MarkUs is an open-source software that lets students submit assignments online. Graders can mark the assignments online, and students can view their marked assignments online as well. MarkUs scripts are fully described and posted at MarkUsScripts.
The things you have to do differ from course to course. Some courses use MarkUs for both student submission and grader hand-marking. Other courses use MarkUs only for hand-marking and students submit using some other means (such as through Marmoset) and then course staff upload submitted files to MarkUs. Depending on your course, you may have to skip, modify, or do extra steps.
At the beginning of the term:
You likely don't need to install or set up MarkUs. CSCF will do that for you.
Make sure these folders and files exist. If they exist, you're good. If not, create them and leave them empty.
MarkUs is installed on It's reached with the URL That page displays all the courses that use MarkUs. Do NOT post this URL for students to use. Instead, post the URL for your specific course and term, like
MarkUs works best with Firefox. In other web browsers, some features may not work. You should use Firefox and recommend this to students.
You can login to the web interface with your Quest ID and Quest password. Omar (CSCF) can log into the markus account via ssh; others use the web interface to interact with it.
After logging in, you will take on one of three roles: Student Role, Grader Role, or Admin Role. Each role allows you to do different things:
Role | Possible Actions |
Student Role | Can submit, view your own marks and graded assignment, and view class averages |
Grader Role | Can only mark assignments assigned to you. Cannot release marks to students |
Admin Role | Can do everything except submit assignments. Admins can mark any submitted assignment. |
If you are added under multiple roles, you can switch roles as follows. Only these role switches are allowed.
You have to add users at the start of the term. Login with Admin Role to add users.
A student cannot submit unless they are added under the Student role/tab in MarkUs. The list of students in MarkUs should be a superset of the classlist. Students who are not officially enrolled in the course can still be added to Markus to submit assignments, assuming your instructor/ISC approves.
To add many students at once, use the "Upload from course account" link or upload a custom CSV file.
To add individual students, click the "Add new" link from Users->Manage Students page. For "User Name", enter the student's Quest ID with no special suffixes (ex a9stud). Enter the Quest ID in all lower case, and up to 8 characters only. Grace Credits are for allowing late submissions, so most courses will leave Grace Credits at 0.
Usually you do not have to do anything when students drop the course. However if you wish to prevent someone from accessing Markus, you can mark them as "inactive" from the drop-down menu on the Students tab.
Add marking TAs one by one under the Grader Role (click the "Add new" link). For the "User Name", enter the TA's Quest ID with no special suffixes (ex a5grader).
Add instructors, ISCs, and ISAs under all three roles. You can do this manually. Here are the usernames to use when adding:
If your course uses public tests, create the public test first, ie create the folder first. When students submit on MarkUs, a public test is automatically run.
Warning: Once an assignment is added, it cannot be removed. However, you can hide the assignment from students by checking the "Yes" box next to "Hide assignment from students?" on the Assignment Properties page.
You can add an assignment by logging in with Admin Role and clicking "Add Assignment" button. Fill out the fields, and click the "Submit" button when you're done.
After the assignment is created, switch to Student Role and try submitting. Make sure everything works, and that you receive a public test email.
Field | Explanation |
Short Identifier | A short name for the assignment, like "CS115 a04" |
Name | A longer name for the assignment, like "Assignment 04" |
Message | You can write a little message to the students, such as: When you submit on MarkUs, a public test is automatically run. You can check the public test results by checking the email you set in Quest. |
Due Date | The assignment due date. |
Repository Folder | If you enter Y here, then, when students submit, their code will be saved automatically on the course account under /u/csXXX/handin/Y/. You can enter something like a04. Make sure you type this field correctly! Once an assignment is created, you can't change this field from the web interface (CSCF can help change it if necessary though). |
Allow Web submits? | If your students will be submitting on MarkUs, choose "Yes." Otherwise, pick "No." For example, if your students submit on Marmoset or using the submit command line tool, then you would choose "No." |
Display submission and revision history to students | Checking this will show students a table of the changes made to their files. Students will be able to see all changes, including those made by course staff with tools like svn_add_dir described in MarkUsGroupsSVNRepos#Terminal_Adding_files_from_cours. The table has 4 or 5 columns (see row below):
Let students run and view basic/public test results | If you check this, students can see their basic test results in on MarkUs web site (in addition to getting the results in an email). The students can also request basic test results if they want to run basic test again. |
Hide assignment? | If you check this, students won't be able to see or submit the assignment. This feature is useful if you're still developing the assignment, or if you created an assignment by mistake. |
Marking Scheme | Choose the marking scheme you want to use. The two types are described below. |
Required Files | List the files students have to submit. |
Other fields | Typical settings are: Do not let students work in groups and accept no late submissions. Adjust settings as needed for your course. |
By default, when students submit on MarkUs, MarkUs will run the public/basic tests using RST/BitterSuite. If your course does not need RST/Bittersuite for public/basic tests, you can tell MarkUs to not run it.
The file is a file created by the ISAs. It contains the student's auto-testing results followed by their submitted code. The marking TAs like this file, because it contains everything; they don't have to switch from file to file. A sample is attached.
Information about SVN repositories and how it relates to MarkUs is here: MarkUsGroupsSVNRepos. That page also explains the auto-testing procedure and how to add emailed solutions.
MarkUsGradingInterface describes MarkUs 's grading interface. It is focused on the Grader Role, but since the Admin Role can mark assignments too, it applies to that as well. If you need to mark several assignments, mark from the Grader Role, so that you don't accidentally mark an assignment assigned to someone else. If you only need to mark one assignment (such as when handling remark requests), you can mark from the Admin Role.
Finish the marking scheme and add some starting annotations before the marking meeting. You only have to add the basic annotations; as graders mark, they will add more annotations. The annotation categories and the annotations themselves cannot be sorted, unfortunately (See Possible Improvements below).
For both the marking scheme and annotations, you can save them onto your computer (click Download link) and upload them (click Upload link). You can use this feature to copy the marking scheme and annotations from assignment to assignment. For example, if you want to copy the marking scheme from Assignment 05 to Assignment 06:
See MarkUsGroupsSVNRepos#Collecting_Assignments_Marking_t
You have to create a marking scheme before you can start marking. MarkUs offers two types of marking schemes: flexible and rubric. Ask your ISC and instructors to decide which one to use.
When you use the flexible marking scheme, you can create some criteria. For each criterion, you need to specify three things:
When you use the rubric marking scheme, you can create some criteria. For each criterion, you need to specify its name and a weight w. The weight w is just some positive number, and the criterion will be out of 4*w marks. The weights are used to give certain criteria more weight.
You also need to set some levels. The available levels are 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. You set a level by providing a name and description for it. If a level has no name and no description, it is not set and graders won't be able to assign that level. Levels 0 and 4 should always be set, so that students can get zero and perfect scores.
Graders assign marks by clicking on the level they want to give. If a student gets level n, then that student gets n*w marks out of a possible 4*w marks. Students can only see the description for the level they are assigned.
Illustration: Suppose you set the weight w as 1.5 and you set levels 0, 1, 3, and 4. Then the criterion is out of 4*w = 4*1.5 = 6 marks, and the marks for each level are:
Level Given | Marks Given |
0 | 0 out of 6 |
1 | 1.5 out of 6 |
2 | impossible, level not set |
3 | 4.5 out of 6 |
4 | 6 out of 6 |
Assign submissions to graders after the assignment deadline. Graders can only see assignments that they're assigned to, so they cannot accidentally mark a submission assigned to another grader (this is a good thing).
To assign submissions, login with Admin Role, click the assignment, and choose "Graders" tab.
You should use the script to assign graders (detailed info is at MarkUsScripts).
You can also assign graders manually. This is useful if you need to make small adjustments to the output of It's also useful if you want to assign specific student submissions to a grader. On the "Manage Graders" page, there are three icons in the middle:
"Releasing marks to students" means letting students see their marks. Marks can only be released from the Admin Role. You should release the marks after all the assignments have been marked, ie their marking state is . If most of the assignments are marked, but a few are incomplete, find the TA responsible for those incompletes (from the "Graders" tab) and contact him/her.
To release marks, login as Admin Role, go to the assignment, and click "Submissions" tab. Check everyone whose marking state is . You can use the "Select: All None" links near the top-left. Then click the "Release Marks" button. The
will change to
, meaning the marks have been released.
Students may submit files with binary content. For example, if they copy and paste text from a PDF file into their code, their code may have binary characters in it. When you try and mark the student's code in MarkUs, MarkUs will display "Binary content: Use download button to view file!" instead of the student's code.
You can use the Ruby script is_binary.rb (attached below) to check if a file F has binary content or not. It uses the same algorithm as MarkUs. Run the script from a terminal, giving it the path to F as an argument. The script will print a message telling you if F is a binary file or not. It also exits with code:
#!/bin/bash assn=a10 cd /u/cs135/handin/${assn}_autotest for stud in *; do # Run is_binary.rb on the student's file ruby /u/cs135/u/yc2lee/is_binary.rb $stud/ > /dev/null # check if exit code is not 1 (ie check if file is binary) if [ $? -ne 1 ]; then echo $stud fi done
This Bash script is for CS 135's Assignment 10 (a10). For every student, it will check if the student's file has binary content; if it does, the student's Quest ID will be printed.
Once you have identified the students who submitted binary content, you can fix their files by deleting the binary characters. Then use svn commit command to commit your changes (see MarkUsGroupsSVNRepos for more information about SVN and committing).
See MarkUsIssues
Possible improvements for MarkUs 0.11.0:
MarkUs has evolved quite rapidly. The material below accumulated during that evolutionary phase. There may be information that is still useful, but in general the info below should be taken with a substantial grain of salt and not trusted.
I | Attachment | History | Action | Size | Date | Who | Comment |
![]() | | r1 | manage | 15.0 K | 2011-12-23 - 01:22 | YiLee | Sample |
![]() |
is_binary.rb | r1 | manage | 0.6 K | 2013-12-11 - 15:38 | YiLee | Ruby script to check if a file is binary |