Releasing Grades

Once marking is complete and solutions and postmortem are posted, we are ready to release student marks. Here are instructions to release marks on MarkUs: Releasing Marks. Once marks are released you usually want to make an announcement to the students. Sample announcement:

A09 Grades Released Grades have been released on [MarkUs] (Link to CS135 MarkUs). To understand your assignment results please read [Viewing Assignment Marks and Results] (Link to edX or course website bottom of "MarkUs Help" page).

A09 Regrade Requests Before submitting any regrade requests please look at your [assignment feedback on MarkUs ] (Link to CS135 MarkUs), [solutions, and postmortem] (Link to solutions and postmortem - may be separate links if posted separately) thoroughly to make sure your questions aren't answered there already. Read the guidelines here as well: [Remark Requests] (Link to remark requests instructions page). To submit a regrade request please fill the form on [this page] (Link to remark request form). Only submit one regrade request per assignment at most. You can add multiple questions to just one form if you wish. The deadline is one week from now: 7th December, Tuesday, 11:59pm Waterloo Time. Any regrade requests after that deadline will not be considered. All regrade requests are addressed together after the deadline so please be patient while waiting on a response.

Topic revision: r1 - 2022-01-04 - BaniSingh
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