Poster Recruiting

This page outlines the various groups around campus in charge of bulletin boards. It is intended to be used when trying to recruit participants for user studies via posters.

If you have any information about poster recruiting to contribute to this page, please do!

FEDS Boards

Boards posted in many buildings around campus, plus some university residences and outdoor kiosks.

Go to: FEDS Poster Run

Details: Costs money, and has very strict rules about when and how to submit posters. See link for details.

Student Life Centre

A few corkboards located around the SLC.

Go to: turnkey desk on the main floor of the SLC

Details: Will take up to 4 posters from you, and post them for you.

Dana Porter Library

A single corkboard in DP.

Go to: circulation desk in DP

Details: Will only take a single poster, and post it for you. Go during business hours.

Mathematics & Computer Building (MC)

Various boards around MC.

Go to: MathSoc office - MC3038 (near Math C&D)

Details: Will take up to 6 posters from you, and post them for you.

Science Society Buildings

UGSS runs boards in six different science buildings.

Go to: Science Society Office (Physics room 345)

Details: Will stamp up to 25 posters for you, to distribute amongst their 6 buildings (C2, ESC, EIT, Phy, B1, and B2). Roam around the buildings with the stamped posters, a stapler, and a roll of tape.

Some of us have been warned of dire consequences if you don't take the posters down yourself once they expire.

POETS Buildings

The Engineering Society; very picky about what they'll let you put up.

Go to: POETS office (CPH room 1337)

Details: Only lets you put up posters that are "of direct interest to Engineering students", which apparently is not user studies. Requires an executive member to approve posters, who don't seem to have office hours, so expect a run-around if you plan to go this route.

Arts Society Buildings

Very mysterious arts students that don't seem to keep daylight hours.

Go to: Arts society office (Arts Lecture Hall room 120, right in the atrium)

Details: Their office doesn't seem to have any hours posted, so we haven't had been able to find out what their deal is yet.

Other Channels

While posters are an important method for advertising your event, they should be only a part of your overall strategy. If you are running a user study, you should also post your study on the graduate studies website. It is also common to send a recruiting email to the cs-grads mailing list.

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Topic revision: r4 - 2017-01-20 - ErinnA
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