Creating a Mailman Mailing List on IST`s Mailman server Contact IST Contact IST via JIRA
Scanning (OBSOLETE DELETE) Setting up a Xerox MFP for Scanning There are currently 2 models of Xerox Multi function units in service in CS, the Workcentre...
Installing and configuring the mod auth cas module to work with Apache 2 on Ubuntu This is to make use of the Central Authentication Service provided by IST for single...
Linux Active Directory (obsolete) Here we will document how to setup a Linux machine to authenticate against an Active Directory and then how to solve various problems...
OpenBSD in CSCF (obsolete) CSCF`s ability to support OpenBSD is very limited. In mid 2007, CSCF starting looking at OpenBSD for low cost network load balancing using...
Windows Vista Setup and Applications (obsolete) System Default Browser and Email applications Notes MicroSoft has yet again changed the way you access default...
This page is being proposed for deletion because this page only contains a link, which is broken. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent...
New Visitor Onboarding (migrated to: Visitor Onboarding) Here we list the many tasks that have...
New Staff Onboarding (migrated to: Staff Onboarding) Here we list the many tasks that have to...
New Faculty Onboarding (migrated to Faculty Onboarding) Here we list the many tasks that have...
New Part Time Employee Guide (migrated to: Part Time Employee Guide) These are additional guidelines...
Preparing for a new Director of CSCF (migrated to: for New Director) Much of the preparation...
TwoFactor Authentication Service (Needs Updating) Purpose The Two Factor Authentication service is a secure authentication service intended for computing support...
Staff Stuff This page is intended to gather up the various topics that will be of interest to staff relating to how we work, vacation, professional development, etc...
Who Does What (Obsolete) The Does What list was in the past maintained by the BillInce as a text file. That is used to generate the list. Maintaining the Who Does...
Setting Up an Ubuntu LTSP server (Obsolete) Introduction This article describes how to set up an server using fat clients and the i386 architecture. Options are included...
Troubleshooting Lab Macs (Obsolete) General Publications Recovery of files: BackupMacs Caution Do NOT login...
Mac Lab Software Problems (Obsolete) neo office Intel version not available until September epson perfection 2450 photo scanner driver does not support...
Deploy Studio Imaging and deployment links and notes. (Obsolete) Deployment Planning Template
Understanding EFI and its role in NetBoot (Obsolete) Where is it on the machine, how big is it, and what can you do with it? See also rEFInd boot manager from...
Creating a Mac OS X Installation Image using DeployStudio (Obsolete) 2011 11 08: in progress This applies to both multicast and unicast images. 1. creating a netboot...
Obsolete All faculty, staff, and students (grad and undergrad) use the same image. What is different are the hidden/inaccessible Applications that are made so via...
Obsolete As of May 2014 the undergrad Mac labs in MC are running OS X 10.8.4 with the following additional software: (note this is not a complete list nor is it current...
Obsolete There are a bunch of things that need to be done to make a Mac `lab worthy`. Hers is a list: It is currently in the processes of being revised. Disable...
Debian Install Notes (Obsolete) Location of Files: \\\sysprep\SYSPRIMG\CSCF DEB Install the split image. root wants to be /dev/hda5...
(This page is getting bulky enough that perhaps we should spin off a new set of pages, one per q and a? MikePatterson)or maybe by category (Updates, Display, Printing...
Security in CS (This page needs updating) Jump off page for security related stuff. LabSchedule listing of possible rooms Opening and Closing SecurityAlerts...
HP Hardware notes (Obsolete) Models HP DL 585R07
Casper Suite (Obsolete) As of October 2016, JAMF Software has been renamed jamf and plans to rename Casper Suite to jamf Pro sometime in 2017 when the software reaches...
Obsolete The /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file on the Mac lab machines needs to be modified as follows: Note: There might not be an snmpd.conf file on the machine and so...
Obsolete They look like this: (imagine a picture here). They have blue ends with a twisted grey cable and are about 30cm long. It turns out that they`re Prolific...
Obsolete The version of X11 that Apple recommends is XQUARTZ from Previous versions of X11 are deprecated. XQUARTZ is currently...
Changing the Mac Short Name (Obsolete) In our world, the short name should match the UWDir entry, for ease in printer quota / access, and easier ssh access to our...
Obsolete Create a new userid under System Preferences/Accounts change icon picture if users requests Pay very close attention to the users short name...
Mac Test Suite (Obsolete) Here we list a series of features that should run under our standard Macintosh installation, or any time we want to test various features...
Obsolete sudo niutil createprop . /users/joebob shell /bin/tcsh and substitute your short userid for joebob, of course. MikePatterson 24 Mar 2005 start...
Setting up a BaseSystem (Obsolete) 1 Initial Account Set up administration Account need IPaddress temporary address or permanent address and port to the internet...
Main.iturner 01 Apr 2009 Disable Safe Sleep (Obsolete) Mac portables can become un bootable off their hard drive if the safe sleep image is corrupted. See for further...
Macintosh Diagnostics Home (Obsolete) This is the default landing page used in our diagnostics NetBoot image. It will cover basic diagnostics tips as well as the...
Grad Student Mac Deployment (Obsolete) The information on this page pertains to obtaining and setting up a Mac for grad use. The current setup uses Mobile Device Management...
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful.