Meeting Date

  • TEAMS: 2024-07-10


Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen, Ushe


Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ushe

Review and accept previous meeting minutes.


Review last meeting's Action Items

  • Still blocked on comprehensive review of authentication/authorization configuration, work stalled - need to schedule in person meetings
    • Blocked on staff/manager availability
    • Hoping for an update within the next couple of weeks

New DFSc Hardware

  • Networking problems overcome, OS installations complete

DFSc Performance

  • Snapshots blocked on cleanup of old homedirs
    • Waiting on completion of ongoing tape backup before moving and deleting approximately 9400 retired homedirs, accounting for approximately 20% of space usage in TEACHING - kept for 175 days after the end of the last term they were enrolled
      • Need to double check that no course accounts are included in the retired homedirs
      • Should also email users who will have their homedirs deleted - Nick
        • RT: 1318097
  • Need to send message to users (login message (only applies to login shell), other?) when snapshots are re-enabled, links to appropriate end user documentation - Anthony
    • Will leverage MOTD to point to other more comprehensive documentation
    • Engage management on documentation location (Anthony)
      • Nick Lee maintains a useful page on about the general use TEACHING environment, collocating documentation there is an option.
  • Quotas blocked on double checking of quota exceptions
    • Quotas set for most accounts, list of quota violators provided for Nick, see RT: 1317978

Endpoint Protection

  • IST wants to deploy SentinelOne end point security agents on all devices
  • Planning test deployment to linux.student.cs (on a single node) in passive (watch and complain) mode for spring term,
    • Waiting on homedir backups to complete so we can get a clear picture of DFSc traffic caused by S1
      • Still ongoing as of 2024-07-10
    • IST has been informed, is generally supportive

Cooling woes

New Business

    • Upcoming power outages - email from Lewis on July 4: * Wednesday, July 31, 2024 - M3 (56), 2 hours (5:30 am - 7:30 am). * Wednesday, August 21, 2024 - M3 (56), 1 hour (6:30 am - 7:30 am). * Wednesday, August 28, 2024 - M3 (56), 1 hour (5:30 am - 6:30 am). * Thursday, August 29, 2024 - M3 (56), 2 hours (5:30 am - 7:30 am) * Phase 7: 8-hour outage M3 - Anthony to reach out to Robyn to discuss this outage * Anthony to create a list of affected virtual hosts and a ticket


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Topic revision: r3 - 2024-07-10 - ToddLichty
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