You will need need wvWiki.xls from $ wvWare -x /usr/share/wv/wvXml.xml foo.doc > foo.xml $ xsltproc wvWiki.xsl foo.xml > foo.txt
These notes are for creating a new "Web" in Twiki. There are two basic types in our setup: ones that will use UW authentication (ADFS as of Oct. 2020) and those that will use Twiki authentication. The former is good for webs that are for UW users only. The latter is needed for working with external collaborators. The steps are to first create the Web and then update our Apache configuration to set how it is controlled. Finally, if needed, you will need to define the authorized users.
Use the TWiki Web creation form:
If the Web is to be ADFS-authenticated, add to the list under "UWdir-authenticated webs" in Salt:
>LocationMatch ^/twiki/(attach|edit|installpasswd|manage|preview|rdiff|rdiffauth|register|rename|save|upload|viewauth)/(Main|TWiki|Sandbox|Trash|AIMAS|CF|CFPrivate|CHIL|CSFaculty|CSEveryBody|CsOps|ISG|MathBusOps|UW|CSGenderEquality|CsAdvisors|AdaptiveAnalysis|CrySP|IE|PLGWiki|WomenInCS|CsGrec|FedFan|FAQA|TestWebS|Faqtest)($|/)<
cd /var/www/
htpasswd .htpasswd ImaUser