support Approach This information (so far) pertains only to a Mac workstation. It is a work in progress, driven by discussions of those CSCF staff who do...
MikeGore 17 May 2010 MacTeX Tex/Latex for the Mac Summary of MacTeX: Download: http://www.tug...
Mac Test Suite (Obsolete) Here we list a series of features that should run under our standard Macintosh installation, or any time we want to test various features...
The following KB from VMware provides some assistance in solving performance issues on macs. en US cmd...
Obsolete Put the attached file into .vimrc in your home directory. :syn on and enjoy. This may work on other platforms too. MikePatterson 05 Nov 2004
Virtualization on Apple Hardware Possibilities to allow multiple OSes to run at the same time: VirtualBox currently free. VMWareFusion currently CS has...
Obsolete The version of X11 that Apple recommends is XQUARTZ from Previous versions of X11 are deprecated. XQUARTZ is currently... worst bugs in os x yosemite and how to fix them 1652690924 with yosemite mail/ http...
CSCF Machine Rooms Labelling Standards Machine Room racks and organization MachineRoomRacks Fire Suppression Power and Air Conditioning Consoles and KVMs...
Machine Room Fire Suppression Here we gather the techniques we will use to protect machine rooms from fire, in a way that will minimize the occurrence of floods such...
Machine Room Fire Protection Campus Practice This page has moved to to avoid a...
Machine Room Mapping Tool Change Log Back to the MachineRoomMapping page ThomasAng 17 Dec 2004 The page is up again and can be used. I`m currently working...
Machine Room Mapping Tool suggestion box Here we can collect notes on features that we would like to see fixed, changed or added. Please provide some notes on the...
Machine Room Mapping Tool Where to find it Official site: map/login.php Original site in ThomasAng`s home directory:...
RobynLanders 07 Aug 2008 MOVED TO MFCF MEDIAWIKI This page has been moved to the MFCF wiki as of September 2010. Don`t bother editing it here. MC3015 Machine Room...
See ST#47625. (OBSOLETE) Ref Mfg Model Internal Sensors External Sensors Notifications Price 1 Esensors EM01B 3 temperature, light, humidity Optional HTTP, email...
Macintosh We are currently discussing and determining the overall Mac support approach. Installation and Configuration Mac OS X Versions Mac Image Creation...
Macintosh Diagnostics Home (Obsolete) This is the default landing page used in our diagnostics NetBoot image. It will cover basic diagnostics tips as well as the...
How to Print from Macs to the Main CS Printers 1 Check the list of CUPS printers by browsing to Notes : Setting up colour...
This page is set to be deleted. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification from its markup. Method 2 (Old...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Mailman lists used in CS The canonical list of CS lists hosted by IST on is availble at (ADFS...
Managing an IST Mailman Mailing List Setting up the mailing list This needs to be done by someone on IST staff That is, submit an IST RT or equivalent...
Adrian Pepper`s Simple Quick Start Guide to Using Mailman Lists (rendered for `` list) How to use this page View this page as ?mmlist LISTNAME but replace the...
Adrian Pepper`s Guide to Mailman List Listinfo Maintenance (rendered for `` list) Authenticate as adminstrator for a list, and then view this page as https:/...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation (rendered for `` list) Preface I was actually hoping to find a link to someone else`s description...
AdrianPepper 2015 12 14 Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Accept (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Accept Page2 (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you may sometimes see at...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Defer (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you may sometimes see at...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Discard (rendered for `` list) Discussion of the Discard option Discard is, unfortunately, actually...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Discard Page 2 (rendered for `` list) You should read this page read after the first Moderation...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Done (rendered for `` list) You should read this page read after the other Moderation pages. Once...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Instructions (rendered for `` list) You should read this page read after the other Moderation pages...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Reject (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you may sometimes see at...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Reject Page2 (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you may sometimes see...
\ This page is not part of the MailManManagementGuide structure. \ It is, in general wiki tradition, labelled as Sandbox because \ it is used as a place to develop...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List (Nearly) All Options (rendered for `` list) Preface The designers of mailman provide many other options to...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List General Options (rendered for `` list) Preface The designers of mailman provide a page of general options to...
Using Curl to Change Settings in Mailman Lists (rendered for `` list) How to use this page View this page as ?mmlist LISTNAME but replace the word LISTNAME...
Enumerated Mailman Management Links (rendered for `` list) Reminder View this page as ?mmlist LISTNAME But replace the word LISTNAME with the actual name for...
Creating a Mailman Mailing List on IST`s Mailman server Contact IST Contact IST via JIRA
Main.ctucker 17 Nov 2005 Management of Neoware Eon 4000 and E100 Terminals Management of all Eon 4000 and E100 terminals is centrally located on the Eon Management...
Main.ctucker 17 Nov 2005 Creating and Modifying Main and Manditory Terminal Menus As mentioned in ManEons, menu files are designated as .rgy files. In reality these...
Managing Users and Printers on the server cups.cs This document is addressed to those who are responsible for adding users to the PYKOTA print accounting system...
Management This page is intended to list the topics of interest to the CSCF Management group. Employees New/Departing/Job Info/Absences Notes for new CSCF...
Management Principles and Insights Management Principles and Insights We`ve learned that we must spend as much time on management as is necessary, and only with...
See ST#57802 for details, but succinctly, to apply patches, use smpatch update . This will not automatically install all outstanding patches; some may require `special...
Maple Installation License IST license Page Support contacts: systems technology...
MarkUs System Administrator Documentation MarkUs is a ruby on rails based online assignment submission system that allows markers to annotate submitted documents,...
Marmoset Course Configuration THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE FOR CSCF STAFF ONLY ISAs, ISCs, instructors, TAs, and IAs should NOT be doing any of the steps on this page unless...
MikeGore 25 Jan 2007 MathWorks Web Site
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Matlab Installation and Licensing Resources or use MATLAB online Licensing options and files There are...
MediaWiki This page is intended to document the aspects of MediaWiki that USG members are interested in learning about. With that said, anyone who finds it interesting...
demos on curu : really nice need to get passwordless smbmount working, f`rinstance on saci for Saurabh. Justin doesn`t really need access to curumin/curupira shares...
Meeting of 5 July 2004 Meeting started at approx. 1415h. Present: Ken Salem, Gladimir Baranoski, Justin Wan, Gail Chopiak, Mike Patterson, Lawrence Folland Gladimir...
Present: Gladimir Baranoski, Justin Wan, Francis Chen, MikePatterson, LawrenceFolland Discussion: 1 completing the OpenGL installation 1 hardware support for...
Moving mail Mike Gore and Lawrence Folland 2004/11/25 need to know what client(s) they`re using get a .forward file setup setup clients to read...
LSI MegaRaid Hardware notes LSI MegaRaid controllers are available in various configurations. See The RAID array can be set up via the Adapter BIOS on...
Moved to MetaPackagesAdrianPepperBeta. This page should be deleted. Or perhaps used by others.
Annual Reviews Client Survey We usually email something like this: To: cs announce Subject: annual CSCF (Computer Science Computing Facility) staff reviews It`s...
MikeGore 28 Oct 2005 MicroX using SSH tunnelling See also SecureShell for details on SSH Configuration of SSH Client and MicroX Xwin32 SSH Client is UofW...
Microsoft Imagine Software Suite General Information Microsoft Imagine is a Microsoft sponsored Azure web site for the educational community. The Math Faculty has...
Middle Atlantic parts we commonly use to order Middle Atlantic Vendors: Anixter London Patti Dennison 1 800 265 6042 Anixter London Kathy Lawrence 1 800...
Migrating a Thunderbird Address Book to Outlook Background This is based on work in ST#74959 exploring how to migrate Thunderbird address books to Outlook Overview...
MikTex Installation steps On the AppServer, look in \exports\export\COMMON\MikTex 2.4 run setup 2.4.1477.exe accept all defaults this...
MinUWet Overview This application was developed by Erick Engelke in Engineering to help promote safe computing. It tests Windows laptops to ensure that they meet...
(This is an old document, dating to 12 April 2005.) Mac Minis as school PCs After using a Mac Mini as a primary workstation for approximately a month, I believe that...
From time to time, removable media (including CDs, DVDs and others) can refuse to eject via the normal Mac OS X methods pressing the keyboard eject key; using the...
Effective May 2009, mirror.cs redirects to mirror.csclub. Mirror.csclub is the official mirror for several open source projects, and is the campus distribution point...
sources.list for Ubuntu Using `wget no check certificate`, you can download the versions of sources.list for hosts internal to UW campus here: https://cs.uwaterloo...
This page is being proposed for deletion because backlinks to this page were simply replaced with the given link. If you believe it should be kept, please move it...
At some point in the recent past the following was done to xhier some linux boxes for the graphics lab. Preserved the disk partitions but remade the file...
Miscallaneous How to`s This page is intended to list any topics dedicated to completing a process but are not sufficient to be considered triage documentation....
Dan Hergott`s Miscellaneous Notes Free Printable Calendars http://www.printable CONVERT METRIC CAD drawing from millimeters to inches 0....
Generally available printers For faculty: ljp cs (1,2) DC 2320 lj dc3624 DC 3624 ljp dc3109 DC 3116 aka ljp 7(?) For Grad Students: $40 quota for self service...
Mobile Device Management Procedures New Devices Before we give new devices to the library, we should: remove any earbuds briefly check for adequate (over...
Installing and configuring the mod auth cas module to work with Apache 2 on Ubuntu This is to make use of the Central Authentication Service provided by IST for single...
Main.ctucker 17 Nov 2005 CSCF Modifications for Neoware Eon 4000 and E100 Terminals Before an new Eon 4000 or E100 is put into service it is setup with some CSCF...
Main.ctucker 04 Jul 2007 Modify Eon Desktop Colour There isn`t a simple direct way to alter the desktop colour of an Eon. There are several complicated steps which...
How to Modify the Google Drive Presentation Steps below outline how to log in to the Google Drive website and then get to the presentation. Google Chrome is reconmended...
Title Article text. Comments mouse SVN running on cs tech1 for testing All original accounts are running passwords restored The svn...
This is old and obsolete and should be moved to a private section. Migrating a Mailman Mailing List Betweenbbcrandmailman...
Moves and Removals This will be a page discussing the basis of moves and removals, where equipment goes, and what needs to be done in regards to inventory and ONA...
Moving Email WARNING Be careful, especially if moving from mail.cs. I tried the command as listed below, and it assumed EVERYTHING in the file system of my home...
Moving to Connect This document will cover the migration of CS users from their existing mail servers to the IST Exchange server Background In 2010, it was decided...
I wanted to move some people on softbase from /fsys2/u2 (old home directory structure) to /fsys4/u4 (new one). See ST#42644. From: Adrian Pepper To: mpatters...
Mozilla Firefox Windows Specific Installation Locations Local installation files can be found on the AppServer at: \\asimov...
Mozex a Mozilla Extension to configure an external editor for textboxes 2009 8 13: apparently Mozex doesn`t work with `current` versions (ie v3) of Firefox, so...
MikeGore 05 Jan 2006 Howto Upgrade to mozilla 1.7.12 and make Xprint work Note Prior to upgrade you receive the following error trying to print Background...
MikePatterson 16 Dec 2004 Things we definitely need to do: 1 ensure all disks are in use 1 ensure user data integrity MikePatterson 20 Dec 2004 First, backup...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no backlinks. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
CS MySQL Database Backup and Recovery Validation for System Administrators The CS MySQL database backup and recovery procedures should be validated periodically....
High Availability MySQL Design Manual 1. Objectives Our primary objective is to provide a MySQL database to our stakeholders...
Failure of the Master Server If you have performed problem diagnosis and believe the Master Server has failed, these instructions will assist with emergency recovery...
Move Some (but not all) Databases from Old MySQL server to New HA Cluster This section assumes: mysql 5.5 the high availability architecture is one master...
Normal operation Nagios should accurately report that the cluster is operating normally. In case you would like additional verification, the following are manual diagnostics...
MySQL High Availability Preamble This document assumes: You have credentials to access mysql 10 246 and InfoBlox. The high availability...
Problem Diagnosis There are various failure modes of the MySQL cluster; this section will help identify which recovery method to use. The scenarios below are listed...
Restoring Broken Old Master After Failover Caution: this process is meant to cover most situations output of commands should be reviewed to make sure they make sense...
Slave Failure If a slave has failed, we perform a restore from backups from the master. In this example, we use mysql 104 as the example slave to recover, and...
CS MySQL Database High Availability Testing Notes for System Administrators DRAFT This document is for historical use only, as of 8 April, 2016. Current details...
Ubuntu Migration NAS settings Settings: Name: watform nas ( RAID 6 ( Striped set with dual distributed parity, provides fault tolerance...
MikeGore Note cluster is no longer in service RT#1039321 The data for all of novo1,novo2 and novo10 including /u is now located on root@rapid...
MikeGore 2014 03 28 Note cluster is no longer in service RT#1039321 The data for all of novo1,novo2 and novo10 including /u is now located on root@asimov...
MikeGore 16 Apr 2007 NTFS Read/Write utilities http://www.ntfs The NTFS 3G driver is an open source, freely available read/write NTFS driver for Linux...
Nabeel Ahmed`s wireless testbed project (June 2007) The project consists of deploying many (40 or so) custom built wireless APs, driving them with lots of traffic...
Nagios API The Nagios API was created to integrate Nagios more closely with CSCF Inventory. It is documented here so it may be useful for other projects as well. Note...
See NagiosSystemsMonitoring for our current (2015) setup. page covered (circa 2013) nagios3 on FreeBSD with manually edited nagios config files.
Nagios Systems Monitoring and Reporting CSCF uses Nagios to monitor and report on hosts. Our setup is described on this page, including extensions to Nagios to integrate...
MikeGore 14 Feb 2012 Files Location: Install: rsync a cscf adm #64;
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
NetApp Filer Active/active configuration An active/active configuration is two storage systems (nodes) whose controllers are connected to each other either directly...
NetBoot (Obsolete) NetBoot is deprecated and has been completely abandoned by Apple. Macs no longer have the ability to boot off of the network since the introduction...
NetBooting Lab and Tutor Macs (Obsolete) Pressing Option N during startup will cause a Mac to NetBoot from the default boot image if one is available on the subnet...
Net ID Accounts The announcement: From ctsc bounces #64; Tue Aug 13 09:00:49 2013 From: Natasha Jennings To: `isthd@lists...
NetTop notes Overview and Background In 2011, we began to use the NetTop as a `fatter` thin client. This was primarily driven by the desire to speed up browser usage...
NetTop Usage Overview CS Nettops are basic machines that load their software off the network. This approach has its advantages, as well as several pitfalls. The nettops...
7 Router challengers to Cisco (DRH 18 Sept 2010) 1. cisco challengers/default.aspx Debunking the Myth of the Single...
CSCF Nettop Deployment An overview of the various technologies at work providing service to MC3022, with links to further documentation. When A Deployed Nettop Boots...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the content was put in place of this page`s backlinks. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another...
This page is being proposed for deletion because content was small enough to replace backlinks with it. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another...
This information is historical the CS departmental firewall no longer exists (trg, 2014 2 28) (OBSOLETE) CSCF firewall information Basic operational information...
Network Hardware TESTING Network and Internet connectivity (DRH 23 Oct 2007) 1.) ping loopback (ie is OS internal network working). 2.) ping...
MikeGore 04 Jul 2006 Repairing Windows Network Stack Some Spyware or poorly uninstalled firewalls can break Windows networking Example symptoms...
This Page is nearly obsolete and needs rewritting to remove references to the decommissioned `Maintain` application, decommissioning of the CS localized firewall and...
Security (This page is Obsolete Do not migrate) IST gateway traffic policies External firewall blocked...
This information is historical VLAN management is now handled entirely by IST (trg, 2014 2 28) (OBSOLETE) Tutorial 10: Setting up a new network (VLAN) Roadmap...
Routepoint configuration archive Typical definition for an HP routepoint: Configuration for vlan 1731 (cscloudinet); 2010 11 18 On `dc cs2` router vrrp vlan...
Tutorial 11: Creating an LACP link HP Procurve Setup Roadmap to this tutorial: This tutorial outlines the procedure for creating a lacp trunk on a production...
Tutorial 2: Basic access and configuration display Roadmap for this tutorial: In this tutorial, the focus will be on the connectivity issues for attaching a serial...
Tutorial 3: Configuration backup and restore HP switches To backup the configuration file: 1. You will need to backup to a tftp server that is accessible...
This page is being proposed for deletion because content was small enough to replace backlinks with it. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another...
Tutorial 5: How to Configure a HP 2650 Switch (OBSOLETE) Roadmap to this tutorial : This document will show you how to configure a HP2650 switch. For this document...
Tutorial 6: Switch topology Points to discuss: building organization cs2 and cs1 organization and exceptions spanning tree stuff Where to Store...
Tutorial 8: Networking Documentation Roadmap for official CSCF documentation on network facilities, and design criteria, see:
This information is historical the CS departmental firewall no longer exists (trg, 2014 2 28) (OBSOLETE) Tutorial 9: Netscreen firewall procedures Roadmap for...
Legato Networker Windows Install See Legato on Linux for Redhat and Debian installs Notes There are two things you to concern yourself with in order to get...
CSCF Networking Twiki (OBSOLETE) This is to augment WWW networking information which is the authoritative site until merged with this site. There are also public facing...
Networking Lab System Administrator Documentation (DRAFT) This lab is meant for students taking CS 456, which provides an introduction to the fundamentals of network...
Guide for new CSCF employees Q and A What should I do on my first day? The first three items were modified from the Faculty AdministrationNotes. Keys : See your...
Preparing for a new Director of CSCF (migrated to: for New Director) Much of the preparation...
New Faculty Onboarding (migrated to Faculty Onboarding) Here we list the many tasks that have...
Obsolete Deployment can be via ASR, ARD, DeployStudio, external memory stick or hard drive, or from the App store. EdwardChrzanowski 2014 05 02
New Lecturer Onboarding (migrated to: Lecturer Onboarding) Needs updating from Faculty to...
New Part Time Employee Guide (migrated to: Part Time Employee Guide) These are additional guidelines...
This is a repository for useful information for programmers who are new to CSCF. Some information may be specific to co op students but a goal is general applicability...
Rename newscg.cs to scg.cs Related ST item ST#51830 Current situation (Old machine) scg.math: mx mx102.cs cn scg.uwaterloo...
New Sessional Onboarding (migrated to: Sessional Onboarding) Needs updating from Faculty...
New Staff Onboarding (migrated to: Staff Onboarding) Here we list the many tasks that have to...
New Visitor Onboarding (migrated to: Visitor Onboarding) Here we list the many tasks that have...
News items of interest to MFCF/CSCF staff (OBSOLETE) Seminars 2006/03/02 High Availability Networks with ProCurve Networking by HP Conferences 2005/...
NextCloud This is the replacement for OwnCloud. We use NextCloud as the base software for our Vault service. This provides a DropBox like service for our...
Nomachine NX This software allows you to set up a service on a Linux or Solaris machine and then provide a full desktop experience to that server from a Windows, Mac...
Non Registrar Sponsored Accounts Files under the directory /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/ but outside of the directory /software/accounts master/data...
NNI primaries are Grant Weddell and Ric Holt. ReplacingDisksNNIT3Arrays replacing the disks in the T3 arrays in the fridge room in MC. This procedure would...
Nortel Switches Miscellaneous notes Procedure for clearing an unknown Nortel switch password (DRH) 1 Connect terminal to console port of switch 1 Power cycle...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
MikeGore 2016 01 04 What is included in the Windows 7 Enterprise part of the image Update 7 Dec 2015 your Point Of Contact for more details Apply the...
MikeGore 2016 01 04 W7U1404 M4A89GTD 750G F15 Audio Lab v1 notes This image is the SAME as the W7U1404 M4A89GTD 640G F15 v3 with the addition of the audiolab...
MikeGore 2014 05 13 Windows 7 Windows 7 Updates done as of 1 May 2014 All ASUS UX32V drivers from ASUS web site have been installed nVidia Drivers...
MikeGore 10 May 2011 WinXP 10 May 2011 Image Notes Notes: The image as the cscf adm and cscf op 2010 userids Join the domain Check drivers Acrobat...
WinXP? Ubuntu10.10 x32 Image Notes Windows XP Notes Note: image has the cscf adm and cscf op 2010 userids Need to join the domain Check for missing...
MikeGore 10 May 2011 Win7vm Ubuntu Spring2011 6 May 2011 Image Notes Windows Notes: The image as the cscf adm and cscf op 2010 userids Note part of a domain...
Notes taken in Isaac`s briefing to Dawn, Lawrence, Daniel, Stephen, and Adrian on 1 December, 2008. 1) Contact info 2) RT Queue items that should be done before he...
MikeGore 2016 10 12 Clonezilla image U16041 VM 250G F16 V2 Update 17 Oct 2016 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/U16041 VM 250G F16 V2 Summary...
MikeGore 22 May 2020 Clonezilla image W10 1909 U1804 VM S20 ver1 Update 22 May 2020 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10 1909 U1804 VM S20 ver...
MikeGore 2016 10 17 Clonezilla image W10 VM 250G F16 V2 Update 10 Oct 2016 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10 VM 250G F16 V2 Summary of W...
MikeGore 2015 12 10 Windows 10 Enterprise and Applications Clonezilla Image W10U1404 M3A78 CM F15 V1 Update 7 Dec 2015 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images...
MikeGore 2017 03 14 Windows 10 Enterprise and Applications Ubuntu 16.04.1 and Applications Clonezilla Image W10U16041 M4A89GTD 640G W17 V1 Update 7 Dec 2015...
MikeGore 2016 10 12 Clonezilla image W10U18042 VM 400G S19 V1 Update 10 Oct 2019 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10U18042 VM 400G S19 V1 Summary...
MikeGore 2019 04 23 Clonezilla image W10U18042 VM 400G S19 V1 Update 10 Oct 2019 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10U18042 VM 400G S19 V1 Summary...
MikeGore 13 Aug 2020 Clonezilla image W10v2004 U2004 sabertooth S20 v1 Update 13 Aug 2020 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10v2004 U2004 sabertooth...
MikeGore 13 Aug 2020 Clonezilla image W10v2004 U2004 sabertooth 640g s20 v1 Update 13 Aug 2020 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10v2004 U...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes (W81U1404 T440s F14) Image Name: W81U1404 T440s F14 Created by: dmerner Creation Date: August 13, 2014 Created...
MikeGore 10 May 2011 gen14x32.gho Image Notes Notes: The image as the cscf adm and cscf op 2010 userids Join the domain Check drivers Acrobat Pro...
MikeGore 2015 06 30 Grad Workstation Image File Notes: (image file name) Image Name w81u1404 sabertooth 2TB s15 v3 Created By Phil Beldowski, David Gawley...
MikeGore 10 May 2011 Win7 x32 Spring Image Notes Notes: The image as the cscf adm and cscf op 2012 userids Need to join the domain Check drivers Acrobat...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes x2amd001 v1 Image Name: x2amd001 v1 Created by: pbeldows Creation Date: June 11th, 2012 Created on workstation...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes x2amd001 v2 Image Name: x2amd001 v2 Created by: pbeldows Creation Date: August 1, 2012 Created on workstation...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes x2amd002 v2 Image Name: x2amd002 v2 Created by: pbeldows Creation Date: September 18th, 2013 Created on workstation...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes x2amd002 v3 Image Name: x2amd002 v3 Created by: pbeldows Creation Date: October 1st, 2013 Created on workstation...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes x2amd003 Image Name: x2amd003 Created by: pbeldows Creation Date: October 9th, 2013 Created on workstation base...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes x2gen010.gho Image Name: x2gen010.gho Created by: pbeldows Creation Date: August 7, 2009 Imaging software...
x2gen015a.TIB NOTES Location: \\\IMAGES\core Created July 2011 Using Acronis Disk Backup and Recovery 10, NOT ghost...
x2gen016.TIB NOTES Location: \\\IMAGES\core Created Nov 2011 Using Acronis Disk Backup and Recovery 10, NOT version 11 and NOT...
x2gen017v1.TIB NOTES Location: \\\IMAGES\core (being created) Created March 2012 Using Acronis Disk Backup and Recovery 10,...
x2gen017v2.TIB NOTES Location: \\\IMAGES\core (being created) Created June 2012 Using Acronis Disk Backup and Recovery 10, NOT...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it presents no information. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this...
x2gen013i.TIB NOTES Location: \\\IMAGES\core Created April 10, 2011 Using Acronis Disk Backup and Recovery 10, NOT ghost...
x2gen014a.TIB NOTES Location: \\\IMAGES\core Created May 23, 2011 Using Acronis Disk Backup and Recovery 10, NOT ghost...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes x2intel001 v1 Image Name: x2intel001 v1 Created by: pbeldows Creation Date: June 11th, 2012 Created on...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes x2intel001 v2 For Lenovo Laptops Image Name: x2intel001 v2 Created by: pbeldows Creation Date: August 1, 2012...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes x2intel002 v2 Image Name: x2intel002 v2 Created by: pbeldows Creation Date: September 18th, 2013 Created on...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes x2intel003 Image Name: x2intel003 Created by: pbeldows Creation Date: Oct13 Created on workstation base:cs...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes x2intel004 Image Name Created By Creation Date Created on Equipment Tested on Equipment Partitioning...
x2t420s015a.TIB NOTES FOR Lenovo T420 laptops ONLY Location: \\\IMAGES\core Created July 2011 Using Acronis Disk Backup and...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes x2zenbook001 v1 For ASUS Zenbooks only Image Name: x2zenbook001 v1 Created by: pbeldows Creation Date: August...
Grad Workstation Image File Notes x2zenbook002 v1 For ASUS Zenbooks only Image Name: x2zenbook002 v1 Created by: pbeldows Creation Date: August...
PLG NSERC Project 2007 Background Tasks SetupPlgV40z notes for setting up the Sun V40z as the new PLG server SetupPlgT1000Number1 SetupPlgT1000Number...
This is an old working copy that is no longer maintained. The official version of this document is located here:
OGSAS Graduate Admissions Assistant`s Guide Beginning late 2007, the School of Computer Science started deploying the Online Graduate Student Admissions System (OGSAS...
OS X 10.9 `Mavericks` Installation Media Creation This process is identical for Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite (replacing all instances of `Mavericks` with `Yosemite`) OS...
Odyssey Adapter Programs Introduction There are the following programs: cgigate : CGI that connects a remotely authenticated (or anonymous) user to their own...
CS Events The CS Events application is used to advertise events of interest to CS. IsaacMorland 09 Feb 2007 StephenNickerson 8 Dec 2008 Adding a User to webCalendar...
Odyssey Application: CS Teaching Preferences This application collects teaching preferences from CS faculty members and allows administrative users to view the collected...
Odyssey Application: Website Maintenance This application allows authorized individuals to maintain the menus and other centralized information that is part of the...
Odyssey Applications This is being replaced by a new system based on Python and PostgreSQL. See OdysseyApplications3 for details. This is a system for creating web...
Odyssey 3 Applications Note: This section is what I am working on right now. Not everything described here is yet operational. This is a UW specific system for creating...
XHier Package odyssey 3 apache The odyssey 3 apache carries configuration and data for our Apache 2 installations. Configuration ( ...
Odyssey 3 Apache Configuration This page explains the contents of /software/odyssey 3 apache/config . RCS ...
XHier Package odyssey 3 apache/data The data directory contains the following subdirectories: home ...
Enabling an Apache module in odyssey 3 apache In order to enable Apache modules for our Apache environment, there are additions made on the webserver (such as www...
Odyssey 3 Applications The following applications are implemented in the Odyssey 3 framework: uwdata ...
Oddysey 3 UW CLF Implementation This page describes the UW CLF implementation in use on www.cs and www.student.cs . Static Pages Static web pages are implemented...
Odyssey 3 Applications Database All data are stored in the Postgres database at appdb.cs:5433 . Each application has a schema. Naming Conventions Identifiers use...
Odyssey 3 Application Structure This page explains all the pieces required in order to implement an application that uses the Odyssey framework. Project Directory...
Odyssey 3 Apache Virtual Host Configuration This page describes how each virtual host is configured in our Apache 2 installation. HTTP only Virtual Hosts Each virtual...
Version Control The Subversion read write URL to the OdysseyApplications repository: svn ssh://odyssey@core/u/odyssey/svn/odyssey/ The JavaScript...
Odyssey Connect Directory The Odyssey connect directory contains the FIFOs used to communicate between the gateway adapters (OdysseyAdapter) and the JVMs (OdysseyJavaCode...
Odyssey Web Development Co op Guide These notes provide an introductory guide for Web Developer co op students working on the Odyssey application. They are currently...
Odyssey Documentation Overview This page provides technical information about the Odyssey web application`s online help. Background
Odyssey EMS Meeting September 19, 2016 Notes from meeting with Caroline. Overall she liked the system and had many positive things to say about it, but she found...
Meeting with ISG ISCs in their weekly Monday meeting Daniel, Dimitri, and Frank met with Karen Anderson, Barbara Daly, Caroline Kierstead, Olga Zorin, and Travis Bartlett...
Odyssey: Exam Management System Demo 2016 11 14 Feedback in italics Accordion design ( 107839) Make sections collapsable needs instructions for usage...
Odyssey: Exam Management System Demo 11 21 2016 11 21 Feedback in italics Accordion design ( 107839) done; they like it. Collect more Crowdmark...
Proctor Package investigation From parent page: ST#107173: Caroline noted that sometimes the Proctor Package isn`t automatically generated. Isaac says that this results...
Odyssey Exam Management System UI Updates In Fall 2016, we`ve planned to review the user interface and make improvements. This is a loosely defined project, with...
Odyssey Introduction session (DRAFT) Prerequisites You will need the following: Python 3.6
Odyssey Java Code Here we document the organization and setup of the Java code used by the odyssey 2 package. Code formatting related standards are in OdysseyJavaCodingStandards...
Odyssey Java Coding Standards For consistency, all Java code in the Odyssey system should follow the following standards. Version Control Subversion is used for version...
Odyssey Local App: Assignment Submission Introduction This is a web interface to the command line submit command. Implementation is in Java class uw.unix.SubmitHandler...
Odyssey Local App: Disk Quota This application allows users of the environment in which it is installed to see their diskquota. It simply runs the command line diskquota...
Odyssey Local App: Local File Access Introduction This is a web interface to the user`s files. Implementation is in Java classes uw.unix.FileBrowser . The main...
Odyssey Local App: XAS Account This application allows users of the environment in which it is installed to see their LP quota balances. It simply runs the command...
Odyssey Local App: Mail Forwarding This application allows users of the environment in which it is installed to see and update their mail forwarding. Upon requesting...
Odyssey Local App: XAS Account This application allows users of the environment in which it is installed to see their XAS account balance. It simply runs the command...
Odyssey Log Directory The Odyssey log directory is /software/odyssey 2/logs . Within this directory should be one directory per year. Within the year directories...
Odyssey Wire Protocols: JVM Request This page describes the format of a JVM request. These arrive at the JVM on standard input, which is redirected from the .fifo...
Odyssey Wire Protocols This page documents the `wire` protocols used by the Odyssey system, i.e. the exact formats of the byte sequences sent through various communications...
The (partial) text of a posting I just made. I post it here because I talk about Thunderbird and putty, but the concept applies well to any OS capable...
Microsoft Office install and Activation University Office Portal for Office install and Downloads Updated 15Feb2022 Mike Gore Login to
Data Required to Produce CS Reports and Other Output Deliverables in OFIS dev for December 2009 Research Book / Webpage in OFIS Manually entered: webpage/webpage...
Where are we? Overall goals: import and validation of CS data contributions bibtex import: parsing mapping fields: questions answered...
Weekly Meeting with Dawn, 31 March, 2009 I suggested it would be useful to get opinions from current users of the system Dawn suggests Shaz, admin for Software...
OFIS Notes from 1 December, 2010 Today Marlon: can import GSO update to dev, up to gov`t count date. Will bug OOR about their data. then imports will be done....
OFIS Notes from 2 December, 2009 Past Tasks Tamir: ct`d bibtex Daniel: `what do I need to fill in` info sent OfisCSOutputRequirements Daniel: Questions...
OFIS Notes from 2 February, 2011 Today Daniel: volunteering to determine/recommend workflow using mercurial(hg) source control, and clean up the redmine/mercurial...
OFIS Notes from 2 March, 2011 Today Steph Sempson`s 2nd day on job. A bit info overloaded. Vu: may be back next week; new project was quicker than expected. Daniel...
Weekly Meeting: New day: Wednesday, 3pm 4:30. This time, developers only: Marlon, Vu, Ray, Tamir, Dawn, Daniel. (Jack hasn`t started yet). Subversion Discussion...
OFIS Notes from 27 January, 2010 Past Tasks Daniel: not much. worked on ssh data transferring, still in dev. Today: beth: CFI grant reporting requirement...
OFIS Notes from 3 June, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: fixing user info: replace `Department of` with blank; in display and in CV. Will move to Production. Today...
OFIS Notes from 03 May, 2011 No meeting last week. Today Oops; last term`s co op didn`t email out a writeup of the mysql workbench. Marlon: weren`t we going to base...
Initial Meeting for discussing CSCF/CS/Math Faculty contribution to the project Daniel Allen, Dawn Keenan, and Peter van Beek attended the regular weekly OFIS...
OFIS Notes from 4 November, 2009 Past Tasks Tamir: ct`d bibtex Daniel: research book HR Feed and Marlon`s email thread with HR/IST terminations are...
OFIS Notes from 3 November, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work: data cleanup. Today Vu: research support: `losing fields` means missing data...
OFIS Notes from 5 Aug, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book proceeds. Today: Daniel: will email OFIS list when CS profs get sent the email to update...
OFIS Notes from 05 Jun 2009 Daniel reported on hiring process, discussion. Differences: Engr. hired a 1st, didn`t want 2nd or 3rd term. sounded like they...
OFIS Notes from 6 April, 2011 Today Anthony is sick today, so no demo. Vu: everything is working in dev2, including delegation. working on new headers. Daniel: hg...
OFIS Notes from 6 January, 2011 Past Tasks Not done: ask faculty members: display on web? process for improving CS teaching roster data to include...
OFIS Notes from 06 May, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: imported CS data to live (as Marlon was about to flush dev system). added the two users from...
OFIS Notes from 7 April, 2010 Today: Beth / Marlon will have IAP research meeting tomorrow / 2 weeks. cleaning up existing data Marlon is importing...
Weekly Meeting: discussion on LaTeX and RTF: marlon and ray determined that freebsd `rtf2latex` did a good job on a sample report template file. bibtex imports...
Past Tasks Daniel: bring OCGS reports for Math. Tamir: ct`d bibtex import work Marlon, Vu away. Beth: queries to George Dixon re: cleaning up Office of Research...
OFIS Notes from 7 Oct, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work: investigating webpage, prof comments. data cleanup. Today Daniel: 53 faculty...
OFIS Notes from 8 April 2009 Dawn: yesterday`s CS school council meeting: report on the faculty performance reviews and how it is constructed. Daniel: student...
OFIS Notes from 9 December, 2010 Past Tasks Daniel: move expertise keywords live (done); WatITis talk done; Research Book: printing drafts for people...
OFIS Notes from 9 February, 2011 Today Vu: big project coming down the pipe for him: grad student data administration project. He doesn`t have full spec, hard due...
Weekly Meeting: What`s been happening? Beth: do we want to alternate between dev only and dev/management meetings? `Rick`s webpages`: Marlon is moving link...
OFIS Notes from 10 Jul 2009 Past Tasks: Daniel: open software that performs same functionality as sharepoint (as far as we need?) Will ask online about open...
OFIS Notes from 10 June, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: looking at personal profile etc. Today: Vu: RTF / html input cleanup to fix RTF export. Jack: error...
OFIS Notes from 10 March, 2010 Past Tasks Daniel worked on data cleanup Marlon: see below. Today: small meeting. Daniel brought up whether common tables...
OFIS Notes from 11 Mar 2009 Met from 11am 12:30. Following direction from Peter van Beek last week, we discussed his CS Research Directory profile and how...
OFIS Notes from 11 November, 2009 Past Tasks Tamir: ct`d bibtex Daniel: Daniel asked about `program review` on behalf of prof in CS. Beth will ask...
OFIS Notes from 11 November, 2010 Olga: grant data errors in her data; Marlon will track down. Daniel: Bill Cowan: errors in grant data. Daniel will have him...
OFIS Notes from 12 Aug, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work. Daniel: email OFIS list when CS profs get sent the email to update profiles Today...
OFIS Notes from 12 Jun 2009 Daniel reported back on Professional Registrations in CS/Math. (see below). We might just rename the sections to `Professional Deignation...
OFIS Notes from 13 January, 2011 Today Marlon: wants meeting with Colin Daniel to discuss philosophy of revision control (re: rollbacks and keeping some changes...
OFIS Notes from 13 May, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: gave Noki a copy of a prof`s NSERC form 100 data as requested, for him to use as template....
OFIS Notes from 14 April, 2010 Past tasks Daniel: `expertise single`: code change to display as carriage return, not comma. (then ready for live). Daniel...
Weekly Meeting: Marlon will be away next week. next meeting in two weeks. Beth will suggest a day. Most likely Wednesday afternoon. I will schedule...
OFIS Notes from 14 Oct, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work: investigating webpage, prof comments. data cleanup. Today Marlon and Ray away. Next...
OFIS Notes from 15 Apr 2009 discussed UI issues for new version, if the user is cross listed in more than one faculty (and has admin powers in both; ex., Olga...
OFIS Notes from 15 July, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: ready for profs at end of June. Yay. Today: Beth: affiliation info simplification? Vu will make a demo...
OFIS Notes from 15 May 2009 From April 29 meeting: Daniel presented about CS course critiques. data is passed to Frank Tompa CS Director of Undergraduate...
OFIS Notes from 16 December, 2010 Today Daniel: cleaned up Research Keywords. Will move backup of old version to subdir. Won`t get to asking profs about display on...
OFIS Notes from 16 February, 2011 Today New staff to work on OFIS, at end of month: Steph Sempson, currently Science Computing support. Vu: his new project is automating...
OFIS Notes from 16 March, 2011 Today Vu`s not here this week. We want to look at Vu`s path change code... is it done? Daniel: how do we want to...
OFIS Notes from 16 Sep 2009 Short meeting. Mostly about BibTeX Beth says Engineering Deans are enthusiastic about bibtex import. Ray/Tamir/Daniel determined...
OFIS Notes from 16 Sep, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work: Talking with MWG and PaF Today Marlon will move data updates from dev to prod (GSO...
OFIS Notes from 17 February, 2010 Past Tasks Daniel: worked on ssh data transferring, still in dev. Will generate `real` profiles, but I want preview to work...
OFIS Notes from 17 Jul 2009 Beth talked with Martha about Eng. Faculty webpages: want common look and feel. Can Ofis do this? Marlon: working on cleaning...
OFIS Notes from 17 June, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: will fix CS Research Book code for order of display Daniel: question about contribution `0000` dates...
OFIS Notes from 17 March, 2010 Past Tasks Daniel: conv with Marlon about NULLs and bibtex id Daniel: conv with Ray about ecserv19 / ofis.uwaterloo lack...
Today Olga: how can we generate department webpages ECC wants access to their faculty members` last 3 (or n) publications. broke down 3 options: 1) ofis hosts data...
OFIS Notes from 18 Mar 2009 Met from 11am 12:15. Question from Peter D. on request by Arts, to use OFIS as well. But Peter suggests we don`t currently...
OFIS Notes from 19 April, 2011 Today Michael will send out a writeup of the mysql workbench demo, via email. Daniel: Discussion of dev2 checkout (https://ofisdev...
OFIS Notes from 19 Aug, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work. Today Jack: demo of edit menus; wide css; decided to switch to wide css Marlon...
OFIS Notes from 19 Jun 2009 Ray will add shell access. uses nexus p/w Latex: Daniel reported on TeX4ht. latex to HTML/xml/open office and (via html) can be...
OFIS Notes from 20 April, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: met with 2 profs, demo tomorrow with n more (3 NSERC website will work. Would trust OFIS text dump,...
OFIS Notes from 20 January, 2010 Past Tasks Tamir: finished! Daniel: web coding Today: Vu: contributions: needs to detect and remove `accepted in....
OFIS Notes from 20 May, 2010 Past CS tasks Today: Daniel: fixing user info: replace `Department of` with blank, if `School of`? Decision to remove...
OFIS Notes from 20 Oct, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work: data cleanup. Today Marlon: Eng. Research Reports engineering tool update: added...
OFIS Notes from 21 December, 2009 Past Tasks Tamir: ct`d bibtex Daniel: web coding Today: demo of CS updates. questions: Awards interface...
OFIS Notes from 22 July, 2010 Past CS tasks Today: Daniel: will email OFIS list when CS profs get sent the email to update profiles Beth: interviewing...
OFIS Notes from 22 May 2009 General Notes to be determined: whether to add profs who will never generate reports, such as retired faculty data checking...
OFIS Notes from 23 March, 2011 Today Met at 10:30. Done at 11:30. Vu: changes to support multiple implementations: instead of config.php and /common/lib dir, use...
OFIS Notes from 23 Sep 2009 Beth making list(s) of specific info profs do need to do CEAB and other reports? Marlon: course critique data integrity issues, missing...
OFIS Notes from 23 Sep, 2010 Today Daniel: no show stopper bugs with CS stuff. Just a pile of small bugs to figure out. one request to have a staff member...
OFIS Notes from 17 Jul 2009 Beth is taking on Computing Director job while Peter Douglas is in Dubai (Nov ) but also stood in for Peter today. Marlon working...
OFIS Notes from 17 March, 2010 Past Tasks Daniel: conv with Ray about ecserv19 / ofis.uwaterloo access. works! Marlon added `BS` to common field. Today...
Daniel`s Revision Control Demo user customizations to ecdev:~/.hgrc (replacing my name and email with user`s): ui username Daniel Allen trusted groups ofis...
OFIS Notes from 25 Mar 2009 Met from 11am 12:55pm. Two visitors from Arts: prof, Bruce (Muirhead), associate dean of grad studies; and Carol (x), from Arts Dean`s...
OFIS Notes from 25 November, 2010 Today Marlon: importing watiam and HR data automatically now. But what about errors in data? solving seems higher priority than...
OFIS Notes from 26 Aug, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work. Research Book; sent Vu notes on odd display (fixed); moved bibtex under contribution...
OFIS Notes from 26 January, 2011 Today Next Monday Marlon will start reimporting the Faculty member table; will tell Daniel when he`s done (for CS re edits)...
OFIS Notes from 27 January, 2010 Past Tasks Daniel: not much. worked on ssh data transferring, still in dev. Today: discussion of errors reported by profs...
OFIS Notes from 28 April, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Demo for profs. Today: Office of Research: wants to use OFIS data as core for reporting requirements...
Past Tasks Daniel: OCGS comparisons sample (JAtlee). find out what is deadline for CS OCGS? was last done March 2006 has the office of research been asked...
OFIS Notes from 28 Oct, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work: data cleanup. Today Maron: Wayne`s 6 missing grad students: one`s a postdoc and...
OFIS Notes from 29 Apr 2009 Engineering Computing is planning for a spring term co op, if they can find tasks for him. Possibly Jack, who is experienced with...
OFIS Notes from 30 March, 2011 Today Vu: everything is working under the new (relocatable) code except delegation; working on that. Daniel: shall we set up additional...
OFIS Notes from 30 Sep 2009 Past Tasks: Tamir: ct`d bibtex import work Marlon: OCGS: gray area: some business rules a bit confusing... marlon adding CIHR and...
OFIS Notes from 30 Sep, 2010 Past CS tasks Daniel: Research Book work: Talking with MWG and PaF Today Daniel: missing webpage data: 36 out of...
OFIS Notes from 31 Jul 2009 Before meeting: discussion on ofis list about upcoming OFIS work for the fall: 1. Contributions interface contribution specific...
OFIS Notes from dd mmm 2009 Past Tasks: Upcoming Tasks Daniel: task DanielAllen 20 Apr 2009
Meeting with Marlon, Jack, Daniel, Ray, Alan Bell, and Colin Bell. Clarification on Library role: doing this solely to be useful to campus data availability:...
Ofis/RefBase meeting Marlon, Vu, Ray, Jack, Daniel met with Colin Bell, IQC; regrets from Allan Bell, Library. Colin explained further about his/library`s ideas...
Test This is test. And more text. Comments this is a comment. DanielAllen 16 Nov 2010
Equipment Inventory Database See InventoryUserDocs The following information is obsoleted by the revised Inventory web interface and is preserved for historical purposes...
Equipment Inventory Database This is based on OldEquipmentInventory, with stale information removed. Some information is available from
Stuff to see here: bcm5700 modules are intended for use on WatForm Dell servers (eg. PowerEdge) with 2.4 kernels The desktop kernel stuff is a kernel I built...
MikeGore 15 Nov 2011 Old Documents for reference Ubuntu 9.04 Ubuntu 9.04 Packages apt get install openssh server sshfs thunderbird texlive latex...
Editing the Upcoming Events notice The Ongoing Series notices that appear on the home page on the side, directly below the `Upcoming Events` notices are affected by...
Online Course Support Expectations for online course support, understood as of 2013/03/08, are: Video Only the instructor will be involved; students will only be...
I went to OUCC 2005 in Kingston. I tried to balance what sessions I wanted to go with the sessions I felt I should have gone to. The complete list of sessions is...
OpenBSD in CSCF (obsolete) CSCF`s ability to support OpenBSD is very limited. In mid 2007, CSCF starting looking at OpenBSD for low cost network load balancing using...
MikeGore 2016 11 01 OpenConnect OpenConnect is an SSL VPN client initially created to support Cisco`s AnyConnect SSL VPN. It has since been ported to...
MikeGore 05 Nov 2012 openmpi openmpi allows programs to be run cooperatively with other users and share resources. It can trivially be extended across several...
Dell OpenManage SNMP Configuration This page includes notes and references for setting up a Dell PowerEdge server to be monitored by CSCF`s nagios system via OpenManage...
OpenOffice includes the following packages: Calc similar to Microsoft Excel Writer similar to Microsoft Word Impress similar to Microsoft Power...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
OpenSuSE Updates It would appear that you update OpenSuSE with a SuSE archive. Go figure. For local installation source, go into Yast2 and disable the DVD or CDROM...
The University of Waterloo uses the Oracle Calendar system, locally called bookit to replace Synchronize. We`d like to preinstall the Linux client. Web client is http...
OrganizationSSL Certificates See also IntranetSSL Strictly speaking, either OrganizationSSL or IntranetSSL intermediate certificates will be used to create a chain...
GlobalSign OrganizationSSL Certificate (Obsolescent Version) GlobalSign OrganizationSSL Intermediate Root Certificate (Obsolescent Version) Prior to mid 2011, GlobalSign...
Rob Schmidt in IST sent me the following link: Technical Information. Under tools, it has a looking glass, which allows you to see if a peer is on the Orion Network...
Main.ctucker 18 Nov 2005 Supported Operating Systems for the Eon 4000 and E100 Terminals The following are the currently in service operating systems for CSCF`s Eon...
Main.ctucker 21 Nov 2005 Update the Neoware Linux Operating System The OS of a Neoware Eon 4000 or E100 are updated using a package called a snapin which is uploaded...
Standard Procedures for all Operating System Updates We`ll document some standard procedures, mostly just reminders, for some of the things we do when planning for...
This page is being proposed for deletion because there is not enough content to merit a full page. The link to this page was replaced with the contents. If you believe...
Other Time Off Work The university has procedures and guidelines for staff time away from work for reasons other than scheduled vacation. This is a collection of...
How We Spend Our Time One way to categorize the time we spend is: overhead ongoing commitments unique work flexible time Overhead Overhead time...
MikeGore 03 Oct 2011 Convert Outlook Express to Thunderbird See also Outlook to Thunderbird OutlookToThunderbird Convert DBX files to MBOX Note: this is useful...
How to convert from Outlook to Thunderbird This is if you have weird conversion problems like a funny attachment or HTML mails turning plaintext when importing...
OwnCloud Background ownCloud is a PHP based service that allows you to sync your files across different computers. Smartphone support is in progress. ownCloud is...
OwnCloud Server Administration OwnCloud Set up: OwnCloud Usage: link OwnCloud Server Info Information on our...
OwnCloud Setup For background information on OwnCloud clients/ You will need to install a sync client in order to sync data over multiple...
OwnCloud Usage If you haven`t installed ownCloud yet, please see: OwnCloudSetup Information on ownCloud usage has been taken from the ownCloud User Manual, which can...
This page is being proposed for deletion because there are no backlinks to this page and content has another version which exists on OwnCloudSetup. If you believe...
PHP Setup PHP Setup Instructions From InventoryInstallation Installing LAMP LAMP stands for `Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP`. It is a bottom to top suite of technologies...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
MikeGore 14 Feb 2012 PXE Boot Files Example Setup a TFTPBOOT server TODO needs updating Files Location:
MikeGore 07 Mar 2013 PXE Ubuntu Live boot images on ASIMOV NOTE 11 Mar 2013 I am moving the sections from See
MikeGore 20 Mar 2012 Bootable USB KEY with all of ASIMOV`s PXE boot functions Location: /images/rawiso/linux utils/RIP File: mkusb acronis Also...
Package Docs: Odyssey 2 This page is the starting point for documentation of the odyssey 2 package, maintained on capo . Configuration Options Odyssey configuration...
Package Docs: Odyssey 2 Data The data directory of the odyssey 2 package contains the following items: admin : See `Miscellaneous Shared Data` below....
I have a script on cscf.cs in my home directory/bin called sync plg {sarge,woody} that will do the appropriate magic. You need to be able to open up remote xterms...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Pages To Be Deleted This page is a parent for any pages that are suspected of being unnecessary. Pages can be set to be children of this page where they will sit for...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it is empty. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
Panduit Parts we use frequently (Default colour IW International White): 1 PANDUIT PART# UICFPRTR4WH (4 Outlet FIXED Tamper Resistant Face plate Uses Excelite...
Paper User QuickStart Token for reservation site access A password/token is required for the reservation system (below). These can be (re )generated at any time...
Password Web Application There are two copies of the password changing and app, running in the student and core regions. The student.cs password application...
CscfHelp 2014 04 09 The old version of instructions are removed the app can be used by everyone to change their own password, rather than via helpdesk. If the client...
MikeGore 11 May 2005 CSCF Standards Networks/Cables All cables are to be labeled. When you are moving/changing a cable, update all labels in the cable channel...
PC Hardware (This page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) SCS Standard PCs Standard PC specifications Dell PCs IST has made arrangements for UW staff or researchers...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
People App Requirements Document The below corresponds to ST#78166: CS People Database Project It follows on from initial work done as part of ST#55351: Improve...
The extensible nature of this project makes a number of options possible. All of the below meet particular school needs, and fit into the overall model, but are clearly...
PeopleSoft Data Import Data provided by the University`s student information system arrives as email to a specific staff member`s email account (IsaacMorland). A...
PeopleSoft Extract Handling This page describes in detail the handling of extracts from the PeopleSoft SA system. Email Handling Each extract email consists of a...
PhpMyAdmin PhpMyAdmin is available on capo via XHier. The current up to date version is the package phpMyAdmin 2.7.0 pl2 . The web link to our installation of...
PhpMyAdmin Documentation for Administrators You may wish to refer to the Project Page. The existing package is set up to allow customization of files in a simple but...
PhpMyAdmin User Documentation PhpMyAdmin is a Web based interface to MySQL. It has been installed on CSCF`s web servers to simplify access to CSCF`s MySQL servers...
Acquiring and creating accounts on `pilatus` Background pilatus is an SGI Altix 3800. It was originally acquired under the CFI New Opportunities program in...
MikePatterson 21 Jan 2005: We want to upgrade to ALE3. So, pwr d and then pwr u (at console) and quickly jam the boot CD in. Then wait and wait and wait anyway. Eventually...
First, make sure you know how to get at the console. (Hint: cts2.cscf, line 20.) You may or may not need the root password. Scott Wilson from SGI sent me the following...
Pilatus Notes Pilatus is an SGI Altix 3700 acquired as part of the CFI New Opportunities grants of 2002 and 2003. More information can be found here: http://www.math...
Initial Planning Monday 19 December 2005 First thing to do: look at the upgrade to ALE 3 and see how that went. It looks like I took things like backups for...
Flash the PROMs. Reading the migration guide, they say to see what configs changed. pilatus:~ # rpm V a grep `\b c` S.5....T c /usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/mm cfg...
debian/ubuntu can`t redistribute PINE becasue of license/source code issues. offers a debian package for PINE for i386, which I have put in the local...
Pinning Debian and Ubuntu Packages Say you`ve got an Ubuntu Stable system but you need some packages from Ubuntu`s old Stable. `Pinning` will allow you to force the...
This page is set to be deleted.Pixel Planet is no longer the name of a service on campus and none of the pages here link to any existing pages. If you believe it should...
Downtime Time and Duration Certain maintenance requires that a computing environment be disabled; taken `down`. The principles to be followed when choosing an appropriate...
Planning and Directions in CSCF For an alternate view, see: This page will attempt to provide an overview of our services...
PLG`s LDAP Adding users MUST be root in the core for the following steps! Step 1: Find out the UID and GID of newuserid in the CS core: make sure you...
Point of Contact In CSCF, a Point of Contact is the `go to` person for your computing needs. These are usually divided between teaching, administration and research...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it does not have any content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
Problems Fixes for x2amd001 v2 image This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) SSH Client license file missing...
`Page Currently in Construction solutions may vary` M4A89GDT Pro3 If you have issues Refer to the solutions below BluesScreen if you are getting the blue screen...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it does not have any content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
Problems and Fixes for x2gen017v2 image This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) PB noticed that there is a...
Problems Fixes for x2intel001 v1 image This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) Fix Ubuntu Mozilla PPAs Also...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it does not have any content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it does not have any content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it does not have any content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
MikeGore 2022 Feb 15 poisson.cs main documentation links See poisson.cs configurations notes VMWARE...
MikeGore 2015 10 29 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
MikeGore 2015 10 29 MikeGore 2015 10 22 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS This is the NON Sysprepped version...
MikeGore 2016 01 04 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
MikeGore 2015 10 22 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
MikeGore 2016 01 04 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
MikeGore 2015 10 22 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
MikeGore 11 May 2011 WinXP Post Install Steps Notes: The image as the cscf adm and cscf op 2010 userids Change hostname from rsg pcxxx Join the domain...
MikeGore 16 May 2011 WinXP Ubuntu1010 x32 Image Windows XP (32 Bit) Post Install Steps Change hostname from rsg pcxxx Join domain...
win7vm Ubuntu Spring2011 Post Install Steps Ubuntu Customizations Steps SSH Keys 1) Change host name by updating /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts Regenerate...
Post Install notes for W10U 1809 U1804 Sabertooth W19Ver1 Immediately Post Imaging Windows IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT restart the computer except where noted Perform...
MikeGore 2016 01 04 Immediately Post Imaging IMPORTANT MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF ACHI IN THE BIOS Windows Do NOT restart the computer except where noted...
MikeGore 2017 03 14 Immediately Post Imaging Windows Perform Initial Setup change hostname Control panel System Advanced system settings (on...
Immediately Post Imaging Make sure to turn off SecureBoot and change CSM support to LegacyROM only! Windows Perform Initial Setup change hostname...
CscfTechnician 2016 10 12 W10U16041 VM 500G F16 V1 Post Install notes Windows Boot Windows Login cscf op or cscf adm 2016 passwords Change system name...
MikeGore 11 May 2011 gen14x32 Post Install Steps Notes: The image as the cscf adm and cscf op 2010 userids Join the domain Check drivers Acrobat Pro...
MikeGore 2017 08 11 Post Install notes on Fall 2017 Intel NUC Skull Cayon Updated 11 Aug 2017 Power ON This system when power on will go into Windows...
Post image steps for w81u1404 sabertooth f15 v1 Initial steps / Ubuntu Initial boot: 1) Get to Ubuntu: Method A) System boots to non grub chooser. Escape to...
MikeGore 11 May 2011 Post Install Steps Notes The image as the cscf adm and cscf op 2010 userids This Windows system is not part of a domain. Drivers...
Post Install Steps for x2intel001 v1 image This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) Immediately Post Imaging Windows...
Post Install Steps for x2amd001 v2 image (Lawrence) Checked October 2012 seems to be accurate. Immediately Post Imaging Windows IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT restart...
Post Install Steps for x2amd002 v1 image This is for the Fall 2013 PC Workstations (dual boot Windows 7/Ubuntu 12.04) Phil says these are the extra or changed steps...
Post Install Steps for x2amd002 v3 image Immediately Post Imaging Windows IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT restart the computer except where noted Perform Initial Setup...
Post Install Steps for x2amd003 image Immediately Post Imaging Windows IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT restart the computer except where noted Perform Initial Setup...
What do I do to make this machine go?? Windows 1 Add user to local Administrators group Linux (if we give up on AD) 1 add a local linux user with admin (sudo...
Post install steps for x2gen016 image Windows Immediately post imaging IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT restart the computer except where noted 1 Boot, Windows will...
Post install steps for x2gen017 image This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) Last reviewed by: Dennis Bellinger...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it does not have any content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it does not have any content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
x2gen013i.TIB POST INSTALL Location: \\\IMAGES\core Created April 10, 2011 Using Acronis Disk Backup and Recovery 10, NOT ghost...
x2gen014a.TIB POST INSTALL Location: \\\IMAGES\core Created April 10, 2011 Using Acronis Disk Backup and Recovery 10, NOT ghost...
Post Install Steps for x2intel001 v1 image This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) Immediately Post Imaging Windows...
Post Install Steps for x2intel001 v2 image This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) Immediately Post Imaging Windows...
Post Install Steps for x2intel002 v1 image Note: this is for the Fall 2013 Lenovo laptops Phil says these are the extra or changed steps: new Win7 activation...
Post Install Steps for x2zenbook001 v1 ASUS Zenbook Prime Only This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) Immediately...
Post Install Steps for x2zenbook002 v1 ASUS Zenbook Prime Only This page is under construction (Information presented here is not necessarily correct) Immediately...
(From an email to Ashif) cleaning up plg2`s xh maintenance output Unless otherwise marked, packages are only on sun560. So, there are about 25 xhier packages installed...
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL is a database management system allowing custom types, triggers and table inheritance. PostgreSQL...
Postgres Meeting 2016 05 24 Monday, 24 May, 2016 Meeting with Ken, Lawrence, Dave, Isaac Ken requested the meeting to learn what postgres resources are used where...
PostgreSQL Setup Finding documentation Check the PostgreSQL page in this wiki and the web site .
Recovering Postgres Databases from Backup If it becomes necessary to recover the Postgres database from backups, the following should be useful. The backups reside...
Postgres Personal Databases To set up personal databases on postgres.student.cs or postgres.cs , log in to linux.student.cs (tested) or linux.cs (actually,...
Updating a Postgres Schema It is easy to edit the .sql files which specify the tables and other schema entries for an application. In development, it is even easy...
Posting CS News Items File locations referred to by this page are relative to the www.cs ...
This page is being proposed for deletion because PowerQuest was aquired by Norton and is no longer used by CSCF. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
ICR Presentation Rooms DC1301, DC1302, DC1304, DC1316 and DC1331 Room uses and capacity Updated 2 May 2017 DC 1301 reception room DC 1302 presentation...
Presentation Support Work In Progress DC1302 Projector The projector is located in the booth at the back of the room. obtain the keys from ICR (Vera Korody...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Print Quota Here we can gather notes on managing print quotas within CS This is being edited by Bill and Wendy (and Lawrence (and Adrian)). However, we`re finding...
MikeGore 19 Apr 2005 How to setup printers to print from UNIX for CSCF Notes: Please contact Walter Tautz, wtautz #64;, if you need a printer installed...
Printer Maintenance Toner Cartridges Currently, Wendy Rush is the primary maintainer of printer toner cartridges. Toner cartridges for the printers in DC2311, DC...
MikeGore 01 Apr 2013 Printer Problems and Troubleshooting Status and Troubleshooting print.cs print job status You can view the print.cs job queue to see what...
Printer Checks in DC This page will describe in detail what is required to check the printers in DC. Basics The printing checks began as a request to assist with...
This page is set to be deleted because its content has been moved to Printing . If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
MikeGore 19 Apr 2005 How to setup core.cs to print to a Linux box running CUPS Notes: Please make sure to rcsdiff and rcs files before making changes See: Edit...
Printing in PLG See Also: ManageUsersPrintersOnPykota RTs: 61344 https://www.cs.uwaterloo...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it was never finished and presents no tangible information. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another...
This page is set to be deleted because it has not been given any new news since 2006. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and...
MikeGore 24 Feb 2005 Printer setup documents on UNIX and Linux SettingUpUnixPrintersForCSCF How to setup printers to print from UNIX for CSCF PrintconfPrinterConfigForC...
Resources for Printing Laptop wireless access to printers IMPORTANT if your are using wireless you may have also use the campus VPN to print https...
Printing Private Subnet Subnet/VLAN A subnet on has been created and has been put into the firewall Zone 1. You will need to trunk any switches using...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it presents very little content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
Printing Via a Web Browser Using Mozilla on Solaris Unix Platform The instructions are specific to Unix Solaris platform. To check what version of mozilla you are...
This page is being proposed for deletion because Bill said it could be deleted when he came by with chocolate :) . If you believe it should be kept, please move it...
MikeGore 2016 01 22 UBUNTU DBUS launcher errors chmod o x /usr/lib/dbus 1.0/dbus daemon launch helper
MikeGore 2016 05 17 UBUNTU DBUS launcher errors chmod o x /usr/lib/dbus 1.0/dbus daemon launch helper
Problems and Fixes for W10U16041 M5A99X 750G W17 V1 Booting Problem: Windows cannot boot. 1. Press DEL during startup to access the BIOS, then F7 to access...
Problems and Fixes for W10U16041 VM 500G F16 V1 Booting need to set default to `Saved` (Last booted) Windows Office Activation fails Linux LawrenceFolland...
Professional Development The Approach The Approach describes how we allocate professional development resources as fairly as we can. DLP Collection of CSCF Books...
Professional Development Purpose The purpose of professional development is to promote the growth of staff in their technical and professional skills. It may be initiated...
Programming Languages Group Web site Email Group email: plgroup@plg2 Procedures PlgLdap notes on adding users and using PLGs...
Programming Style Guidelines This page started life as a copy of man mfcf programming style (as of 2008/09/05). Updates are being made to reflect current practice...
Comparison of Printing Systems See PrintingProblems for an analysis of xhier Lpr and CUPS. Conventions within this Document A print system will be a software tool...
Main.ctucker 18 Nov 2005 Remote Setting and Managing of the Eon Terminal Passwords By default, an Eon terminal`s password is NOT set when the terminal comes `out...
Puppet: System Configuration Management Framework Puppet is a tool that allows one to manage many systems via a central master node. Tasks that Puppet can do In this...
Purchasing Hardware (Page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) General procedures Generally speaking, the goal of purchasing hardware (or anything, really) is to generate...
Purchasing Laptop Computers or Tablet PCs Considerations when deciding what kind of laptop to purchase The sections below describe some of the considerations when...
CSCF Purchasing procedures The following describes a proposed procedure for ordering equipment, in order to facilitate receiving the equipment, filing of paperwork...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it presents no content. All links to this page were replaced with the link in this page. If you believe it should...
I ran out of space on /fsys1 recently. Adrian helped me out by installing the packages I wanted installed that had caused the problem. He put them on a different...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has very minimal content and there are no backlinks to the page. If you believe it should be kept, please move...
26 August 2004 MikePatterson Retrieve sources for from (that`s the latest stable, might as well...
MikePatterson 15 Dec 2004 First, back up /fsys1/.software. cd /fsys1 tar zcf quadrasoftware.tgz .software/ mv quadrasoftware.tgz /u/mpatterson (note that /u was still...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Title RAPID1 and RAPID2 Article text. Hardware Dell PowerEdge R740xd CPU 1 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248 CPU @ 2.50GHz CPU 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold...
MikeGore Recovery Is Possible Linux rescue system (RIP) Home Page: robotti/looplinux/rip/ Note it now appears...
MikeGore 2014 11 20 RSGMetaPackages Note ALL RSG metapackages and scripts are being handed over to CS infrastructure. List of Unique packages NOT in the CS metapackages...
rt allocate id No command line parameters. rt allocate id reserves an ST item number by creating a row, blank except for the serial number, in the database. This...
RT Batch Creation and Edits RT has fairly simple scriptable tools for batch ticket creation and edits. Summary RT has powerful scriptable tools for batch ticket creation...
Direct Editing of ST Comments You need to have an account on our mysql server for any of the stuff below to work. Get Isaac to set you up. You`ll probably want to...
ST E mail Gateway Summary There are two email gateways into ST. The first is quite simple. Mail sent to either of ST ST comment@cs.uwaterloo...
rt import todo Synopsis rt import todo ( queue name ( )warn message debug flags todofile ) Where $ name : is the ST queue name (the internal...
ST Man Pages rt allocate id rt copy rt diffs rt dump schema rt dump tables rt find rt getoption rt import todo...
RT Request Tracker Hints and Examples Software at is often referred to as Request Tracker that is the name used at https://bestpractical...
via Ashif: mdadm create /dev/md1 level 0 raid devices 2 /dev/sdb5 /dev/sda3 mdadm create /dev/md2 level 0 raid devices 2 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb1 echo `DEVICE...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the page only provides redundant information that is included in the page that links to it. If you believe it should...
Main.ctucker 08 Jan 2009 Create A Snapin Package to Update rdesktop Most of our Neoware thin clients came equipped with a freeware RDP client called rdesktop . You...
This will probably never be made to work again. For now, you can look to see if the topic referenced is in SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig. Perhaps SponsorsDataAccountsDocumenta...
Real time Lab Administration Guide The Real time Lab is used by students taking courses in CS 452/652 where students design and implement a real time multi tasking...
Notes/Questions for Fraser Emergency network service if DHCP fails Is this something that we would be able to put under Common Errors and Troubleshooting? use...
Real Time Lab Administrator Procedures General information The Real Time Programming Lab (aka the Train Lab) is in MC 3018. Spare parts and specialized...
Main.ctucker 17 Nov 2005 Remote Reboot of Neoware Eon 4000 and E100 Terminals Logon to the Eon Management Terminal Server and Start the Eon Remote Management...
Recommended Printers Faculty In the event you do not have a personal printer, you can use print queue lj cs in DC2320 which served by two printers. There is a...
Main.ctucker 04 Nov 2005 Procedure for Recovering a Domain Controller in the CSCF Active Directory from Backup Location of Backup Files As outlined in the Disastor...
Main.ctucker 31 Oct 2005 Procedure for Rebuilding a Domain Controller in the CSCF Active Directory Using Domain Synchronization During the Summer of 2005, the domain...
Old UPS Batteries (This Page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) Old, worn out UPS batteries should not be discarded in standard garbage. Instead, they can be recycled...
RedHat Linux and Fedora Core Stuff Modified yum.conf You can get RH/Fedora stuff on campus at or . See also attached...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Registrar Sponsored Accounts The accounts master command causes the directory /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/REGISTRAR/.DATA to be filled with files whose...
MikeGore 19 May 2009 Windows XP Registry Repair Linux can be used to restore Windows registry files that are corrupted Example the \Windows\system32\config\system...
Say you installed FreeBSD before you installed Windows... then Windows blew away your FreeBSD bootloader (of course). Now what? You can: 1 boot your original...
Main.ctucker 17 Nov 2005 Remote Access of Eon Operating System All Eon 4000 and E100 terminals have a telnet server with which a remote manager can login as root...
MikeGore 2017 03 29 Linux Remote Desktop See LinuxRemoteDesktop Macintosh Remote Desktop See ca/guide/mac help/mh11851/mac...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
MikeGore 01 Jun 2005 Accessing RDP, and other services, through the Campus Wireless network FAQ Remote Desktop information see RemoteDesktop VPN Accessing...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it contains no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
MikeGore 20 Jul 2005 Removing the Windows XP uninstall information VBS Uninstall Remover Script ! UninstallRemover.vbs
Replacement of Setpw and Custom Login with Vendor software using Kerberos and LDAP Project Overview The goal of this project is to eliminate our dependence on a custom...
MikePatterson 17 Dec 2004 I worked on this while trying to satisfy CS ST#41651. First, one needs to disable the vendor apache server. You can do it like this: /etc...
You need to be able to connect to trophy. If you don`t know what that machine is or how to get there, you`re dead in the water. That won`t be documented here. So...
ST suggestion box Here we can collect notes on ST features that we would like to see fixed, changed or added. Please provide some notes on the feature and include...
cuda (ST #76045) git (ST #76045) glc downloaded from (ST #76045) gtk2.0 examples (ST #76045) gvim (ST #76045) jogl (ST #76045) liblua dev...
Rescue CD A rescue CD allows you to boot a linux environment from CD. From there, you can mount the local hard drives and do any required work to fix the boot record...
Research This page includes notes and references to pages of primary interest to the Computer Science Research Support Group (RSG) Research Support ResearchGroups...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has an insufficient amount of content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic...
Research Client Meetings Here we provide a template for an agenda when meeting with our research clients to review work on their subscription Current work list...
Research Computing Service Themes As part of Bill`s project to apply a theme to each ST, Lawrence volunteered to come up with a list of Research services Proposed...
Research Directory: Adding New Faculty Note that the following instructions are not currently useful (as of January 2013). Currently, peoples` profile pages are edited...
DRCSCS Research Directory Update Your profile in the CS Research Directory is edited in the following way. OFIS is a web system that allows faculty to consolidate...
Research Group machine naming conventions The CSCF RSG names machines after science fiction authors, since we tend to read and like that stuff. Herewith follows a...
This is intended to document tidbits of information for individual research groups within CS. It is not intended to replace ST, but rather to supplement it, particularly...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has not tangible information. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
Research Sponsored Accounts All files in cs xh master/data/sponsors/Research represent resources sponsored by researchers...
Creating a Sponsors File for a New Researcher Here we will document the setting up of sponsors data configuration for newly arriving faculty member by using a fictional...
Research Subscriptions Web Application About the Application The Science Computing Facility (CSCF)`s Research Support Group (RSG) bills its services to faculty and...
Research Subscriptions Developer Documentation Software Location On the old Ubuntu 12.04 webserver, the code is installed on www152.cs in /software/odyssey 3 apache...
Research Subscriptions Field Help This page is linked from within the Subscriptions web application. Each field in the application has a link to a field explanation...
Research Subscriptions User Documentation Overview You can find the application here. Application Description The Research Subscriptions application maintains a...
Research Subscription database see: ResearchSubscription
CVS EladLahav 25 Nov 2005 Preamble CVS is an easy to use, yet powerful and effective version control system. It is based on a client server architecture that stores...
Research Subscriptions suggestion box Here we can collect notes on features that we would like to see fixed, changed or added. Please provide some notes on the feature...
RESEARCH SUBSCRIPTIONS DEVELOPMENT SETTING UP DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT OVERVIEW This section is made to guide new developers through the process of setting up a development...
Tables subs fields id The id of the row in the database (incremented for every subscription added, all unique) faculty The faculty members...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it contains no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
Files drwxrwxr x 2 aroman www cscf 4096 Aug 11 09:49 img Directory containing various images the system uses rw r r 1 aroman www cscf 221 Oct 13...
Research Support Billing Overview The Research Support Group charges a subscription fee for services. Research Groups or individuals may subscribe to either or...
Rhetorical Figures Development (2) Location of source files The development files On server `healthdoc.cs` `/var/www/healthdoc/rhetfigdev` The live application...
Rhetorical Figures Project Background In June of 2009, Chrysanne asked about us helping develop an application for their new Rhetorical Figures project. I discussed...
RICOH 1022 Printer in DC2560A Postscript RICOH DC2560A CUPS on Linux setup Use CUPS. If you use anything else and it breaks, you can keep all the pieces (and...
Setting up the Ricoh Aficio 1022 on Windows Download drivers This is probably not strictly necessary as any sufficiciently similar printer driver will likely...
Riemann Cluster Notes General The Riemann cluster obtained in late 2009 is an SGI XE340 cluster consisting of nine chassis with two separate machines per chassis...
Rip Tie Velcro Wire Ties we order: 1 RIP TIE X 12 450 RD 450 PCS RIP TIE LITE SCREW MOUNT 1/2` X 12` RED $241.91/roll (AR price 11 July 2011) 1 RIP TIE X...
Notes on Particular Versions of the RSG Laptop Loaner Images This section is broken down into three sections for any particular RSG LT image, with information on creation...
Rsync Usage for Backups Resources Syntax rsync options source destination...
RunAtLoad This is one of several optional keys specifying when the job should be run, in this case right after it has been loaded as in the following plist snippet...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Accounts API This is a description of the Accounts API. Architecture All data is housed within the Odyssey database. See...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Accounts Database This is an understanding of the Accounts Database and CSCF`s redevelopment project. Architecture As of...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Accounts Management sub project Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to investigate and implement...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Accounts Management Requirements Proposed Requirements Immediate Implementation Database The database relies on three...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Accounts User Stories Is this suppose to be what type of queries clients want to be able to use? Some of the Data queries...
SAT Accounts: User Stories Data This data is mostly from RT comments. They may be useful for more user stories. FIrst: browsing tickets owned by arpepper. https...
SCG Hardware Scale 5027R 2U Xeon Dual Socket Server, 128G ram, 4 x 2T drives OS Ubuntu 14.04 LTS AMD ALT 64bit Hardware nScale 5027R 2U Xeon...
SCG Mail aliases Mail sent to any of the mail aliases for SCG are handled by the CS core mail server. To determine who is in any of the aliases, follow the steps...
SCG Point of Contact As of July 2007, the CSCF point of contact is Mike Gore, x36205, magore@cs, DC 2565 You may also check the point of contact page...
SCG printing for Windows and Linux Users Who to call for help? if you have problems that aren`t solved by the following you may speak to the SCGPointOfContact...
SCS Email Plans 2021 We have been discussing for some time now the elimination of CS Mail services. What exactly that will look like and how we will replace some...
SCS Mailing Lists There are a large number of mailing lists maintained for the School of Computer Science. Many of these used to be managed as a series of text files...
SCS CSCF Infrastructure Group (CSI) Ubuntu 16.04 Standards Project (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose CSCF Infrastructure group...
How to Set Up a Virtual Host on Web Server Add nsbuild alias: DNS search for and add...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
This page is obsolete Do Not MIgrate MikeGore 18 May 2012 SSD Solid State Disks Solid State Disks, DDS or flash drives require special settings to work optimally...
SSH usage IMPORTANT IST now blocks password based SSH to most systems This prenstly does NOT effect users connected to the University via VPN See: https...
Cookbook method for fixing ssh host based authentication Problem: rsh hostname doesn`t require a password. I want ssh hostname to work the same way, for lots...
Apache Certificate Authority File Apache Certificate Authority File The Apache Certificate Authority File /software/sslCerts 1/config/certs/cacert.pem is a...
Apache Certificate Chain File Apache Certificate Chain File An Apache Certificate Chain File as set by the configuration file variable SSLCertificateChainFile...
Apache Certificate File Apache Certificate File An Apache Certificate File as set by the configuration file variable SSLCertificateFile usually contains...
CSCF Service Tracker Some notes about working with the ST service tracking system. RTEmailGateway utility for processing emails into ST RTDirectContentEditing...
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Staff Members in ST We still need new staff to be able to access ST tickets, and access to .htaccess protected areas which are controlled...
Login Problems on particular machines Macs in DC3335 The Macs in this room require a user`s CS GENERAL password to access. An easy way to tell if a machine uses CS...
Setting up Markus for a course Markus is accessed via Markus auto marking backend ~isg/bin on linux.student.cs is a collection...
Emergency restart of all course buildservers As root@linux.cscf: cd /region/cs cscf legacy/u1/omnafees/bin/marmoset/ ./restart all buildservers Adding users...
See EquipmentInventory
Mail Clients Sending Mail as if From a Role Based Account We sometimes want to be able to send mail from our mail client as if it`s from a role based address, without...
Currently new mail lists at are created by IST staff. Requests are made to request #64; OmNafees 2015 08 21
Mobile Devices We have received donations from Thinking Ape to buy various kind of mobile devices for use in teaching. Notes from the 2012 and 2013 efforts may be...
See any of: CactiMonitoring Cacti NagiosSystemsMonitoring SNMP: MacLabMonitoring OpenManageSNMP MacSnmpSetup SassafrasLabMonitori...
Mac OS X Technical Details Our Mac OS X documentation looks to have already been gathered.
Presentation Support Implementation Details See Presentation Support and ICR Presentation Rooms.
Presentation Aids Projectors We currently see: Presentation Rooms Presentation Support Common Problems Macs In general, it is necessary to first connect...
Printer Supplies Notify Helen Jardine (hjardine #64; for toner replacements. OmNafees 2015 09 11
Known Errors and Alerts Nagios Service Alert ... CUPS Print Server ... (Return code of 255 is out of bounds) This usually means that there are stuck jobs on...
Mounts failing for mysterious reasons ... If the time on smb files is not in sync with file server and possibly other networked services, mounting will fail (see...
SSH Host Based Authentication from www.student.cs to linux.student.cs hosts See ST#92542 Slowness See ST#96348 OmNafees 2014 10 08
ST Work Tracking ST ST documentation can be found at either or
Sharepoint Restricting Permissions on a Folder As ST #100659 says, folder permissions can be restricted by: right click the folder; a window pops up select...
Setting up CS100 Mediawiki Steps: 1) Point current wiki to a template: a,b or c and then add new staff to it and then request staff to setup the template as they would...
See Database . FraserGunn 2016 02 18
See CourseEvaluationSysadminDocs DanielAllen 2014 09 25
Documentation is on the same virtual host as the Web interface to the system itself: Overview Documentation Documentation IsaacMorland 2015 10 06
Remote login to Nexus Windows Terminal Server (to get to the same desktop as Classroom Nexus Podiums) RDP to mef and use your watiam credentials...
See FacultyRecruitingSystem
See CSCFandOFIS (last updated 2012; OFIS not a current CSCF priority)
Presentation and Meeting Rooms Setup Support We are often asked for assistance in computer setup in various presentation rooms. It usually involves being sure that...
ST Service Special Events While there are various one time special events, there are some regular events. We plan to document MacOSX software that`s often needed...
See any of: CourseAccountSshKeyAccess CourseAccountSshKeyAccessAdministration PasswordWebApp PasswordWebAppHelpdeskDocumentation
SeaShell IDE for CS136 See Things to note when building: See seashell/INSTALL in the...
.classlist differencing root@linux.student.cs:~/isg/grades/README contains info on some scripts that are run regularly to publish changes to .classlist files...
Graphic Lab in MC3007 The lab in MC3007 is used primarily to support the needs of CS488. It consists of workstations with high end graphics cards that are used for...
Student Realtime Lab We have Realtime Lab Administrator Documentation. And we also have some in progress.
Roughly ordered Steps to setup a system: Install an LTS Ubuntu using a standard ISO and then update the Apt Repository Sources using instructions at https://cs...
What to do if mails aren`t being sent from a student.cs host ? Login to host and check for backlog using mailq . Run : @ubuntu1204 004 35 % /etc/init.d...
Podiums in Undergraduate Lecture Rooms IST provides a description of each `electronic classroom`. It can be handy when determining if there`s a projector that supports...
See any of: CourseAccountSshKeyAccess CourseAccountSshKeyAccessAdministration
See any of: PasswordWebApp PasswordWebAppHelpdeskDocumentation
RT 4.4 Training Jim Brandt Day One (Training) 4.4.1 current; 4.4.2 will be out in a few assets integrated (Reed College contributed...
ST to RT Documentation This document is for users familiar with ST who are now going to use RT; and additionally to note CSCF specific details that aren`t documented...
ST to RT Investigation Project Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose is to investigate and enact a CSCF/MFCF switch from ST to campus RT. There...
ST To RT Investigation meeting 2016 06 06 10am 11am. Hosted by Lisa; attended by Daniel, Lawrence, Fraser, Jim, Robyn. Lisa`s vision of the overall process:...
Meeting with Lisa and Jeff. Attending: Robyn, Jim, Lori Suess, Lawrence, Daniel They are starting to explore 4.4 but currently on 4.2. Recommend subscribing to Best...
ST To RT Investigation Meeting 2016 08 30 Meeting between Daniel, Dave, Lawrence, Omar to decide go/no go. Reviewed Daniel`s report in ST#103960 recommending...
RT/CSCF/MFCF October 25 2016 Attendees: Jennifer, Lawrence, Daniel, Fraser, Jeff,Lisa, Jim, Lori. Notes from Lisa. Comments in italics by Daniel. Action items...
Tues Nov 22 2016 Attendees : Jennifer, Lawrence, Daniel, Fraser, Jeff,Lisa, Jim, Lori. Notes from Lisa. Action items this meeting Lisa: ask consultants re...
RT Meeting with Lisa; her notes are in sharepoint; Daniel`s notes below. We spent most of the meeting discussing IST process in RT (and how ours might differ). RT...
Below is an extract from notes. Agenda 1. Review of training skipped. 2. Timeline for moves CSCF: May 1. MFCF: no necessary May 1. Won`t move before...
Below is an extract from notes. Lisa and Jennifer were there; Jeff is on holiday; Robyn was there from MFCF; Daniel, Fraser, and Lawrence were there from CSCF. Agenda...
Below is an extract from notes. Directly preceded by STToRTInvestigationTechnical20170308 between Daniel and Jeff. Lisa and Jennifer and Jeff were there; Robyn was...
Below is roughly based on notes. Lisa, Jeff, Robyn, Daniel, Fraser, and Lawrence attended. Agenda Go Live for IST 4.4: April 22nd (Sat). IST is not going to...
Below is roughly based on notes. Lisa, Jeff, Robyn, Daniel, Fraser, and Lawrence attended. Agenda Confirmed details about April 22nd Go Live Jeff and Lisa are...
Meeting called by Lisa in advance of CSCF go live (`May 1`) Lisa, Jeff, and Daniel attended. Agenda Questions for Jeff and Lisa RT cli access still an option...
Below is based on Lisa`s notes, attached below. Lisa, Jeff, Jennifer, Robyn, Daniel, Fraser, and Lawrence attended. Agenda Work left to be completed in the project...
ST to RT Investigation: Changes Requests for CSCF/MFCF RT Queues Change requests, by term, most recent first. Before items will appear here, they will be reviewed...
ST to RT Investigation: Factors for success For us to switch to RT, there are a number of factors for success. Some of these are process related. Some relate to features...
ST to RT Investigation: Factors for success: Assessment in RT 4 Following are assessments of RT 4 as regards our critical, important, and nice to have features in...
Purpose The goal is to collect features we know we use in ST so the project can evaluate if they are available in RT. The results have been fed into STToRTInvestigationFactorsAssess...
Fields in ST Documentation copied from . The proposed situation in campus RT will be recorded in BOLDCAPS...
ST To RT IST Training First training session Presentation by Lisa Tomalley. Attended by all of CSCF and MFCF. RequestTrackerCSCFMFCFApril2017.pptx: Lisa Tomalty...
ST RT Project Project members Daniel Allen (project manager), Fraser Gunn, Lawrence Folland, Robyn Landers, Jim Johnston, and Lori Suess Plus Lisa Tomalty...
CSCF Staff Meeting Presentation 2017 03 24 This is a followup to last month`s presentation. Questions noted: Q: When should we start using RT? A...
Technical Meeting Daniel, Fraser, Robyn met (Lawrence was double booked). Agenda: reviewing relevant notes from last week`s training consider decisions...
Technical Meeting between Daniel and Jeff. SQL By inspection, he thinks my SQL for safely accessing RT data will be fine. He says no issue with us seeing...
Requests for Features and Issues with RT This page is for feature requests ranging from `Important` to `Nice to Have`. We will do some screening of these before bringing...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no tangible information and the parent does not exist. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to...
ST User Management Web Interface Requirements Document The information presented below corresponds to ST#82920: ST User Management Web Interface Summary STAddingStaffMember...
ST Utilities Bill has created a number of utilities for manipulating ST. They are generally available on the CS Web server Utilities st check dependencies...
MikeGore 23 Mar 2010 SWAG.CS (was swag new.cs) Machine Record: Operation System...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
RonaldoGarcia 2018 12 13 Using Salt and Pxe Boot to install Ubuntu 18.04 on a cluster To install Ubuntu 18.04 on nodes using preseed Ubunutu 18.04, install on the...
SaltStack Introductory information You can get an overview to Salt here: Steve Weber recommends: Baumgartner...
SaltStack within CSCF Policies Please read `in 10 minutes` (linked in External Documentation) and all of this article before doing anything on a Salt master...
SaltTemperatureLoggingAndShutdown For more information about SALT Determine if the target system is a SALT minion...
Deploying a Windows Laptop Fall 2021 from CSCF RSG Salt master Inventory update Get a laptop for deployment from DC2561 Update CSCF inventory and include...
Salt Windows PC and Laptop Install Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose Have Salt provision Windows desktop and laptop machines with site license, accounts...
Computer Science SAMBA Servers Non Computer Science students and staff should consult with MFCF for the appropriate Math SAMBA servers. Printer and File Services...
Printing to ljp cs (DC2320) via smb with csgradpc`s (deprecated) DO NOT USE Note: This method uses non domain credentials for establishing...
Sample Emails for Stored Research Equipment Email when first storing equipment Subject: Recently received equipment Reply To: cs inventory #64;
PLG have wanted sarge for some time now. Intent: we want to make the procedure for re installing a PLG machine to be as similar to the usual gradpc way as possible...
From: Tomas Vinar To: Mike Patterson CSCF Subject: Debian automated security update Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 12:08:22 0500 (EST) Here is the routine I am...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
SassafrasLabMonitoring EdwardChrzanowski 2014 10 27
Scanning (OBSOLETE DELETE) Setting up a Xerox MFP for Scanning There are currently 2 models of Xerox Multi function units in service in CS, the Workcentre...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Project (Was: School Administration Tools investigation See StandardizedAdministrationTools for implementation project)...
School Administration Tools Database See attached files. quest.sql: existing quest schema watiam.sql: existing watiam schema See Also bottom of...
School Administration Tools History This project builds on the work of prior CSCF projects. GradOfficeWebApplication 2005 2007 headed by Isaac project...
Importing v.1 spec, not complete; for reference. See StandardizedAdministrationToolsImporter for 2024 current spec. This version is deprecated. A flexible importer...
School Administration Tools: Requirements Requirements summary Facilitate Room/desk assignments: record the purpose for a room (by association with parent...
School FileMaker Server Main.iturner 15 Nov 2007 see ST#58579 The Windows Server is danae.cs, with a synonym scsfm1.cs. The server is now patched and up to...
School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo Standard PC Deployment Information Request # Date Installed/Delivered: Computer name IP: 129....
School PC notes This page will gather up the various notes regarding school PCs. Installation of Linux and Windows are documented in other places, but will be noted...
Secure Virtual Host Configuration For basic virtual host configuration see VirtualHostConfiguration. This page is for additional steps required for HTTPS (secure...
Secure web based file sharing system with distributed backing storage system DFS system Nextcloud system haproxy system Table of Contents Project Charter Distributed...
MikeGore 29 Aug 2005 Securing Linux and Applications (This page needs updating) OS Security Securing Fedora Core Securing Fedora: http://itsecuritysymposium...
Security in CS (This page needs updating) Jump off page for security related stuff. LabSchedule listing of possible rooms Opening and Closing SecurityAlerts...
Handling Security Alerts (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) We regularly receive alerts from Security Operations Centre or notice unusual high bandwidth activity. Here we...
MikeGore 04 Mar 2008 Windows Security Center Verifying AV products installed in Security Center Open Control Panel Open Security Center Under...
Security Procedures Responding To Incidents Support Staff 20 Nov 2013 Issues to consider: 1 Notify IST IST They are likely the ones who told us something...
Sendmail Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier context) This will contain information about how to configure server and client machines which use versions of the sendmail...
Sendmail Client Machine Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier Context) Any machine which does not accept SMTP connections and uses another machine as a mail hub is considered...
General Sendmail Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier Context) In general a software package named sendmail will reside under /software/sendmail (which will be a symbolic...
Sendmail Server Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier Context) Files of interest are: /.software/regional/sendmail 8.13/config/regional/options /.software/local...
Sendmail Server Greylist Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier Context) File of interest is: /.software/regional/sendmail 8.13/config/regional/greylist.conf In both...
This page is being proposed for deletion because DebianInCS describes it as `old crap`. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and...
Server Log Viewer web application Background Originally designed based on ST#87148 Usage Accessing the Application The web application can be accessed from the...
MikeGore 05 Oct 2005 V40Z Service Processor Setup References Installation Guide Server Management Guide Diagnostic Guide ServersSP and BIOS Update...
Setting Up IPMI on the Sun Fire X2100 Server On the Server Here`s the quick summary of steps. They are documented in Appendix C of the User`s Guide. Boot the...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the content is obsolete. All browsers typically have this functionality nowadays. If you believe it should be kept...
Setting up a GradPC using the CS GENERAL Active Directory (This page is Obsolete Do not Migrate) Background This page documents the setup of a standard grad PC...
Setting Up an Ubuntu LTSP server (Obsolete) Introduction This article describes how to set up an server using fat clients and the i386 architecture. Options are included...
DanielAllen Monday 26 Sep 2005 Step by Step Setting Up New Ubuntu Arch Masters (64/32 bit) This document assumes familiarity with xhiering process; might want to...
We started out with awk.cs. 1 Partitioning scheme (some machines may vary!): hda3 / ext3 5gb hda4 /fsys1 ext3 3gb mount but do not format...
Setting up PLG Lab PCs with Ubuntu The following assumes that the PC being setup is called `scspc187.cs` Prepatory steps We started out with awk.cs and then proceeded...
Specs: T60P 15` 1600x1200 display Base install 6.10 Desktop. Install the fglrx drivers and configure X to use them. Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change the...
MikeGore 19 Apr 2005 How to setup printers to print from UNIX for CSCF Notes: Please contact Walter Tautz, wtautz #64;, if you need a printer installed...
Dave Gawley wanted me to help him set up watcher202.cscf as a FreeBSD system. So here`s what I did. watcher202 is a Sun Fire V60z server with a pair of Xeon...
This page is being proposed for deletion because this page has no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this...
Setting up VLANs/trunking on a Debian machine 1 Install VLAN utilities: apt get update apt get install vlan 1 Edit /etc/network/interfaces...
SevScanSoft Retrieves data on a specific list of hosts by pulling data from various sources Location from inventory Hostname from DNS MAC...
All of Severn`s webtools are located at Tools that are still current are documented here. the datasets for tools that...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
SGI Altix System Administration course June 6 10, 2005 Instructor: Dave Wright (daw at Course notes LawrenceNotes Reference Materials SGI...
SharePoint Support Accessing Sharepoint Documents Directly The Visual Upgrade The above contains a hint for...
Sharing (Critical) Information There are several things in common in the approaches taken for critical situations and ongoing work; both of which can affect our clients...
Not much to see here right now. ShergNet (or SHERGNet) is a small test cluster made up of otherwise surplus computing devices by MikePatterson of the CSCF Research...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Shoshin (Black, Taylor, Ward) Lab Manager Hao Chen (h8chen) Overview The Shoshin lab manages their own infrastructure for the most part. They have their own subnet...
SGI L1 and L2 Controller Software User`s Guide might be useful. See also: notes on SGI power on/off First, shut down the OS (you will need to login as root). Next...
MikeGore 03 Sep 2009 Skype Setup Note: Audio settings in Linux are a bit tricky. So first we need to get Sound Recorder working then move onto Skype Do not...
MikeGore 24 Apr 2007 Skype Configuration and Security Security and Universities Security and Universities Link Guide for Network Admins Disable Supernode...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the information is obsolete. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this...
SLURM installation on Ubuntu Preparing for SLURM installation Munge and SLURM user creations You want to ensure that you have the Munge and Slurm users created on...
SLURM User Documentation SLURM batch job system SLURM cheatsheet: You can submit jobs using an SLURM job script. Below...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Mike Godfrey had this to say about problems with SE lab machines (in response to a compromise on montabello, resulting in lots of noise going his way): OK, sounds...
From: Cory Kapser To: Mike Patterson Subject: more notes on the se lab public machines Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 13:20:07 0400 (EDT) Here is how the password...
SWAG lab DC2555G Background A list of people involved with SWAG can be found here: Most PCs are named swagxx, and currently...
This page is being proposed for deletion because, as it says in the content, this pages is not to be used. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another...
This page is being proposed for deletion because Mike said we should delete it. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
Software Developer Documentation For systems we use and develop or modify ourselves, we have this template for needed documentation. Whether each of the following...
Software Development Guidelines A price we must pay for building (anything) is that we must do it well enough. For programming, that implies adherence to some minimal...
Loosely affiliated with SWAG. SoftEngLabMachines notes on said machines. SoftEngPasswords how passwords work on the public access machines
MikeGore 18 Jul 2005 ThinkVantage System Update Windows 2000/XP This utility will download all drivers and Applications on a clean system you just need to...
Mac Lab Software Problems (Obsolete) neo office Intel version not available until September epson perfection 2450 photo scanner driver does not support...
Solaris (OBSOLETE) Installation SolarisInstallation Software SolarisPackages an intro to how Sun packages are managed SolarisOptCsw a log of...
Automated Shutdown Procedure for Solaris/Irix This is for notes on automating a shutdown in preparation for a power outage or other outages. The general...
Ganked originally from here. Files to edit/change hostname manually 1 /etc/hosts 1 /etc/nodename 1 /etc/hostname.xxn (xxn network interface, such...
Solaris 8 Installation Notes, revised Introduction These are Robyn`s modifications to the notes supplied by Mike Patterson at this page. Robyn`s comments are in bold...
Solaris Installation Notes (OBSOLETE) We already have a number of repositories for Solaris installation notes: OS install notes 8 install Internal...
Opensource software for Solaris (OBSOLETE) Introduction The setup is based on Consider the setup in CS to be BETA. We have setup at core...
Sun Software Package Management (OBSOLETE) Introduction Notes on how to query the status of sun software packages. This includes the vendor software Sun provides...
This page is being proposed for deletion because no content was ever added. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this...
Sony Battery Recall 2006 (OBSOLETE) Given the number of recall announcements on Sony batteries, CSCF decided to send out the following announcement: `As most of you...
This page is being proposed for deletion because content inside this page is something that people should just google, and links to this page should really just be...
Space Planning for Change Any work that will change the appearance of any space or is part of a School project that involves alterations to space or...
How to setup spamassassin and how to use for your spam processing When you received a message sent directly to a real address like...
Editing the Special Events notice When there are events of sufficient distinction, they appear in a Special Events notice on the home page on the side, directly above...
Special Tasks This page will outline various jobs that could be classed as `Special Tasks`, and whom you must report to in order to use my help. Work In Progress...
Sponsors Data The hierarchical text files under the directory /software/accounts master/data/sponsors on the machine cs xh are a...
Giant Sponsors Database Historical Documentation Page Most readers who end up here should go straight to SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBigPruned instead. Perhaps...
Giant Sponsors Database Historical Documentation Page (Pruned) Working from SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig as a start, we attempt to indicate sections which...
Raw Sponsors Data Accounts Documentation This no longer works well. (at all) Perhaps see... SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBigPruned...
# Sponsors Data Overview This is a `backup` copy. The original is currently available at Please...
(Disabled) accounts check ! equipment database ! sponsors database ! list equipment ! accounts master package ! accounts client command ! AdrianPepper...
Sponsors Data Directory Admin Organization Note that in the case of any discrepency between what is stated here. and what is the actual case on the UNIX computer...
Mistakes to Avoid in Sponsors Data Editing There are mistakes, many of which could be termed silly, which should be avoided when editing the sponsors data . It...
AdrianPepper`s List of Mistakes to Avoid in Sponsors Data Editing ## (Don`t) omit units for disk quota The default unit for disk quota is K or around 1000 bytes...
Sponsors Data Editing Tutorial The central aspect of making any particular resource changes for any particular set of users defined by any criteria, is the editing...
Information about Userids in the Sponsors Data On an AssignTo line you list a number of userids. To help detect errors, id numbers need to be associated...
st find Syntax st find syntax: h v a st find syntax: st find syntax: Where: st find syntax: h displays help then exits. st find syntax: v causes verbose...
st qlist Syntax st qlist Syntax: h v Z r x \ st qlist Syntax: s \ st qlist Syntax: f \ st qlist Syntax: V \ st qlist Syntax:...
st set field Syntax st set field Syntax: h v Z n r f m st set field Syntax: st set field Syntax: Where: st set field Syntax: h displays...
Staff Absences Staff Send E mail to `cscf away@cs` Staff who will not be coming in are requested to send email to cscf away@cs to let management know that they will...
Staff Stuff This page is intended to gather up the various topics that will be of interest to staff relating to how we work, vacation, professional development, etc...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Project (Was: SchoolAdministrationTools investigation project) Table of Contents Project Objective: Purpose The purpose...
Standardized Administration Tools (SAT) Importer SAT needs a batch importer to add data which is not automatically available from elsewhere in the odyssey.uwaterloo...
This page is being proposed for deletion because, as the content says, there is nothing to see here because the information was moved elsewhere. If you believe it...
This page is being proposed for deletion because this page has no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this...
Stored Researcher Equipment (This page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) We regularly have equipment returned from students that belong to research groups or individual...
Raspberry Pi based Stratum 1 NTP Server Notes The Raspberry Pi is a low cost ARM7 based singleboard linux computer. The most useful feature of the Raspberry Pi is...
Student CS Region MySQL Installation This MySQL installation cannot currently be reached via PhpMyAdmin at Host This...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
SuSE Linux Website Software updates We have a full SuSE mirror on campus, at You can point yast2 at, ie http://mirror.cs.uwaterloo...
Bios Upgrade for Sun Machines (eg., w1100z workstation) Related to ST #50668 and SunHardware#Warranty procedure on Sun Hardwa Before the BIOS can be upgraded, boot...
Sun Validation Test Suite Readme This is the Readme file from the CD for x86 hardware (V2.4.0.2) Known Issues: 1. SP tests (fan, voltage, temp, flash, op panel, and...
Supporting Information for the AODA Analysis This page is intended to give more specific details about our findings related to the AODA. Information may be added here...
Surplussing Old Equipment (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) To Surplus Or Not to Surplus? Before surplussing equipment, check to see whether it can be re used. See StoredResearcherEquipme...
Using swag`s disk array Hardware notes: Adaptec JBOD external SCSI array Adaptec 2200S SCSI RAID card 3 x Adaptec 146gb disks ^A at system boot to...
Swag Printers SWAG has two printers in DC3334 PCs wishing to use the printer need to use direct TCP/IP printing to each printer Swag Print Server Please use...
This page is being proposed for deletion because people will just end up googling this information whether they read this page or not because it may have fallen out...
Symbolic Computation Group DC3594 Web Space: www152:/software/odyssey 3 apache/data/vhosts/ SCG Managed Conference Web spaces: www...
MikeGore 15 Nov 2010 SysPrep Windows 10 We assume you have a fully loaded version of windows and it has been activated Activation https://cs.uwaterloo...
The Name of the Page A high level description of the system System Specifications Hardware Key hardware information related to the system. For example: Some examples...
Configuring and Using Systemimager on Linux Systems These notes are still in a preliminary stage of development. Introduction Systemimager forms a component of...
System Testing for Ubuntu In Ubuntu versions 14.04 and earlier, there is a tool called System Testing. Use this for checking and benchmarking a system. In Ubuntu...
The Latest Version including those in Subversion I have been conversing with one of the primary developers, see some of my conversation below. I hope to distill these...
MikeGore 2015 11 16 T440s Wifi fix for Ubuntu 14.04LTS There are problems with WIFI with the Lenovo T440s using Ubuntu 14.04LTS. We have developed a script...
Data Model For the TA Assignment app (app grad tas database) activeDates Contains the dates that the system goes active and inactive The system...
Some rudimentary notes on the design of the TA assignment application (to be discussed with Grad Office staff): There should be two `release dates` for TA assignments...
Proposed Timeline for Making Job Assignments Begin Planning Stage Admins Enter Position Term Information Enter Student Term Information...
MikeGore 2018 12 03 tml.cs, tml2.cs and tml3 hardware build notes and software configuration Contacts These machines are owned by Yaoliang Yu Managed...
Tablet PCs (OBSOLETE) (Updated March 2008 to add latest models) Overview PCs PCs Selecting a Tablet PC slides on selecting a Tablet PC (from WatITis...
Main.ctucker 17 Jun 2009 Several Domains (OBSOLETE) Diversity Of Platform Support Unlike Engineering`s NEXUS domain, CSCF`s AD domains authenticate not just Windows...
Taskgroup Membership Mail can be sent to a task group via an address of the form: tg group@cscf The group names below can be used to send mail, and/or determine appropriate...
Task Groups A task group is a group of individuals who are responsible for a well defined area of computing support (e.g. support of a particular OS, an application...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it contains minimal content. All backlinks are being replaced with its contents. If you believe it should be kept...
CS Teaching Lab Reports The ISG tutors check various teaching labs on a weekly basis, reporting problems to teaching lab report #64; Their initial...
Teaching Schedule Term Update needs to be manually kept in sync with the Registrar`s official timetable, replacing the...
TeamCity TeamCity is a Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) server offered by JetBrains. Glossary Installation Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 1 Install...
The Technical Writer Position The Technical Writer is a student co op position whose duties have a focus on creating documentation that is readable and up to date...
Technology Deployment Requirements Whenever we introduce a new (instance of a) technology to the environment, we`re obliged to do at least the following: document...
Tembo cluster tembo.cs is a `paper` cluster. User documentation for that type of cluster is here: Contacts for questions...
Phil`s temp. space for Technology Buying topic This is just a dump area for my raw data to be later formatted for inclusion to Bill`s main Technology Buying Twiki...
Sponsors Data Accounts Maintenance in general (Linking Version) When initially created, this page presented the same information as TemplateSponsorDataAccounts...
Temporary Account Email Template An informative message sent to the person requesting a temporary account and/or the person for whom the account is for can be very...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the content has been moved to a different page. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent...
CSCF Goals by Term Winter 2018 2018 Term Goals (frozen version) all groups ( CSI, TOP, RSG) Fall 2017 TermGoalsFall...
Term Goals Fall 2015 for Research Support and Special Projects General environment File storage Meet with Dave and Anthony to review plans for Distributed File...
CSCF Objectives and Milestones Fall 2016 Hardware Acquisition, Deployment, and Lifecycle Management Plan, purchase, configure, deploy and manage lifecycle of equipment...
CSCF Objectives and Milestones Fall 2017 Previous Term: TermGoalsSpring2017 Meeting 2017 08 16 Discussion of potential goals for Fall 2017 Infrastructure https:...
Spring 2016 CSCF Objectives and Milestones April 2016 Ken`s original version: Hardware Acquisition...
Term Goals Spring 2016 Research Support Group Master ST#104569 Hardware Acquisition, Deployment, and Lifecycle Management Objective: timely deployment of desktop...
CSCF Objectives and Milestones May 2017 Previous Term: TermGoalsWinter2017 Hardware Acquisition, Deployment, and Lifecycle Management Plan, purchase, configure, deploy...
Term Goals Winter 2016 for Research Support and Special Projects General environment File storage Distributed File Service Lawrence/Lori w/Dave/Anthony (ST...
CSCF Objectives and Milestones Winter 2017 January 2017 Next Term: TermGoalsSpring2017 Hardware Acquisition, Deployment, and Lifecycle Management Plan, purchase,...
Terminal Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives Versions...
Open Hard drive with double click on the mouse Drag a copy of the tar file (rc131.tar) from Macdepot to the Macintosah HD icon Open Application folder...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it is only a test page and has not been used since 2006. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another...
Tetherless Networking Lab (Keshav) DC3556ShutDownProcedures: see DC3556 Nabeel Ahmed`s project Old: NabeelAhmed`s project Desktop client systems...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Main.ctucker 17 Nov 2005 CSCF Thin Client Terminals Neoware Eon 4000 and E100 Terminals OsEons Supported Operating System for the Eon 4000 and E...
Thinking Ape Mobile Devices 2012 As described in ST#86622, the SCS has acquired 60 mobile devices, as shown below. Ongoing support and maintenance of this set of devices...
Thinking Ape Mobile Devices 2013 As described in ST#91712, the SCS has acquired 100 mobile devices, as shown below. Ongoing support and maintenance of this set of...
Mozilla Thunderbird References Moving to IST CONNECT email Troubleshooting https://cs.uwaterloo...
MikeGore 04 May 2006 Using Webmail with Thunderbird References Project Site Setup
MikeGore 21 Feb 2012 Thunderbird Config Editor Change Default News and Mail sort order Credits: see original document
Thunderbird Connection Timeout Background CS Specific Increase to 300 seconds We often see problems in our mail server (mail.cs) when email client programs...
MikeGore 04 Oct 2011 Thunderbird Debugging Connection Debugging See mail log.htm Save the following...
Do Not Migrate to Confluence Thunderbird troubleshooting steps Note try each solution based on the symptoms you are seeing Are you seeing a certificate warning...
Configuring Thunderbird Calendar (Lightning) to use Exchange (Connect) Page Under Construction (Information Presented Here is not Necessarily Complete or Correct...
Thunderbird with Subdirectories under IMAP NOTE Thunderbird 3 and the current version of imap services at Waterloo do not have these issues any more uw imap limitations...
Thunderbird Performance Tuning Notes: These tips will help when your email seems sluggish gray screen timeouts,etc References
If it can happen to me it can happen to you procedure to reboot and/or restore a macbook It happened to me. I could not reboot my MacBook. It is a newer model...
This page is being proposed for deletion because there is very limited information on it. Links to this topic should either link to TomcatSetup, which is a topic that...
pre { margin left: 5em; white space: pre wrap; white space: moz pre wrap; } Tomcat Setup This describes setting up Tomcat WebServletFramework. Documentation...
TRIPLITE parts we frequently order: 1. 12 outlet 120volt 1U rack mount power bar with switch and 15ft cord PN# DRS 1215 2. Spec sheet:
FOREwithSafari Information about troubleshooting FORE integration with Safari StephenNickerson 2015 10 19
Troubleshooting Lab Macs (Obsolete) General Publications Recovery of files: BackupMacs Caution Do NOT login...
This page is a starting point for tracing and fixing problems with OdysseyApplications, notably assignment submission (cf. OdysseyLocalAppAssignmentSubmission). Under...
MikePatterson 16 Dec 2004 Like QuadraSargeUpgrade, but tumbo has two disks. So we`ll RAID them together if we can nope, we can`t. We`ll also back up ssh keys first...
Network Training and Tutorials (This page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) Over time Dan and Trevor will be creating a set of tutorials and training documents pertaining...
Twiki notes for CSCF and MFCF staff TWIKI Add On Products Add On Products TWIKI Editors and Plugins integration Edit Plugin Java 1.1 applet text...
USG Documentation Process and Standards This page is intended to document USG members` criteria and preferences for documentation as well as the process used to create...
Survey Analysis In the Fall 2012 term, the CSCF Technical Writer conducted a survey to research the requirements that CSCF staff had for Twiki. This page summarizes...
TwoFactor Authentication Service (Needs Updating) Purpose The Two Factor Authentication service is a secure authentication service intended for computing support...
Architecture for the TwoFactor Authentication Service (This page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) The TwoFactor service makes use of technology developed by CRYPTOCard...
Renewal or Replacement of the MFCF/CSCF Two factor Authentication System (SecurID) (This page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) Motivation As of June 1st 2005, we are...
Using your CRYPTOCard KT token for the first time You will be issued a token along with an inital PIN. You will have to change your PIN at first login. Guide for...
Setting up a Linux host for Using LDAP Accounts and TwoFactor Authentication These instructions assume you are using Ubuntu 7.04, so YMMV. First, install some packages...
MikeGore 2016 04 05 UEFI booting and tools UEFI settings and documents Thisdocuments cover UEFI BIOS settings...
HOWTO: Run UML with VLANs When testing different VLANs, it is common to have multiple computers on a VLAN with similar or same configurations. Other times, there is...
Online Advising system Support for Byron Becker`s development project. Planning Document Rationale for separate container We want authentication to be handled by...
CSCF Linux Configuration Management Purpose The purpose of this project is to deploy a functioning BCfg2 server and associated infrastructure elements in order to...
CS348 Use of Embedded SQL There`s as assignment in cs348 that required the use of embedded SQL. We`ve discovered that the `lite` version of db2 doesn`t include the...
CS448 $ GDB/ptrace modifications, initially January 2012: In ST#80821 is a discussion of custom modifications to the default ptrace setup to allow non root users...
cs452 Train status https...
USG Course Support These pages provide course specific course information. There may be overlap or reference to other documentation, such as the USGTriageDocumentation...
USG Exam Seating/Printing system Purpose to provide ISG instructional support co ordinators the mechanism to create exam seating plans (`people in seats`) and...
Project to resolve the bind/unbind problem with our MacOSX labs Master ST item 84510 Meetings 2012 11 30 Edward, Stephen, Trevor query/interrogate client...
Replace MC3003 lab computer Purpose As part of the CSCF overall evergreening process ... Plan From: Edward Chrzanowski To: Trevor Grove CC: David Gawley , `snickers...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no backlinks. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
CSCF Printing Infrastructure Renewal Purpose Provide a modern reliable printing infrastructure to replace our legacy CUPS and LPD services. Development plan (as...
CSCF Printing Infrastructure Renewal Purpose Convert SE lab to linux. Implementation target: Sept 1, 2012 Development plan (as of 2012 3 1) develop linux...
User Support Triage Documentation From CFPrivate.USG20120126 : Technical system coverage: we should all self identify the systems on which we are the primary...
Imported UW Data We import several types of UW information into our database from other sources. This page describes the common framework adopted to manage this import...
Use of UW Grouper for those with permissions to modify NEXUS groups Current CSCF members with general permissions (2020 07 29): drallen, ijmorlan, dmerner, lfolland...
UW Staff Conference 2018 Thursday, 5 April, 2018 Friday, 6 April, 2018 Stop Trying so Hard. Build Resilience Instead! (Part 1 Part 2)
MikeGore 2014 05 13 ASUS UX32U imaging notes Imaging Options PXE based imaging does not work Reasons: None of the boot images we use have Ethernet...
MikeGore 16 Jun 2010 Ubuntu Apache2 setup Install apt get install apache2 Enable userdir a2enmod userdir /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Ubuntu Dapper Ubuntu Version 6.06 LTS (Long Term Stability) To find the release number: lsb release d
MikeGore 18 May 2010 Ubuntu Distribution Upgrade This page is for any issues you have noticed when upgrading from one Distribution to another 9.10 to 10.04 Package...
Using dpkg and apt facilities (mostly under Ubuntu) dpkg and related command examples Perhaps also see: command examples/ for...
MikeGore 24 Jun 2009 Ubuntu Email setup POSTFIX This is a very simple mail system to setup apt get install postfix Config POSTFIX dpkg reconfigure...
UbuntuFakeroot Summary (from man page) fakeroot run a command in an environment faking root privileges for file manipulation Prerequisites sudo apt get...
Ubuntu First Impressions These are notes based on Image 0.99 (May 12/2006). This is a list of tasks Lawrence needed to do early on. Maybe we can get some of these...
Ubuntu For Surplus (This page is Obsolete) These notes are for a image of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS we put together specifically for putting onto machines destined for surplus...
Rough procedure for mastering an image to be used on the school pc`s. 1 Ensure system is up to date (apt get update apt get dist upgrade) and that all applications...
Pre release, 28 Apr 2005 1 Beat the install into shape 1 Implement automatic updates 1 Refine the ugly firewall rules we used in DebianInCS 1 Figure out...
Ubuntu How To Questions and answers about how to accomplish various tasks in the CSCF standard Ubuntu image. See Also: DebianHowTo General environment Q: How do...
Ubuntu Image Creation (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) This TWIKI is current the standard for Research and GradPC images Note: The following two alternate documents are...
Using Ubuntu in the School of Computer Science, at the University of Waterloo. (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) CSLinuxWorkingGroup meeting notes, mailing list info...
Ubuntu Inotify Tuning See man 5 proc and then in particular man 7 inotify . A demo was produced and presented which indicates how crucial tuning these parameters...
Ubuntu Inotify Tuning Demo 20191025 Or how something seemingly perplexing can devolve into something trivial I almost cancelled this as being too trivial. However...
UbuntuInotifyTuningDemo20191025Images 132438 hung demos with tail diagnostic 173054 my current laptop inotify settings 173156 set to default settings and show them...
Ubuntu Inotify Tuning Demo 20191025 Or how something seemingly perplexing can devolve into something trivial I almost cancelled this as being too trivial. However...
UBUNTU Install Notes (This page is Obsolete Do Not Migrate) Image file location See also: CscfStWrkLinuxImageUpdates Linux images Location of Files...
Dave`s 2005 notes on Ubuntu Install Steps (prep for xhiering). These instructions have been tested with 64 bit install; with noted change(s) should work for 32 bit...
Main.dlgawley 18 Jan 2007 rcs rstatd
Ubuntu Kernel Tuning In progress See man 5 proc and the many man pages it refers to. UbuntuInotifyTuning UbuntuInotifyTuningDemo20191025 AdrianPepper...
Ubuntu LTSP Under Construction SettingUpLTSPserver Notes on how to set up the server PhilipBeldowski 24 Sep 2010 LTSPtopology.odg: Topology of...
RonaldoGarcia 19 Jan 2011 Ubuntu Ldap Setup REF: Install: ldap utils, krb5 user, libnss ldap,...
MikeGore 19 Jan 2011 Ubuntu LDAP Setup scratch copy work in progress cd /root rsync a cscf adm@asimov:/coregroup1/images/ubuntu scripts . cd...
RonaldoGarcia 19 Jan 2011 Ubuntu LDAP Scripts ubuntu scripts Location: //asimov:/coregroup1/images/ubuntu scripts Updated: 13 May 2011 Install:...
CscfTechnician 2016 12 13 Ubuntu Live Image install Booting from ASIMOV Setup your computer BIOS to enable PXE booting Boot computer on VLAN 420 (ASIMOV...
Changing Locales on Ubuntu The problem: `man passwd` results in odd characters such as you`d expect if the TERM were miss set, or if there were locale problems. Such...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no backlinks. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
See also ST#60268. This page refers specifically to Ubuntu 7.10, which is currently nearing release. I spent a couple of hours and came up with a list of issues we...
Ubuntu Post install Steps Version information These notes are being updated for Ubuntu 8.04 (as of Fall 2008) Automatic Security Updates https://help.ubuntu...
MikeGore 19 Jan 2011 Quotas Note: recommend using the quotaset script below it is way easier to use Resources
MikeGore 20 Mar 2012 ubuntu scripts Location \\ASIMOV\images\ubuntu scripts asimov:/coregroup1/images/ubuntu scripts FILES in this TWIKI are...
Ubuntu udev Hacks Resources Read this for important networking notes ...or, Kernel 2.6: Adventures in User space From apt cache show udev : `udev is a collection...
MikeGore 12 May 2010 Resources Ubuntu 10.04 Note: When following the steps in the Resource docs...
Xhier and Ubuntu Linux How well does xhier work with Ubuntu Linux? I took a machine, williams.cscf , running Warty Warthog and xhiered it from debian31.cscf . The...
Howto for Installing Xhier onto ubuntu Supplement for Ray`s solaris specific install howto. (
Main.dlgawley 18 Nov 2010 The cscf adm account should be available on all CSCF administered Ubuntu hosts. If the account doesn`t exist or password doesn`t work report...
MikeGore 13 Feb 2008 Udev Notes on using and understanding Udev External References Udev Rules FAQ Usefull commands udevinfo list all of the...
Updated ugster Resource Use for W2016 CS458 is using 5 nodes ugster 05 18 19 20 21 security course CS448/848 is using 20 nodes ugster 01 02 03 04 06 07 08 09...
Procedure for Installing Undergrad Cluster ugster.student.cs front end and nodes the minimum requirement to bring up a frontend is to have the following rolls:...
Undergraduate Accounts Here we discuss the accounts Undergraduate students get, attempting to demonstrate what happens automatically, and what manual supplementary...
Unit4 Unit4 is the new system as of May 2017 for financial information and procurement Information about Unit 4: systems...
Introduction to Unix File Permissions This is meant to be a document that explains for mostly non technical users what they really need to know about Unix file permissions...
Notes from upgrading curumin 14 April 2004 per Robyn`s notes, but he wrote a script called xh os upgrade (very very crude). This script does xh packages into a file...
Notes from upgrading curupira, 26 April 2004 Start time 0955 Ran xh os upgrade b in ~mpatters/upgrade curupira 21# cp /tmp/xos 1403811/pkgs.sort.ed . curupira...
MikePatterson 22 Jan 2005 1 shut down apache so nobody can make changes post backup. 1 cd /usr/local ; mkdir tmp ; tar zcf tmp/www20050122.tgz www/ wow,...
Main.ctucker 17 Nov 2005 Usage of Neoware Eon 4000 and E100 Terminals The Neoware Eon 4000 terminal is a natural extension of the thin client capabilities of an ordinary...
Michael and I interviewed Debbie Mustin. She is less involved with grad operations; she does office and key assignment. She also does some work with computer equipment...
Michael and I met with the whole SCS grad office. The top concerns were: Slow sorting, especially those not using the `master` machine. Reliability...
I interviewed Jeff Shallit about the Grad database. Currently he maintains a parallel big text file that he searches with grep. This contains notes on applicants...
Michael and I spoke with Margaret Towell about how she pays students. The payments concerned cover TAs, RAs, and scholarships. Payroll for TAs has to be done before...
MikeGore 12 Oct 2005 Mike Gore, 20 Nov 2003 What How to set up User Mode Linux images (UML) as well as UML networking to the real world. References Full information...
The CSCF User Support Group Meetings User Support Group Meeting Notes (in CFPrivate) Operations Resources for PoCs which should aid them in managing software...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the content was apparently moved to another page. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent...
This page is being proposed for deletion because its content has been moved to CFPrivate. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic...
Right now I`ll just document quickly firewall changes that need to happen for a new host to be able to access the KVM. The KVM is on VLAN7 and as such resides in Zone...
Quickie intro as to how I would like to be setting up FreeBSD machines in CS. Two biggest things are upgrades, both OS and packages. OS I build releases on freebsd...
Using the lpr Command from the Unix Command Line The lpr command referred to here is specific to Solaris hosts only in the Student or General computing regions...
This is a result of ST#51092. Gladimir Baranoski and Justin Wan needed to be able to build against various OpenGL libraries on their IRIX machines. Initially, the...
See also BuildingABridgePC. I built a PC that can be used as a transparent bridge. It runs FreeBSD. The password may be found in the password box. Theory of operation...
How To Use WebCalendar To post a new event in the Web Calendar system, use the following steps. Please note that Step 2 is crucial, as things will appear to work...
Local Debian Mirror We are running a nightly rsync from . We currently mirror the archives debian , debian non US and debian security...
VLAN and IP address space information (Do Not Migrate) This page documents established network assignments (that is manually maintained). For the definitive list...
To install Mac OS X 10.9 in a virtual machine using the Mavericks app download: 1. Select File New from the Fusion menu bar. 1. Select Install from disc or...
GordBoerke 21 Feb 2013 VMware License Process Faculty License Agreement VMware licenses are available for Mathematics Faculty, Staff, and Students only for the purposes...
VMware Software We have (annually renewed) VMware licenses for teaching and research use; they are not for use on administrative systems, nor any other machines unless...
MikeGore VMware Workstation setup Downloads Workstation Downloads look for `Get Free Trial` you will be prompted to enter the license key in the...
MikeGore 22 May 2020 Clonezilla image W10 1909 U1804 VM S20 ver1 Update 22 May 2020 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10 1909 U1804 VM S20 ver...
MikeGore 2019 04 23 Clonezilla image W10U18042 VM 400G S19 V1 Update 10 Oct 2019 Location: asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10U18042 VM 400G S19 V1 Summary...
VPN Services Campus VPN The campus VPN server is available on the web via It supports all major platforms and some mobile devices...
Vacation Time Policy 6 Vacation Staff See UW Policy 6: procedures guidelines/policy 6 Carry forward policies UW Policy...
Vault file service: User Documentation Nextcloud User Manual manual/ Overview This service provides a `DropBox...
This page is being proposed for deletion because the content has been moved to another page. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic...
Video conferencing Video conference systems available on campus VideoConferencingICR notes specifically relating to ICR`s videoconference unit VideoConferencingIST...
Video Conferencing ICR (Obsolete) 2016 10 28: Note ICR`s Video conference system has been retired
Virtual Host Configuration Apache Configuration Each virtual host is configured in a separate config file which is included into the main httpd.conf . Here is an...
Installation and Configuration of Virtual Machines Introduction Wikipedia (virtual machines) states that a virtual machine is a software implementation of a machine...
Staff Visibility The following discusses why and how we maximize staff visibility. Why If someone goes to the effort of visiting in person, their reason is likely...
Location DC2303E Lab Location: DC2303E Just inside CGL LAB first door on left People Yuri Boykov Olga Veksler...
Visitor Accounts The below is out of date for the easiest provisioning of wireless only accounts. Please see: Help Desk Guide: Network Access for Visitors We have...
Lawrence`s Vista Installation Notes on the HP TC1100 Initial installation went smoothly, booted off an external DVD drive with the Vista x86 Installation DVD...
Windows Vista Setup and Applications (obsolete) System Default Browser and Email applications Notes MicroSoft has yet again changed the way you access default...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no content and had no parent and no backlinks. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
VMWARE VMWare licenses Computer Science maintains a license key for Research and Teaching purposes. See VMwareLicense for details VMWare is pre installed on...
MikeGore 2014 06 04 Running a VM in VMware Workstation as a service under Linux The Attached script called vmware run can be used to run a VM as a service under...
Warranty Repairs This page will be a guide to getting warranty repairs done on campus. This is a new responsibility and my supervisor and I are currently working out...
Watform Research Group RG Point of Contact: Nancy Day Watform Group Main Page This page contains: office...
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 11:53:21 0400 From: Nancy Day To: Mike Patterson Subject: today`s meeting Hi Mike I should have sent this earlier, but here are the big items...
WatForm Meeting Minutes 19 August 0930 1030 Present: (CSCF) Mike Patterson, Lawrence Folland, (WatForm) Jo Atlee, Nancy Day, Mark Aagaard Nancy gave a quick overview...
Meeting 3 August 2004 1530 1600h Nancy, MikePatterson 1 thin client has been set up (showed Nancy briefly how to use it) 1 Rational Rose: Jo said it`s still...
Time 1500 1600h Present: MikePatterson, LawrenceFolland, Nancy Day Covered ok to use Linux only on Wens` replacement PC (he`ll get rainylake, ST#46040) Jo...
18 October 2004 Mark Aagaard, MikePatterson Machines: chaco Mark`s desktop zagazig Hazahm`s desktop sidartha Farzhad`s (used to be gambier AND...
Present: Nancy Day, MikePatterson Started: 1430, Completed: 1500 Pick a December day to redo mudge (at least to get new disks working, and perhaps to sarge ify as...
Present: Nancy Day, MikePatterson, LawrenceFolland Started: 1105, Completed: 1145 1 Issues with the new lab. Watform will likely be moving in early next term...
1535h 1620h 04 January 2005 Nancy, Lawrence, Mike Mike`s agenda: overview of sarge upgrades do we want to autosync packages in mudge region? printing...
5 April 2005, meeting started 1535h ended 1600h Present: Nancy Day, MikePatterson Only a few items: 1 Nancy can`t actually see the details linked from here. (Hrm...
Meeting 4 May 2005 started 1300 ended 1345 Present: Nancy Day, MikePatterson, LawrenceFolland Mark would like to upgrade chaco (workstation here) and `rainylake`...
2012 03 16 (lfolland/rgarcia) this information is out of date do not use! Add a user for the machine on jasper: adduser no create home disabled login force...
(Deprecated: First, a custom kernel package is almost always required. We`re working on a UW kernel that has everything that could possibly be needed compiled in....
WatIAM Waterloo`s campus wide authentication system URL:
On campus Macs can do WatIAM lookups in Mail and Address Book using the campus LDAP server. The following instructions are for OS X Leopard (10.5). For Snow Leopard...
MikeGore 2013 12 02 WatITis 2013 talks WatItisNetworkImaging2013 Mike Gore`s talk on Network Imaging December 3rd 2013 in QNC
WATITIS 2016 Panel Session: The Road Ahead: IT Renewal at Waterloo Over the past few years, a number of key departments have taken a hard look at the services they...
University of Waterloo Identity and Access Management (WatIAM) University of Waterloo Identity and Access Management (WatIAM) userids are used by Quest, Jobmine, UW...
WatIAM Accounts WatIAM Accounts are required by, but not part of, other accounts maintenance. Maintenance can be done by authorized users using...
MikeGore 2013 12 02 WatItis Network Imaging 2013 Network Based Image Deployment for Linux/Windows Operating Systems When: 2:30 PM to 3:15 PM December 3rd...
cluster name: external IP: internal IP: netmask : Main.echrzano 14 Nov 2006
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
Watform Adding users on the AD authenticated servers Existing UW users Some members of the group are Engineering students, staff or faculty and will not have an existing...
Software installed on pedernales.cs This is a list of WatForm installations in /watform/pkg concept gatevisionpro hardware browser cudd 2.4.0 Binary decision...
Watform Ubuntu Migration In 2009, we met with the Watform group and agreed to begin a migration of their existing server configuration into a set of Ubuntu servers...
Web Application Organization Here we describe the application organization being developed for the OGSAS system. The part described here, however, is meant to apply...
TWiki`s CF web The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Web Server Capabilities This page is meant to be a starting point for people who need to make changes to what is visible on websites hosted on the main CS webservers...
Web File Locations The www.cs web server is part of the core.cs region. For most purposes, work on the web can be done from any machine in the Core Region. The...
Web Form Framework Name Language License Autogeneration off data models View Controller encapsulation OdysseyApplications` zava...
CF Home for CSCF technical notes Welcome to the home of TWiki.CF . This is a web based collaboration area for CSCF. Anything that belonged in http://www.math...
Web Related Hosts DRAFT ...
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful...
Web Notices ical Feed CSCF Master ST Item ST#96332 Project Overview In Fall 2014 the CS Director (mwg) requested that CSCF install a small application written by...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this CF web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no tangible content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it was moved to WebCapabilities. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete...
CF Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the CF web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can be overwritten...
/CF The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Web Server Configuration This page is for information about how to configure the main CS webservers. VirtualHostConfiguration How to set up a new HTTP virtual...
Web Servlet Framework Name Language License OdysseyApplications` zava.request, zava.web.response Java Internal work Java...
Statistics for CF Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Top Menu of CF Web This topic defines the menu structure of the CF web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Create New Topic Index...
BillInce 02 Feb 2007 WWW pages often contain the email address to be used when commenting upon page contents. The person that reaches is often referred to as the...
When We Work The following is intended as an elaboration on the topic of work hours as given in job descriptions: In general, working hours are flexible, as circumstances...
Which Printer to Use Intended Users Queue Name Location Make and Model CS grad cs006417 DC 3316, CS grad mailroom HP LaserJet p4015x hpijs...
Who Can Read and Write the CF web Read anyone in the world, including Google Write CSCF staff MFCF staff LawrenceFolland 07 Mar 2006
Who Does What (Obsolete) The Does What list was in the past maintained by the BillInce as a text file. That is used to generate the list. Maintaining the Who Does...
Why Xhier? Why do we want xhier on FreeBSD? BSD has many strengths, one of which is its packaging/ports system. Why replace that with something else? Can`t...
Windows This page is to document issues relating to the administration of Windows machines in Math and CS Installation notes for CSCF WindowsInCS CSCF Windows...
Creating a Windows 10 base Image See Windows10BaseImageCreation Installing a Windows 10 base image from USB Key See Windows10BaseImageInstallation Creating...
Windows 10 Base Image Creation References How to Download And Activate Windows Lenovo Laptop...
Windows 10 base image installation References Lenovo Laptop Specific Configuration and Install Notes LenovoLaptopSpecific BIOS settings, USB key booting...
MikeGore 2016 03 02 This page is intended for general links specific images should be documented under
Windows 7 Activation Installation Notes Adding Users Making a user an Administrator Opening up the Control Panel Troubleshooting Fixing Master Boot Record...
Windows 7 Booting Issues Using bootrec to repair windows booting issues Use the Bootrec.exe tool in the Windows Recovery Environment to troubleshoot and repair startup...
Windows 8 Activation Windows 8 does not have the Activation Wizard Enabled Below there are two work arounds Method 1 Use slui to bring up an activation prompt...
Updated 16 Dec 2020 Windows Download and Activation Microsoft Windows 10 Downloads use for all installations the key we apply later ties it to the University...
Windows Apps on Asimov Common Windows Applications and links # File links and applications available on the CS Applications Server Local resources WindowsInCS...
This page is being proposed for deletion because this page is essentially a redirect. I`ve replaced all backlinks with the link in the body. If you believe it should...
Windows CUPS Printing List of available queues Open the following links in a browser tab http://print...
MikeGore 03 May 2007 Windows Media Player Codecs FAQ Diagnostics Codec Detective...
Windows Easy Transfer What is Windows Easy Transfer? Windows Easy Transfer guides you through the process of transferring files and settings from one Windows computer...
Mounting an Ext3 File System on Windows Mounting an ext3 file system under Windows can be done in various ways. However, out of all the programs I (AlexRoman) have...
Windows `How To` page Put notes here on accomplishing various tasks Enable RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) Enable Remote Desktop Right click `My Computer`, choose...
This page is being proposed for deletion because it has no content. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification...
Using Windows in the School of Computer Science, at the University of Waterloo. InitialWindowsInstall installation notes Windows10Specific Notes specific...
TrevorGrove 01 Dec 2004 Standard image software licencing The standard CSCF core Windows XP image contains several software packages for which licence fees may (or...
Installing Windows on a new laptop For IBM Thinkpad Laptops see the IBM SoftwareInstaller Note: these instructions were written while installing an IBM Thinkpad...
MikeGore 10 Feb 2006 CSCF Boot Disk Note Work in progress You can PXE boot the latest netboot image can on vlan 420...
Windows Packaging Tools Preparation Look over the Reference Documents at the end of this document Make sure windows update is disabled and basically any...
Windows Post install steps After installing the standard CSCF Windows Image, you will need to do the following Configure networking Note: If the machine is on...
This page is being proposed for deletion because this page really only includes a link, which leads to a 404. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another...
Historical information pertaining to Windows printing. This information should not be considered reliable without independent verification. Samba Printing to CS Core...
Windows Printing There Are Actually Two SCS Print Servers In order to prevent confusion, the first thing to know is that CSCF maintains two different print servers...
Windows Research Environment Here we attempt to describe the goals for configuring a PC to run Windows for a research user`s machine. Goals Ease of use...
MikeGore 15 Feb 2005 Mapping your UNIX home directory to your PC using SAMBA services on smb Where are the files kept ? All of the cpu1XX...
MikeGore 2016 03 04 Microsoft Surface UEFI booting How do I use the BIOS/UEFI ca/support/warranty service and...
Windows SUS Server A SUS server (Software Update Services) provides a local repository for Windows updates and patches. Background IST Provides a server from which...
MikeGore 10 May 2007 TCP direct to printer printing 1 Open Printers and Faxes 1 Click on Add a printer 1 Pick Next when you see Add Printer Wizard...
Windows Task Group See: WindowsWorkgroup Purpose Membership Mailing List Email alias for group: tg windows #64;cscf.cs Book It Group: CSCF tg windows...
Windows Test Suite Here we list a series of features that should run under our standard Windows installation, or any time we want to test various features of hardware...
Windows Wireless Networking Note The University uses EDUROAM authentication and requires for userid and your WATIAM password In some locations...
Windows Wish List Software to burn ISO images AlexRoman 06 Oct 2004 2005 1 4, trg (TrevorGrove): I would like to suggest the following changes to the Windows...
Wiping disks using DBAN (THIS NEEDS UPDATING) DBAN is intended to be used for data destruction in cases where we do not want a third party to be able to retrieve any...
MikeGore 19 Mar 2013 WatRISQ Guest Wireless Access Administrator Notes WatRISQ has 10 IDs and Passwords and #9 has been dedicated to Mary Flatt for her MQF...
Deficiencies (Obsolete) many modules have dependency issues at boot time why? Things seem to work anyway. Switching to 2.6 kernel seems to fix this, see IssuesWithKernel...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Product Title Product Home Page Product Release notes Summary Supported Platforms License Obtaining software Install notes Configuration Usage Alternatives...
Make Dovecot Work for You Installing dovecot on your personal ubuntu machine arpepper@cscfpc20:~$ sudo apt get install dovecot imapd Checking the version of dovecot...
Workflow Time Management The way in which we allocate time is determined by our understanding of what our clients want and will accept. All that follows is intended...
Work Organization Our goal is to better organize our work for its presentation and planning. We currently have an overwhelmingly large collection of detail. That`s...
Work Reassignments When Staff Leave Determining who to reassign work to can be challenging when there`s no replacement, or when the replacement ends up doing somewhat...
Work Tracking Note: this guide was written for ST. As of May 2017, we are making new tickets in RT, the campus ticketing system. We are expected to close tickets...
About How We Work Workflow Time Management How to balance time across competing work Management Principles and Insights Job Information
This page is being proposed for deletion because it is extremely outdated. Content talks about companies that haven`t existed for years. If you believe it should be...
Workstation/Laptop Imaging This page will be a guide to imaging Workstations and Laptops using the current CloneZilla method. Basics Imaging is the process of creating...
Would Be Trash (for the CF Twiki) The Trash web seems broken. We can use this place to parent pages before actually deleting (probably from the filesystem server side...
XForms A standard for web UI encapsulating the UI elements with data validation and submission. As of 2007, browsers require an add on to handle XForms. to XForms...
Xhier Howtos and intro documents (Obsolete) XHierIntroForNewUsers XhierHowtos shorter Xhier Howtos UbuntuXhierHowto from vendor install to xhier...
Xhier Introduction for New Users README First This page will endavor to collect and put into context the best introductory information about xhier for new users...
Mucho information in two RTs, 52482 and 51689. Succinctly, nugget is a Dell PowerEdge 2800 server. We wanted to install a Xen kernel and get some guest operating...
MikeGore 05 Nov 2010 Xerox Phaser 8560DN Printer in DC2305 Usage Notes Xerox Phaser 8560DN printer is only intended for DS and ALGORITHMS and COMPLEXITY Group...
MikeGore 2015 09 23 Adding users to ICR Xerox 8355 printer Open web page: with a web browser. Jean or Vera have the userid and...
Configuring the Xerox Phaser 8400 printer under Linux Mike Gore Nov 2005 Using CUPS and PPD files Please refer to CupsOnLinux before starting Download...
Setting up the Xerox Versalink B7035 CS Xerox printers Installing VersaLink B7035 printer on a Mac Open the Mac`s System Preferencs Select Printers Scanners...
Setting up the Xerox Workcentre Pro 123/128 Printer on Windows Note: This printer is gone now see XeroxWorkCentre5335 instead CS Xerox printers (Note: we will...
Setting up the Xerox Work Center Printer on Windows Download drivers PCL6 Driver, Xerox User Interface, Microsoft Certified: 4150 Drivers and Downloads...
Setting up the Xerox WorkCentre 5335 Printer Note: June 2012 copied these notes from XeroxWorkCenter128 details need to be verified CS Xerox printers CSCF...
NetBSD`s pkgsrc has been ported to many operating systems we care about Darwin (Mac OS X), IRIX, Linux, Solaris, the other BSDs, and more. Can we integrate it with...
Xhier Documentation Xhier documentation on xhiering Solaris machine LawrenceFolland, MikePatterson 21 Feb 2005 xhier.pdf: xhier man pages in PDF...
The Art of Xhier and Web Page Maintenance Within our web sites (www.cs and www.math) there are many pages that should not be modified on the local web server. These...
Xhier How To document Getting Started Documents man xhier will lead you to other useful manpages about generalities man xhier package structure man...
From: Jeff Voskamp Subject: Re: porting xhier to new architecture Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 15:53:43 0400 Mailer: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en US; rv...
Herewith are my notes on my attempts to port xhier to FreeBSD. 26 August 2004 Start with a vmware machine to test things on. Set it up on williams.cscf and...
MikePatterson 13 Oct 2004 New machine, I scooped a dual P3 from Phil. I had started noting what I did in XhierOnFreeBSD, but the hard disk barfed and the previous...
MikePatterson 14 Mar 2005 scrub the existing software tree ( rm r /{vendor,xhbin} , clear out /fsys1/.software , recreate links, etc). Set capo`s access rights...
So we started again. Dave lied to debian30 and told it that it`s the archmaster for freebsd5. Try just a plain xh first time. Dave found the same stuff I did. Dave...
Meeting time 6 April, 2005, 1430h 1600h Initial notes by DanielAllen 07 Apr 2005 Today Dave showed us the draft of his new script to automate ray`s instructions...
Meeting time Tuesday, 7 June 2005, 1330h 1430h Initial notes by DanielAllen Present: Dave Gawley, DanielAllen, Ray Butterworth, and Steven Nickerson. Since two of...
07 March 2005 meeting start 1300h finish 1345h Present: LawrenceFolland, DanielAllen, MikePatterson, Dave Gawley, Guoxiang Shen, Steve Nickerson, Ray Butterworth...
Meeting time Monday, 16 May 2005, 1400h 1500h Initial notes by DanielAllen Present: Dave Gawley, Ray Butterworth, MikePatterson, DanielAllen, Chris Calzonetti,...
21 February 2005 Present: Guoxiang Shen, David Gawley, DanielAllen, MikePatterson, ChristopherCalzonetti, LawrenceFolland. We`re interested in xhiering several new...
Meeting time Tuesday, 24 May 2005, 1300h 1500h Initial notes by DanielAllen Present: Dave Gawley, Jim Johnson, DanielAllen, Chris Calzonetti Dave expanded upon the...
Meeting time 28 February 2005, 1300h 1430h Initial notes by: MikePatterson 28 Feb 2005. Present: Dave Gawley, Ray Butterworth, LawrenceFolland, Steve Nickerson...
Meeting time Tuesday, 31 May 2005, 1300h 1500h Initial notes by DanielAllen Present: Dave Gawley, MikePatterson, Steven Nickerson, DanielAllen, Chris Calzonetti...
Questions and Answers This wiki is about any question that involves either Xhier itself or any package. What updates /etc/hosts and /etc/networks ? Answer: The...
Xhier Renumber/Rename a machine See also ChangeXhierIrixHostname. ST#54572 is the primary motivation for this. Xhier steps Look in /software/xhier/data/access...
Xhier on a Solaris machine There are many notes out there for working with Xhier. Here we try to gather some of those notes specifically for setting up a new Solaris...
MikePatterson 25 Jan 2005 SpamAssassin talks about using mailservices to do all filtering. But a research group could be in a situation where it wants two versions...
This was done circa February 2004 by MikePatterson. go to capo suw cd /usr/source looking at a few other packages (mutt, gcc tools), I did: mkdir httperf 0.8 cd httperf...
MikeGore 02 Feb 2012 Xming X Window Server for Windows Notes Xming has replaced Micro X on all our Windows platforms Although Xming is Free people who...
From the muttrc manual page: Mutt understands either two or four digit year specifications. When given a two digit year, mutt will interpret values less than 70 as...
Zed Attack Proxy Project The official program name is OWASP Zed Attack Proxy Project. As copied from the ZAP page, the program does the is described as: `an easy to...
ZFS Storage Pool and File System ZFS uses storage pools to manage storage devices. A storage device could be a whole disk or a slice of a disk. ZFS prefers to...
Selected Notes on the ZFS File System Layers device: HDD, SSD, iSCSI vdev: tree of: stripe, mirror, raidz1, raidz2, device pool: vdevs of: data, write...
Zigen HAVEX HD BaseT units Never purchased but looks interesting: 1. See: 1. Manual: HAVEXusermanual...
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