* Create a new userid under System Preferences/Accounts +
- change icon picture if users requests
- Pay very close attention to the users short name as it must correspond with uwdir userid.
- open terminal window
- login into the admin account if you are not already there.
- Enter the su command use if su is not active use sudo
cp -R /Users/name1/* /Users/name2/
cd /Users/name2
chown -R name2:name2 .
ls -ls this directory and make sure the new owner is the owner of all of the files
- Have the new user name2 log into their new account
- check the operation of the system
- it is probably best to delete the keychain, because the passwords will not match
- one known failure of this method is Dreamweaver - remove ~/Library/Application Support/Macromedia, then do a customized setup for the new person
- open System Preferences/ Sharing
- Change the name of the computer to the new person name
- open System Preferences Account Select the old account - save the archive
-- ArthurHills - 25 Apr 2005
-- Main.iturner - 02 Oct 2009