This page is being proposed for deletion because it is only a test page and has not been used since 2006. If you believe it should be kept, please move it to another parent topic and delete this notification from its markup.
-- Main.wcwince - 20 Oct 2005
This is a place to experiment with the effect of Wiki constructs on the the actual data, so we can determine if we can directly edit and apply general text processing tools on the underlying data.
Test 1: here's some text added by a direct co/vi/ci.
Sigh, moving the RCS ,v file for this into an RCS subdirectory caused the history page to not see the changes.
The path to the data files: /software/twiki/installation/data/CF
========================== trying a subdirectory
try this TestArea and this TestArea/ItemTest and this TestArea/ItemTest
========================== copy of the main |
This is a twiki run, as much as one can be, by CSCF. Editing is restricted to people with UWDir credentials. New people are encouraged to read WelcomeGuest, but you can also see NoobGuide for a rough overview of how to use this thing. (I'd like to make it open-access, but to have restricted-access webs requires authentication for all webs, unfortunately.)
Some people call this a "twinkie". That version is arguably better.
Web |
Description |
Links |
Welcome to TWiki... Users, Groups, Offices - tour this expandable virtual workspace. |
TWiki documentation, welcome guest and user registration |
AI Lab Multi-Agent Systems Group |
CSCF internal information |
Cryptography, Security, and Privacy (CrySP) research group |
Human Computer Interaction Lab |
Himrod Cluster |
store Instructional Support Group information |
Multicore Madness |
Sandbox test area with all features enabled. |
Sandbox test area with all features enabled. |
A web for doing some testing |
Welcome to TWiki... Users, Groups, Offices - tour this expandable virtual workspace. |
Webs are color-coded for identification and reference. Contact if you need a workspace web for your team. |
| |
Search the web See recent changes in the web Subscribe to get notified of changes by e-mail Usage statistics of the web Web-specific preferences
++WIKITOOLNAME++.++WEB++ Web: TWiki.CF Web:
- TWikiUsers: List of users of this TWiki web.
- TWikiGroups: List of groups.
- ++TWIKIWEB++.WelcomeGuest: Look here first to get you rolling on ++WIKITOOLNAME++.
- TWiki.WelcomeGuest: Look here first to get you rolling on TWiki.
- ++TWIKIWEB++.TWikiSite: Explains what a ++WIKITOOLNAME++ site is.
- TWikiSite: Explains what a TWiki site is.
- ++TWIKIWEB++.TWikiRegistration: Create your account in order to edit topics.
- TWikiRegistration: Create your account in order to edit topics.
- Documentation:
- ++TWIKIWEB++.TWikiFAQ has a list of frequently asked questions.
- TWikiFAQ has a list of frequently asked questions.
- ++TWIKIWEB++.TWikiDocumentation is the implementation documentation of TWiki.
- TWikiDocumentation is the implementation documentation of TWiki.
- ++TWIKIWEB++.TWikiHistory shows TWiki's implementation history.
- TWikiHistory shows TWiki's implementation history.
- How to edit text:
- ++TWIKIWEB++.GoodStyle: Things to consider when changing text.
- GoodStyle: Things to consider when changing text.
- ++TWIKIWEB++.TextFormattingRules: Easy to learn rules for editing text.
- TextFormattingRules: Easy to learn rules for editing text.
- ++TWIKIWEB++.TextFormattingFAQ: Answers to frequently asked questions about text formatting.
- TextFormattingFAQ: Answers to frequently asked questions about text formatting.
- ++TWIKIWEB++.++WIKIPREFSTOPIC++: ++WIKITOOLNAME++ site-level preferences
- TWikiPreferences: TWiki site-level preferences
Notes: ++INCLUDE{"++TWIKIWEB++.YouAreHere"}++
- You are currently in the CF web. The color code for this web is this background, so you know where you are.
- If you are not familiar with the TWiki collaboration platform, please visit WelcomeGuest first.