- Retrieves data on a specific list of hosts by pulling data from various sources
- Location from inventory
- Hostname from DNS
- MAC address, OS guess, open ports by NMap + ARPing scan
- All portions of SevScanSoft (except for the nmap scan which requires root) is run by the audit user on watcher204.cscf
- Files themselves are located in /home/audit/scansoft
- Files used to configure some general options used by all tools are:
- config.inc.php : settings for scripts
- switchmap.inc.php : switch to commroom mappings
- Data importers (copies data from an existing source into the local database)
- xferdns : transfers data from DNS into the local database
- xferona : transfers host data from ONA into the local database (requires database backend access from BruceCampbell)
- xferona2 : copies switch data from ONA into the local database (requires database backend access from BruceCampbell)
- xferwo : transfers data from WebObjects into the local database (requires database backend access from webobjects.math)
- verifyloc : verification of location script (correlates data from different sources and sees if they match)
- pingscan : scans for machine aliveness by ping
- superpingscan : scans for machine aliveness by ping and other more subtle means (requires root)
- nmapscan : attempts to determine machine type (OS) by nmap, also uses ARPing duplicate detection mode to determine if a machine is alive and its MAC address currently disabled, edit root cron on watcher204 to reenable
- machinetype : generalizes machines into predefined groups and determines if a known Windows domain is present
Adding new hosts to be scanned
- Add it to the database
- Update hostnames and other DNS data
- Scan!
- ./nmapscan #Must be run as root
- While that's going, you can update the rest of the data...
- ./xferona #Requires access to ONA database
- ./xferwo #Requires access to WebObjects database
- Optionally add cronjobs to rerun
- ./xferona
- ./xferwo
- ./xferdns
- ./nmapscan
- Optionally update configuration in...
- config.inc.php --General configuration
- switchmap.inc.php --Switch<->Commroom mapping
Removing a host to be scanned
- Log in to the database and remove the host's IP from all the 'raw' tables
-- SevernTsui - 28 Mar 2005