New Part-Time Employee Guide (migrated to:

These are additional guidelines for part-time employees; see also Notes for new CSCF employees.


The hiring manager needs to make sure paperwork has been submitted to Jackie Hilts. For a new part-time employee who hasn't previously worked for us, the paperwork is the same as for a new employee. For an employee who has previously worked for us (as a co-op or other employee) it is sufficient to check with Jackie that we have their paperwork already on file, including current bank information.

Pay Sheets

Pay sheets are submitted every two weeks. They are filled in by the part-time employee and reviewed by their manager. The manager then sends them to Jackie. They are due to Jackie by noon on every other Thursday, although she has a bit of leeway to submit them to HR. If a pay cycle is missed, the hours should be noted on the following pay form (with the start and end dates corrected).

A blank pay sheet may be found on the Human Resources site Note this is a fillable PDF- for simplicity, the employee can fill it in electronically and send it to the hiring manager.

For the first one, if the employee has already been paid by the university, they don't need to attach a blank void cheque. If they have not, the first one should be filled in as completely as possible ("payroll ID" isn't necessary).

For subsequent ones, only some of the information is required- see Redacted Pay Sheet for the necessary information.

Pay Sheet Cautions

  • Make sure that the "Dates Worked" do not overlap on subsequent pay-sheets; they will be flagged by Jackie. If there is a reason for overlapping dates, or corrections, the manager should give Jackie a written explanation, which she will send along to HR. Sample explanation: "On my last "Dates Worked" I accidentally listed the Friday after the pay period ended, but I didn't include the hours."
  • Part-time employees are paid for holidays, however the pay sheet should NOT include those as hours worked. They will be added by Jackie as "statutory hours".

-- DanielAllen - 2015-08-17

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