Slide 1: ST->RT Project
Project members
- Daniel Allen (project manager), Fraser Gunn, Lawrence Folland, Robyn Landers, Jim Johnston, and Lori Suess
- Plus Lisa Tomalty (IST manager), Jennifer Kier, and Jeff Voskamp
Slide 2: Project Motivation
- Inter-operation with rest of campus
- Maintainability/adding features to ST
- Useful features of RT 4.4
Slide 3: Project Timeline
Slide 4: A Few Useful Features of RT 4.4
- Dashboards and custom searches > Runon Sentence
- Gantt chart
- Automated creation of standard jobs
- Automated reminders
Slide 5: Dashboards and custom searches
Slide 6: Gantt chart
Slide 7: Automated creation of standard jobs
- Extremely flexible coding via "scrips"
- We could do something like:
- "When I create a ticket with the subject 'Purchase [...]', automatically create a dependency ticket with the subject 'Barcode [...]'"
- Automatic action we don't need to add because it's built in: "Admin-CC my manager" (Managers are Admin-CC on their queue)
Slide 8: Automated email reminders
- Automated email reminders of upcoming due dates
- Automated pushing due dates (for any search terms) to your calendar via iCal
Slide 9: Feasibility: no deal killers
Biggest problems:
- change in process: only one Owner, and no "Responsible" field
- Can't auto create arbitrary titled dependencies at one time
- Some changes in workflow
- What happens to ST?
- ...
Slide 10: Implementation: Fixing problems
1) change in process: only one Owner, and no "Responsible" field built in
- In RT, "Owner" is the person responsible for resolving the ticket, replying to client.
- No multi-value "Responsible" list, with a "First Responsible"...
- Solution: adding a role, "Supporters".
Slide 11: Custom Role
ST |
RT |
Owner |
Owner |
Responsible |
Other owners |
N/A |
Supporting |
Responsible |
N/A |
Accountable |
Admin CC |
Admin CC |
Informed |
Requester |
Requester |
CC |
CC |
Slide 12: Implementation: Fixing problems
2) Can't auto create arbitrary titled dependencies at one time
- We can write code to do this
- And there is a request from Best Practical to contribute modules back, to potentially become maintained by them!
Slide 13: Implementation: Fixing problems
3) Workflow changes
- Many simplifications (removing fields CSCF management no longer cares about)
- eg., Service/Component/Advancement
- Jennifer Kier/Lisa Tomalty will offer training on RT
- As we discover workflow changes needing fixing, we could make additional changes to RT as needed
Slide 14: Questions
What happens to ST?
- It will be kept running for historical lookups
- Not going to import all of ST- and Management wants to reduce our open items.
- What happens to open ST items in May: no updates, or allow updates to close over the term?
Other questions?
Lawrence, Fraser, Robyn and I answered a batch of questions (not recorded), and the following are ones that I responded "let me look that up and get back to you."
- parameterized search: can we make a box that accepts input to search for, in a particular parameter? (Adrian, ?).
- does a person have a "default queue" which can be set, so new items (and searches?) default to it? (Lori)
- There are pieces of ST in rt-math-1 that will need triage/deciding whether to keep/toss. (Adrian).
- Do we want to set a CSCF default RT user, so we don't have to worry about changing it? (Mike)
- could be useful concept for adding a default (adminCC) when sending something outside of CSCF?
- what will the training look like? 1 day? a few hours? (Lori)
- can MS Project import or export for RT? (Dave)
- RT can export as .csv / MS excel.
- I don't find an open-source module add-on for importing from MS Project.
- how many CSCF people in the room use the batch-creator at all? 15.
- how many would ideally like it available from the get-go in April? 8
- Dave: once a fiscal year, kicks off 50-60 items
- Dan renovating a lab, will create 30 or so.
- see ST#109169 for follow-up.
- can RT link to each transaction on an item, eg,. on a particular date and time on that item? (Lori)
- yes; the hashtag link is visible on the left-hand side of the page.
-- DanielAllen - 2017-02-07