This is intended to document tidbits of information for individual research groups within CS. It is not intended to replace ST, but rather to supplement it, particularly when something for one group could be applied to other groups (and especially when members of those groups could conceivably be the applicators).
Research Groups:
- AlgorithmsAndComplexity (Theory)
- ArtificialIntelligence (AI)
- BioInformatics (BIG)
- BoutabaNetworks
- CerasGroup (CERAS)
- CFINewOpportunities2001 (PI: Gladimir Baranoski, also known as CCERMCS)
- CFINewOpportunities2002 (PI: Arne Storjohann, includes notes on pilatus)
- CFINewOpportunities2003 (PI: JeffOrchard)
- CFINewOpportunities2004 (PI: Kevin Hare, including notes on Vidal, Shiraz & Marroo)
- ComputerGraphicsLab (CGL)
- CrySP Cryptology
- DatabaseResearchGroup (DB)
- DataStructures (DS)
- ExpNet (Brecht, Karsten)
- GladimirBaranoski (this has some things from both CFI and his desktop subs)
- HealthDoc - related to the ArtificialIntelligence group (Chrysanne DiMarco)
- Himrod - documentation for the Himrod cluster
- HumanComputerInteraction (HCI)
- InstituteforComputerResearch (ICR)
- InstituteforQuantumComputing (IQC, Cleve, Watrous)
- Networks - see:
- NortelNetworksInstitute (NNI)
- ProgrammingLanguages (PLG)
- ScientificComputing (SciCom)
- Shoshin (Black,Taylor, Ward)
- SymbolicComputationGroup (SCG)
- SoftwareArchitecture (SWAG)
- SoftwareEngineeringLab (SE Lab)
- TetherlessNetworks (TCL, Keshav's lab)
- VisionLab ( Yuri Boykov, Olga Vekksler - AI and Computer Vision )
- WatForm (Waterloo Formal Methods)
Machine Rooms
Subscription Information
CSCF subscription information may generally be found at:
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