Adding Users

CrySP students can be added to the wiki in order to grant access to protected pages and editing capabilities. To do this, the new user should perform the following steps:

  1. Log in using WatIAM
  2. Now that you are logged in, you need to register a wiki account (yes, this is silly)
    • Make sure that you put in your WatIAM username in the LoginName field!
    • Your WikiName must be a series of letters beginning with a capital letter and with another capital letter afterwards. Convention is to use "FirstnameLastname".
  3. If you've done everything correctly, the left bar of the wiki should show your name with "
    Stop (Unauthorized)
  4. Tell somebody with wiki access your WikiName so that they can authorize you in the next step.
To authorize a user, add their WikiName to the CrySP group.
Topic revision: r1 - 2018-10-02 - NikolasUnger
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