SSH usage

IMPORTANT IST now blocks password based SSH to most systems

SSH key types

  • Some old SSH key types are longer accepted.
  • With newer systems - you MUST use newer key types such as ed25519 keys for ssh access to work connecting to newer systems


SSHFS - Examples of using Ubuntu file manager to connect via SSH to any server you can log into

SSH Client for Windows

MobaXterm SSH and Xterm MobaXterm SSH and Xterm Web site

SSH Keys instead of passwords - highly recommended for frequent access

Using this step will save lots of time typing in passwords when accessing your remote files
  • You can log in or access a remote account without using a password by following these steps
  1. mkdir ~/.ssh
  2. If you do not have an SSH public key yet then run this command
    • ssh-keygen -t dsa
  3. repeat for rsa, ecdsa, ed25519
  4. copy the contents of the ~.ssh/*.pub file and add it to the end of the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote host (create this file if it does not exist)
  • Note:
    • ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa is probably better

SSH Keys notes"> Other SSH Keys notes

SSH Port Forwarding

* Syntax Example: ssh -X -L 3390:remotepc:3389
    1. ) This does an SSH connection to with X windows forwarding
    2. ) Forwards port 3389 to a local port on the client computer 3390.
      • remotepc can be a DNS name known by - or an IP
        • In fact can be running a private DNS on a NAT and this name lookup will.
    3. ) you can have as many -L forwards as you wish

SSH Agent Forwarding


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Topic revision: r12 - 2021-12-17 - MikeGore
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