Lab Issues

Add to this page any issues found with the new (2022-era) CrySP Lab. Please put the date next to your issue, adding the newest ones at the bottom. You can also put your name if you're OK with someone contacting you for more information if necessary.

Issue Date (YY-MM-DD) Your Name (Optional) Additional Notes
Seat 7 - Chair right arm rest doesn't lock 22-05-10 Jason fixed 2022-06-01
Add a trash bin 22-05-10   Fixed 2022-05-18
Idea: Booking system for small meeting rooms 22-05-10    
Blinds for the external windows 22-05-10    
Where are the beanbag chairs? 22-05-10   Located and put in the lounge 2022-05-18 (IanG)
Move the IRC server back into the lab 22-05-10 Justin fixed 2022-07-07
Eduroam is weak in cubicles. Frequent drop outs 22-05-10 Thomas reported 2022-05-18 (IanG)
Keyboard tray missing in P1 (postdoc office) 22-05-13 Simon reported 2022-05-18 (IanG)
Keyboard tray is not attached to the desk 14 22-05-15 Adrian C reported 2022-05-18 (IanG)
Airlock door (the one after the main lab door) sometimes doesn’t fully close on its own/stays unlocked 22-05-17 Adrian C reported 2022-05-18 (IanG)
Door between crysp and data systems lab open every morning (maybe doesn't latch?) 22-05-24   fixed 2022-08-29
New couch could use a cover so it can be cleaned 22-07-10    
Desk 3 Chair has broken lumbar support 23-01-19 Shahpar reported 2023-01-23 (IanG)
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Topic revision: r21 - 2023-01-23 - IanGoldberg
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