Mac Lab Software Problems (Obsolete)

  • neo office - Intel version not available until September
  • epson perfection 2450 photo scanner driver - does not support USB 2.0 (intel imacs)
  • R-Gui.pkg - says requires 10.4.4 or higher - does not install on 10.4.6
  • ARD admin/client mismatch - should be same version
  • Norton Antivirus (from IST) on Imac - freezes during update - fixed by going through help which retrieved another image from Symantec - Now works on Intel
  • Norton Antivirus causes delay in I/O so MS throws up a flag stating that it cannot save the file/changes - fixed by an check exception on home dirs. This also fixes the DrScheme file saving problem. Also testing to fix an issue with Tutors saving to course share /private/var/root/Library/Preferences/ (contents are encoded, so must be edited as admin via the Norton Autoprotect config, then saved to the server)
-- Main.echrzano - 24 May 2006 -- Main.iturner - 16 Nov 2006
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Topic revision: r8 - 2024-11-22 - MariHassanzada
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