Factory Reset is a built in function of the NeoLinux operating system. Its purpose is to restore a malfunctioning terminal back to its "out of the box" state. The feature can be accessed from the menus of the terminal's Connection Manager. Please note that a terminal's menu will need to be unlocked first (lab terminal menus are always locked). This can be done remotely (see ManEons) or from the terminal's Connection Manager menus.
The Factory Reset option should now be accessible for the Connection Manager's menus.
Factory Reset will NULL the terminal's password and remove the CSCF imposed terminal modifications (see ModEons).
Factory Reset will NOT change the OS kernel of the terminal back to any previous or factory installed version. This can only be accomplished with a terminal reflash (see EonReflsh).
There is also a command line version of this function that can be used at a Console window or run remotely using Telnet, it is /usr/sbin/factory_reset (see RemEons).