ST To RT IST Training - First training session

Presentation by Lisa Tomalley. Attended by all of CSCF and MFCF.

Action Items

  • cscfhelp to start ST To RT Documentation
  • Lawrence and Daniel to provide Lisa with an agenda for the second training session
    • Lawrence notes: "One takeaway is that people will be able to edit their dashboards and edit/create custom searches"
  • Daniel to ask Lisa/Jeff: can we save searches to be used by both CSCF and MFCF?
    • Who can edit saved searches? Can they clean up the group searches/rename?
  • Lawrence to convene discussion among managers about a convention for saving searches for others' use.
    • one possibility: the format is: "USERID: look up whatever" for their own searches and those they save to the group; and "GROUP: look up whatever" for searches approved by the manager as useful for the group and others.
      • For example: drallen: involves WCMS and not manager or RSG: nearly overdue client requests


  • Q: add a CS alias to emulate "rt-em-gw-" ? A: No. Practice shows people mis-type the numbers frequently. Much better is the RT standard of copying/pasting the subject-line. The context of the rest of the subject-line is useful. A second reason is reducing the critical things running on email at cs.
  • Q: versus ? A: rt@ is recorded as a reply (goes to requester). rt-comment@ is recorded as a comment (doesn't go to requester).
  • Q: What are the email differences between owner and adminCC? A: There are only a few. adminCC doesn't receive feedback-on-close, and doesn't receive reminders about the ticket that only go to the owner (?). The custom CSCF roles also act like adminCC.
  • Q: Can CSCF make service updates appearing on the "RT At a Glance" page? A: Not currently. Jeff is working on improvements that have been deferred a long time, which will make that possible.
  • Q: Can our search queries include all CSCF queues at once? A: Not currently; IST paid for development to do this and Jeff has to install the code.
  • Q: Tickets automatically go from "New" to "Open" when? A: only when the owner updates. Other updaters will need to manually change "New" to "Open".
  • Q: What does status "Rejected" get used for? A: IST uses it for spam, and/or inappropriate requests that don't require reply to requester. The requester does NOT get emailed.
  • Q: When you're on a ticket, what's the easiest way to find other tickets by the same requester? A: In the People section, choose the link next to a person to find recent open/closed tickets involving them.
  • Q: Making sub-queries, what fields are auto-populated? For each type? A: (?)
  • Q: "My Day" page: Could it include "time last updated"? A: Daniel will consider how to do this, after May.
  • Q: Who can edit saved group searches? A: Daniel to investigate, for the next training session.
  • Q: Can the Dashboard email me search results? A: Yes. From - check under the "Subscription" column for each dashboard.
  • Q: What is my default Dashboard? A: "logged in as" yellow menu -> settings -> "RT at a glance" is your default home-screen/dashboard.
  • Q: What preferences should I change? A: "default queue", "show oldest first", "WYSIWYG editor" (adds a toolbar hidden by an arrow on the right-hand side of the ticket response/comment box)
  • Q: Summary is a Wiki Text field. How do you edit the wiki text? A: The formatting is described by
  • Q: What are the IST docs for RT? and
  • Q: How do I make sub-items in a different queue? A: in RT4.4 (not yet;, in the "Links" section, at the bottom there is a dropdown to create a type of link, in an arbitrary queue you have access to.

- DanielAllen - 2017-04-12

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