Image file naming and documentation for ASIMOV (CS-APPSERV )
This document outlines CSCF file naming rules, documentation and storage locations as it relates to image based machine deployment.
Naming rules (2014)
We no longer are restricted to the 8.3 naming convention of Ghost, so we can come up with longer names. However, we would still like to affix a label to every PC with the name of the image, so we want to keep it fairly short and consistent. Details about an image can be described in the Twiki, so doesn't need to be fully incorporated in the actual file name.
Part 1 - Operating System(s)
Put the Operating system(s) first, together with no spaces:
- Windows 7 - W7
- Windows 8 - W8
- Ubuntu 12.04 - U1204
- Ubuntu 13.10 - U1310 (etc)
- if a virtual machine, add VM. eg: W7VM or U1304VM
- add others here ...
So, a dual boot Windows 7 / Ubuntu 13.10 image would be W7U1310
Part 2 - Platform
- some indication of hardware:
Part3 - Date
- Usually the term created (for), eg: F13, S14, etc.
Part 4 - Version
- start at v1 for production image
- use x1 (x2 ...) for working images (pre-SysPrep
- a second version otherwise identical (same term) add v2, v3, etc.
- Windows 7 / Ubuntu 13.10, created for the Asus ZenBook UX32v in Winter 2014: W7U1310-UX32V-W14
- next one created this term: W7U1310-UX32V-W14v2
Naming rules (2006)
The following rules were established in 2006/2007
The Windows task group has agreed to the following points documented in detail in the rest of this document
- Each image name has to adhere to an 8.3 rule naming limit imposed by the DOS tools used for imaging machine
- A readme file that uses the same image name but with a .txt extension will be made for each image
- A common directory share will be adopted for all CSCF images - excluding MAC
- Be sure to add new images to the documentation here: CscfGradImageNotes
Image file locations on ASIMOV ( CS-APPSERV )
Image file locations on ASIMOV ( CS-APPSERV )
- \\asimov.cscf\\images\core - current core images
- \\asimov.cscf\\images\research - current research images
- \\asimov.cscf\\images\sysprep - this will be the new home of the core, research and combined sysprep folder used in Windows based imaging
- \\asimov.cscf\\images\old\core - core images that are no longer current
- \\asimov.cscf\\images\old\research - research images that are no longer current
- Other private directories may be created but the intent is for short use only
- For long term private store use another share then \\asimov.cscf\\images - the intent is to keep images clutter free
Previous Image Locations
- Core Group Images \\asimov.cscf\\core\images
- Research Group Images \\\sysprep\SYSPRIMG
- CSCF_DEB – Debian images
- XP_CSCF – Standalone Research XP images
- DELL620 - updated XP standalone images for DELL 620
- DELL260 - updated XP standalone images for DELL 260 – this is our latest image
Image file naming (2006)
*The following naming rules have been agreed to by the CSCF
WindowsWorkgroup you may add rules to suite
- First 2 characters are OS
- M7 Microsoft Windows 7
- MV Microsoft Vista
- MX Microsoft Xp
- M0 Windows 2000 Server
- M2 Windows 2003 server
- NX Nexus
- UL Ubuntu Linux
- DL Debian Linux
- X2 Microsoft XP/Ubuntu
- X2P4P Microsoft XP image for P4P800-VM/Ubuntu
- X2P5L Microsoft XP image for P5LD2-VM/Ubuntu
- Other suggestions:
- ?? - Unified images
- X1 - Microsoft XP/Debian
- X2 - Microsoft XP/Ubuntu
- X3 - Windows 7 / Ubuntu
- Next 3 or more characters Motherboard Type
- p4b p4b533-vm
- p4p p4p800-vm
- p5l p5ld2-vm
- gen generic - not hardware specific
- x32 32-bit hardware
- x64 64-bit hardware required
- intel Intel based processor based
- amd AMD based processor based
- Final three characters – revision level of image
- 01A revision 01, version A
- 010 revision 10
- Nexus and teaching labs can use versions that suit their objectives like F01 for Fall version 01
- LF Suggestion: use SFW 10,11, etc (eg: F10) to reflect an image created to start a specific term
Image Naming Examples (2006)
- mvp4p01.pqi – Microsoft Vista, p4p800-vm,revision 01
- x2gen010.gho - Windows XP / Ubuntu on generic hardware, revision 10 (using Ghost)
- x3x32F10.gho - Windows 7 / Ubuntu version created for 32-bit hardware created in Fall 2010
Image README contents
- The readme file will be have the same name as the image but ending in a .txt extension
- Release date
- Version - our release version - not related to the OS - and is this our production, beta or testing
- OS version
- Hardware type - motherboard/version
- Drive types - SATA/PATA
- OU binding or support grouping if it applies - i.e. is this a standalone or potential domain member, research, teaching ...
- Partition size(s)
- Special post install steps
Add others to suit
Debian install notes from ASIMOV
Windows packaging Documents
Other ASIMOV TWIKI pages
- Asimov directory cleanup - It is a mess - see RT51832