Meeting Date

  • TEAMS: 2024-06-12


Anthony (group leader), Lori, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen


Anthony, Devon, Clayton, Guoxiang, Ed, Nick

Review and accept previous meeting minutes.


Review last meeting's Action Items

  • Still blocked on comprehensive review of authentication/authorization configuration, work stalled - need to schedule in person meetings
    • Blocked on staff/manager availability
    • Hoping for an update within the next couple of weeks

New DFSc Hardware

  • Hardware is racked, waiting on Phil for inventory work

DFSc Performance

  • Snapshots blocked on cleanup of old homedirs
    • Waiting on completion of ongoing tape backup before moving and deleting approximately 9400 retired homedirs, accounting for approximately 20% of space usage in TEACHING * Need to double check that no course accounts are included in the retired homedirs * Should also email users who will have their homedirs deleted - Nick * a2brenna to create list
  • Need to send message to users (login message (only applies to login shell), other?) when snapshots are re-enabled, links to appropriate end user documentation - Anthony
    • Will leverage MOTD to point to other more comprehensive documentation
    • Engage management on documentation location (Anthony)
      • Nick Lee maintains a useful page on about the general use TEACHING environment, collocating documentation there is an option.
  • Quotas blocked on double checking of quota exceptions
    • Nick double checking this
    • Need to double check accounts that don't have a quota set to prevent possible account locking

Endpoint Protection

  • IST wants to deploy SentinelOne end point security agents on all devices
  • Planning test deployment to linux.student.cs (on a single node) in passive (watch and complain) mode for spring term,
    • Waiting on homedir backups to complete so we can get a clear picture of DFSc traffic caused by S1
      • Still ongoing as of 2024-06-26
    • IST has been informed, is generally supportive

NFS Ganesha server issues (nfs-files.student.cs)

  • Soft lockup over weekend(?)
    • futex_abstimed_wait_common
  • Analysis of crashes is blocked due to lack of staff time
  • Looking into alternatives is also blocked due to lack of staff time
    • File locking is a concern with other options

Future of RT

  • CSCF and MFCF met to discuss future of RT
    • Moving forward but exact path and work split between MFCF/CSCF unclear
    • Recent RT troubles have added significant uncertainty and upward pressure on 0.2-0.25 FTE time commitment
    • Management reaching out to IST to resolve some of our outstanding questions, i.e. what will become of the domain
  • IST has acknowledged RT is currently breaking frequently, unsure of when these issues might be resolved. Very interested in root cause as it relates to ongoing staffing requirements.
  • More news
    • Instead of CSCF running/hosting, will be splitting primary/backup roles for running RT between CSCF and MFCF
    • Modest hardware requirements
    • Domain - hoping to be given the domain, but IST might want to retain it for archival purposes
    • Jira does not support RSG's billing
    • Current plan is to migrate to RT5 when taking over RT

New Business

Cooling woes


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Topic revision: r2 - 2024-06-26 - DevonMerner
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