VPN Services

Campus VPN

  • The campus VPN server is available on the web via vpn.uwaterloo.ca. * It supports all major platforms and some mobile devices. Unless there is compelling reason not to use it, users should set up their clients to use it.
  • See AnyConnect for installation and usage details


VPN Clients


  • OpenConnect is an SSL VPN client initially created to support Cisco's AnyConnect SSL VPN.
    • OpenConnect is released under the GNU Lesser Public License, version 2.1.
  • You can connect to the Campus Cisco AnyConnect server with this package
    • Please see OpenConnect for details including examples and scripts

CSCF VPN for special use

There is a PPTP VPN server within CSCF that is used in three cases:

  1. to access systems on our private, non-campus-routed networks
  2. for client-side software that depends on non-split-tunnel routing. We have an example of an iPad "app" that uses client IP range for authentication and thus needs non-split tunneling.
  3. to get around network censorship imposed by governments in foreign countries. Unlike the campus VPN, this doesn't do split-tunnel routing, so it can be used to access off-campus sites (e.g. Google) via here. The campus VPN would cause such traffic to be routed locally, which would then hit the firewall in question.

If you wish to use the CSCF service, please contact the CSCF Help Desk. For technical notes, see the vpn1 machine notes.

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Unknown file formatext uw r1 manage 1.8 K 2016-11-01 - 15:26 MikeGore command line tool for starting and stopping openconnect to the University of Waterloo
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