How to File Your Taxes The deadline for filing taxes with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) each year is April 30th (or the next business day if April 30th falls on...
Speaker Schedule Winter 2025 term meetings will be Wednesdays at 11:00 AM, held remotely or hybrid (some people attend from the CrySP lounge). The rotation is managed...
Speaker Archive: 2023 This is an archive of weekly meeting talks from 2023. See the speaker archives for the talks from the current year, and links to archives...
Conference Reimbursement Procedure If you attend a conference using a source of funding, your expenses are covered. The general procedure is that you pay for everything...
Lab Organization This page is an attempt to codify the Unwritten Constitution of the CrySP Lab. It contains information that should be helpful to new members of the...
Ph.D. Comp II Research Proposals The Comp II Requirement As part of your Ph.D. program, you will need to complete the requirement, `normally` around your sixth term...
The CrySP Group`s Computing Resources The following computing resources are available to members of the CrySP group. The name in parens is the person to talk to if...
How to Run Shadow on RIPPLE Shadow used to have some issues with running on RIPPLE machines, but these days, the constraints are fairly standard for any Shadow install...
CrySP Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the CrySP web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . , and...
Duo 2FA This page discusses options for two factor authentication at the University of Waterloo. See page on options. U2F Token Hardware devices such as Yubikeys...
LaTeX Snippets The fundamental benefit of using LaTeX is the ability to write your text once, and then trivially adapt it to different presentations by simply changing...
CrySP Research Group Welcome to the home of CrySP . This is a web based collaboration area for the Cryptography, Security, and Privacy (CrySP) research group. For...
Renting as a Grad Student This page is to help with renting in Kitchener Waterloo as a graduate student whether you`re just moving here, looking for a new place, or...
UWaterloo Email Thunderbird This is a guide for setting up the Thunderbird email client with your email. Limitations Currently, Thunderbird cannot...
Booking Rooms At some point during your program, you will likely need to book a seminar room. These rooms are used for MMath presentations, PhD defenses, CACR talks...
List of Software and Services This page attempts to document the different software and services used at the University of Waterloo. This page is incomplete. You can...
Speaker Archive: 2022 This is an archive of weekly meeting talks from 2022. See the speaker archives for the talks from the current year, and links to archives...
Lab Issues Add to this page any issues found with the new (2022 era) CrySP Lab. Please put the date next to your issue, adding the newest ones at the bottom. You can...
Applying For Jobs This page is a placeholder that is meant to remind us to add content at some point. Some job postings specifically targeting graduating Waterloo...
UWaterloo Email This page is to help organize information about email accounts, particularly how to set up third party clients. Provider The University...
UWaterloo Email DavMail is a tool that can be used to bridge Microsoft email accounts (such as UWaterlooEmail email) to IMAP, enabling the user to...
UWaterloo Email Evolution This is a guide for setting up the Evolution email client with your email. Limitations Currently, Evolution cannot authenticate...
Speaker Archive: 2021 This is an archive of weekly meeting talks from 2021. See the speaker archives for the talks from the current year, and links to archives...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this CrySP web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come...
Applied Statistics This page is intended to be a CrySP FAQ for statistics in papers. How many sigfigs do I report? Quick rule of thumb answer Report standard deviation...
Speaker Archive: 2020 This is an archive of weekly meeting talks from 2020. See the speaker archives for the talks from the current year, and links to archives...
KW Travel Resources This page is meant to be primarily a list of the many ways to get to/from the airport. However, please feel free to contribute other travel tips...
How to Use RIPPLE This guide explains how to connect to the CrySP RIPPLE compute facility via ssh. The second part of the guide describes how to connect to a remote...
How to Ride Public Transit Bus and light rail services in the Waterloo region are operated by River Transit. Students (but not post doctoral fellows or faculty) get...
CrySP Library Books in the Library Computer Science Essentials 2007, Complete Edition Timothy J. O`Leary, Linda I. O`Leary Career Education, 2006 (first published...
Making Posters From time to time, you may need to create a poster to present your research. If you have received a Scholarship, you must present your work at the annual...
Making and Giving Presentations During your academic career, you will need to create and deliver many presentations. Many 800 level courses require you to give multiple...
Information for CACR Representatives Note: CACR is currently in the process of being disassembled and merged into CPI. This page will update once things are more stable...
Conferences Most work in the cryptography, security, and privacy fields is published at conferences; journals are typically too slow to keep up with the rapid pace...
Logos University Logos For official UW and CS department logos, see the logo and logo pages the of the guidelines site. CrySP Logo The official CrySP logo is available...
PhDSeminarSetUp You will need to present three public seminars to achieve one of the milestones on your PhD. Once you have decided with your supervisor on presenting...
Git Repository Hosts If your work involves writing code, chances are that you`ll want to push your git repositories somewhere. You can, of course, use your own machine...
Adding Users CrySP students can be added to the wiki in order to grant access to protected pages and editing capabilities. To do this, the new user should perform...
How to Run a Successful Logo Contest CrySP recently ran a logo design contest on 99designs. This page will contain the postmortem, but is currently a work in progress...
CrySP Lab Space Allocation Seating in the lab (DC3332) is managed by the , which is currently . Although the is expected to follow the rules below, it is ultimately...
ModelNet Installation and Configuration ModelNet is a network emulation environment that enables experimentation with distributed systems on arbitrary network topologies...
Flashing the CrySP Buffalo Router (WZR HP G300NH2) This document describes the tftp flashing process for CrySP`s Buffalo WZR HP G300NH2 router. The router and switch...
Poster Recruiting This page outlines the various groups around campus in charge of bulletin boards. It is intended to be used when trying to recruit participants for...
Glossary This page defines some common non technical terms and acronyms that you will encounter while working in the CrySP lab. Some terms are related to the field...
Getting the Most out of Attending a Research Conference A How To for Graduate Students Before the conference The elevator pitch: how to respond to What are you...
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