Linux Working Group

Invitees - Attendees

  • Invited: Anthony, Adrian, Guoxiang, Clayton, Lori, Fraser, Nathan, Dave, Omar, Devon, Todd, Nick, Lawrence

Review and accept previous meeting minutes.

Last meeting's tasks [10 minutes]

  • "Dirty Pipe" -
  • linux.student.cs loadaverage is much higher and more variable than in the past.
  • Clayton - document process of adding hosts to AD and move to a generally accessible place
  • Lawrence / RSG - update jerusalem and graceland to mount new NFS share - RT#1194157
  • Dave - put up Beta version of Virtual Host Index / Anthony to create a ticket - RT#1211603 -> working on it
  • Fraser to create a ticket for updating the Graphics Lab machines
  • Anthony - will create a ticket for monitoring processor data - will work with Devon
  • Fraser - create request for Devon for combined general use cpu load graph (and possibly other metrics)
  • Lori - create ticket for Devon to create combined graph for DFSc
  • Lori - create RT for graphing network statistics data
  • Lawrence - follow-up with SuperMicro re: RT#1079451
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Topic revision: r1 - 2022-03-31 - AnthonyBrennan
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