ST to RT Investigation: Changes Requests for CSCF/MFCF RT Queues
Change requests, by term, most recent first. Before items will appear here, they will be reviewed by CSCF and possibly MFCF to determine what are our priorities. See ST To RT Requests And Issues.
Change Requests, Spring 2017
- Other Queue Access:
- Custom Fields for Budget Spent and Unit 4 Account Code /RT#611642
Change Requests, Winter 2017
All of the below Change Requests have been received by Lisa, and all but "Other Queue Access" are complete.
- Other Queue Access:
- We would like access to IST Queues as appropriate/helpful, eg., the Client Services queues (
done), and Networking if possible.
- CSCF Queues:
CSCF - General queue - Owner: cscfhelp
CSCF-INF - Infrastructure - Owner: dlgawley
CSCF-RSG - Research and Special Projects- Owner: lfolland
CSCF-TOP - Teaching and Operations - Owner: omnafees
CSCF-MGMT - CSCF Management - Owner:
- yes, we want reminders every Wednesday. No extra email aliases.
- CSCF-MGMT should be visible to a group consisting of dlgawley, lfolland, omnafees, kmsalem.
- The other four queues should be available to both CSCF and MFCF staff.
- Custom Fields and Roles for CSCF/MFCF Queues:
- Custom Role: "Supporters"
- Custom Role: "Accountable"
- "Location" text-field
- "Other Ids" multiple-value text-field
- "Private Comments" text-field as per other IST queues
- "Sponsors" text-field with preset values (Teaching, Research, Administration, Infrastructure, Student Requests, Unknown)
- "Summary" wikitext-area - with CSS to redisplay with wider text-input - see Implementation details below.
- Custom Fields for CSCF Queues:
- "Subscription Code" text-field - "Link values to"
- "Cost Estimate" text-field - validation: values must be numeric.
- "Barcode" multiple-value text-field - with "Link values to"
- "Machine Name" multiple-value text-field - with "Link values to"
- Custom Fields for MFCF Queues:
- "Account Number" text-field
- "Group" text-field with preset values (to be supplied by MFCF- eg., Applied Mathematics, ...)
- "Barcode" multiple-value text-field - with "Link values to"
- "Machine Name" multiple-value text-field - with "Link values to"
Summary Custom Field: Implementation Details
- We want our summary to be much wider than the default text field. And, ideally, type=Wiki.
- RT will allow multiple Custom Fields with the same Name. We'd prefer "Summary" but if there's a reason you prefer not to, we could use "Summary (Wiki)"
- Making it display wide will require a second step, after the field is created, which depends on the ID number generated for it. As previously discussed, Jeff and I will handle that part.
- Implementation: Admin menu -> Tools -> Theme -> Add text (at top) :
- Replace "129" with ID in source-code or CF overview page.
textarea.CF-129-Edit {
width: 400px !important;
See Also
DanielAllen - 2016-09-20