Dan Hergott's Miscellaneous Notes

Free Printable Calendars http://www.printable-calendar.com/

CONVERT METRIC CAD drawing from millimeters to inches 0.0393700787

UW Eduroam Ubuntu instructions: http://ist.uwaterloo.ca/cs/wireless.html#toc-connecting-ubuntu

CSCF Rack Equipment listing

CommonlyOrdered parts + AV VENDORS https://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/view/CF/CommonlyOrdered

Setting up Dell iDrac on server

NetWork articles Menu

VLAN IP Assignments

  1. https://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/view/CF/VLANInformation

University of Waterloo Plant operations work requests

  1. Download the work request form here: http://plantoperations.uwaterloo.ca/wr/workrequest.pdf

Video and other extenders from Gefen

  1. http://www.gefen.com

How to obtain a listing CS controlled networks(DRH - 6-Feb-2008)

  1. Login to Unix host and type command: grep -i math,cs /etc/networks

Surface and under carpet AV wiring

See: https://connectrac.com/site/avtrac.asp

Video projector display problems: system is displaying a locked image and/or static

Problem: A data projector is displaying a bad image on the screen. 
               Screen never updates to the current image that is trying to be projected from connected computer.

The problem is the data projector's display memory is in a "stuck" corrupted state.  
This can happen on all makes and models of projectors, cost and quality of the projector does not cause or eliminate this from happening.  
This problem has happened several times before on several types of CS owned data projectors.

What is happening is the projectors have stored a "Bad" image in their display memory. 
The exact reason this does happen I haven't been able to get the projector experts or manufacturers to explain why, 
they've mentioned perhaps it was a power surge but I am dubious of that explanation.

The projector problem can only be resolved by performing this procedure:

 1. Take a step ladder to the room, if the projector is ceiling mounted. 
       Leave the ladder setup at the projector until the system is fully tested twice.
 2. Power off the projector with the keypad or the power button on the projector
 3. Let the projector run it's shutdown procedure, you'll hear the fans running.
 4. When the fans stop whirling then remove the power cable from the projector or from the electrical outlet.  
       This is critical to resolve the memory problem.
 5. Leave the projector unplugged from AC power for a minimum of 1 minute.
 6. After step #5 is completed, then plug in the AC power cord and turn the projector on with the key pad.
 7. If the projector does not turn on with the keypad then you have to manually turn the projector power on
      with the projector button on the projector itself.  
      Note that often the wall keypad will not turn the projector on the first time when the projector has experienced this problem.
 8. Test the projection system with a computer connected to the system at the podium desk.
 9. Shutdown the projection system.
10. Please note that when you turn the projector off with keypad it will take 2 minutes for the projector to 
      complete the cool down procedure before you can turn it back on.   This is true with all of the projectors that use a bulb.  
       The new Panasonic LED projectors in MC3003 can restart in a much shorter time.
11. Restart the system with the keypad system and test.
12. If system passes second test then you can take down the ladder and return to CSCF lab.
13. If the system is still having problems then contact me, Dan Hergott and also create a RT, 
        if one hasn't already been created, make me the lead.

How to get a Extreme GBIC port to communicate to a BayStack Gbic port (DRH)

  1. on Extreme port type following at command prompt
  2. config port 5:1 auto off duplex full speed 1000
  3. More info at: http://www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/bin/view/Engcomp/CommonExtremeCommands

Info on copying switch configurations from one switch type to another (DRH)

When you want to replace an Extreme with an HP, or vice versa, use the configuration translator in ONA to give you vlans, speeds, duplexes, descriptions etc in HP, Cisco, Extreme or Nortel format. It is at http://ona.uwaterloo.ca and click on "configuration translator". Note if a new switch goes into ona with the same name as an old one, and you do a "Sync", the old config is wiped from the database. So, you have to snag the config from the configuration translator before the new switch goes into service. Then you cut and paste it into a telnet window on the new switch, and presto.

Info provided by: Bruce Campbell Manager, Science Computing

Helpful Unix commands to see free IP's on a subnet (DRH)

  1. login to cscf
  2. type: freeIPs subnet#
    • Note: when using IST's DNS utility you can have it automatically generate a free IP on the desired network

Adding comments into CSCF ST Job tracker (DRH 30 Sept 2014)

  1. ST-comment+XXXXX@cs.uwaterloo.ca - where XXXXX is the job number.

Helpful Unix commands to see CS owned networks (DRH)

  1. login to cscf
  2. type: grep Math,CS /etc/networkshttp://www.compufox.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=J4859C-CO

Switch software Images on ECE server (DRH)

  1. tftp server:
  2. pathname : tmpdata/filename
  3. where filename is one of:
* Extreme password recovery http://www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/bin/view/Engcomp/NetworkProcedures

FLAWS USING EXTREME EDP for troubleshooting: (DRH)

  1. If you have a different brand switch between two Extreme switches it will ignore the other brand switch and erronously state that the two Extreme switches are connected via the ports directly, thus ignoring all other switches in between.
  2. This is an error and will prove faulty in a troubleshooting environment since we are using HP, Nortel and Cisco switches!


  1. In ST# 50345 we found that an Eon would not connect properly. It wouldn't find the servers in its list.
  2. After some testing it was found that the terminal would work properly when connected to a Cisco switch but nothing else.
  3. The EON was set to autonegotiate on the ethernet port in the bios.
  4. It was determined that EON tried to contact the DNS server before the autonegotiation was completed. As a result EON DNS services would not function. We could go to the console mode on the terminal and ping DNS and telnet to various servers without any problems.
  5. To resolve the problem we set the EON network settings to NON auto IE 100 full duplex and set the switch port to Non auto to match the settings in the EON bios.
  6. Once step 5 was completed the EON was tested and found to work properly with both HP and Extreme switches.
In the RV042 login to device using web browser

From the main menu select: Setup menu: Select Network menu then click on WAN1 configuration box with pencil. Then select/enter these settings: WAN connection type: Static IP Specify WAN IP Address: Subnet Mask: Default Gateway Address: DNS server (required) 1: DNS server 2: MTU: Auto

Press SAVE button when completed.

Next select the Advanced Routing button. Configure IPv4 with these settings: Working mode: Gateway RIP: Disabled.

Press the SAVE button when completed.

It is recommended that you save the configuration file to a network drive, or in an email. ---++ UPGRADING IOS ON CISCO C3550 EMI SWITCH (OCT 9, 2005 - DRH):

  1. Login to switch and go to config terminal mode and enter this command:
  2. archive download-sw /leave-old-sw tftp://
  3. Reboot switch by running the reload command
  4. This is for EMI licensed switches only, running 12.1 software


  1. Login to switch and go to config terminal mode and enter this command:
  2. archive download-sw /leave-old-sw tftp://
  3. Additional note from Bruce Campbell: I copied the firmware back out and checked the md5. (note new versions support built in command "verify /md5")
  4. Reboot switch by running the reload command

HOW TO GET HP3400 switch communicate with an Extreme switch over fiber (OCT 9, 2005 - DRH)

  1. on the HP use menu to set port to 1000Fdx and ENABLE flow control for fiber port
  2. You MAY have to set the extreme switch port to 1000 full duplex as well but I have gotten it to work without doing so.
  3. You don't seem to have to do this with the HP 2600 series switches.


  1. https://rt.uwaterloo.ca/~wwwrt/cgi-bin/rtuser.pl

Screw type for Panduit racks (NOV 25, 2005 - DRH)

  1. Philips drive, round head 12-24 thread X 5/8" long

Panduit RJ45 Data Comm Blockout -(Product over priced but effective) (March 22, 2006 - DRH)

  1. PSL-DCJB-C (100 pcs per package) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> URL: http://www.panduit.com/search/product_details.asp?Ntt=PSL%2DDCJB%2DC&N=5000001+3003548+5000013&Nty=1&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&srchRed=true&recName=PSL%2DDCJB%2DC&Ntk=All
  2. More detailed info http://www.panduit.com/search/product_details.asp?Ntt=PSL%2DDCJB&N=5000001+3003548+5000013&Nty=1&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&srchRed=true&recName=PSL%2DDCJB&Ntk=All
  3. PSL-DCJB-C (100 PCS per package) More detailed PDF file >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> URL: http://www.panduit.com/products/Product_Bulletins/103938.pdf

Common Cisco commands (Dec 5, 2005 - DRH)

  1. From ECE web site: https://www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/bin/view/Engcomp/CommonCiscoCommands

Removing snmp-server community from a Cisco switch (Dec 22, 2005 - DRH)

  1. Login to switch with supervisor rights
  2. conf term
  3. snmp-server community "name" RO or RW
  4. exit
  5. wr mem

Modifying Middle Atlantic Rack for Panduit Vertical Wire-Runner Vertical Managers (Jan 3, 2006 - DRH)

  1. Measured up the Panduit wire runner and drilled out both sides of Middle Atlantic rack with 1/4" drill and then used 1/2" green lee punch the hole to the right size. Probably would be better using a 9/32" drill so the metal doesn't jam in the Greenlee tool.
  2. The measurements for drilling, they are:
  3. Measuring up from the bottom of rack two holes are to be placed at
  4. 7/8" and 2-1/8" from front of rack to center of hole.
  5. Measurements from bottom to center of hole: 4-1/4", 43-1/4", 66-1/4"
  6. Tools required for assembly and drilling of rack: 1- set of sockets with ratchet for rack assembly, 1- tape measure (10ft or longer), 1- Square, (framing or tri-square will work), 1- roll 1-1/2" masking tape for layout of lines, 1- automatic punch for initial marking of holes, 1- manual punch or awl to deepen the marks for drill bit to follow, 1- hammer to punch the awl, 1- pair of Linesman electrical pliers, 1- 1/2" Greenlee hole punch, 1- heavy electric drill, 1- 9/32" drill bit (* 1/4" will work if you ream the holes, but the punched out metal will stick to the Greenlee screw), 1- Crescent wrench for mounting the Panduit wire manager to rack.
  7. Do NOT install the two ladder rack managers at the top inside of the rack. Reason: the bolts interfere with the Panduit wire managers.
  8. Autocad drawing of layout \\\core\0-Networking\0-Autocad files\Rack Blocks\MK-1945-25 Side-view.dwg

Commonly Ordered parts (March 22, 2006 - DRH)

  1. MiddleAltantic Low Profile Wall mount Mini-TR 4 rack spaces with 4" square power box in right corner Part Number: HDR-4 _______ URL: http://www.middleatlantic.com/specs/96_975HDR_4.pdf
  2. Fan (4-1/2" 120Volt muffin fan) for above (this is an absolute must to keep switches cool) Part number: HDR-FAN >>>>>>>>>>__URL: http://www.middleatlantic.com/dcm/wall/hdr.htm
  3. MiddleAtlantic rack screws 500 pcs of 3/4 inch 10-32 thread screws Part number #HP500 >>>>>>>>>>>__ URL:__ http://www.middleatlantic.com/rackac/hardware/hrdwr1.htm
  4. MiddleAtlantic rack ruler Part number: DARULER ___________________>>>>>>>>>>>>>_ URL: http://www.middleatlantic.com/rackac/rulers/rulers.htm
  5. PANDUIT PART# CFPTR4IW - (4 Outlet Tamper Resistant Face plate Uses Excelite 99-22 head, plate colour: International White) URL: http://www.panduit.com/search/product_details.asp?srchRed=true&recName=CFPTR4IW&Nty=1&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntt=CFPTR4IW&Ntk=All&N=5000001+3000376+5000013
  6. PANDUIT Part# CBXF6IW-A (surface mount box accepts 6 Mincom modules, with built in fiber spool, stores up to 24 meters of buffered fiber optic cable) We use this product typically in Middle Atlantic Low Profile Wall Mount Mini-TR for fiber feeds from main Telecom room. Page B3.23 in Panduit Pan-Net Network Solutions Catalogue __________ Picture of Part at this URL: http://www.panduit.com/search/product_details.asp?srchRed=true&recName=CBXF6IW%2DA&Nty=1&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntt=CBXF6IW%2DA&Ntk=All&N=5000001+3000117+5000013
  7. PANDUIT Single Gang Junction Box Part # JB1IWH Intermediate depth for use with all single channel Surface raceways. Web page http://panduit.com/search/product_details.asp?recName=JBP1IWH&srchRed=true&Ntk=All&Nty=1®ion=USA&Nr=P%5FRegion%3AUSA&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Ntt=jbp1iwh&N=5000001+3000253+5000013
  8. PANDUIT CAT6 mini-com YELLOW Coloured Jack PN# CJ688TPYL
  9. Velcro ties 8" use colour YELLOW WESCO price May 18-2006 $51.00 per 100 pcs (off shore brand)
  10. Velcro ties 12" use colour RED WESCO price May 18-2006 $48.00 per 75 pcs (off shore brand)
  11. Velcro tie continious roll (180" inches) use colour BLACK
  12. GEIST - 1U rack mount powerbar with AMP-METER PN# BREC160-0020/16 supports 110v or 220v up to 16 amps max per bar. MUST order input and output power cords separately. URL for product: http://www.geistmfg.com/dzapps/dbzap.bin/apps/catalog/store/get?webid=geistmfg&pItemID=80 This device supports 16 connections, 4 on front and 12 on back of unit. Each computer or switch required a IEC320C14 to IEC320C13 cable.
  13. GEIST - Model RSM-0 0U Vertical Power bar with WEB and SNMP control Part # RCMW240-1031ij4T6-0 should have as well 11-c.
  14. RSM configuration info: http://www.geistmfg.com/Geistmfg_Files/pdf/gm1094.pdf
  15. Geist RSD2X8 remote monitor.
  16. Panduit 48 Port 1U High density Patch panel Panduit PN# CPP48HDWBLY URL: http://panduit.com/search/product_details.asp?Ntt=cpp48hdwbl&N=5000001+3002120+&Nty=1®ion=USA&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&srchRed=true&recName=CPP48HDWBLY&Nr=P%5FRegion%3AUSA&Ntk=All
  17. Panduit RJ-45 cable Lock in device PN# PSL-DCPL-C (100 pcs Red with 5 Keys) Non Recessed type, won't work in HD panels.
  18. Panduit RJ-45 cable Lock in device PN# PSL-DCPLR-C (100 pcs Red with 5 Keys) Recessed type WILL work in HD panels. SEE: http://www.panduit.com/Support/Search/index.htm?N=5000001%203005706&D=%09RJ45%20plug%20lock-in%20device&Ntx=mode%20matchallpartial&Dx=mode%20matchallpartial&Ntk=All&Nty=1&R=PSL-DCPLR&sid=1274C4649030&Ne=1&Ntt=%09RJ45%20plug%20lock-in%20device&Ns=P_ItemSortOrder&Ns=P_ItemSortOrder&Ns=P_ItemSortOrder&Ns=P_ItemSortOrder&No=15
  19. Panduit RJ-45 Crimp Plugs PN# MP588-L (50 pcs per bag)
  20. HAMMOND 4 outlet 120volt POWER BARS with 6ft cord: PN# 1584H4A1RA with 15ft cord: PN# 1584H4B1RA

HOW TO Print on CSCF Ricoh Printer through Windows XP (March 13, 2007)

  1. Actually, the change the format of the output from "raw" to "lpr" and use a port-name of "cscflp01" (actually, the port-name is irrelevant since there's only one queue on the printer).

HOW TO Modify CS equipment location Database (March 29, 2007)

  1. Go to: https://webobjects.math.uwaterloo.ca/cgi-bin/WebObjects/equipment
  2. Log in with your UWDir login and password.
  3. At the main menu, click on Edit or Create an Item
  4. Type in the barcode in the field for Find the item whose bar code is:
  5. and click that labeled button
  6. The appropriate record will open. Edit the fields where necessary (for example if modifying room location: it will be the room number and Date Last Found),
  7. Click Save Changes.

ERROR - New switch won't take ONA changes: (DRH April 9, 2007)

  1. If you can't make the switch take the changes you need to make sure you've added /24 to SNMP manager authorized list.

ONA Problem - New switch won't take communicate properly with ONA changes: (DRH May 22, 2007)

  1. IST firewall causing problems:
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 11:55:51 -0400 From: Dave Gawley To: Dan Hergott begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting Subject: Re: Setting up CSCLUB switch on ONA

Just to record what we found when looking into this.

IST has cn-ona behind a statefull firewalled. Packets returning from the switch must appear to be comming from the same IP address that ONA is sending to. In this case ONA was configured to communicate to the switch on its mefcsc-sw-mc-3-3015-1a.uwaterloo.ca ( address however the switch was returning the information via its mefcsc-sw-3015-1a.uwaterloo.ca ( address. Changing ONA to use the mefcsc-sw-3015-1a.uwaterloo.ca name fixed the problem (we likely did not need to disable the mefcsc-sw-mc-3-3015-1a.uwaterloo.ca address in the switch configuration which you might want to test while this experience is still fresh).


HOW TO - Delete vlan from Cisco switches (DRH_May 28, 2007)

  1. a. login to switch, and use the command lines
  2. b. show vlan (to verify the vlan is actually on the switch)
  3. vlan database
  4. no vlan XXX (the number you no longer want accessible on the switch)
  5. exit
  6. wr mem
  7. wr terminal
  8. show vlan (to verify it has been erased from switch)
  9. Logout (you're done)

HOW TO - Connect to HP switch through SSH to CYCLADES box (DRH_May 31, 2007)

  1. ssh directly to switch (client machine must be on vlan 15) ssh @
  2. ssh to Cyclades box EXAMPLE: ssh dhergott:mc3015-01@cst3.cscf.uwaterloo.ca
  3. ssh directly to a Cyclades box EXAMPLE: ssh dhergott@cts1.cscf.uwaterloo.ca
  4. Then type ts_menu to see what port you want to connect to

HOW TO - Setup for CS printer only Private Vlan (DRH_19 June 2007)

  1. Dave has setup a CS printer-only private VLan, VLAN_ID # 1833 (accessible
campus-wide) that includes our DHCP service.

Secure Digital card info (SD Memory Card) (DRH_26 June 2007)

  1. KingMax memory SD cards are generatic and are not recommended. Purchased two DOA's as tested by Will @ Canada Computers
  2. Will recommends Patriot (none of Patriot products have ever been returned) OCZ (lifetime warranty) and Crucial

How to get Dell D800 laptops with internal Broadcom wireless cards to work under UBUNTU 7. (DRH_18 July 2007)

  1. Go to this web and follow the instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683
  2. I used all of the drivers listed as defaults (no Windows drivers) and it worked on my laptop.

How to Setup Voice Mail on Rogers wireless phone (DRH_31Aug_2007)

  1. From your wireless phone of phone press the 1 key for three seconds. The phone will display "Calling messages" on the LDC display.
  2. lace phone to your ear and listen
  3. You will then be requested for your password followed by the # key
  4. For your initial setup of voice mail the Last 4 digits of your cell phone number is password for mail box.
  5. The instructions will lead you through a setup routine which consist of:
  6. changing your voice mail password
  7. Recording your first and last name. As instructed you will press the # key when finished stating your first and last name.
  8. Selecting a standard greeting or a custom greeting
  9. If custom greeting is selected then you will be prompted to RECORD a personal greeting for voice messages. As instructed you will press the # key when finished recording the greeting.
  10. Once your satisfied with the greetings you will be queried on what further actions you'd like to perform. Make your choice and follow the instructions.
  11. ....IST Phone SUPPORT contact: Ginny Polai ext 84488
  12. The University of Waterloo SUPPORT contact from Rogers is Dave O'Connor, his phone number is 519-241-9377.

EasyMark Label Software Printer Setup (DRH_20_Dec_2007)

  1. ) Panduit sheet: S100X225YAJ Printer: HP4100DTN OFFSETS: Top -0.122 Left -0.2

How to list HP5400 modules installed and their serial numbers: (DRH-25-Feb-2008)

  1. ) login to switch with manager rights
  2. ) type this command show modules
  3. ) it will then list the modules installed with their serial numbers

CSI -network test ip (DRH-19-March-2008)

  1. ) IP: name:cs-test-switch-ip
  2. ) IP address:

OCC fiber optical cable part# RK 990929 (June 5, 2008)

  1. ) Info from Jannet Hale
  2. ) Solid colours strands around outer edge of jacket are single mode
  3. ) The other strands colours with dashes are mulitmode fiber.


  1. Bill Ince would like announcements emailed to cscf-staff@cs.uwaterloo.ca, cs-announce@cs.uwaterloo.ca and uw.cscf.fyi@news.cs.uwaterloo.ca (creates a posting on uw.cscf.f

Soft chinch Velcro ties from Graybar (April 20,2009)

  1. 1 roll RIP-TIE Lite X-12-450-RD 12" Soft cinche-Red $216.17 *$216.17 (450 pcs)
  2. 1 roll RIP-TIE Lite X-08-675YL 8" Soft cinche-Yellow $219.44 *$219.44 (675 pcs)
  3. Rip-Tie. Inc. San Leandro, Ca 94577 USA

HOW TO SETUP HP SWITCH PHYSICAL SECURITY see: http://www.hp.com/rnd/pdfs/Hardening_ProCurve_Switches_White_Paper.pdf

  1. Password Clear Protection – Front-Panel Security
ProCurve devices utilize the Reset and Clear buttons on the front panel to help users reset the switch configuration to factory default or to reset the console password. This capability creates a security risk anywhere it’s impossible to prevent physical access to the switch.
  1. ProCurve makes it possible to disable this functionality to protect from malicious use of these features.
There are two components to front-panel security: “password clear” and “factory reset.” Both must be disabled to fully secure the device.
  1. In the switch’s default mode, a malicious user can utilize the front-panel clear button to reset a
console password stored locally on the switch. To disable this feature, issue the command:
  1. COMMAND #1: ProCurve Switch(config)# no front-panel-security password-clear
  2. The other capability built into ProCurve switches is the ability to reset the switch configuration
to the factory default mode:
  1. COMMAND #2: ProCurve Switch(config)# [no] front-panel-security factory-reset
Executing this command prevents reset of the switch configuration by use of the front-panel Reset and Clear buttons.
  1. It’s critical to understand that disabling these features severely restricts administrator options if
the password is lost or forgotten. Before making these changes, users are strongly encouraged to review all considerations outlined in the Access and Security Guide for your model.

HOW TO clear password on Cisco 1700 or 1900 switch see http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/switches/ps574/products_password_recovery09186a00800a6c79.shtml

DC First floor Kiosk circuit breaker panel on the second floor. The breaker panel number is RP-12-B5. Kiosk is on breakers 39 and 41. (DRH - Aug 4, 2009)

ICR DC1301 (fish bowl) WAJ Port assignments WAJ JACK to switch port listing

  1. To automate setting these jacks to a particular vlan see https://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/cscf/internal/request_beta/UpdateRequest?69424 :
  2. C1 dc1307-cs1b Int 1 _
  3. C2 dc1307-cs1a Int 35 _
  4. C3 dc1307-cs1b Int 3 _
  5. C4 dc1307-cs1b Int 4 _
  6. C5 dc1307-cs1b (ACCESS POINT) _
  7. C6 dc1307-cs1b Int 2 __
  8. C7 dc1307-cs1b Int 7 __
  9. C8 dc1307-cs1b Int 8 __
  10. C9 dc1307-cs1b Int 28 __
  11. C10 dc1307-cs1b Int 27 __
  12. C11 Analog Phone line __
  13. C12 dc1307-cs1b Int 14 __

Laptop C5 connector power cord info:

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEC_connector
  2. Cable available from DigiKey http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Cat=1573035&k=c5%20power%20cord

HOW TO program a APC 5000 UPS with Network card (Oct 14, 2009)

  1. YOU MUST use special serial cable, or you will cause the UPS to turn off and risk destroying your serial port on your PC/Laptop.
  2. Once you have correct serial cable use terminal program with 2400 baud, 8 data 1 stop no parity Xon/Xoff protocol.
  3. Press the enter key once your have terminal program running.
  4. IF you get a prompt then enter user name and password, default is APC for both.
  5. If you don't get a prompt then press the reset button on the network card.
  6. It should then ask for username and password.
  7. Select the options you want to set on the network card and you can then test with Ping etc.
  8. Username and password should be setup to match CS edge switches username and passwords.
  9. Once you have configured card press until you get to the very first menu.
  10. Select the system menu
  11. Then select tools menu
  12. Then select reboot. This reboots the network management module only. It won't effect the devices powered by the ups.
  13. Login and select Network menu
  14. Select the PING utility
  15. if you've configured every thing properly this should work.

HOW TO get Acer 5520 Athros AR5400 wireless card to work under Ubuntu 9.10 (Dec 22, 2009)

  1. You must have wicd installed on machine. apt-get install wicd

Single gang electrical boxes use #6/32 machine screws

HP Gbic types and compatible devices (April 20,2010 - DRH)

  1. HP Multimode SX Gbic Part # J4858C Compufox compatible part# J4858C-CO http://www.compufox.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=J4858C-CO
  2. HP Singlemode LX Gbic Part # J4859C Compufox compatible part# J4859C-CO http://www.compufox.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=J4859C-CO

EATON PDU's we use (DRH - 24 Jun 2010)

  1. IPC36F4N2USW09L EPDU HORIZONTAL 2 U - Input: L6-30P Outputs:20pcs C13 4pcs C19 (at writing we are using 2 of these in DC3558 server room)
  2. Web page for info: http://powerquality.eaton.com/ePDU-PW105SW2U223.aspx?cx=3

How to setup IP info in Windows 7 or Vista (DRH - 24 Jun 2010)

  1. Go to start menu
  2. Select control panel
  3. Select Network and Internet
  4. Select Network and Sharing Center
  5. Select change adapter settings
  6. Select properties (similar to XP)
  7. Change IP info
  8. Gordon Boerke recommendeds to turn off IPV6 as it can cause access problems in CS network due to the firewall.

How to setup static IP address in UBUNTU (DRH - 24 Jun 2010)

  1. taken from http://www.ubuntugeek.com/change-ubuntu-system-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address.html
  2. edit sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
  3. setting to use in file in order;
  4. auto eth0
  5. iface eth0 inet static
  6. address 129.97.xx.yy
  7. netmask
  8. network 129.97.xx.0
  9. broadcast 129.97.xx.255
  10. gateway 129.97.xx.1
  11. nameserver
  12. You need to edit /etc/resolve.conf file for your DNS server enteries
  13. edit sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf
  14. nameserver (add up to three servers)
  15. Now restart the interface by typing: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

How to setup DHCP IP in UBUNTU (DRH - 24 Jun 2010)

  1. taken from http://www.ubuntugeek.com/change-ubuntu-system-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address.html
  2. edit sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
  3. setting to use in file in order;
  4. auto eth0
  5. iface eth0 inet dhcp

How to Order a complete Middle Atlantic Rack (DRH - 25 Jun 2010)

  1. Order the following Middle Atlantic parts - suppliers Anixter, Nedco, Graybar
  2. 1 pcs MRK4436-pro-LRD rack
  3. 1 pkg LACE-44-OP
  4. 1 pkg EB1-CP12 1U spacers
  5. 2 Pkg EB2-CP12 2U Spacers
  6. 2 pcs LT-GN-PL Rack lights
  7. 2 pcs 6 ft USB extension cables from Startech

Syslog server IP address for UPSes (DRH - 14 July 2010)

  1. syslog.cs.uwaterloo.ca is an alias for services112.cs.uwaterloo.ca at

How to repair UBUNTU Grub 2 (DRH- 26 July 2010)

  1. See https://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/view/CF/GRUB2

HP 5400 10Gig SFP+ module Information (DRH- 23 Aug 2010)

  1. PN# J9150A (SR-LC) multimode (only 30m on 62.5um fiber!)
  2. PN# J9151A (LR-LC) single mode 2km
  3. Third Party vendor of these 10G SFP+ modules (note there is a LONG delivery time 1-2 months) http://www.optichaven.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1_73_72
  4. Cisco 10gig SX-LC compatible SFP+ module from Optichaven: http://www.optichaven.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=89r
  5. NorthAmerican Site #3-4 are delivered from: http://www.elpeus.com/sfp-cables-sfp-modules-c-82.html
  6. SFP+ Twinax Cable assemblies (0.5m to 10m): http://www.elpeus.com/10gbe-sfp-cables-c-82_12.html?zenid=6de867216aa8587218fd1c30c66b389f
  7. SFP+ Active Cable assemblies (5m to 20m): http://www.elpeus.com/10gbe-active-sfp-cables-c-82_244.html
  8. HP official documentation on HP 10G SFP+ modules: http://h20195.www2.hp.com/v2/GetDocument.aspx?docname=c01699042&doctype=quickspecs&doclang=EN_GB&searchquery=&cc=emea_africa&lc=en

Optima TX1080 projector - LOGO capture info: max resolution (DRH- 1 Sept 2010)

  1. The required LOGO Image must come into projector on the VGA (15 pin) port for capturing on to projector memory.
  2. Maximum image resolution must not exceed 1152x846 when capturing the LOGO on projector.
  3. If image exceeds resolution 1152x846 then the image on projector logo will be broken with 3 vertical black bars and the image will have a washed out look.
  4. Optima tech support will tell you that you can capture at all of the projectors supported resolutions, but this is NOT true, I tried it with two projectors exceeding 1152x846 and obtained the 3 vertical black bars and the image was washed out looking.
  5. You must select user in the Options | Logo Capture box. It defaults to Optima even after an image capture!

Hard Steal projector cages and ceiling mounts - [Christie LWU505 won't fit in cage] (DRH- 13 Feb 2012)

  1. Hard Steal projector cages http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/604887-REG/Hard_Steal_AVC2_2_B_AV_Cage_Rev_2.html
  2. The "Chief" ceiling mount and pipe http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/buy/Wall-Ceiling-Plates/ci/11421/N/4294546097

Infinias Electronic door locks - (DRH- 13 Sept 2010)

  1. Single Door Kit – HID prox reader Strike & Sensors http://www.infinias.com/main/Configure/tabid/64/ProdID/131/RtnTab/64/PageIndex/1/CatID/19/Default.aspx
  2. Details on distributors: SEE ST# 74022 https://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/cscf/internal/request_beta/UpdateRequest?74022

Kramer Tools (video) - (DRH- 15 Sept 2010)

  1. VP-400 1 input 4 outputs. Will drive up to 150ft per cable. Sold by Sherwood
  2. Kramer VP-724XL Rackmount Video switcher with Scaler Sold by Sherwood
  3. Sherwood contact: Jon Buysse 519-745-6154
  4. Kramer website: http://www.kramerelectronics.com/

HP Procurve Manager manuals - (DRH- 16 Sept 2010)

  1. http://h10144.www1.hp.com/customercare/support/manuals/pcm-manuals.htm
  2. We have version 2 of PCM+

Connecting serial terminal to MGE UPS in MC3015 mc3015-ups-a7 - (DRH- 22 Sept 2010)

  1. Use a straight through cable ie: non-null Cyclades ST-8 to Cyclades ST-8
  2. Set terminal communications parameters to: 9600,8,1,N

HP Mobile USB powered Speakers FS 944UT - (DRH- 4 Oct 2010)

  1. Info given by Todd Methven PSG Solutions Architect todd.methven@hp.com

Rack Clips with 10-32 nut - (DRH- 14 Oct 2010)

  1. Spaenaur Part# 202-074 Speed grip nut retainer. #10-32 UNF (.064"-.105" Panel range) Spring steel / Factory Zinc Plated QTY 1000 PCS

DNS & NTP server NUMBERS for setting up UPS and switches - (DRH- 16 June 2011)

  1. CSCF DNS1 dc-dns-1.cw.uwaterloo.ca : for DC
  2. CSCF DNS2 dc-dns-2.cs.uwaterloo.ca : for DC
  3. NTP 1: ntp.cs.uwaterloo.ca:
  4. NTP 2: ntp.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca
  5. NTP 3: ntp.cscf.uwaterloo.ca
  6. NTP - doesn't work (10 March 2014)
  7. NTP
  8. NTP
  9. NTP (bigben.cs.uwaterloo.ca)
  10. * test ntp server peers with linux command ntpq -p "hostname or IP address" *
  11. *test ntp server with linux command ntpdate -q "hostname or IP address" *
  12. Domain name: cs.uwaterloo.ca:
  13. SMTP Server: mx100.cs.uwaterloo.ca
  14. Network switch and UPS mail server: mx100.cs.uwaterloo.ca
  15. Email contact: network-cs-contact@cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca

How to copy flash cache to video file in Windows - (DRH- 15 Oct 2010)

  1. VideoCacheView program to copy your flash video to a file
  2. web link: http://dw.com.com/redir?edId=3&siteId=4&oId=3000-2381_4-10781777&ontId=2381_4&spi=1125743310dafda15150c2473cd8251d&lop=link&tag=tdw_dltext<ype=dl_dlnow&pid=11644259&mfgId=107242&merId=107242&pguid=YfrjrAoOYJEAAGRSA7oAAAGE&destUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fdownload.cnet.com%2F3001-2381_4-10781777.html%3Fspi%3D1125743310dafda15150c2473cd8251d

Gore Cables manufacture SFP+ cables see 1 meter to 10 meters - (DRH- 18 Nov 2010)

  1. SEE: http://www.gore.com/en_xx/products/cables/copper/htb-cables-sfp.html

HP Procurve Part numbers - (DRH- 18 Nov 2010)

  1. ProCurve 10-GbE SFP_ 1m Direct Attach Cable Product number# J9281A/B
  2. ProCurve 10-GbE SFP_ 3m Direct Attach Cable Product number# J9283A/B
  3. ProCurve 10-GbE SFP_ 7m Direct Attach Cable Product number# J9285B Part number# 8121-1115
  4. Technical PDF for HP SFP+ cables http://search.hp.com/redirect.html?type=REG&qt=HP+X242+SFP+%2BSFP+%2B7m++Direct+Attach+Cable+J9285B&url=http%3A//h20000.www2.hp.com/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c02605468/c02605468.pdf%3Fjumpid%3Dreg_R1002_USEN&pos=1

APC Environmental Monitoring Serial cable pin outs - uses standard null modem cable - (DRH- 15 Nov 2011)

The 940-0103 cable is a null modem cable, and follows normal null modem pinout specifications, and is DB9-DB9 f/f.

End1 Pin2 ----to End2 Pin3

End1 Pin3 ----to End2 Pin2

End1 Pin5 ----to End2 Pin5

End1 Shell ----to End2 Shell

Other pins No Connection.

How to fix problems with Thunderbird loosing mail on OWA mail service.

  1. SEE: https://docs.rice.edu/confluence/display/ITTUT/Thunderbird+subscribe+to+folders

Kidney stone homeopathic medicine

Chanca Piedra from health food store.

Installing 32 application on 64 bit linux using dpkg (DRH April 2012)

  1. dpkg -i --force-architecture package.deb
  2. apt-get install a32-libs

Setting up SP Controllers for AV systems

  1. See document: \\asimov.uwaterloo.ca\Core\0-Networking\1-EXCEL_&_WORD_FILES\AV-INFO\Setting-up-SP-controls-system.odt

Controlling printers in Ubuntu (DRH/MAG Aug 2012)

  1. Type the following line in web browser address bar on the local machine:
  2. lpstat -p - lists all your printers
  3. lpadmin -d PRINTER - sets the default printer to PRINTER*

Viewing Room availability in Outlook: (DRH-15 Aug 2012)

  1. Click on Calendar
  2. Click on share
  3. Click add this calendar
  4. Type math (space) (building letters) (hypen) (room number) ( If the room is setup in Outlook it will then come up.)
  5. Click ok
  6. You will now see the availablity for the room.

DB9 to RJ45 DKits from Anixter $1.50 each see this link (10 Sept 2012 - DRH)

  1. http://www.infinitecables.com/pop/md-rj45-db9f.htm

Teksavvy.com email setup: DRH - 29 March 2013

  1. incoming server name: mail.teksavvy.com Port: 110
  2. incoming mail server type: pop3 Port: 110
  3. Incoming Username: username@teksavvy.com
  4. Incoming Connection security: none
  5. Authenticated method: Encrypted Password
  6. Outgoing SMTP server: smtp.teksavvy.com Port: 25
  7. Authenticated: Password, transmitted insecurely
  8. Connection security: None

How to setup a Laptop authenticated port in ONA for DC and MC: (DRH - 15 Aug 2013)

  2. login ona
  3. setup 802.1x to: ENABLED
  4. set 802.1x Unauth Vlan to: 439
  5. set Tagging to: None
  6. set Tagged Vlans to: <None>
  7. set Untagged Vlan to: 438

How to check Ptab security zones for problems: (DRH-15 Aug 2013)

  1. disable the 3rd floor security fibre and then enable.
  2. It will check for open zones which then can be bypassed.

Size of MP3 files

  1. * 32 KBps songs usually run ~0.25 MB's / minute
  2. * 64 KBps songs usually run ~0.50 MB's / minute
  3. * 96 KBps songs usually run ~0.75 MB's / minute
  4. * 128 KBps songs usually run ~1.0 MB / minute (Baseline measurement)
  5. * 192 KBps songs usually run ~1.5 MB's / minute
  6. * 256 KBps songs usually run ~2.0 MB's / minute
  7. * 320 KBps songs usually run ~2.5 MB's / minute (Max Quality for MP3)

NTP server (Raspberry - Pi)

  1. To create the server from parts see: https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/cscf/internal/request_beta/UpdateRequest?90757
  2. To configure the server see: https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/cscf/internal/request_beta/UpdateRequest?91340
  3. To read the raw variable data from the GPS clock, issue command: ntpq -c cv bigben.cs.uwaterloo.ca
  4. To find out how many satellite GPS is syncing with, issue command: ntpq -c cv bigben.cs.uwaterloo.ca | cut -d, -f 8

New AV products to check out:

  1. Record an AV stream that is being send out on the network with the Matrox Monarch HD recorder (5 Nov 2013): http://www.matrox.com/video/en/products/monarch_hd/svc_300x250/?utm_campaign=MonarchHD_SVC_300x250banner&utm_medium=banner&utm_source=SVC#close
  2. Elmo LED 300 lumens pocket portable projector,
  1. Wireless HDMI transmitter / receiver units will transmits up to 33 feet see: http://www.gefen.com/kvm/gtv-whd-60g.jsp?prod_id=14888

Connecting Mac mini display port to Projector systems: (Snickers to DRH 11 March 2014)

     Connecting a Mac to a Projector Thunderbolt (Mini Display port) to VGA
      The best way I have found to connect a Mac to projector is to: 
             1. Connect the Mac dongle to the VGA connector of the projector.
             2. Have the Mac already up, with the user logged in.
             3. Then connect the Mac dongle to the Thunderbolt (Mini Display port)
                 The projector should then be able to automatically detect the signal from the Mac 
                 and display the screen on the projector.
            Note: Depending on the resolution of the projector and the display settings on the Mac, 
                          observation has shown that the display on the Mac may end up “smaller”.
                          By this I mean the Mac displays the “Desktop” narrower than normal, 
                           with “black bars” on both the left and right sides.

Selecting proper screen for room size - from Da-lite web site (DRH 12 March 2014)

Da-Lite > Products > Selecting the Right Screen.   http://www.da-lite.com/products/selecting.php

            Da-Lite offers a wide array of screens each with a choice of projection surfaces. Selecting the right combination to meet your needs is 
            important for optimum results.  The following offer guidelines for selecting a screen that suits your application. Although these recommendations 
            will work in most situations, each must be looked at not as a strict rule, but rather as a guideline for determining your actual needs based on 
            your own situation.  For additional help in selecting screens, contact Da-Lite for the free publication "Selecting Front Projection Screens 
            for Today's Presentation Media Applications". Of course, your Da-Lite Sales Partner is also happy to assist you.

Four Steps to Selecting the Right Screen:
           1.  Determine the optimum screen size based on room dimensions, planned audience seating size and arrangement. 
                The rule of thumb is to fit the screen to the audience - not to the projector. :
           2.  Da-Lite recommends the following formula for determining screen size for commercial and educational applications.
                Screen height should be approximately equal to 1/6 the distance from the screen to the last row of seats, allowing text to be read and 
                detail to be seen in the projected image. Ideally, the first row of seats should be approximately two screen heights away.
           3.  The bottom of the screen should be a minimum of 4 feet above the audience floor, allowing those seated toward the rear of the audience 
                to see the screen. This may require additional screen "drop" for ceiling hung screens.
          4.    Da-Lite recommends the following formula for determining screen size for home theater applications:
                 Screen height should be approximately equal to 1/4 the distance from the screen to the last row of seats. 
                 Ideally, the first row of seats should  be approximately two screen heights away.  
          5.   The bottom of the screen should be a minimum of 2 feet above the audience floor. 
                 This may require additional screen "drop" for ceiling hung screens.

                       Select the appropriate format for your projection application. Common formats are as follows:
                             Common Applications                                                 Aspect Ratio (Width/Height)
                             NTSC Video ...............................................................   1.33:1
                             PAL Video................................................................... 1.33:1
                             Wide Format................................................................ 1.60:1
                             HDTV Video................................................................ 1.78:1
                             Letterbox Video........................................................... 1.85:1
                             35 MM Filmstrip........................................................... 1.32:1
                             2x2 Standard 35MM Double-Frame Slides.................... 1.50:1
                             Super XGA Computer...................................................   1.25:1
                             Cinemascope...............................................................   2.35:1

Choose the screen surface that best suits your projection and viewing requirements. For your convenience, links for front and rear surfaces can be found at the top of this page. If the screen will be used for multiple projection methods, choose the screen surface that meets the requirements of the lesser performing projection method.
    Pick the type of screen that best suits your particular needs. For example, choose from front projection screens in either portable, wall or ceiling mounted models in either manual or electric versions or rear projection screens. Generally, if your projection application is permanent, then wall and ceiling screens are your best choice. If, however, you find your needs require moving the screen to different locations then a portable screen is a better alternative.

Education guide for picking Da-Lite screen see:  http://www.da-lite.com/education/guide.php

How to setup Aztec projector security cages AztecSecurityProducts.com model #109A for Panasonic PT-RZ370U projector (DRH 23 April 2014)

  1. see: http://www.aztecsecurityproducts.com/projector-enclosures-c-5_24.html

How do I see my Pogoplug drives under windows7 (DRH 18 March 2014)

       Thank you for contacting Pogoplug support.
       Allow me to further explain about the services Pogoplug provides:
      Our free Pogoplug Companion software - enables the the following features:
             i. Backup & Restore - Manage your data by setting up backup plans from your computer to your Cloud / Pogoplug drives.
             ii. File Management - Mount the Pogoplug drives as Local drives:
             Will allow you to access Pogoplug enabled drives and your Pogoplug as a local drives using Finder/Windows Explorer,  
             meaning you can easily transfer files from and to your Pogoplug drives. 
             Please note this feature is not available for cloud drives, only Pogoplug device and Pogoplug PC shared folders.

       To turn the Pogoplug Drive feature on, please click on the small software icon on your system tray (the one next to the clock) 
       and choose settings / preferences -> then click on the Pogoplug Drive tab and make sure the cursor is set to ON.
               To download the software, please use the following links:
               for windows - http://pogoplug.com/downloadbackupinfo?platform=win
               for mac - http://pogoplug.com/downloadbackupinfo?platform=mac

How allow Java to access site in Windows 7 (DRH 21 March 2014)

     1 Open the Start Menu.
     2 Go to Control Panel.
     3 Click on Java
     4 click on Security 
     5. click on Edit Site List
     6. enter:  http:// (ip or name of network site)
     7  click ok to save

How to allow Telnet to run on Windows 7 (DRH 21 March 2014)

    1  Open the Start Menu.
    2 Go to Control Panel
    3 Click "Programs." 
    4 Under "Programs and Features" click "Turn Windows Features on and off".
    5  Click Yes in the User Account Control window that may pop up depending on your settings
    6  Wait a few minutes while Windows compiles the list.
    7 When the list appears, check the box next to the folder named "Telnet Client" and click OK.
   8 Wait a few minutes while Windows applies the settings.
   9 Follow the steps below for something to do with Telnet.

How to Setup Cisco RV042 VPN gateway/router for CSCF (DRH 24 March 2014)

    1. In the RV042 login to device using web browser    Note other network addresses other than 192.168.1.xxx are NOT allowed
    2. From the main menu select:
            Setup menu:
            Select Network menu then click on WAN1 configuration box with pencil. Then select/enter these settings:
                WAN connection type:      Static IP
                Specify WAN IP Address:
                Subnet Mask:    
                Default Gateway Address:
                DNS server (required) 1:
                DNS server            2:
                MTU:                      Auto
    3. Press SAVE button when completed.
    4. Next select the Advanced Routing button.  Configure IPv4 with these settings:
               Working mode: Gateway
               RIP:          Disabled.
    5.  Press the SAVE button when completed.
    6. It is recommended that you save the configuration file to a network drive, or in an email. 

How to Setup Valcom IP clocks for CSCF (DRH 26 March 2014) (This page has been Migrated to Confluence)

See: https://uwaterloo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CSCFINF/pages/44285034546/How+to+Setup+Valcom+IP+clocks+for+CSCF+DRH+26+March+2014

Equipment required:
    Windows PC with Ethernet card.
    Administrator rights to machine
    Valcom Vipsetuptool software on CD or download from http://www.valcom.com/vipsetuptool
    Valcom Reference manual (optional)
    Network switch with POE power  or non POE network switch and separate POE injector.
    3-4 Cat5E or greater patch cables.

    before starting obtain
    proper vlan # and IP address
   DNS server IP addresses 
   NTP sever IP address

Assemble clock and remove lock pin from back of the clock.
     - This is critical, damage to clock may occur if not removed!   
         It is recommended to first set up clock on test bench, 
        then mount clock in final destination and verify operation.

    Connect the PC used for configuration and the clock to switch on same VLAN.
    Make sure network port for clock has POE enabled.  The clock will start running if you have POE power on the Ethernet.

    Login to Windows PC with administrator equivalency rights
    Load the VIP software on to Windows computer (if not already installed)
    Setup network address on the PC to 192.168.6.xxx  (any address but .200)
    Note the factory default address for the Valcom clock is 
    save settings and exit the networking screens in Windows
    Run ifconfig to verify you've setup the proper IP address
    Ping the clock   
    if it doesn't reply you've have a networking configuration problem and will have to resolve it.
    Press Windows circle in bottom left of screen
    Select Valcom IP Solutions 
    Select VIP-102B  IP Solutions Setup Tool  and run software.
    Select scan using the current settings and the software then look for Valcom clocks on the network.
    You will need to know the password for the clock and software it is in the password box. Look under letter I for  Valcom IP clocks.
    Software will show all clocks, select continue button. 
    Look for your clock, if multiples are found you will need to know the Ethernet MAC address of the clock logic board. 
              The MAC is located on a sticker on the mounting plate.
    Select the proper Clock and click on it.
    Click on Properties tab.
    Enter Device name (ip name)
    in Hours Offset from UTC set to  (UTC-05) : Eastern Time
    Click check mark to appear on box Perform DST Correction
    Enter ST# and date of installation in the Comments section.
    Select the Network tab
    Enter Host Name:
    Enter the proper Domain Name:
    Select either Use DHCP  or  Enter all IP information 
    Enter NTP Time Server IP address.  Note that IP names don't work!
    Use bigben.cs.uwaterloo.ca ip address
    Click check mark on Select Continuous Beacon
    When all the data has been entered click on the  Red and blue arrow loop on the top left of the menu bar.  This will update the clock(s).
    Menu comes up  “All changes devices will be updated. Do you want to continue?”  Select Yes if you want the changes written to the clock(s)
    Updating devices box will appear.
    Reset Require box will appear stating: “ Updated devices must be reset before changes will take effect.  Reset updated devices now?”
    Click yes button
    Resetting box will appear then within 1 minute the clock(s) will start updating and the clock will move the hands to the proper time after the settings have been saved.
    If the time is in SYNC with the NTP time server then you have done the steps correctly and you can exit the program. 
   To exit program click the X button on top right hand corner.
    Save Snapshot dialogue box will appear.
    Select yes
    Save file with Valcom-x  where x is a unique number or date.

  Process completed.

How to mount Pogoplug files on Linux file system (DRH 9 April 2014)

How to Mount Your Pogoplug on Linux Automatically
How to Mount Your Pogoplug on Linux Automatically:
How to Mount Your Pogoplug on Linux AutomaticallyHow to Mount Your Pogoplug on Linux Automatically

Instruction on this web page:    http://tuxtweaks.com/2013/06/mount-your-pogoplug-on-linux/

June 23, 2013 by Linerd
Filed under: HowTo, linux, Linux Mint, Ubuntu

I recently received a Pogoplug as a birthday gift. If you're not familiar with the Pogoplug,
it is a small Linux based plug computer that allows you to share personal files over the web.
You can think of it as your own personal cloud storage server.
While you can always access your Pogoplug files through the web interface,
   it's nice to have local access to the files straight from your file manager.

In this tutorial I'll show you how to mount the Pogoplug on Linux and how to get it to mount automatically when your computer boots.
 I'll be writing these directions for Ubuntu Linux 12.04, (I'm using Kubuntu 12.04 actually), but it should work similarly for other versions and distributions.
 I'm assuming that you've already plugged your Pogoplug into your router, activated it, and you can access your files through the web interface at http://my.pogoplug.com.

Finally, a word of warning.
If you mess this up you could end up using all of your RAM and crashing your system.
So if you're not comfortable with rescuing a broken system you may want to stop after learning to mount the Pogoplug manually.

Start of Procedure:

A) Download  pogoplugfs

pogoplugfs is the driver software you'll need to mount your Pogoplug as a local file system on Linux.
There are two different versions of the software based on whether you're using a 32 bit or 64 bit version of Linux.
If you're not sure whether you're using 32 bit or 64 bit Linux, open a terminal window and enter the command:
uname -i

If you're on 64 bit, you should see something like x86_64 as a result. If you're on 32 bit Linux, you should see something like i386 or i686 as a result.

OK, now that you know your architecture, let's get started.

Go to your terminal window and create a directory to work in temporarily.
mkdir pogo
cd pogo---++How to Setup Valcom IP clocks for CSCF (DRH 26 March 2014)

Now we'll download the needed software from pogoplug.com.

1.  for 32 bit: wget http://download.pogoplug.com/install/linux/pogopluginstall.tar.gz && tar -xzf pogopluginstall.tar.gz

2. for 64 bit:   get http://download.pogoplug.com/install/linux/pogopluginstall-64.tar.gz && tar -xzf pogopluginstall-64.tar.gz

3. Install pogoplugfs: 
     Now that you've downloaded the Pogoplug file system driver, you need to put it somewhere in your executable path.
     You could put it somewhere under your Home directory, 
     but I prefer to put it in a place more generic to the system.
     I'm going to put it under /usr/local/bin. You need to do this as root, so for Ubuntu I'll use sudo.  
4.  In terminal window type:    
        sudo cp ./pogoplugfs /usr/local/bin

5. Create a mount point for the Pogoplug: 
        Now you need to create a mount point for the Pogoplug.
        This is the location in your file system where the Pogoplug's files and folders will show up.
        Since Ubuntu normally mounts USB drives under /media, that seems like a good place for the Pogoplug as well.

6.  In terminal window type:   
        sudo mkdir /media/pogoplug
7. Now make sure that the mount point is owned by the user root and the group fuse.
        In terminal window type:   
            sudo chown root:fuse /media/pogoplug

8.  Finally, we need to change the permissions of the mount point.
     In terminal window type:
            sudo chmod 775 /media/pogoplug

Add your ID to the fuse group

In order to mount your Pogoplug, your ID needs to be a member of the fuse group. You can check to see if you're already a member with the groups command.
- See more at: http://tuxtweaks.com/2013/06/mount-your-pogoplug-on-linux/#sthash.4O5czFQb.dpuf
9.  Add your ID to the fuse group
      In order to mount your Pogoplug, your ID needs to be a member of the fuse group.
      You can check to see if you're already a member with the groups command.
      In terminal window type:

10.  My output looks like this: 
My output looks like this:
       dhergott adm dialout fax cdrom floppy tape sudo audio dip video plugdev fuse netdev lpadmin sambashare scanner vboxusers

11.  As you can see, the fuse group isn't listed, so I'll need to add myself to the fuse group.
       In terminal window type:  
            sudo usermod -aG fuse $(id -un)

12.  You'll have to log out and log back in before the change takes place.
       (Make sure to bookmark this page so you can get back to it.)
       After you log back in, you can use the groups command again to verify that you're now part of the fuse group.

13.  Mount the Pogoplug:  
       Now that you've made the change to your group membership, you should be able to mount the Pogoplug.
         In terminal window type:  
            pogoplugfs --user your.email@example.com --password YourPassword --mountpoint /media/pogoplug

      Of course, make the appropriate substitutions using the email address and password you used to register your Pogoplug.
      If you open your file manager and navigate to /media/pogoplug, you should now see some folders.
      There will probably be a folder called Team Folders that will be empty.  
      This is used if you've registered for Pogoplug's team collaboration service.
      If you haven't registered for that service it will just be an empty folder.
      The other folder will be named however you named your Pogoplug device on the Pogoplug web interface.

If you want to auto mount the Pogoplug  then continue:

14.  Mount the Pogoplug on Linux Automatically:  
       If all you want to do is occasionally mount your Pogoplug, then you already know the command and you can just use that when you need it.
       I prefer to have the Pogoplug mount automatically every time I start up my computer so it's just like another hard drive on my machine.
       The first thing you need to do is create a configuration file under /etc that will hold your login credentials for the Pogoplug.
       Create and edit the file as root using your preferred text editor. I'll use nano.

15.  In terminal window type:   sudo nano /etc/pogoplugfs.conf
       Enter the following into the file, again making the appropriate substitutions.
            #This is the defaults file for mounting the Pogoplug with pogoplugfs

16. Security NOTE:  
         Use [CTRL-O] to save the file and then [CTRL-X] to exit.
         Now it's kind of scary having your login credentials stored in plain text,
         so we'll change the permissions on that file so that regular users can't read the file.
         Unfortunately, we'll still need the file readable by the fuse group,
         so it's still a bit of a security risk for your pogoplug account if someone were able to gain access to your machine.
         You've been warned.

17.    In terminal window type:
               sudo chmod 640 /etc/pogoplugfs.conf
               sudo chown root:fuse /etc/pogoplugfs.conf

18.  Next we're going to make a script to mount the Pogoplug. Again, use your favorite text editor.
       In terminal window type:
             sudo joe /etc/init.d/pogomount

19.  Paste the following content into the file.
        #! /bin/sh
        ### BEGIN INIT INFO
        # Provides:
        # Required-Start:     $remote_fs $syslog
        # Required-Stop:      $remote_fs $syslog
        # Should-Start:       $named
        # Default-Start:      2 3 4 5
        # Default-Stop:       1
        # Short-Description:  Mount pogoplug
        # Description:        Mount Pogoplug with pogoplugfs
        ### END INIT INFO
        sleep 10
        sudo -u YourID /usr/local/bin/pogoplugfs --mountpoint /media/pogoplug
        exit 0

20.  In #19  Make sure to replace YourID with your Linux login ID.
        Save the file with [CTRL-O] and exit with [CTRL-X].
        Now change the permissions of the script to make it executable.

21. In terminal window type:  
            sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/pogomount

22. Finally, we will edit /etc/rc.local to call the pogomount script during the boot process.
        In terminal window type:  
            sudo joe /etc/rc.local

23.  Now paste the following lines above the exit 0 line in /etc/rc.local
          #Mount Pogoplug

24.  Save the file with [CTRL-O] and exit with [CTRL-X].
        That's it. Your Pogoplug should automatically mount when you reboot your computer.
        This of course assumes that your computer is able to access the network during the boot process.
        If you can't get Internet access until you join a wireless network after logging in, then this won't work for you.

25.  Troubleshooting: 
        The sleep command in the pogomount script is there because I was having a problem on my computer
            where the script was trying to mount the Pogoplug before the network connection was fully up.
         I'm sure there's a more elegant way to handle this, but the sleep command works for me.
         If you find that your Pogoplug isn't mounting at boot time, try increasing the sleep time.
26.    If you want to unmount the Pogoplug, use the following command.
                sudo umount /media/pogoplug

27.    To manually mount it again, use:
                nohup pogoplugfs --mountpoint /media/pogoplug &

28.   The nohup command will make sure that the Pogoplug stays mounted even after you close the terminal window.

29.   To see all of the options for pogoplugfs, use
                 pogoplugfs --help

30    If your system is crashing, then reboot into recovery and get a root login prompt.
        By default you will then be in your system with read only permissions.
        You will need to remount the root file system with read write permission to make changes to the boot scripts.
        You can remount read write with
                mount -o rw,remount /

32. See more at: http://tuxtweaks.com/2013/06/mount-your-pogoplug-on-linux/#sthash.4O5czFQb.dpuf

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How to Mount Your Pogoplug on Linux Automatically
June 23, 2013 by Linerd
Filed under: HowTo, linux, Linux Mint, Ubuntu 

I recently received a Pogoplug as a birthday gift. If you're not familiar with the Pogoplug, it is a small Linux based plug computer that allows you to share personal files over the web. You can think of it as your own personal cloud storage server. While you can always access your Pogoplug files through the web interface, it's nice to have local access to the files straight from your file manager. In this tutorial I'll show you how to mount the Pogoplug on Linux and how to get it to mount automatically when your computer boots. I'll be writing these directions for Ubuntu Linux 12.04, (I'm using Kubuntu 12.04 actually), but it should work similarly for other versions and distributions. I'm assuming that you've already plugged your Pogoplug into your router, activated it, and you can access your files through the web interface at http://my.pogoplug.com.
My Pogoplug E02G

My Pogoplug E02G

Finally, a word of warning. If you mess this up you could end up using all of your RAM and crashing your system. So if you're not comfortable with rescuing a broken system you may want to stop after learning to mount the Pogoplug manually.
Download  pogoplugfs

pogoplugfs is the driver software you'll need to mount your Pogoplug as a local file system on Linux. There are two different versions of the software based on whether you're using a 32 bit or 64 bit version of Linux. If you're not sure whether you're using 32 bit or 64 bit Linux, open a terminal window and enter the command:
uname -i

If you're on 64 bit, you should see something like x86_64 as a result. If you're on 32 bit Linux, you should see something like i386 or i686 as a result.

OK, now that you know your architecture, let's get started. Go to your terminal window and create a directory to work in temporarily.
mkdir pogo
cd pogo

Now we'll download the needed software from pogoplug.com.

For 32 bit:
wget http://download.pogoplug.com/install/linux/pogopluginstall.tar.gz && tar -xzf pogopluginstall.tar.gz

For 64 bit:
wget http://download.pogoplug.com/install/linux/pogopluginstall-64.tar.gz && tar -xzf pogopluginstall-64.tar.gz
Install pogoplugfs

Now that you've downloaded the Pogoplug file system driver, you need to put it somewhere in your executable path. You could put it somewhere under your Home directory,  but I prefer to put it in a place more generic to the system. I'm going to put it under /usr/local/bin. You need to do this as root, so for Ubuntu I'll use sudo.
- See more at: http://tuxtweaks.com/2013/06/mount-your-pogoplug-on-linux/#sthash.QrM7LqVn.dpuf
wget http://download.pogoplug.com/install/linux/pogopluginstall-64.tar.gz && tar -xzf pogopluginstall-64.tar.gz - See more at: http://tuxtweaks.com/2013/06/mount-your-pogoplug-on-linux/#sthash.QrM7LqVn.dpuf
wget http://download.pogoplug.com/install/linux/pogopluginstall-64.tar.gz && tar -xzf pogopluginstall-64.tar.gz - See more at: http://tuxtweaks.com/2013/06/mount-your-pogoplug-on-linux/#sthash.QrM7LqVn.dpuf
wget http://download.pogoplug.com/install/linux/pogopluginstall-64.tar.gz && tar -xzf pogopluginstall-64.tar.gz - See more at: http://tuxtweaks.com/2013/06/mount-your-pogoplug-on-linux/#sthash.QrM7LqVn.dpuf
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