OFIS Notes from 13 May, 2010
Past CS tasks
- Daniel:
- gave Noki a copy of a prof's NSERC form 100 data as requested, for him to use as template.
- Prepping for profs using OFIS to make their research book. (June?)
- Report back from Beth/Marlon about IQC meeting with Colin Bell. IQC has broad intentions for sharing data between campus sources. Particularly publications. working on project with campus library (Alan Bell)
- Refbase
to record publications. php; want to provide web services to update/query.
refbase can import and export references in various formats (including BibTeX, Endnote, RIS, PubMed, ISI Web of Science, CSA Illumina, RefWorks, MODS XML, OpenOffice, and MS Word). It can make formatted lists of citations in HTML, RTF, PDF, or LaTeX, and offers powerful searching, and RSS support. Its OpenSearch and SRU/W web services, and support for unAPI & COinS metadata allow for easy access by clients and search engines.
- meeting again in 2 weeks (May 24). Daniel is invited too.
- poss ultimately move to refbase for our publications. though Vu is leery about trusting net connections between (?).
- refbase currently pulls from ISI, Scopus, Refworks. Huge databases.
- May have redundant information.
- missing some data types from OFIS. Which we think would require continuing to add the data via OFIS?
- q: interoperability with other sources? my-common-cv, COS? Current feed to refbase from COS already.
- Discussion between Marlon and Beth on reconciling jobcodes.
- discussion on research-support data changes.
Upcoming Tasks:
-- DanielAllen - 17 May 2010