Sonia Waharte (spwaharte@cs), Brent Ishibashi (bkishiba@cs)
Raouf Boutaba's Networks lab operates the old "bcr*" Solaris servers (in dc3335) and NL1 (in the research racks in dc3558). These systems are also used by Tim Brecht, Martin Karsten and their grad students, but principally this lab is identified as "Raouf's Lab".
NL1 is a standalone xhiered system. It would appear that one cannot rlogin to it from cscf as root, which is strange. I created a cscf-adm with the usual password (despite the fact that the usual password doesn't pass the strength test -- I had to use the vendor one), and created a suw password for it.
The bcr* systems are an independent xhier admin region that do their own account management. However the archmaster is cscf.cs, so it is possible to rlogin into the bcr region master bcr12 from cscf.cs as root (use rlogin, not ssh).
From there the systems behave like any of our xhier Solaris systems. Here is a basic inventory of what's there:
Bcr13 (client Ultra 60 (512 MB RAM, 450 MHz processor) Solaris 8) has been powered off "permanently" -- no-one was using it.
As these systems are slated for retirement and replacement I won't dwell on details. The only issues that come up are:
The password for "inkspot" is in the password card file in the key vault.
Raouf's lab inherited vlan 34 from the old bbcr lab and the xhier Solaris systems and printer are still there. Most of the user workstations have been moved to a CS network.
This is problematic because vlan 34 is owned by ECE and by default CSCF staff do not have permissions to do anything to it. Similarly for any DNS names that might still be in the ECE zone (based on their address).
Raouf has a Win2K3 server (an AD server for a standalone domain "netlab") that resides in dc3558 in the research racks. Passwords are in the card file.
This system used be be the centre of the Windows network in the lab, for all of the whitebox systems bonk, boom, bank, buzz etc. At this point all of those have either been retired or converted to network test systems -- no-one is using them for domain services.
I'm tempted to believe that diamond could be retired, but I haven't investigated (as of 2007-8-22).
There is a website in the CS Corersg/ called UCLP; addressed as It is set up as a vhost in the usual fashion in:
There is a pseudo-user "uclp-web" that is used to access the web filespace.
There are several mailing lists at IST (, most of which were migrated from the old BBCR server. See eDocs://rsg/dd-networks/boutaba-mailing-lists.
We have nothing to do with the operation of these lists. Raouf and/or Sonia look after them.