Below is roughly based on
Lisa's notes
Lisa, Jeff, Robyn, Daniel, Fraser, and Lawrence attended.
Confirmed details about April 22nd Go-Live
- Jeff and Lisa are prepping. Jeff will apply CSCF RT SQL access next week.
Training Sessions
- April 12, 10:30-12:30 mandatory session for CSCF and MFCF Managers (DC 1302)
- POSTPONED April 26, 10:30-12:30 Q&A session for CSCF
- Daniel to un-reserve room with Helen
- Lawrence found a new time, May 18th, noon-2pm.
Validation of Cost Estimate
- we fixed the validation rule on-the-fly: it accepts NULL now. Which means Lisa does NOT need to add the default value to 4.4 install.
- Lisa changed the description to say "CAD$"
Action Items
- Jeff to apply SQL access updates next week
- Daniel to continue working on validation rules etc.
Action Items within CSCF
- CSCF will finalize communication plans with our clients: eg., "you will receive automatic email when a ticket is created, and when it is closed."
- CSCF Documentation: see "RT Tips" section from
-- DanielAllen - 2017-04-20