Meeting called by Lisa in advance of CSCF go-live ("May 1")
Lisa, Jeff, and Daniel attended.
Questions for Jeff and Lisa
- RT cli access still an option? - later, we want it for batch updates and possibly batch-item-creation.
- yes- log into REST - sure, later in may.
- Submit Jeff an RT item.
- meanwhile, in my test install, look at the /bin/rt command - manpage
- RT::Extension::TimeTracking ?
- weekly view includes time spent on each item.
- Add to time worked: date (to log time for yesterday)
- "Users:" see total time worked per person
- yes- submit an RT item for Jeff to set up on dev for us to beat up on.
Action Items
- Jeff to apply SQL access updates (later today)
- Daniel will get Jeff IPs for prod web today
- Daniel to continue working on validation rules - give to Jeff tomorrow?
- I told them it's fine if this happens after the weekend - Jeff will install validation callback by next Friday
- Daniel to ask Lawrence- who uses RTIR incident reporting? - might be mailed to a mailing list. want to give RT access. who is on the list?
-- DanielAllen - 2017-04-26