Start Presentation

Slide 1: ST->RT Project

Project members

  • Daniel Allen (project manager), Fraser Gunn, Lawrence Folland, Robyn Landers, Jim Johnston, and Lori Suess
  • Plus Lisa Tomalty (IST manager), Jennifer Kier, and Jeff Voskamp

Slide 2: Project Motivation

  • Inter-operation with rest of campus
  • Maintainability/adding features to ST
  • Useful features of RT 4.4

Slide 3: Project Timeline

When What
Spring 2016 Survey CSCF/MFCF and report on critical and important features
Fall 2016 Feasibility; monthly meetings with IST; making design decisions
Winter 2017 Further design and implementation
* Alpha version: now (project members and volunteers)
* Beta version: early April, with live site/data.

Slide 4: A Few Useful Features of RT 4.4

  • Dashboards and custom searches > Runon Sentence
  • Gantt chart
  • Automated creation of standard jobs
  • Automated reminders

Slide 5: Dashboards and custom searches


Slide 6: Gantt chart

Slide 7: Automated creation of standard jobs

  • Extremely flexible coding via "scrips"
  • We could do something like:
    • "When I create a ticket with the subject 'Purchase [...]', automatically create a dependency ticket with the subject 'Barcode [...]'"
  • Automatic action we don't need to add because it's built in: "Admin-CC my manager" (Managers are Admin-CC on their queue)

Slide 8: Automated email reminders

  • Automated email reminders of upcoming due dates
  • Automated pushing due dates (for any search terms) to your calendar via iCal

Slide 9: Feasibility: no deal killers

Biggest problems:
  1. change in process: only one Owner, and no "Responsible" field
  2. Can't auto create arbitrary titled dependencies at one time
  3. Some changes in workflow
  1. What happens to ST?
  2. ...

Slide 10: Implementation: Fixing problems

1) change in process: only one Owner, and no "Responsible" field built in
  • In RT, "Owner" is the person responsible for resolving the ticket, replying to client.
    • No multi-value "Responsible" list, with a "First Responsible"...
  • Solution: adding a role, "Supporters".

Slide 11: Custom Role

Owner Owner Responsible
Other owners N/A Supporting
Responsible N/A Accountable
Admin CC Admin CC Informed
Requester Requester  

Slide 12: Implementation: Fixing problems

2) Can't auto create arbitrary titled dependencies at one time
  • We can write code to do this
  • And there is a request from Best Practical to contribute modules back, to potentially become maintained by them!

Slide 13: Implementation: Fixing problems

3) Workflow changes
  • Many simplifications (removing fields CSCF management no longer cares about)
    • eg., Service/Component/Advancement
  • Jennifer Kier/Lisa Tomalty will offer training on RT
  • As we discover workflow changes needing fixing, we could make additional changes to RT as needed

Slide 14: Questions

What happens to ST?
  • It will be kept running for historical lookups
  • Not going to import all of ST- and Management wants to reduce our open items.
    • What happens to open ST items in May: no updates, or allow updates to close over the term?

Other questions?


Lawrence, Fraser, Robyn and I answered a batch of questions (not recorded), and the following are ones that I responded "let me look that up and get back to you."

  • parameterized search: can we make a box that accepts input to search for, in a particular parameter? (Adrian, ?).

  • does a person have a "default queue" which can be set, so new items (and searches?) default to it? (Lori)

  • There are pieces of ST in rt-math-1 that will need triage/deciding whether to keep/toss. (Adrian).

  • Do we want to set a CSCF default RT user, so we don't have to worry about changing it? (Mike)
    • could be useful concept for adding a default (adminCC) when sending something outside of CSCF?

  • what will the training look like? 1 day? a few hours? (Lori)

  • can MS Project import or export for RT? (Dave)
    • RT can export as .csv / MS excel.
    • I don't find an open-source module add-on for importing from MS Project.

  • how many CSCF people in the room use the batch-creator at all? 15.
  • how many would ideally like it available from the get-go in April? 8
    • Dave: once a fiscal year, kicks off 50-60 items
    • Dan renovating a lab, will create 30 or so.
    • see ST#109169 for follow-up.

  • can RT link to each transaction on an item, eg,. on a particular date and time on that item? (Lori)
    • yes; the hashtag link is visible on the left-hand side of the page.

-- DanielAllen - 2017-02-07

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng RT_Custom_Search_page.png r1 manage 136.0 K 2017-02-15 - 11:35 DanielAllen RT Custom Search
PNGpng RT_Gantt_Chart_for_RT_Project.png r2 r1 manage 150.1 K 2017-02-15 - 17:02 DanielAllen RT Gantt Chart
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Topic revision: r8 - 2017-02-21 - FraserGunn
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