A list of people involved with SWAG can be found here: http://www.swag.uwaterloo.ca/people.html
Most PCs are named swagxx, and currently run a mixed bag of Linux and Windows, dual-boot and VMWare. Ubuntu is becoming popular. There are two public systems: royalyork.cs, which is a dual-boot Windows/Debian workstation, and tremblant.cs, a Mac Mini running OS X.
SWAG's production website is http://www.swag.uwaterloo.ca which is a vhost running on the CS core:
There is a psuedo-user "swag-web" that is used to manage this space. Note that the URL reference http://swag.uwaterloo.ca runs on the SWAG research server and redirects to the core. The web-server on SWAG is clever enough to allow a reference like http://swag.uwaterloo.ca/~user
to refer to the local user home-space (ie the usual swag:~user/public_html). This gives SWAG members the ability to have large volumes of stuff in their personal research web-spaces without blowing their Core quotas. And, of course, http://www.swag.uwaterloo.ca/~user
is invalid, because that refers directly to the Core which doesn't contain user directories within the SWAG website.
The local website now shares an SSL certificate with the email server, see "Email server" below for details and an ST reference.
SWAG's main server is a Dell 2650 called swag.uwaterloo.ca. It runs RedHat Enterprise 4, the subscription for which runs out in 2009. It has an internal 6-drive RAID.
The server has a high-performance dual-interface external JBOD with approximately 750GB of RAID5 (6x146 10,000rpm U320 SCSI) formatted as 2x3 volumes with a single file-system each (/home3 and /home4). There is a stand-by drive but it it not set up as a hot-spare. This device generally moves data around as 12-15Mbytes/sec on sustained jobs (ie processes that run 24 hours doing source-code processing).
This device is chronically out of space. We have a bit or a reprieve (as of August 2007) but the problem will return. SWAG would like to acquire an additional 1-2 TB of RAID5.
SWAG runs an email server, principally as a receive-only server (all relaying is disabled. The only way to send is to log on directly and run a local client). The server is set up to use SSL with an IST certificate. This renews in June (next renewal June 2008) and the notice will unfortunately be sent to trg@cs because IST won't accept generic contact addresses. See CSCF ST#59024 for notes on the last renewal process
Note: on SWAG the certificates have a .pem extension - which implies the private keys is part of them - no longer true the files could have an extension or say .csr if the corresponding application config file is updated
I find no evidence that .pem ever implied the private key was part of the file. uw-imap happened to encourage files with such contents so named. Perhaps see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.509#Certificate_filename_extensions![]() |
Creating a new CSR - this has been done - just here for reference
Updating a local CSR - say in case contact information changes
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank For some fields there will be a default value, If you enter '.', the field will be left blank. ----- Country Name (2 letter code) [GB]:CA State or Province Name (full name) [Berkshire]:Ontario Locality Name (eg, city) [Newbury]:Waterloo Organization Name (eg, company) [My Company Ltd]:University of Waterloo Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:SWAG Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:swag.uwaterloo.ca Email Address []:cs-rsg-swag@cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca Please enter the following 'extra' attributes to be sent with your certificate request A challenge password []: An optional company name []:
Verify a CSR
That link is now dead. openssl req -text < swag.csr shows the CSR contents in some detail. -- AdrianPepper - 15 Mar 2011 |
From: Lawrence E Folland <lawrence.folland@uwaterloo.ca> To: rt-owner@math.uwaterloo.ca Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 23:15:13 +0000 From: Lawrence E Folland <lawrence.folland@uwaterloo.ca> To: "swag-profs@cs.uwaterloo.ca" <swag-profs@cs.uwaterloo.ca> Cc: " Subject: Mailing list setup: swag-profs@cs.uwaterloo.ca Hi Mike and Ric, If you got this email, then the email alias for swag-profs@cs.uwaterloo.ca<mailto:swag-profs@cs.uwaterloo.ca> is working. It is managed by the account "swag-web". On any of the CS core machines you should be able to: migod@services116.cs(10): rlogin localhost -l swag-web @services116[101]% pwd /u4/swag-web @services116[102]% id uid=22448(swag-web) gid=22942(swag-web) @services116[103]% @services116[106]% cd mailaliases @services116[107]% ls -al total 32 drwxr-xr-x 2 swag-web swag-web 4096 Jan 12 11:40 . drwxr-x--x 8 swag-web swag-web 4096 Jan 12 18:12 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 swag-web swag-web 0 Jan 12 11:40 swag-all -rw-r--r-- 1 swag-web swag-web 0 Jan 12 11:39 swag-alumni -rw-r--r-- 1 swag-web swag-web 0 Jan 12 11:40 swag-cs445-staff -rw-r--r-- 1 swag-web swag-web 0 Jan 12 11:40 swag-cs846 -rw-r--r-- 1 swag-web swag-web 66 Jan 12 11:45 swag-profs -rw-r--r-- 1 swag-web swag-web 245 Jan 12 11:46 swag-students You should be able to update those files to make changes. Once I know that this worked, we'll finish the rest of them. In particular, we'll need to work out how to make swag-all work. Our expectation is to use includes for swag-profs, swag-students and swag-alumni. We noticed that there was no "swag-visitors" as there was on swag.cs/ There are a number of other aliases (eg: "bugs") which you didn't mention. Lawrence
SWAG/Mike Godfrey have four mailing lists at IST (@lists.uwaterloo.ca): se-seminar, se-group, se-faculty and peste. See eDocs://rsg/swag/mailing-lists for authentication information.
There is also the list swag-software-licences@lists.uwaterloo.ca which is used as an email address for vendor correspondence. The list archive contains much useful information about the RedHat subscription. Authentication inforrmation is in eDocs as usual.
See eDocs://rsg/swag/redhat for documentation about the subscription and a collection of stuff related to the RAID controller for the JBOD.
SWAG presently does its backups at CS. It is still listed in the IST backup system but it hasn't been used since December 2006. We're hanging on as a last-resort recovery (the JBOD was quite unstable at the beginning of the year. This seems to have been resolved by replacing the JBOD's backplane).
The backups generate lots of junk-mail which I was monitoring closely for a while, but can probably be ignored or turned off now.
The SWAG server is located in dc3312, which is shared with the DB group. The rolling rack also contains a home-brew cluster of old systems that Cory has put together to do some computationally-intensive jobs. He looks after it completey (hardware and software). There are a couple of UPSs which should still have a couple of years of battery life left (as of August 2007).
Type: \copyright for distribution terms \h for help with SQL commands \? for help with psql commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query \q to quit
postgres=# \dg List of roles Role name | Superuser | Create role | Create DB | Connections | Member of -----------+-----------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------- a4le | no | no | no | no limit | {cs846} aahaque | no | no | no | no limit | {cs846} atait | no | no | no | no limit | {cs846} cjkapser | no | no | yes | no limit | {} cs846 | no | no | no | no limit | {} dhirtle | no | no | no | no limit | {cs846} gzhong | no | no | no | no limit | {cs846} jsui | no | no | no | no limit | {cs846} l6yang | no | no | no | no limit | {cs846} lfong | no | no | yes | no limit | {} linyuan | no | no | yes | no limit | {} migod | no | no | yes | no limit | {} mrz | no | no | yes | no limit | {cs846} nshaft | no | no | yes | no limit | {cs846} pachiu | no | no | no | no limit | {cs846} postgres | yes | yes | yes | no limit | {} surrahman | no | no | no | no limit | {cs846} wkoleila | no | no | yes | no limit | {cs846} (18 rows)
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