OFIS Notes from 17 March, 2010
Past Tasks
- Daniel: conv with Ray about ecserv19 / ofis.uwaterloo access. works!
- Marlon added "BS" to common field.
- discussion of delegating via dropdown (Vu's recommendation) vs status quo. Vu wasn't here to make recommendations.
- prelim. discussion of unifying tables. Marlon and __ will follow up
- IAP data: employee leave, history, rank are all there. Marlon following up with Sam and fiddlying with employment_history, and sabbatical_leave (actually general "leaves:"), ... [other table? accademic_appointments]
- 80%+ sabbatical information form will be able to be filled in automatically. Profs will like this.
- Marlon will have the data working in 2-4 weeks?
- this means wont' be able to edit sabbatical information manually?...
- GSO: supervisory end date request: Marlon asking GSO (Derrick) for end-date, which doesn't get imported.
- Beth will do spot-check of data to make sure this is the operation that will fix known problems.
- December student finishes; "error" that the GSO takes a month to update data ("student count date").
- also: we don't get historical updates; they don't pass us older than a year. Beth says: add that to the ST!
- Marlon: general discussion of errors that get passed on and never fixed: Tom Duver (?) asked his faculty to not enter their data in OFIS.
- suppressing sections with no data: building RTF from scratch
- Noki: working on curl to fill in NSERC form 100. discussion: is this a useful direction? their forms keep changing. he's also working on producing rtf of contributions, as submission for that form.
- web testing demo next week
- Lei's calendar-picker not ready yet.
Upcoming Tasks:
- Daniel: research-book work, demos
- tell profs: changes will be erased.
- look up email to the list: bibtex-using prof, wants to test.
- "2234 manuscript pages" - where does that come from? End-page isn't supposed to be a range, is it?
- logic for page-ranges: holes around "" or 0 for source, n for end
- Awards: "Show on Web" for everyone; Daniel will need poking at how that select will work.
- website entry: show edit fields for interests, teaching, service: D.
- Marlon: Vic DiCiccio ?
-- DanielAllen - 24 Mar 2010