Below is based on Lisa's notes, attached below.
Lisa, Jeff, Jennifer, Robyn, Daniel, Fraser, and Lawrence attended.
Work left to be completed in the project
- Jeff to apply scrips so custom roles send email /RT#591608
- Daniel to continue working on validation rules etc. /RT#591610 - we agreed to revise the charter to remove this as a requirement for closure, because it's blocked on Daniel's time, and we're working on other high priority RT items; so Lisa can close the IST project sooner.
- Review Charter Deliverables, attached below
- Future changes/features/development- recommendations
- Process for communication between CSCF/MFCF and IST re: bug fixes, feature requests from Best Practical, development , etc.
- Campus RT group
- Training
- SEW: issue solver and requestor training
- PDAG: key areas of RT … e.g. searches, bulk updates (and send reply to all tickets with same dependencies) and dashboards; general QA (bring your RT ?S ideas, pain points , tips, awesome featurs, suggestions etc. )
- Special request
- FACCUS session
- RT session with agenda .. bring snacks &help;
- Etc.
- Feature requests
- Collaborative development
- Mailing list for RT collaboration and communication
Lessons learned
- what problems occurred and how those problems were handled and may be avoided in the future.
- No problems ..just questions/inquiries
- Access to Sharepoint dcouments ..esp after move of SP site
- what went well with the project/program and why
- IST oversight very adequate; minimal issue
- Great collaboration between IST and CSCF/MFCF
- Enough IST resources to meet/exceed goals
- Manageable set up deliverables
- Willingness on IST’s part to be flexible and accommodate/accomplish new features
- Adapting other timelines to meet timelines of CSCF
- In-house Vendor training that included IT staff from business units
- PM
- IST – RT side
- CSCF – migration from ST to RT side
- *Feature requests triaged through key CSCF staff before being passed to IST
- *Including a few key people form business unit (CSCF) in planning units
- key findings from the lessons learned effort for use on other projects/programs.
- See * above
- Any project that can improve collaboration between IST and other campus units a big win
- Identify major issues and potential impacts of each that should be considered in the future.
- None identifed
Next steps
- Survey (?)..not needed at this point
- Complete Lessons Learned and Closure documents and send to project team and sponsors (Lisa)
- Other:
- Future changes/features/development
- (Jeff to create ticket re: improving RT performance by boosting memory, moving to SSDs)
-- DanielAllen - 2017-05-23