
University Logos

For official UW and CS department logos, see the university logo and department logo pages the of the brand guidelines site.

CrySP Logo

The official CrySP logo is available in a huge variety of styles and image formats. Visit the logo repository to get access to the logo files and the build system that generates them from the master template. The "README" displayed on the main repository page explains how to find the exact version that you need for your application and how to generate optimized PNGs with a fixed height or width.

If you'd just like to download all possible versions of the logo, download this ZIP archive of logos.

Our current logo was the result of a worldwide logo design competition. We've compiled a post-mortem report of that competition with some advice about organizing design competitions through 99designs. The logo itself is an abstract representation of us and our work (since we work on a wide range of topics, it is impossible to capture what we do in a literal sense). While being visually distinctive and simple, it has many meaningful interpretations. Each of the three colourful pieces of the pictorial mark represents one of our fields: cryptography, security, and privacy. The colours are "university yellow" (levels 3 and 4), "computer science school red" (levels 3 and 4), and "CrySP blue". The shapes come together to make something larger. The overall shape is shield-like, representing the defense we provide to users. The shape can also be seen as a box inside of a larger box, representing both security and privacy, or nested encryption (a common technique used by privacy enhancing technologies). The top piece is also a double chevron, a university symbol.

Obsolete Logos

CrySP has used some previous logos before acquiring our current one. These old logos should not be used on any material, but they remain available for download in case you need them for some legacy application. The original CrySP logo was never available in a vectorized format; the highest quality copy we have is this PNG. For a brief period of time we used a simplified vectorized variant available in LibreOffice Draw, SVG, and PNG format.

Funding Agencies

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Topic revision: r14 - 2019-09-16 - NikolasUnger
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