MikeGore - 2017-03-29
CISCO AnyConnect VPN client at the University of Waterloo
Note: For Linux users you can also use OpenConnect - see OpenConnect
- https://vpn.uwaterloo.ca
- Open the link on page: VPN secure login page.
- Supply WatIAM userid and password
- In the left margin click on AnyConnect
- In the middle margin click on Start AnyConnect
- In the new AnyConnect Secure Mobilty Cilent window click Download (if you can) otherwise wait for it to prompt you
- Proceed to the OS specific notes below
Linux Notes:
First install these packages: lib32ncurses5 network-manager-openconnect
To do this open a
terminal and enter the following commands
- ) sudo bash (supply your login password when prompted)
- ) apt-get install lib32ncurses5 network-manager-openconnect Browse to the downloaded file: it is called vpnsetup.sh
- ) bash vpnsetup.sh (this installs it - you should not see any errors)
Mac OS X
Run the installer you just downloaded
Run the installer you just downloaded
Post installation
- In either Windows, Linux or Mac search for Cisco Anyconnect
- Run the application:
- The the vpn server dialog enter: cn-vpn.uwaterloo.ca
- The system will remember the address when you type it in
- Enter your WatIAM userid and password to connect.
Using Anyconnect
- The Cisco Anyconnect icon will appear down by the time or in pop-up applications mention in the same are
- Use this to a connect and disconnect
- You can search for Cisco AnyConnect and run it to connect and disconnect - you can pin the application to the Unity tool bar to make this easier to access.
- The CISCO AnyConnect VPN will appear on the top tool bar - click on the to connect or disconnect
Other notes
- Only traffic destined to the University will go via this VPN
- Disconnect when you are not using the VPN any longer during you Internet usage...