This data is mostly from RT comments. They may be useful for more user stories.
- FIrst: browsing tickets owned by arpepper. From: Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2020 16:33:01 -0400 To: Subject: New faculty member: Assistant Professor Meng Xu; starts on 2021-07-01, ends on 2024-06-30 Please create a CS-GENERAL account appropriate for new Asst. Prof userid: m285xu User: Meng Xu The parent ticket for faculty on-boarding done mostly by Gord. - mostly involving creating watiam, connect account, client communication, which will continue outside SAT. - SAT step will be after watiam is created. The parent ticket of that, covers all SCS Appointments - January 2020. - most of these are similar, but no cs-general accounts created. - another faculty member: - cs-general and sponsor file setup. - separate ticket for account setup plus password-setting via text message (but duplicate password reset confusion). MFCF ticket "Could you add my new graduate student Delaney Smith to my group's computational server, elbereth?" - sponsorship file required Nexus-specific ... Class: OrgACL-AM_Layton Computing: mapdc01.math.private Groups: math_g_org_am_layton search finds me another: "Permissions for SAS Steiner shared folder" Requestor(s):, Stefan Steiner Group: Statistics & Actuarial Science Additional Information: Please add Nathaniel Stevens and our student Kenny Guo to Stefan's shared drive. Also please remove Sigeng." another MFCF ticket: "New Employee - Camelia Nunez" Requestor(s): Required By: 2020-07-31 00:00:00 Additional Information: Camelia Nunez (cnunez) will be starting with the Dean of Mathematics Office on Tuesday, August 4. There has been a new Macbook, 27" monitor, keyboard and mouse, ordered for Camelia several weeks ago. Please configure the new MacBook with the following: - Shared drives: MRO shared drive - read/write access, and create a new folder called "MRO Director of Research Partnerships" - Printers: lx1-dom, lx4-dom Please install Adobe Acrobat (we can pay and install Adobe Acrobat Pro at a later date, if necessary). [ accounts done a few days later ] --- "Access to the Comp Math shared drive" Requestor(s):, Group: Computational Math Required By: 2020-07-01 00:00:00 Additional Information: I am the current Director of Comp Math, but Hans De Sterck will be taking over that role as of July 1, 2020. Hans should have access to the Comp Math network drive, smb:// Simultaneously, I will no longer need access to that drive as of July 1, 2020. --- sample email from Lori: On 2020-09-29, 10:04 AM, " on behalf of"wrote: Submitted on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 - 10:04 Submitted by anonymous user: Submitted values are: Department: Statistics and Actuarial Science First name: Yilin Last name: Chen Position: Post Doc External email: Here before?: Yes Student Number: Uwuserid: y992chen Start date: Thu, 2020-10-01 End date: Sun, 2021-01-31 Printer access: sas_other nexus group (lp5-stats, lx3_sas) Shared Drive access: UW email account needed (staff and faculty only): Yes Sponsored by: Pengfei Li and Changbao Wu Requestor email: Comments: This user just recently completed her PhD in SAS. So just an extension may be needed. The results of this submission may be viewed at: