Not much to see here right now. ShergNet (or SHERGNet) is a small test cluster made up of otherwise surplus computing devices by MikePatterson of the CSCF Research Support Group. The head node is called clusterhead01.cs and was rescued from the surplus pile; all the compute nodes are machines that CSCF are storing for CS researchers, and might otherwise be considered surplus.

SHERG could mean anything, or nothing. Some suggested meanings have been:

  1. SHared Equipment - Researcher Garbage
  2. Sincerely Hierarchical Eclectic mumble mumble
  3. Space Heaters Evaluating Research Goo

Or it could be SHARDNet: Shared Heap of Acquired Research Discards.

The cluster runs Rocks.

The shergnet cluster currently is being used as part of CS848 and have been reimaged

-- MikePatterson - 16 Feb 2007

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Topic revision: r3 - 2009-03-12 - EdwardChrzanowski
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