Middle Atlantic parts we commonly use to order

  1. MiddleAtlantic Low Profile Wall mount Mini-TR 4 rack spaces with 4" square power box in right corner Part Number: HDR-4 URL: http://www.middleatlantic.com/specs/96_975HDR_4.pdf
  2. Fan (4-1/2" 120Volt muffin fan) for above (this is an absolute must to keep switches cool) Part number: HDR-FAN >>>>>>>>>>__URL: http://www.middleatlantic.com/dcm/wall/hdr.htm
  3. MiddleAtlantic rack screws 500 pcs of 3/4 inch 10-32 thread screws Part number #HP500 >>>>>>>>>>>__ URL:__ http://www.middleatlantic.com/rackac/hardware/hrdwr1.htm
  4. MiddleAtlantic rack ruler Part number: DARULER ___________________>>>>>>>>>>>>>_ URL: http://www.middleatlantic.com/rackac/rulers/rulers.htm
  5. 21U Rack on wheels used in Networks Lab PN# PTRK-21 MDK URL: http://www.middleatlantic.com/enclosure/sa/ptrk.htm
  6. Side lacing bar Middle Atlantic LBFR-1626
  7. 4" front lacing bar PN# LBP-1R4 (round) URL: http://www.middleatlantic.com/rackac/cablem/cablem.htm
  8. 4" front lacing bar PN# LBP-4A (square) URL: http://www.middleatlantic.com/rackac/cablem/cablem.htm
-- DanHergott - 01 Dec 2010
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