The lab has an overhead track mounting system that can use used to mount all manner of video gear. It is called "Unistrut(R)". The Edcom AV supplier that we use can sell the necessary mounting gear (Peerless brand Unistrut adapters).
At present there are two projectors mounted and one camera. The projects have VGA wired back to the closet (dc3591c). On the list of things to buy is a video-switching unit that can take two to four VGA or DVI in and switch to between two and four VGA out. Edcom would be thr primary source for this.
There is a requirement to mount another projector that is downward-facing. I have the necessary Unistrut stuff, but I haven't figured out how to do the right-angle bend. For the projector mount, another "universal" mount could be used, but a more cost-effective solution will be to get a model-specific mount from Edcom.
The lab has a Brother HL-52509DN duplexing laser printer (toucan.cs; 7.136). Instructions for setting up Windows clients:
There are a few IST MailMan mailing lists associated with HCI:, and See the list-creation emails in eDocs://rsg/hci.
Michael Terry's research program includes The principal production service for is snap.cs, which is located in DC3558, Research Rack (2nd from the left). The system runs Ubuntu6.06LTS, with customized versions of Gimp, of course. Be careful about applying updates -- he doesn't want the operating environment perturbed. is registered to Michael Terry at and hosted by IST. See the registration information at in eDocs://rsg/hci/
Reboot as usual. To restart the log-collection process (which overloads port 80):
HCI has a website in the CS Core region called "hci". It is addressed as and lives in the usual place for vhosts in the Core web-space:
Access to this directory is controlled through the Core userid group www_hci, which at present (2007-8-22) has members: clatulip,jgruiz,lank,mterry