Note 2008/04/22 (lfolland) Given that the entire CF Twiki is now CSCF specific, this page should be considered deprecated and these topics should be moved elsewhere in the Twiki. Please don't add anything new here.
This is meant for internal documentation. Don't put anything here that you wouldn't put into, f'rinstance,, as viewership to this web is not restricted beyond the twiki itself. (I.e., currently, anybody with uwdir credentials.)
Where possible, consider putting notes under specific topics (on the left)
The following has been moved to the Administration page:
---++ Administration * ClientProjects - notes and documentation on CSCF Projects for clients * DocumentationStandards - suggested guidelines for documentation within CSCF * DocumentationStandardsLawrence - Lawrence's original proposal * [[EDocs][EDocs]] - CSCF Internal electronic document storage * InternalProjects - internal CSCF projects * NewCscfEmployeeGuide - notes for new CSCF employees * NewCoopStudents - notes for hiring new co-op students ---++ Conferences * LisaNovember2004 * OntarioUniversitiesComputingConference2005
* CSCFActiveDirectory - Notes and documentation concerning the CSCF AD Forest * CSApplicationServer - various howto documents * CycladesUsage - Links to Console server usage for MFCF and CSCF * CycladesConfigurationProject - notes and documentation on CSCF core project * CycladesUpgrade140dash3 - upgrading a Cyclades TS2000 from 1.3.4 to 1.4.0-3 * KioskSetup - notes on setting up the graphical CS Kiosk layout * MirrorDotCS - notes on mirror.cs * PrintingQueues - setting up printing on Unix and Linux * RequestTrackingSuggestions - things we'd like to see fixed/added/changed in RT itself * RicohAficio1022OnDebian - the RSG have a Ricoh Aficio 1022 printer/copier, here's how we made it work * RicohAficio1022OnWindows - here is how to add the printer in the new CSCF printer room * StarTechKVM - Notes on using !StarTech KVMs (eg. =kvm3.cscf.cs=) * ThinClients - Basic Terminals for Remote Access of CSCF Systems
The following topics have been moved to the Research page
* CFPrivate.ResearchSupportGroup - RSG Meeting notes in CFPrivate * ResearchGroupNamingConventions. * ToolKit - what should we have in a toolkit on a service call? ---+++ Graduate Student Procedures * GradStudentComputing - notes on deploying Grad Student PCs * SchoolPCnotes - Notes on deploying, configuring School PCs -- soon to be obsolete * MiniGradPcs - a quick overview of using a Mac mini as a grad pc * WebOrderingTool - a web-based tool to aid with purchasing hardware (laptops, PCs, printers, etc.) ---+++ Research Subscriptions * ResearchSubscriptions - notes on the Research Group's subscription database * ResearchSubscriptionsScripts - Notes on the scripts that run the subscription system. * ResearchSubscriptionsMySQL - notes on the !MySQL tables for the Research Group's subscription system * ResearchSubscriptionsChanges - Features to be added, fixed or changed for the Research Group's subscription system
* CertificateUpdates - Update Host Certificates from IST Web Site * InitializeSsuw - how to initialize ssuw services on a client host (ace-client) * SecurityProcedures - I got an email from reggers@ist, what do I do now?