Printing Private Subnet


A subnet on has been created and has been put into the firewall Zone 1. You will need to trunk any switches using tag 1833 to allow access.


The 172.19.x.y subnet is accessible from anywhere on campus

Naming scheme

You must use the following naming scheme:

csprinterN where N=001,...,

A block of twenty name has been allocated already with the following IP configuration: where N is as above.

Addendum (lfolland) I can see 3 allocated (csprinter001-csprinter003) with IP addresses


You should continue to set passwds and store them on cscf.cs in the passwords file.


If the printer uses dhcp please use the equipment database to setup the network configuration. You may also want to update DNS with text field describing where the printer is.

-- WalterTautz - 18 Jun 2007

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Topic revision: r4 - 2013-07-03 - DrewPilcher
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