Below is an extract from
Lisa's notes
Lisa and Jennifer were there; Jeff is on holiday; Robyn was there from MFCF; Daniel, Fraser, and Lawrence were there from CSCF.
1. Review action items
- pull time worked data from rt4.4: Daniel has forwarded details to Jeff; waiting for reply from Jeff.
- additional list of items for Daniel to investigate and/or ask Jeff about: bring back to next meeting.
- new: MFCF/CSCF to request queues needed to be set up now in RT 4.2
- new: MFCF/CSCF to discuss custom role requirements and bring to next meeting (CSCF proposed just adding "Supporters"; Robyn asked if we also need "Accountable" to replace ST's "Responsible"; CSCF didn't think so.)
2. RT data retention
- IST plans to switch to only keeping 8 years of live data in RT- it had been recommended but not implemented. But probably will be implemented eventually.
- We'd get access to a read-only archive, if it comes to that.
- 1) parametrized search: might end up being a CSCF tool that creates a URL acceptable to RT.
- 2) "default queue": yes. See Lisa's notes.
- 3) Training:
- Probably a 10am-noon pizza meeting for CSCF and MFCF in early April, followed by hands-on separate CSCF / MFCF meetings in a lab, in late April.
Further CSCF/MFCF Discussion:
- STToRTInvestigationFields will contain a list of ST fields and what we believe the plan is for them (whether or not to keep).
-- DanielAllen - 2017-02-21