Twiki notes for CSCF and MFCF staff
TWIKI Add On Products
TWIKI Editors and Plugins
TWIKI converters
MSoffice to TWIKI
You will need need wvWiki.xls from
$ wvWare -x /usr/share/wv/wvXml.xml foo.doc > foo.xml
$ xsltproc wvWiki.xsl foo.xml > foo.txt
Twiki Web Creation
These notes are for creating a new "Web" in Twiki. There are two basic types in our setup: ones that will use UW authentication (ADFS as of Oct. 2020) and those that will use Twiki authentication. The former is good for webs that are for UW users only. The latter is needed for working with external collaborators. The steps are to first create the Web and then update our Apache configuration to set how it is controlled. Finally, if needed, you will need to define the authorized users.
Create the new Twiki Web
Use the TWiki Web creation form:
- ManagingWebs
- Naming: Enter a short name of up to 10 characters. The name must start with an upper case letters, followed by optional upper or lower case letters or numbers
- Based On Web: Pick another Web to use as a style model (Normally use: _default )
- Web Color: pick one of the StandardColors
- Description: give a short description
- Use to: ... finish the sentence
- Exclude web from "Search all": Yes or No (Hidden or not)
Internal Note:
- The TWiki itself lives in the webspace at:
- linux.cs:/var/www/
- Except for some auth configuration in:
- /etc/apache2/config/sites-available/twiki
If the Web is to be TWiki (i.e., not ADFS) authenticated, add to the list under "htpasswd-authenticated webs".
If the Web is to be ADFS-authenticated, add to the list under "UWdir-authenticated webs" in Salt:
>LocationMatch ^/twiki/(attach|edit|installpasswd|manage|preview|rdiff|rdiffauth|register|rename|save|upload|viewauth)/(Main|TWiki|Sandbox|Trash|AIMAS|CF|CFPrivate|CHIL|CSFaculty|CSEveryBody|CsOps|ISG|MathBusOps|UW|CSGenderEquality|CsAdvisors|AdaptiveAnalysis|CrySP|IE|PLGWiki|WomenInCS|CsGrec|FedFan|FAQA|TestWebS|Faqtest)($|/)<
Registering users
Registering for a UW authenticated Web
Registering for a Twiki authenticated Web
Setting passwords
Password for a UW authenticated Web
- just uses your WatIam password
Password for a Twiki authenticated Web
- uses the htpassword file in:
cd /var/www/
htpasswd .htpasswd ImaUser
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