SharePoint Support

Accessing Sharepoint Documents Directly

The Visual Upgrade

The above contains a hint for ST #76658: Sites that were migrated do not have the Visual Upgrade automatically applied. A site administrator must choose to do this from the top-level of the site via SITE ACTIONS → VISUAL UPGRADE

Determining Who Can Read What

Motivated by ST #70558, we want to know how to tell what being a group member allowed one to read. IST said:

There are a couple of different methods for figuring out what a group and what an individual may have access to viewing and/or modifying.

There are also steps that can be taken to "restrict" what a person/group may see when setting up SharePoint resources. I will address that first.

The first thing to consider is if an entirely new permission structure is required. This is what subsites are very good a providing. A subsite can have its own security groups, and these security groups can be configured so they have no access to any other part of the SharePoint site. This is typically best done when the subsite is being created and selecting the option to create unique permissions.

To check what a group has access to go to to the People and Groups page. Click on a group to show its membership Click on SETTINGS and Select the VIEW GROUP PERMISSIONS item This will open a new page that lists what parts of the site and which permissions the group has.

To check an individual's permissions the SharePoint site must be using the new SharePoint Foundation 2010 Visual Upgrade.

Sites that were migrated do not have the Visual Upgrade automatically applied. A site administrator must choose to do this from the top-level of the site via SITE ACTIONS → VISUAL UPGRADE

Once this is applied go to: SITE ACTIONS → SITE PERMISSIONS

This will bring up the new version of the SITE PERMISSIONS tools which includes an option to CHECK PERMISSIONS

Enter the USERNAME in the window that pops up and you will get back a report of what that account can access and the permissions for each section it may access.

Updating Group Memberships

SharePoint group membership is determined by a combination of

Updates are manual.

Site Actions → Site Settings → Site Permissions
shows the permissions associated with each group for a site. These are site specific.

Site Actions → Site Settings → People and Groups → Groups .. More
shows what might be a complete groups list, found here:
It shows about 62 groups. Experimentation suggests that it's the same list for sub-sites. Selecting a group shows membership.
For deletion, select the check box beside each member to delete, and select
Actions → Remove Users From Group
For addition, select
New → Add Users

Site Administrators

We have a few site administrators. The list is determined via

Site Actions → Users and Permissions - Site collection administrators.
So far it's a member of the Client/User Support Group, backed up by the group manager. It doesn't seem to preserve the ordering of the list as entered.

Most of the work is adding/removing staff and faculty due to hiring, departures, and annual changes in committee membership.

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Topic revision: r5 - 2012-01-11 - BillInce
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