ST To RT Investigation Meeting 2016-08-30
Meeting between Daniel, Dave, Lawrence, Omar to decide go/no-go.
- Reviewed Daniel's report in ST#103960 recommending going ahead.
- an additional concern: emailing RT: if you have email aliases / reply-to, RT will create the item with the wrong user.
- linking to inventory:
- We know we can have custom fields -> can field output be URL? Probably.
- Agreed that our time-reporting tool is important
- we need in-house expertise for customizing the following:
- RT front-page / dashboards
- search page: somewhat confusing to use saved search
- suggestion: we can write up custom searches, and give everyone a custom dashboard
- searches should include: high-priority: time-tracking, due-date, owner
- Handling attachments: Lawrence edits attachments in situ. He'd be sorry to see this go, but it's not a deal-beaker.
- We can store files in our filespace and link them in RT.
- Additional concern: RT doesn't have a summary field
- we could add a custom field to the basics / displayed at the top. TBD if we want to.
- batch dependency creation?
- OK if it's not there for now but create a tool down the line, perhaps?
- can RT create dependencies via email?
- Dave: Biggest hurdle is creating usable dashboards for all staff. If there's a high learning curve, staff will find it a barrier to use.
- Deciding on number of queues (possibly: RSG, TOP, INF, management queue)
- or: Omar's: incidents, requests, projects - currently under master-items.
- can a master item in one queue reference dependencies in another queue? Yes, we believe so; however, links to management queue would mean regular staff couldn't read them / see the status.
- do we want to have dependencies individuals cannot read? To be determined.
- are we in agreement it's OK IST staff can read our private items? Yes.
- Lawrence: critical: all CSCF staff see all items - in all queues except management queue.
- Overall agreement: Yes: next May, all new tickets in RT.
- updated STToRTInvestigation Implementation Plan.
- Omar is happy for his group to be beta-testers. (Lawrence wants to switch over at budget cutover - May)
- In Spring term, or possibly Fall, we can work on improving our workflow - both by seeing how IST uses theirs; and by assessing our needs.
-- DanielAllen - 2016-08-30