Recent Changes in ISG Web retrieved at 03:00 (GMT)
Resources and Information for CS 146 ISAs This twiki is for technical details only. Any other duty information can be found in Waterloo LEARN (D2L): CS Instructional...
Resources and Information for CS 145 ISAs This twiki is for technical details only. Any other duty information can be found in Waterloo LEARN (D2L): CS Instructional...
CS 100 TWiki CS 100 ISA Guide Link to the guide: The guide covers topics such as: Thunderbird...
Resources and Information for CS 241e ISAs This TWiki is for technical details only. Any other duty information can be found in Waterloo LEARN (D2L): CS Instructional...
Accessing Course Account from Macs This page describes some ways to connect to the course account from Macs. Fill this out to make these instructions use your WatIAM...
Statistics for ISG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Windows Instructions for Fall 2024 ISAs Normally, all ISAs get Mac laptops. But in Fall 2024, there was a shortage of Mac laptops available, so a few ISAs got ThinkPads...
Instructional Support Group Wiki Welcome to the home of TWiki.ISG . This is a web based collaboration area primarily targeted for ISA use, which will allow better...
Notes on upgrading scripts for new web server To test your website, go to: (replace with your...
How to Prepare an Assignment for Marking in MarkUs Courses where students submit to MarkUs (including through Open edX) Some courses need to upload files to MarkUs...
Resources and Information for CS 138 ISAs This TWiki is for technical details only. Any other duty information can be found in Waterloo LEARN (D2L): CS Instructional...
MarkUs Scripts Please list scripts that have been developed for working with MarkUs, including where to find them and how to use them. If you cannot find the script...
CS135 Web Site Repo Never, ever edit the web site directly. The CS135 web site is now generated by a static site generator Hugo. When it is regenerated, whatever...
CS 200 CS 200 is a computer science course designed for non CS students. CS 100 is a course students can take for more context, but it is not required. This Twiki...
CS 105 CS 105 is a computer science course designed for global business and digital arts (GBDA) students, with CS 106 as the following course. These students are not...
Classlist Perl Module This is a perl module designed to simplify access to and manipulation of the classlists on the course account. These classlist files will all...
Marmoset Related Pages MarmosetCourseConfiguration LocalMarmosetSubmissionMirror MarkersMimickingMarmoset PrintingMarmosetAssignments PostingMarks...
MarkUs MarkUs is an open source software that lets students submit assignments online. Graders can mark the assignments online, and students can view their marked...
Resources and Information for CS 240 ISAs This twiki is for technical details only. Any other duty information can be found in Waterloo LEARN (D2L): CS Instructional...
Setup your cron job as follows: #group submissions run ever 4 hours during last 2 weeks of classes (must run on student.cs) 00 0,4,8,12,16,20 21 30 11 ssh x student...
ISG Web Usage Statistics, 2009 Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Basics of Running Moss This page shows the basic steps for running Moss. Your course may have scripts that combine these steps. Step 1: Put files somewhere in the...
Marmoset Marmoset is a website that lets students submit their code and assignment online. When students submit, Marmoset will test the student`s submissions and tell...
RST/BitterSuite Testing Using Arbitrary Scripts RST/BitterSuite is a software testing framework which can use scripts that you write for testing. This allows for a...
CS 241 ISA Duties This page describes important tasks CS 241 ISAs must do throughout the term. The focus of this page is mostly on tasks that require technical knowledge...
Accessing Course`s Microsoft 365 (M365) Email Account Basic Info In April and May 2022, course email accounts were moved from Connect to Microsoft 365....
A00 Setup Releasing to Students Students will receive a PDF describing the assignment and what is to be submitted. Students will also receive any starter files to...
Getting Started Do any tasks that you`ve been assigned during the ISA orientation (goals setting, setting up WorkDay, WHIMIS training, etc.). Read over A...
CS135 Main Page The responsibilities of a CS135 Tutor may vary over academic terms depending on the number of students and instructor preferences. The general weekly...
Resources and Information for CS 135 Tutors NOTE: THIS PAGE IS OUTDATED AND MAY HAVE MISLEADING INFO. PLEASE SEE THIS INSTEAD: CompSci135TutorDuties This twiki...
Special Cases and Common Issues This covers miscellaneous helpful topics and general tips that can be used while setting up public/private tests. CommonIssues Many...
Checking Helper Functions and Recursion This page assumes knowledge of how to do rst test setups for cs135 (TestingGuide), how options.rkt files work (OptionsRkt)...
Testing Guide If this is your first time reading through the testing guide, please read the full summary below. Quick Links CorrectnessTests information on creating...
Accessing Course`s Connect Email Account Basic Info Most courses have a Connect email account. The Connect accounts are set up as `Shared Mailboxes.` This means...
lintR lintR is a `lint` program to give advice on Racket programs. It consumes one or more student programs, parses them into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), and runs...
Releasing Grades Once marking is complete and solutions and postmortem are posted, we are ready to release student marks. Here are instructions to release marks on...
Conditions for passing/failing correctness tests and check test cases Terminology Clarifications: Syntax Error: Failing check test case is not a syntax error...
Checking For Plagiarism With moss241 This page describes how to use the moss241 script written by Rob Schluntz to check assignment submissions for plagiarism. This...
Post mortem The post mortem is released after an assignment has been graded and provides the students with a summary of common errors. The common errors are supplied...
Tracking TA Performance It is important to track the performance of TAs throughout the semester. A good idea is to have a spreadsheet tracking this information for...
Markus Rubric How To Set Up the Rubric on Markus Log into Markus in the admin account (the account that you log in with your email). Go to the current assignment...
Testing ISG Twiki website Testing Added a logo uwlogo.png:
Assignment Collection The main goal for assignment collection is to: Isolate the assignments that students submit before the due date from the ones that are submitted...
Providing Libraries and Helper Files This section should be your go to reference if there are any issues with providing a library or creating helper functions for...
Scripts Available for Banning Functions There are four different scripts available for banning functions on assignments. Two are whitelist scripts, and two are blacklist...
Rollback request, feedback request Gracket conversion Rollback requests Rollback/Roll Forward Policy Rollback/roll forward requests policy changes from term to...
Office Hours The following page will provide Office Hours tips specific to CS135 Office Hours. For more information on general Office Hours tips, please consult the...
Proofreading Assignments At least one week prior to the release of an assignment to students, instructors will release a draft to ISAs for feedback. Ideally, each...
Remark Requests Opening remark requests This page will explain how to open the remark requests form on the website for a new assignment. 1 Navigate to ~/web/content...
Scripts Here are the scripts we use in CS 135. Test Setup Scripts Deep Copy Dan`s Disallowed Cameron`s Whitelist cs135 tracing library Marker...
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