Faculty members are Richard Cleve and John Watrous.
There is no "IQC" server over which we have any responsibilities. IQC is spread out across several academic departments and Richard and John are the two that are principally in the SCS. The both have offices in the BFG building in addition to their DC offices.
In general, we provide desktop support to Richard (Windows desktop and Tablet PC), John (Linux desktop) and the grad students.
IQC has a website in the SCS core that is set up in the usual manner for a vhost. It is addressed as http://qc.uwaterloo.ca and should not be confused with "iqc.uwaterloo.ca" or "iqc.ca" (we have nothing to do with the latter two).
The Core website is located at /software/wwwdata_cs.uwaterloo.ca/data/vhosts/qc. There is a www-qc user group in the core that currently contains members cleve and watrous (judging from the file ownership I'm guessing that John Watrous does all of the site management).