ST to RT Investigation Project
Table of Contents
Project Objective: Purpose
The purpose is to investigate and enact a CSCF/MFCF switch from ST to campus RT. There are three phases, planned to cover three terms: investigation (Spring 2016), implementing sample queues and staff dashboards for testers (Fall 2016), followed by staff training and implementing external access tools (Winter 2017). Each phase will include a "go/No-go" decision; if there are any dealbreakers, management will be notified ASAP.
Project Scope/Deliverables
The high-level outcomes and results of this project are as follows:
- we're agreed on a project plan and timeline for the investigation
- we've identified success criteria for being able to switch
- we've investigated all identified factors
- wrapup includes:
- report to management so they can make a go/no-go decision (multiple reports along the way- informing about possible dealbreakers ASAP)
- plans for potential upcoming work
Scope Includes/Excludes
- investigation includes coordination with IST on process for RT improvements
- to be coded by CSCF, MFCF, other
- making available necessary documentation
- existing requests in ST will not move
- having an effective request-tracking system is critical to CSCF and MFCF workflows. We won't move until and unless necessary workflows are available.
Assumptions and Risks
- we can identify all of the critical features of ST by testing RT with sample requests- without leaving out seldom-used features that we later discover were critical.
Project Members
drallen (project manager), fhgunn, lfolland, rblanders
Project Stakeholders
CSCF, MFCF, and our clients
Project Sponsor
Ken Salem
Implementation Plan
- 2016-05 - 2016-08: investigation phase.
- 2016-06: Survey of CSCF/MFCF for important features
- 2016-08: Team finishes report on critical and important features
- 2016-08: Go forward decision leading to:
- 2016-09 - 2016-12: decisions leading to setting up sample queues, access, support-staff dashboards.
- 2016-09: IST sets up additional access for project members
- 2016-10: CSCF Management decides on initial queues to set up (Research Groups plus Management?)
- 2016-10: MFCF Management decides on initial queues to set up (?)
- 2016-10: IST sets up sample queues (Maybe not necessary yet? We have
- 2016-10: Team asks IST/Lisa for customizations to queues, such as "all queue members have access to all items", adding summary field, etc.
- 2016-11: Team sets up dashboards
- 2016-11: Team meets with ISTers (suggested by Lisa?) to see their regular workflow
- 2016-11: Team identifies possible changes in our workflow
- 2016-11: Team identifies specific requirements of external access tools - including flagging problematic/difficult requirements
- 2016-12: Team reports to CSCF Management
- 2016-12: Go forward decision leading to:
- 2017-01 - 2017-04: staff training, get all external access tools working
- 2017-01: Team + co-op employee begin implementing external access tools
- 2017-02: Completion of tools to replace ST functionality not included in RT (or workarounds)
- 2017-02: Beginning training of staff / team identifies remaining deficiencies STToRTInvestigation Staff Meeting Presentation 2017 02 16
- 2017-04: Deficiencies are either mitigated or we decide we have dealbreakers
- 2017-04: Training by IST
- 2017-04: ST To RT Documentation is started and a working version is available for staff
- 2017-04: Go forward decision leading to:
- 2017-05: all new requests handled by campus RT. ST remains in maintenance mode, for historic data.
Meeting notes
-- DanielAllen - 2016-05-31