None of the boot images we use have Ethernet drivers for the ASUS dongle.
Both RIP and ACRONIS kernels were configured with restrictive settings for driver loading making it much harder to recompile drivers to work with them even if the kernels match.
Ubuntu live boot images do not have the required drivers in the initrd files so the NFS mount will fail.
USB hard drive based imaging is the ONLY imaging method that we can used to backup or restore these ASUS laptops
Notes: The ASUS US32V laptops do not have enough power to run our 1T ADATA drives with a single USB connection.
You will must use a cable splitter to allow using TWO USB connections.
Note: the ADATA drive labelled *DC2606 Research Support has a copy of ASIMOV PXE boot menus with RIP,ACRONIS and live boot images.
The second partition has a copy of common images used for the ASUS US32V laptop and also for Grad Desktops.
Please keep these updated with the latest images from ASIMOV.
If you create a new image on tyhis drive please upload it to ASIMOV.
USB booting
With the drive attached, using a USB splitter, power on the laptop and hold down the ESC key - you will be prompted with a boot menu
Choose the ADATA USB drive. If you do NOT see the USB drive listed power off the laptop and unplug the drive. - Reattach the drive and repeat the test.
The ASUS laptops seem to have some difficulty initializing the external disk so several tries may be required - always power off, disconnect and reconnect.
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful.