Attendees: Jennifer, Lawrence, Daniel, Fraser, Jeff,Lisa, Jim, Lori.
Notes from Lisa. Comments in italics by Daniel.
Going through our list of Critical Factors with Lisa...
IST access to our queues beyond requests? Security group... who else?
custom fields: can have permissions of visibility
private items: they suggest a private queue to avoid searching by outsiders and co-ops (eg., helpdesk can’t see them)
moving things into queues: if you have access to both, can directly move. if you only have one, move it to general, add comment to move it to the other.
RT can’t do wildcard queue search- discussion about if Best Practical can add.
We can make custom dashboard search that includes all of our queues.
Bring questions to november meeting: how to do things we have identified.
4.4 going live before May; training for requesters when? MFCF will want training. Documentation for requesters is already online
Multiple queues for MFCF? discussion for them later.
IST can create forms (and templates) for us and show how they are implemented.
do we need our own group "service updates" (prominant at top of page)? if so, IST needs additional work to implement showing by group.
* wishlist item: group-specific alerts. (can instead be a dashboard)
* We could use a specific new queue to do it the same way they did
time management: 4.4 has new features; including a popup timer.
“aliases” can rename columns.
workflows meeting: just after next RT planning meeting.
Feature being worked on; auto-change status from “new” to “open” - otherwise it’s kept “new”. 4.4 makes it possible to enforce rules.
What information does IST gather when opening a ticket? (for next month).
4.4 can have custom roles (eg., responsible).
-- DanielAllen - 2016-11-07