
As of May 2014 the undergrad Mac labs in MC are running OS X 10.8.4 with the following additional software:

(note- this is not a complete list nor is it current).

For a current list go to /Applications on the client machine.

Software Location
Adobe Photoshop CS5 /Applications
Alice 2.2 /Applications
Alice 3 /Applications
Chimera 1.5.2 /Applications
DrJava 20110205 /Applications
Filemaker Pro 9 /Applications/Filemaker Pro 9
Firefox 4.0 /Applications
Google Chrome 10 /Applications
Google Earth 6.0 /Applications
Macports (various packages) /Applications/MacPorts
Maple 14 /Applications
Matlab 2010b /Applications
Microsoft Office 2004 /Applications
Microsoft Office 2008 /Applications
Microsoft Office 2011 /Applications
NeoOffice 3.2 /Applications
NetBeans 6.9.1 /Applications/NetBeans
Python 2.5 /Developer/Applications/Utilities/MacPython 2.5
Python 2.6 /Applications/MacPorts/Python 2.6
Python 2.7 /opt/local/Applications/Python 2.7
Python 3.2 /Applications
Racket 5.1 /Applications/Racket-5.1
Sketchup 8.0 /Applications/Google Sketchup 8
Snapz Pro X /Applications/Snapz Pro X
Thunderbird 3.1.9  
XCode 4.0 /Developer/Applications

-- DawnKeenan - 28 Apr 2011

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Topic revision: r6 - 2024-11-22 - MariHassanzada
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