Below is based on Lisa's notes, attached below.

Lisa, Jeff, Jennifer, Robyn, Daniel, Fraser, and Lawrence attended.


Work left to be completed in the project

  • Jeff to apply scrips so custom roles send email /RT#591608
  • Daniel to continue working on validation rules etc. /RT#591610 - we agreed to revise the charter to remove this as a requirement for closure, because it's blocked on Daniel's time, and we're working on other high priority RT items; so Lisa can close the IST project sooner.


  1. Review Charter Deliverables, attached below
  2. Future changes/features/development- recommendations
    1. Process for communication between CSCF/MFCF and IST re: bug fixes, feature requests from Best Practical, development , etc.
    2. Campus RT group
      1. Training
        1. SEW: issue solver and requestor training
        2. PDAG: key areas of RT … e.g. searches, bulk updates (and send reply to all tickets with same dependencies) and dashboards; general QA (bring your RT ?S ideas, pain points , tips, awesome featurs, suggestions etc. )
        3. Special request
        4. FACCUS session
        5. RT session with agenda .. bring snacks &help;
        6. Etc.
      2. Feature requests
      3. Collaborative development
      4. Mailing list for RT collaboration and communication

Lessons learned

  1. what problems occurred and how those problems were handled and may be avoided in the future.
    1. No problems ..just questions/inquiries
    2. Access to Sharepoint dcouments ..esp after move of SP site
  2. what went well with the project/program and why
    1. IST oversight very adequate; minimal issue
    2. Great collaboration between IST and CSCF/MFCF
      1. Enough IST resources to meet/exceed goals
      2. Manageable set up deliverables
      3. Willingness on IST’s part to be flexible and accommodate/accomplish new features
    3. Adapting other timelines to meet timelines of CSCF
    4. In-house Vendor training that included IT staff from business units
    5. PM
      1. IST – RT side
      2. CSCF – migration from ST to RT side
    6. *Feature requests triaged through key CSCF staff before being passed to IST
    7. *Including a few key people form business unit (CSCF) in planning units
  3. key findings from the lessons learned effort for use on other projects/programs.
    1. See * above
    2. Any project that can improve collaboration between IST and other campus units a big win
  4. Identify major issues and potential impacts of each that should be considered in the future.
    1. None identifed

Next steps

  1. Survey (?)..not needed at this point
  2. Complete Lessons Learned and Closure documents and send to project team and sponsors (Lisa)
  3. Other:
    1. Future changes/features/development
  4. (Jeff to create ticket re: improving RT performance by boosting memory, moving to SSDs)

-- DanielAllen - 2017-05-23

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filedocx RT4-4andCFMFCFmeetings-7.docx r1 manage 63.9 K 2017-05-23 - 16:24 DanielAllen  
Microsoft Word filedocx RT4.4-ProjectCharter.docx r1 manage 57.4 K 2017-05-23 - 16:24 DanielAllen  
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Topic revision: r1 - 2017-05-23 - DanielAllen
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